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Jimma Institute of Technology, School of Biomedical Engineering,

Advanced radiotherapy Worksheet, September 2020

Work I: Choose only one correct answer

1. Which one of the following imaging devices energy are supposed to be on same
electromagnetic spectrum?
a. MRI and CT
b. Optical tomography and x- ray
c. MRI and mammography
d. Optical tomography and ultrasound
e. MRI and ultrasound

2. Which one is write chronological order from the former to latest year on the
evolution of radiation therapy?

a. Standard collimator Cerro bend blocking Multileaf

collimator Dynamic MLC and IMRT Functional

b. Electron blocking Cerro bend blocking Multileaf

collimator Dynamic MLC and IMRT High resolution

c. Standard collimator Cerro bend blocking Multileaf

collimator Functional MRI High resolution IMRT

d. Standard collimator First linac Multileaf collimator

Dynamic MLC and IMRT High resolution IMRT

3. Which one of the following is not true about photons?

a. electromagnetic radiation with zero mass
b. electromagnetic radiation with zero charge
c. have velocity that is always c, the speed of light
d. do not steadily lose energy via coulombic interaction
e. photons are far more penetrating than charged particles of similar energy f.
4. Which one of the following is true about the term isomers?
a. containing same number of nucleons but different number of protons
b. Containing the same number of protons as well as neutrons and have different
atomic structure.
c. Represents identical atoms differ in nuclear energy states and differ in atomic

Set by: Kokeb D.

Jimma Institute of Technology, School of Biomedical Engineering,
Advanced radiotherapy Worksheet, September 2020
d. Represents identical atoms with the same nuclear energy states and differ in
Work Sheet atomic structure.
e. c and e
f. c and d

5. Which one of the following is false about linear energy transfer (LET)?
a. It is amount of energy deposited per unit path length
b. It is the stopping power of the medium.
c. Is directly proportional to a charge and inversely proportional to velocity of the
charged particle.
d. Alpha particles have high LET.
e. Low LET particles like electrons has less damaging effect to the human tissue.
f. None
6. An accident in a nuclear facility results in a whole body absorbed dose of 56 mGy.
What is the effective dose?
a. 56 mGy c. 32 mSv
b. 32 mGy d. 57 mGy e. None

7. Gamma radiation can be extremely destructive to living tissue because:

a. has a very heavy mass
b. the electric charge will shock you
c. causes beta burns
d. gamma radiation is not destructive to tissue
e. none of the above
8. Bragg curve relates which of the following parameter?
a. Dose stored and mass of the object
b. Dose stored with the depth
c. Dose lost with the depth
d. Energy lost with exposure

9. During an AP scoliosis x-ray, the breast , gonads, and stomach of a patient receive a
dose of 3mGy. What is the total effective dose?
a. 0.32 mSv
b. 0.0035 mSv
c. 0.96 mSv
d. The answer is not given

10. A student makes the following statements.

I) The nucleus of an atom contains protons and electrons.
II) Gamma radiation produces the greatest ionization density.
III) Beta particles are fast moving electrons.
Which of the statements is/are correct?

Set by: Kokeb D.

Jimma Institute of Technology, School of Biomedical Engineering,
Advanced radiotherapy Worksheet, September 2020
a. I only
b. II only
Work Sheet
c. III only
d. I and II only
e. II and III only
11. Which of the following statements is not true for gamma radiation?
a. Gamma radiation will be stopped by a sufficient thickness of lead absorber
b. Gamma radiation interacts with matter through the Compton effect
c. Gamma radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation
d. Gamma radiation originates in an excited nucleus

Set by: Kokeb D.

Jimma Institute of Technology, School of Biomedical Engineering,
Advanced radiotherapy Worksheet, September 2020

Work12. A skin dose from a beta emitter is considered more hazardous than that from a gamma
emitter. Which of the following best supports this statement?
a. Betas are not significantly attenuated by skin and thus cause more damage
b. Gammas are significantly attenuated by skin and thus cause more damage
c. All the beta’s energy is dissipated in the basal layers of the skin
d. All the gamma’s energy is dissipated in the basal layers of the skin

13. Which one of the following is not categorized under specialized machine that is used for
modern radiotherapy?
A. Microtron
B. Betatron
C. Linear accelerator
D. Cyclotron
E. None of the above

14. Which one of the following is not elucidate the characteristics of external beam radiation
A. The machine is may be large and noisy.
B. It does not touch the patient but rotates around him/her to diagnose the disease.
C. It may sends radiation to the patient’s body from many directions.
D. It is a local treatment, meaning that the radiation is aimed only at a specific part of the
patient’s body.
E. None of the above is false about external beam radiotherapy.

