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Grace R.


Activity #1: Helping Customers Be Right

A customer with a Cystic acne went to a pharmacy asking for Dalacin-C capsule to be dissolve in
Eskinol for “magical” acne solution according to a Facebook post.

Can’t Control Can Control

The lack of knowledge of the patient regarding Knowledge about the effects of using the “acne
antibiotics solution”
Wrong information spread online Right information/advice to be given to the
Severe acne of the customer
The want of the customer for an immediate
treatment for the acnes

I can invalidate the wrong information from a Facebook post to the customer. Dalacin-C is an
antibiotic used to treat infections caused by a certain type of bacteria. It is not intended to be dissolve in
an Eskinol solution nor a magical treatment for acne. The use of antibiotic may lead to side effects and
worsen her acne. I can give her advice to see a dermatologist for proper treatment.
Activity #2: What’s My Job

1. What are some of your regular job duties?

As a pharmacist, it is my duty to improve patients’ health and well-being, to ensure
patients’ safety by patient counselling, to educate patients, staffs, and technicians about drugs,
and to dispense drugs in compliance with patients’ drug therapy. Helping patients treat their
illness, manage pain and symptoms and prevent disease is also one of my duties. Managing staffs,
doing administrative works and making sure that the drugs are in their highest quality and

2. Try to re-imagine each job from your customers’ perspective. How would a customer describe
what you do?
It is a job of a pharmacist to offer me, a customer with no or limited knowledge with
drugs, medicines for any illness or symptoms that a patient has. They also dispense medicines to
patients, answer a patients’ inquiries, inform patients about their drug therapy, and be
knowledgeable enough to ensure patients that they know what they are doing. I will also expect
them to interpret a doctor’s prescription accurately, no matter how illegible it is. I also think that
it is their job to satisfy me with their services and products.

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