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5001  상금  Prize money

5002  수저  A spoon

5003  식욕  appetite,desire

5004  앞바다  The offing sea

5005  얄밉다  Be offensive, mean

5006  양상추  Lettuce

5007  여대생  Female college student

5008  연기하다  To be put off, postponed

5009  온라인  Online

5010  외갓집  one’s mother’s maiden home

5011  외할머니  A maternal grandmother

5012  유능하다  To be competent,talented

 Place where remains/cultural-historical

5013  유적지
remnants are

5014  음악가  A musician

5015  응답하다  An answer, a reply

5016  이롭다  Be good for

5017  이분  Divide into two

5018  인삼  Ginseng

5019  인상  Look, personal appearance

5020  입사  enter/join a company

5021  자  A ruler

5022  재활용  Recycling

5023  점원  A shop-assistant

5024  제삿날  Day of the ceremony

5025  주름살  Wrinkles

5026  참고하다  To refer, consult

5027  찻잔  A teacup

5028  철학적  Philosophical

5029  초대  The first generation, the founder

5030  추천하다  To recommend, say a good word for

5031  칫솔  A toothbrush

5032  큰길  main/principal road

5033  판매되다  To be sold

5034  편  Facilities, services

5035  포근하다  To be soft and comfortable, downy

5036  포도  grape(s)

5037  하나님  God

5038  학력  Academic background, formal schooling

5039  한정하다  To limit, restrict

5040  향상되다  To be impoved, advanced

5041  홈페이지  Homepage

5042  횡단보도  Crossing

5043  가톨릭  Catholic

5044  강당  A lecture hall

5045  건조하다  Ry or  arid or  become dry

5046  걷기  Walking

5047  고모부  The husband of one’s paternal aunt

5048  공중전화  A public payphone

5049  공통  Commonness

5050  과거  The state examination

5051  국가적  National or  state

5052  귓속  The inner ear

5053  그래픽  Graphic

5054  근교  Suberbs

5055  기초적  Fundamental or  basic

5056  녹음  Recording

5057  다양성  Variety

5058  떠나오다  미국으로부터 to come back from the US

5059  마중  Meeting, reception

5060  밝다  To be bright

5061  밤중  Midnight

5062  배드민턴  Badminton

5063  배부르다  To be full

5064  버튼  Button

5065  보수적  Conservative

5066  캐나다  Canada

5067  불확실하다  Be uncertain

5068  비만  Fatness, corpulence

5069  빗방울  Raindrops

5070  사회자  President

5071  샤워  Shower

5072  서투르다  unskilled,clumsy

5073  세탁기  Washing machine

5074  손뼉  The flat of one’s hand

5075  손수  With one’s own hands, personally

5076  송편  Rice cake steemed over pine needles

5077  시들다  To wither,die,fade

5078  시디  C.D.

5079  신사  A gentleman

5080  신혼부부  Newlyweds

5081  싱겁다  Taste flat, have no flavor

5082  쓸데없이  To have no use

5083  야하다  To be gaudy,garish

5084  어쩌다가  By chance, accident ; sometimes

5085  옛날이야기  An old story

5086  오븐  Oven

5087  온종일  All day long, the whole day

5088  와인  Wine

5089  왕비  Queen

5090  우승하다  To take first place

5091  운반  conveyance,transport

5092  웃어른  one’s elders

5093  인사말  Words of greeting

5094  자판기  Vending machine

5095  장모님  A man’s mother in law

5096  저녁때  Evening time

5097  저울  A balance

5098  적어지다  To become smaller

5099  지폐  Paper money

5100  진실로  Truly, honestly

5101  촛불  Candle-light

5102  출퇴근  Go to and come from the office

5103  치과  A dentist

5104  테스트  Test

5105  통역  Interpreting

5106  퇴근하다  To go home from work

5107  표시하다  To make a sign, display

5108  피로하다  To be fatigued, weary

5109  하  Below, underneath

5110  한데  The open air, outside, the exterior

5111  혼잣말  Talking to oneself

5112  화나다  Get angry

5113  효도하다  To be a good son/daughter to one’s parents

5114  힘없이  feebly,weekly

5115  가로  Width or  breadth

5116  갈아타다  Transfer (bus or subway)

