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Hernandez, Grace R.

19 September 4, 2020

Summative Test

A. Answer in a complete sentence

A human person is like God by means of Freedom and Conscience. Freedom allows
us to do good and to love while conscience is the inner voice within us that tell us to
do good and avoid evil. With freedom and conscience, we became the masterpiece
of His creation. Like him, we have the ability for self-knowledge and can be in
communion with others. We exemplify this by having the freedom to think before we
act and not a slave of our emotions. When we are mad, these must be applied to
prevent doing evil to other people like saying bad and hurtful words and showing

B1. Answer in a complete sentence

Man is an individual because he has the intelligence and the ability to understand and
learn things. He lives by his own thoughts, own moral truths, and his own choices. He
doesn’t need other people to make decisions from him because he is an individual.
He is an individual in a sense that he doesn’t live by his instincts unlike animals. For
example, a man is an individual because has a specific role in a community to perform
according to his given charism by God and his stewardship to the world. Doctors role
as an individual is to cure patients with diseases and the role of the members of the
Church is to spread the words of God, What makes us an individual person is our
chosen paths and how we sculpt ourselves based on the given charism of God.

B2. Answer in a complete sentence

When a man is a social person, he lives in harmony with the community. He lives while
loving God and his neighbors before himself. He lives according to his talent and
responsibility to the community given by God. A man can’t live without other people.
They are united to become the caretaker of their shared common home. Even if a
person has all the money in the world, he will still need companionship from other
people. He who has every materialistic thing in this world wouldn’t be able to live
without his friends, his family, his love ones, and even his colleagues.

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