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Republic of the Philippines


Gov. Pablo Borbon Campus I, Batangas City, Philippines 4200
Tel. No. 980-0385 local 1125

Name: JESSICA I. LAXAMANA Date: JULY 5, 2020

Course: PhD-Language & Literature


Today’s discussion is about the period when the native Filipinos were calling for reforms

and there was the sudden surge of awareness that made them write their thoughts and angst

against what was happening through various literature protests. It had been presented that the

members wanted reformations for several reasons but it all went to FREEDOM. They all wanted

freedom. This period had awakened the mind of almost all Filipinos at that time. Their struggles

were mirrored through writings and they were able to expose the Spanish administration’s

weaknesses hence they somehow failed in evicting the Spaniards in the country right away. This

period has made me realized that I am fortunate enough to experience the fruit of their battle.

Thinking about how they fought for this, makes me think that the only and best thing that I can

only do for my country is to be proud as a Filipino. Being a Filipino of a long time ago was far

way better than what we have now. The fact that many heroes have died and fought to make big

things for our country makes me so grateful. This period in our time had to boost our pride to

proclaim that Filipinos are great. Those writers of that Era had freed almost all of us from

dangers and horrors brought by the Spaniards. The influences and powers that they had once

written served as a rifle to win against the war yet after how many years, it is still interesting to

know that many of us still ask ourselves what independence means. Sad to say, some overused

the term and even misused it for their interest. This reflection of mine about the rich political past

of our land has put me in this situation of asking why we, most of us Filipinos still think that we

still belong to the lowest class of civilization?...... The mentality and the scar that our oppressors

still lingers even up to now. How I wish this too shall stop.


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