5117  건넌방  The room opposite the main living room

5118  곧이어  Soon hereafter

5119  공기  Public institution

5120  굉장하다  Be grand or  magnificent or  splendor

5121  그래서  So or  therefore

5122  기업인  Businessman

5123  긴장되다  Be under tension

5124  깨끗해지다  Become clean

5125  낚싯대  A fishing rod

5126  남동생  Younger brother

5127  냇물  A stream, brook

5128  단골  Custom, connection

5129  단맛  A sweet taste

5130  담요  A blanket

5131  대  A stem, stalk

5132  더러워지다  Get dirty

5133  데우다  to warm, to heat up

5134  도착  Arrival

5135  동그랗다  To be circular

 간고등어 fish common in this city,

5136  안동

5137  무덥다  sultry,sweltering

5138  뭘  What (implicit directobject)?

5139  반대편  The opposite side

5140  발바닥  The sole of the foot

5141  발톱  A toenail

5142  밝아지다  Become bright

5143  밤새다  To stay up all night

5144  부잣집  Rich man’s house

5145  분명해지다  To become clear

5146  사진기  Camera

5147  산길  A mountain path,road

5148  상추  Lettuce

5149  섭씨  Celsius

5150  소시지  Sausage

5151  쇼핑  Shopping

5152  수업  Completing an education course

5153  스케줄  Schedule

5154  스키  Ski

5155  시외  Outside the city, suberbs

5156  심각해지다  To become serious

5157  싹  A bud,sprout

5158  씻기다  To be carried away, washed away

5159  안심하다  security,assuredness,relief

5160  약  Get angry,take offense

5161  약수  Medicinal water, mineral water

5162  약품  Medicines, medical supplies

5163  양배추  Cabbage

5164  양보  concession,compromise

5165  양옆  On both sides

5166  얕다  To be shallow, superficial

5167  어두워지다  become/get dark

5168  어쩜  Well, I guess that, is extremely…..

5169  엊그제  The day before yesterday, a few days ago

5170  여고생  Female high school student

5171  여왕  Queen

5172  연기되다  To be put off, postponed

5173  열  Ten

5174  예약  Pre-engagement, reservation

5175  올라타다  Board (a plane), get into

5176  운동화  Sports shoes

5177  이곳저곳  Everywhere

5178  이다음  Next

5179  일회용품  A product to be used only once

 To get a person to read, to get a person to

5180  읽히다

5181  잡수다  eat,drink

5182  장사꾼  A trader,merchant,dealer

5183  점심때  Lunchtime

5184  주일  A week

5185  즐거워하다  To enjoy it

5186  집중하다  To concentrate

5187  짜다  To be salty

5188  짜증스럽다  To be annoying

5189  천재  genius,talent

5190  초등학교  Elementary school

5191  초보  Initial, first steps

5192  초여름  Early summer

5193  초저녁  Early in the evening

5194  충돌하다  Collide, clash with

5195  코트  Court

5196  피곤  fatigue,exhaustion

5197  학비  Tuition

5198  해  Damage, injury

5199  해외여행  Foreign travel

5200  효자  A dutiful son

5201  감소되다  To be reduced or  diminished

5202  강변  A riverside

5203  공연되다  To give a public performance

5204  공휴일  A legal holiday

5205  괴로워하다  To distress or  trouble

5206  교시  Teach or  instruct or  enlighten

5207  그리로  Over there

5208  까먹다  Crack or  peel and eat

5209  깜빡  With a flash or  twinkle

5210  깡패  Gangster

5211  꾸다  Dream or  have a dream

5212  낚시꾼  An angler

5213  다양해지다  To be various

5214  대중교통  Mass transportation

5215  데려오다  Go with

5216  마요네즈  Mayonnaise

5217  마흔  Forty

5218  만세  10,000 years

5219  만화가  Cartoon artist

5220  맘대로  As you want

5221  머리말  A preface

5222  면접  Interview

5223  명함  Name card

5224  몸속  In one’s body

5225  무책임하다  Not responsible

5226  반짝거리다  Twinkle-twinkle (stars)

