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Many people believe that parents should teach their children about money

matters. What are the best ways to teach a child about money, in your opinion?
Give some examples from your own experience.

 The burden of teaching children about money matters lies on parents since they are
the first teacher in a child’s life. There are several ways of teaching these matters to
children. They range from allowing the child to earn money to keeping a record of all
Difficulty of earning money
Appreciate the worth of money

In orer to teach how to manage money they have : giving them monthly expenses and ask
them to use their money during a whole month without ending up being broke
In conclusion, these methods will not only educate your children about finance, but
also advocate them to develop their critical thinking. Parents should definitely start
applying these ways to make sure their children will not suffer from money issues by
the time they must depend on begin earning for themselves.

financial concepts like saving and spending

kids’ money habits are formed by age 7.
The sooner parents start taking advantage of everyday teachable money
moments (for example, give a six-year-old $2 and let her choose which fruit to
buy), the better off our kids will be

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