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Committe: Pakistan National Assembly
Agenda:Way forward for Pakistan; security state or welfare state?
Sponsers :PTI, BNP, MQM(Pakistan)

Eduction is basic need for everyone and in pakistan there is law that it is right eduction for both
man and woman,but we are dealing with some problems in pakistan.

As there is differenent types of courses in every province. We have to make sure that courses
should be same.

Secondly there are many ghost schools and ghost teachers we have to take action and make
committee which will investigate and give results.

Third mostly pakistani students are studing in government schools and these schools are in bad
situations.There is lack of drinking water, no electricity, no wash rooms etc, we have to make
sure that these schools must be given these facilities.

Fouth child labour, we have to control child labour and take action against child labour. People
who live in under the poverty line cant bear the expensives and are compel to send their children
for labour.We have to see these kind of cases and provide facilaties them also.

2.Economic policies
There are some solution for better economy

1. Increase development budget instead of defence budget:

we have to decrease defence budget for the betterment of Pakistan,for that we have to make good
relations with other countries and never ever be apart of war or conflict.In this way expensives
can be decreased and economics will grow.

2. Increase Trade

We have to increase exports that means we have to decreased raw material exports like cotton.
After making products from these materials then we should export and imports must be
The roads in Pakistan are not in good condition. There is improvement but there is a lot of work
to do.

The labour force in pakistan is in huge number but unskilled, we have to train them and should
encourage to work in Pakistan for the betterment.

3.Increase Tourism

As Pakistan has became best in visiting places yet we have to courage tourists to come Pakistan
and we have to provide them good facilities.

4.Increase Agriculture

Pakistan Agriculture plays an important role in economy.We have to grow it.We have to increase
agriculture.This can be done by decreaing costs of chemicals such as urea and pesticides etc that
are used to increase product.

For increasing agriculture we to improve irrigation system throughout the country as it is not
good in some places such as Balochistan.

We have to do awearness session for farmer on how to increase product.

5. Exports And Imports

Exports must be increased as compared to imports.We must import raw materials and make
products then exports them. By doing so economy can be increased.

3. Corruption and its effects on economics:

The country in which everyone can do corruption easily then its economy is under threat.There
are some effects of corruption on economics as

The office of the political corrupt government collects wealth illegaly and it becomes a major
source of corruption in country, then it harms economy after that there comes crisis due to lack
of money and we have to take debt and economy falls.Some other types of corruption as
electricity stealing, sui gas stealing etc we must take action against it.

Where there is no fear and punishment on the corruption, in that country corruption increases.
We have to sentence gulity one and make it model for everyone as Saudi Arabia.

4. Kashmir Issue
Kashmir issue has not been solved since the establishment of Pakistan and India.WAR IS NOT
A SOLUTION. We have to talk to UN and have to protest.There is been violence of human
rights there.They must be free to live there lives, must be free to choose who ever they want.
We have to do something that Article 370 must be establish again in kashmir.

(Article 370= It is Indian constitution gave a special status to Jammu and Kashmir.

5.Counter to child abusement

According to a report total 3832 child abuse case were reported by newsapapers in all four

There are some ways to counter child abusement

1.Report criminal content online

There must be online portal to report these crimes.It would help those areas and where police and
other security are not in favour.It must be conected with fedral government.

2.There should be a rapid force which take action quickly before the police and other factors and
should sentence the guilty one.

3.The guilty should be sentenced as per Islamic rule.

4.We have to aware people and do awearness sessions in these parts where the people are
uneducated and tell them it is a sin because the main cause of child abusement is lack of

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