5227  밤새우다  Sit up all night

5228  번지  Area of land

5229  볼펜  A ballpen

5230  빨간색  deep-red,crimson

5231  사립  Private

5232  사생활  Private life

5233  사이사이  Every now and then

5234  사자  A lion

5235  새소리  Bird voice,”chirp”

5236  생활수준  The standard of living

5237  서툴다  poor,awkward

5238  석사  Master

5239  성당  A church

5240  속마음  Inner heart,feeling

5241  손잡다  Take a person by the hand

5242  숙녀  A lady

5243  순하다  Be gentle,docile

5244  시댁  one’s husband’s family/house

5245  시부모  one’s husband’s parents

5246  신체적  Physical

5247  실수하다  To make a mistake

5248  쓴맛  A bitter flavor

5249  야옹  Mewing, meowing

5250  얼마간  Some, somewhat

5251  올여름  This summer

5252  외제  Of foreign manufacture

5253  외출하다  To go out (of doors)

5254  욕하다  To insult, to say bad words

5255  위아래  Up and down

5256  음반  A phonograph record

5257  의논  consultation,conference

5258  이  Two

5259  이래서  This way, this direction, here

5260  이발소  barber’s shop

5261  자살하다  Commit suicide

5262  자연적  Natural

5263  장례식  A funeral

5264  재수  luck,fortune

5265  재작년  The year before last

5266  재채기  sneeze,sneezing

5267  전구  An electric bulb

5268  전문점  Exclusive store

5269  전통문화  Traditional culture

5270  정거장  A railroad station

5271  존댓말  Respectful speech

5272  주전자  A kettle, teakettle

5273  지우다  Put a thing on a person’s back

5274  찬성  approval,assent

5275  초보자  A beginner, neophyte

5276  초청장  An invitation (card)

5277  촌스럽다  Unfashionable

5278  카레  Curry

5279  컨디션  Condition

5280  코스모스  Cosmos

5281  킬로  Kilo

5282  토론자  A debator, a disputant

5283  튼튼히  Strongly, firmly

5284  티셔츠  T-shirts

5285  페인트  Paint

5286  평상시  Normally

5287  중국  China

5288  학교생활  Student

5289  한둘  One or two

5290  해물  Marine products

5291  형  Shape, form

5292  혼나다  Get frightened, scared

5293  가만  Quietly or  softly

5294  감정적  Emotional

5295  강북  North of the river

5296  거리  Materials

5297  고무신  Rubber shoes

5298  고춧가루  Red pepper powder

5299  관람  Inspection or  viewing

5300  교외  Outside the school or  extramural

5301  교육비  Tuition or  the cost of a school education

5302  국립  Government established

5303  금  A line (draw)

5304  기억되다  To be remembered

5305  까다  Peel or  husk

5306  꽃씨  Flower seed

5307  꾸준하다  Be steady or  unflagging

5308  난방  A heated room

5309  내용물  Contents

5310  녹화  Tree-planting

5311  농구  Basketball

5312  달다  To hang

5313  매번  Every time

5314  먹다  Go deaf

5315  무관심하다  Be indifferent to

5316  무사하다  Be safe, peaceful

5317  밤낮  Night and day, always

5318  배구  Volleyball

5319  번역하다  To translate

5320  병아리  Chick, baby chicken

5321  부지런하다  Be diligent

5322  부피  bulk,size

 End in a tie, to be even-even.  Same as 무승

5323  비기다
부를 기록하다

5324  생활용품  Necessities for daily life

5325  선풍기  A fan

5326  세로  Length

5327  섹시하다  To be sexy

5328  소비하다  Consumption

5329  수리하다  repair,mending

5330  스물  Twenty

5331  식료품  Articles for food

5332  식히다  To cool, let cool. 차게 하다

5333  싫어지다  To become distasteful

5334  씻기다  wash,be washed

5335  얼리다  Freeze, make ice

5336  여직원  Female employee

5337  열리다  To bear fruit

5338  옆방  The room next door

5339  오피스텔  Office hotel (studio apt)

