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feSteps in Creating Yahoomail/Hotmail and Ebay Account

At this point you’ve already know how to create virtual for each user and how to start the
virtual. In this process you will know how to create yahoomail/hotmail and ebay account. This step is
very easy to learn and you can do it in 5 – 6 minutes. You just need to be careful and attentive to details.
Please follow the steps carefully.

1. Open the virtual of the user by clicking the Microsoft PC console icon, find the user in the
console and open it by clicking start. (This step was illustrated on the previous guidelines).

2. Now, you need to share the folder where the excel file was save. To do this you need to click on
Edit > Settings (1). A dialog box will appear and click on the Shared Folders (2). On the right side
click on the Share folder button (3) and you will see another dialog box will appear. Now double
click on the Local Disk (:C) (4) and find the macro folder and don’t forget to check the box (5)
then OK (6) then connect the net by clicking the little globe (7). Also make sure that the drive
letter is Z.

7. Connect the net

3. Once you shared the macro folder go to MY COMPUTER > Z drive > the name of the excel
file>enable macros.
4. When you are at the excel file. Locate the user and look for its number (1). At the yellow cell bar
put the number of that user (2). Then on your keyboard press the  to go to the Create Hotmail
button (3). Click the button Create Hotmail.
5. You just need to observe the iMacros (script) doing the creation of account automatically.
Please observe that when the script is on “WAITING 29.xxxx” you need to pause (1) the script for
you to enter the capatcha since the script can’t enter the capatcha automatically. You should be
able to see the word PAUSE (2) when you click the pause button. If the time runs out you will go
on travelling. After you enter the capatcha correctly, press the continue button (Fig. B) and wait
till it will finish.

Figure A
Figure B.
6. Close the script when it’s already done creating hotmail/yahoomail account. The next step
would be creating Ebay account this time two windows will open Mozilla firefox and the iMacros
file. Repeat procedure 5 but now press  to go to create ebay button and click it ( Fig. A). Two
windows will pop out one is Mozilla firefox and the other one is the iMacros script. Go to
iMacros file first because that’s the file where the creation of ebay happen and do the same
thing (5.1 and 5.2) then enter the capatcha (Figure B). After you enter the capatcha correctly it
will lead to the other page with this heading “Check your hotmail” (Figure C) and press Continue
then go to the Mozilla firefox. It will log in to the hotmail account automatically to activate the
ebay and don’t forget to press REMEMBER . Make sure the ebay will be activated (Figure D).
Please refer to the image below .

Figure A.
Figure B.
Figure C.
Figure D.
After the creation of Ebay close all file “Save No changes to the excel” (A), disconnect the net
(B)and close the virtual in SAVE STATE(C).


7. Go to excel file and put the date of creation and place ebay and save the file (Crtl + S). See image

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