15. What is the function of external sealed of cobalt 60 in tele therapy machine? It help as:
A. A source for intense beta minus radiation
B. A source for intense beta plus radiation
C. A source for intense gamma radiation
D. A and C can be an answer

16. Which one is odd?

A. Cyclotron
B. Synchrotron
C. Microtron
D. None

17. Which one of the following is Beta source Curietherapy?

A. Co-60
B. Pd-103
C. Sr-90
D. Cf-252

Set by: Kokeb D.

Jimma Institute of Technology, School of Biomedical Engineering,
Advanced radiotherapy Worksheet, September 2020

WorkII: Give clear and short answer

1. What is the reason behind for the probability of charged particle passing through
a medium without interaction is ZERO?
2. In medical imaging arena, the images of human body are derived from the interaction of
energy with human tissue. Among medical imaging devices currently in use, give one
example that uses electric field of energy to form an image and explain how that energy is
used to create the respective image of human body.
3. Besides protons, neutrons, and electrons , many other atomic and subatomic
particles have been discovered. Give two example of them and discuss what makes them
different from the above mentioned particles?
4. In photoelectric effect, the photoelectron appears with energy given by:

E1 = hv-Eb

What type of energy does the E1 represents here? Assume that during photoelectric effect
if the electron on the lower energy level is ejected from the atom the inner shell will be
filled by higher energy level. So that what type of radiation or photon will be produced
during filling of this inner shell vacancy?
5. Discuss the relationship between KERMA and absorbed dose. Use graph whenever
6. What is the difference between KV and mA/mAS parameter on X-ray controlling console?
7. Why that anode of x-ray is called as water or oil cooled target?
8. What is the function of lead housing in x-ray machine?
9. What are the two important functions of magnetron in linear accelerator?
10. Elucidate the function of steering and focusing coil of linear accelerator?
11. What is the difference between microtron and cyclotron accelerator?

Set by: Kokeb D.

Jimma Institute of Technology, School of Biomedical Engineering,
Advanced radiotherapy Worksheet, September 2020

WorkIII: Work out

1. Derive an equation for energy fluence of photon beam for a monoenergetic beam.
2. For co-60 machine if the dose in the phantom and air measured at 10cm depth and 10x10 cm2
field size are 80 and 100 cGy respectively, what will be the scatter air ratio (SAR) at the same
field size and depth. (𝑁𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡:𝑢𝑒𝑓𝑓=0.0657𝑐𝑚−1 and 𝑧𝑚𝑎𝑥 for Co-60 is 0.5cm). Does TAR
Decrease or increase with field size, energy? Why?
3. Design the concrete barrier thickness required for shielding of the primary beam of LINAC for
the walls in waiting room direction at 6m distance for the following specifications.
 Energy 10MV,
 W = 300 working days, 50pts/day, 2.5Gy at SAD 1m,
 Physics work load = 9750Gy/year
 Minimum required dose = 0.001Gy/year
 TVL of concrete = 50cm
 If a biomedical engineer, who is a dosimetrist, found that maximum dose of 100Gy
and minimum dosage of 80 Gy on the central regions of beam profile, what will be
the beam flatness of the region? Is this flatness will fit for linear accelerator,
considering that other parameters are standard? Why?
4. Express the mass of an electron at rest in terms of its atomic mass unit (amu). (hint: 1amu =
5. Assume in the case of Compton scattering where a beam of x-rays with wavelength 0.2400 nm
is directed toward a sample. The x-rays scatter from the electrons within the sample, imparting
momentum to the electrons, which are initially at rest in the lab frame. After scattering, the
x-rays are detected at various angles relative to the direction of the incoming beam using a
detector that can resolve their wavelengths.
a. What is the longest wavelength measured by the detector?
b. At what scattering angle does this occur?
c. If the detector measures a wavelength for the scattered x-rays of 0.2412 nm,
what is the x-ray scattering angle?

Set by: Kokeb D.

Jimma Institute of Technology, School of Biomedical Engineering,
Advanced radiotherapy Worksheet, September 2020

Work Sheet

Good study and wish you Happy New Year!

Kokeb D.(MSc.)

Set by: Kokeb D.

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