5340  올가을  This fall

5341  와이셔츠  A white dress shirt

5342  원피스  (one-piece) a dress

5343  윗사람  A superior, one’s older somebody

5344  이민  Emigration

5345  이성  The opposite sex

5346  이혼하다  To get divorced

5347  인제  Now

5348  입사하다  To join/enter a company

5349  재우다  Put to sleep

5350  전시되다  To be exhibited,ddisplayed

5351  졸리다  Feel sleepy,drowsy

5352  졸음  sleepiness,drowsiness

5353  종이컵  A paper cup

5354  주문  An incantation, a spell

5355  지능  intelligence,intellect, raw intelligence

5356  쩔쩔매다  To be at a loss, be confused

 Discretion, prudence (Become sensible,

5357  철

5358  청바지  Blue jeans

5359  추가되다  To be added

5360  치료법  A curative means

5361  치우다  VST + Do away with, get rid of

5362  코끼리  An elephant

5363  콘서트  Concert

5364  큰소리  A loud voice, loudly

5365  큰아들  Oldest son

5366  특급  In a special class

5367  평일  A weekday

5368  풀어지다  To get loose; to turn soft (noodles)

5369  한겨울  Midwinter, the dead of winter

5370  한평생  A lifetime

5371  해수욕장  A swimming beach

5372  핸드폰  Cell phone

5373  허허  Ha-ha, with a laugh

5374  호실  Tells you the room number

5375  휴지통  Waste paper basket

5376  흐려지다  Get cloudy, overcast

5377  희망하다  Hope

5378  힘들어하다  To be exacting, tolling

5379  강의하다  To give a lecture

5380  걱정되다  To become worried

5381  공연하다  Offer a performance

5382  귤  A Jeju orange

5383  내과  Internal medicine

5384  넷째  Fourth

5385  목걸이  Necklace

5386  무지개  A rainbow

5387  문법  Grammar

5388  볶음  Roasted sth

5389  볼링  Bowling

5390  비둘기  Pigeon

5391  생활비  Cost of living

5392  스키장  Place to ski

5393  시대적  Of the times

5394  쓰다  Bitter (vegetables)

5395  앞문  The front gate

5396  인도  pavement,sidewalk

5397  책방  Reading room

5398  추가하다  To add sth, to supplement

5399  칠판  The blackboard

5400  크리스마스  Christmas

5401  탁구  ping-pong,table tennis

5402  현대적  Modern (adj)

5403  구 9

5404  나흘  Four days

5405  늦가을  Late autumn

5406  다이어트  Diet

5407  목요일  Thursday

5408  못생기다  Ugly

5409  영화관  Movie theater

5410  예술적  Artistic

5411  장모  A man’s mother in law

5412  중국집  Chinese restaurant

5413  지우개  An eraser

5414  지하도  Underground road

5415  튀김  Batter-fried food

5416  고궁  An ancient palace

5417  고속버스  Bus for the freeway

5418  단추  A button

5419  대중적  Of the masses

5420  미역  Brown seaweed

5421  반말  Crude language

5422  분홍색  Pink color

5423  사  four,the fourth

5424  소포  A parcel,package

5425  손녀  Granddaughter

5426  수영장  Swimming pool

5427  아래층  Lower floor

5428  일본어  Japanese

5429  작은아버지  An uncle younger than your father

5430  잠옷  Pajamas

5431  장갑  A pair of gloves

5432  초순  The first third of a month

5433  퇴원하다  To leave the hospital

5434  하순  The final third of the month

5435  갈비  The ribs

5436  기혼  Married

5437  대장  A seal, stamp

5438  모레  The day after tomorrow

5439  삼계탕  Chicken soup

5440  생신  A birthday

5441  서른  Thirty

5442  시내버스  Inner-city bus

5443  아홉  Nine

5444  예약하다  To book in advance, pledge

5445  우표  A postage stamp

5446  장미  A rose

5447  천둥  Thunder

5448  퇴원  Leaving the hospital

5449  파란색  Blue

5450  게으르다  Lazy

5451  기념품  A momento

5452  냉면  Cold noodles soup

5453  단풍  Fall foliage

5454  독일어  German

5455  문학적  Literary

5456  미끄럽다  To be slippery

5457  복숭아  Peach

5458  비빔밥  Vegetarian dish of rice and vegetables

5459  여든  Eighty

5460  외아들  The only son

5461  이따가  A little later

5462  일흔  Seventy

5463  장인  A man’s father in law, the wife\\`s father

5464  화요일  Tuesday

5465  강아지  Puppy

5466  닷새  Five days

5467  선물하다  Give a gift

5468  아이스크림  Ice cream

5469  외할아버지  A maternal grandfather

5470  요리하다  To cook (food)

5471  입국  Entering a country

5472  주차  Parking

5473  체육관  Gymnasium

5474  최소  At the least, the minimum

5475  칠  Seven

5476  칼국수  Knife-cut noodles

5477  큰아버지  Uncle older than one’s father

5478  홍차  Tea, black tea

5479  국민적  National or  for citizens

5480  국제선  International airline

5481  맛없다  Bad flavor

5482  백  One hundred

5483  사십 40

5484  안과  Ophthalmology

 a way to make contact (usually means a

5485  연락처
phone number)

5486  연세  Age, years of age

5487  예식장  A ceremony hall

5488  월세  Monthly rent

5489  위층  The upper floor

5490  인삼차  Ginseng tea

5491  진찰  A medical diagnosis, investigation

5492  초록색  Green

5493  축구공  A soccer ball

5494  큰딸  Oldest daughter

5495  팔  Eight

5496  결석  Absent

5497  김치찌개  Spicy cabbage soup

5498  녹차  Green tea

5499  독감  Influenza

5500  만두  Chinese dumplings

5501  발음하다  Pronounce

5502  보라색  Purple

5503  복습하다  To review

5504  스케이트  Skate

5505  실례하다  To be impolite

5506  그렇게  And so. like that

5507  여섯  Six

5508  연두색  Light green

5509  온돌  The korean under-floor heating system

5510  육  The number six

5511  일곱  Seven

5512  출입국  Entry into a country

5513  클래식  Classic

5514  팝송  Pop song

5515  팩스  Fax

5516  깍두기  Sliced white radish kimchee

5517  국내선  Domestic airline

5518  복습  Reviewing

5519  삼십 30

5520  성함  Your (his) esteemed name

5521  세탁소  Laundromat

5522  시외버스  Inter-city bus

5523  야구장  Baseball field

5524  오십  Fifty

5525  운동복  Exercise clothes

5526  작은아들  Younger son

5527  잠자리  Dragonfly

5528  주차하다  To park

5529  중국어  Chinese

5530  청소기  A vacuum cleaner

5531  칠십  Seventy

5532  필통  Pencil case

5533  학생증  Student identification

5534  형수  The wife of one’s older brother

5535  경상도  Kyung-San-Do province (ulsan or kyungju)

5536  공항버스  Bus to the airport

5537  관광버스  Tourist bus

5538  그저께  The day before yesterday

5539  냉방  A cold or unheated room

5540  눈병  An eye disease

5541  다섯째  Fifth

5542  배추김치  Pickled cabbage

5543  사탕  Sugar

5544  색연필  Colored pencil

5545  소아과  Pediatrics

5546  양력  The solar calendar

5547  예순  Sixty

5548  오  Five

5549  작은어머니  An aunt younger than your mother

5550  축구장  Soccer field

5551  한글날  Korean writing system national holiday

5552  한식  Korean food

5553  세종대왕  King sejong, who invented Hangul

5554  넉  The fourth

5555  메일  Mail

5556  복사기  Memeograph

5557  빗  A comb

5558  설렁탕  Beef soup with rice

5559  종로  Famous street in Seoul

5560  신라  One dynasty in ancient korea

5561  십 10

5562  아드님  Your esteemed son

5563  천  Thousand

5564  결석하다  To be absent

5565  기념일  Commemoration day

5566  까만색  Black

5567  내후년  The year after next year

5568  쉰 50

5569  시아버지  one’s husband’s father

5570  식품점  Grocery store

5571  약혼녀  A girl who is engaged

5572  어저께  Yesterday

5573  영상  Above zero

5574  예매하다  Advance purchase

5575  예습  Preparation of lessons

5576  예습하다  To prepare lessons, rehearse

5577  육십  Sixty

5578  출석하다  attendance,presence

5579  큰어머니  The wife of the elder brother of one’s father

5580  팔십 80

5581  멍멍  A bruise

5582  분필  Chalk

5583  약혼자  A fiance, an engaged person

5584  양식  raising,farming,culture

5585  억  One hundred million

5586  여덟  Eight

5587  외과  Surgery

5588  제과점  Confectionary store

5589  중식  Chinese food

5590  케첩  Ketchup

5591  편의점  Convenient store

5592  갈비탕  Beef-rib soup

5593  검정색  A large sum of money

5594  미용실  Beauty salon

5595  아흔  Ninety

5596  이십  Twenty

5597  충청도  Area around daejon city

5598  설악산  Famous mountain

5599  조선  Name for ancient korea culture

5600  거꾸로  Backwards or  bottom up or  the wrong way

5601  인천공항  Incheon international airport

5602  저렇게  Like that

5603  대전  Daejon city

5604  뉴욕  New york

5605  풍경  Landscape, scenery

5606  아프리카  Africa

5607  근본  The foundation or  basis

5608  정리  arrangment,regulation,adjustment

5609  도쿄(동경)  Tokyo

5610  워낙  By nature, primarily, by constitution

5611  독일  Germany

5612  이렇게  In this way

5613  발달하다  To advance

5614  지적하다  To indicate, point out

5615  영국  England

5616  회사  A company

5617  유럽  Europe

5618  의식  Consciuosness, awareness

5619  구십 90

5620  아시아  Asia

5621  기다리다  To wait

5622  인천  Incheon city

5623  거기  There (location)

5624  일식  Japanese food

5625  작은딸  Younger daughter

5626  저곳  That place over there

5627  초등학생  An elementary school student

5628  하얀색  White

5629  남미  South america

5630  금강산  The Diamond Mountains

5631  전주  Junju

5632  전라도  South-western region of south korea

5633  북한  North korea

 Busan, city in SE Korea, with largest beach

5634  부산
in S.Korea

5635  미국  America

5636  백두산  Korean mountain

5637  백제  Historical Korean government

5638  베이징(북경)  Beijing

5639  우리나라  Korea

5640  대한민국  Korea

5641  한국  Korea

5642  강원도  Region surrounding seoul

5643  경기도  Region surrounding seoul

5644  경복궁  Region surrounding seoul

5645  경주  Region surrounding seoul

5646  고구려  Region surrounding seoul

5647  고려  Region surrounding seoul

5648  광주  Region surrounding seoul

5649  김포공항  KimPo Domestic (sometimes international)


 Ulsan, home of hyundai car company and

5650  울산
hyundai shipbuilding in kyungsamnamdo

 The HONAM district, which is CHOLLA-DO in

5651  호남
S.W south korea

5652  일본  Japan

5653  파리  Paris

5654  지리산  Chili mountain, very beautiful

5655  제주도  Tourist island off south S.Korea

5656  서울  Seoul

5657  서울역  Seoul train station

5658  남대문  Seoul’s old south gate

5659  한강  The han river, runs through Seoul

5660  한라산  Halla-san mountain

5661  한반도  The korean peninsula

5662  평양  Capital of north korea

5663  프랑스  France

5664  호주  Australia

5665  남대문시장  Shopping center in seoul

5666  남산  Mountain in south central seoul

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