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Part One

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Tl1e11 at last the woгd got гou11d that Moгris Zapp was goi11g to E11gland 011 his ow11, a11d
all was сlеаг: (l )_____ breaki11g нр. ТЬе gossip died dow11; it was notЬing unusual
after all. Just апоtЬщ divшce.
Actually, it vvas less (2) _ _ ___ that. Desiп~e, Moпis's secoпd wife, wa11ted а
divorce, but Moпis did11't. It was not Desiree that Moпis was reluctant to part fiom, but
their cЬildre11, ElizabetЬ and Darcy, tЬе daгlings of (3) _ ____ unse11timeпtal Ьeart.
Desiree was sure to get ctistody of ЬоtЬ cЬildreп - no judge, (4) _ ____ faii-- miпded,
was goiпg to split up а pair of twiпs - апd he would Ье (5) _ __ __ tЬem out to tЬе
рагk or а movie апсе а 111011th. Не had Ьееп all through that routiпe loпg ago with Ьis
daнghter Ьу Ьis first wife, апd iп consequence she (6) _ ____ witЬ about as much
гespect for him as for the insura11ce salesma11, (7) _ _ _ _ _ he must (8) _ _ ___ to
her childish visioп, (9)___ __ her doorstep at regular i11tervals with а shy,
ingratiating smile, his pockets bнlgi11g with candy divide11ds ; and this time it
(1 О) _ _ _ __ him $ЗОО.ОО рег visit i11 pla11e ticket fares si11ce Desiree suggested
(l l) _ _ _ _ to New York. Morris had Ьее11 born a11d (12) _ _ _ _ i11 Nevv York,
but he had 110 inte11tion of гeturni11g there, in fact he wotlld поt complai11 if he
(13) _____ the city again: 011 the evide11ce of his last visit it was опlу а mattei- of
tiшe (14) _ _ ___ gaгbage iп the streets (15) _ _ ___ penthouse level a11d tЬе
vvhole population suffocated.
No, l1e did11't want to go through all that divorce hassle agaiп. Не begged Desiree to give
their maгriage a11other сЬаnсе, tor ( 16)_ _ _ __ sake. She was нпшоvеd. Не was а
bad i11fluence on the children anyway, and as for herself, she coнld neveг Ье а fнlfilled
peгson (17) _ __ __ she v11as maпied to him.
Iп the end, after а ( 18) _ _ ___ discussio11, Desiгee agreed to а compгomise: she
(19) _ _ _ _ _ startiпg divoгce proceedings for six moпtЬs (20) _ _ ___ that he
moved out of tЬe lюLtse.
(Based оп: D. Lodge, Changing Places)

1. ) : ( the Zapps were 3. х~арр ' s otherwise

В Zapps were В Zapp's anyway
С the Zapps аге С Zapps' otheгwise
D Zapps are D Zapps' апуwау

4. 2(howeveг
2. А simpleг theп В how ever
В simpler than С no matteг
Xsimpletl1aп D so much
D simple theп
ьп - m:r::r+"iW &А w&Мwrttt:wtRf cмeswre@::sn·яa1:::w=·t:nr:м:rs · :erw::r::srrмt a:rwm::1IOМno: smer...,.rs ::wм::t:=жзмrиес·,.,,,.,::ч,2гsw:то :-1,zс · 5W:.,,.,, ,

5. А restrictiпg to taking lЗ ~ever saw

В restiicting to take В had never seen
С restricted to take С has пever seen
~ estricted to taking D never sees

6. А was grown up 14. А before а

X had grown up XЬefoi-ethe
С has grown up С while the
D was growing up D while а

7 ..>-_(whom 15. Аreaches

В which В vvill reach
С that _)(;eached
D whose D had reached

8. А resemЬled 16. А the children

В resemЫe )(ље childreп' s
С Ье resemЫing С child
)(ьаvе resemЫed D child's

9. А tuгned up оп 17 ) (as long as

В tшпing up at В 1.шtil
X!uгпing up оп С during
D turned up at D so far

1О. А
would have cost 18. А thтee lюur' s exhaнsting
В would have costed X three-hour exhausting
) (would cost С three-hour exhausted
D v.1ill cost D three hours' exhausted

l l Ymoviпg 19Y would put off

/ В'\о moYe / в\vould put away
Cmove С wi11 put off
D should move D will put away

12. А rose 20. А despite

~ aised В otherwise
С risen С unless
D being raised .)(оп conditioп

Рзгt TvYO
Clюo se the с о ггесt апsv,ег:

21. Chaucer - - - - have heaгd of 26. We - - - - - -- - пехt

America because it - - - - - - m o n th.
discoveгed yet.
А Ьаvе iпstalled а пеw сошрнtег systeш
А mustл't/ vvasп't ~ге haviпg а пеw сошрutег system
В mustп't/ hadn't Ьееп installed
С can't/wasп't С аге having installed а пеw computer
~ап't/ hadп't Ьееп system
D Ьаvе а пеw computeг systeш iпstalled
22. Му шоthег receпtly overcaшe hei-
feaг _ _ __ and l1ad а holiday in 27. ot а word _ _ _ ___ spoken
Sollth Afгica. sшсе _ _ _ quaпel had staгted.

to fly/ - А she had/ Ље
X of flyiпg/ - В she had/ -
С of flying/ the :i(ьad she/ the
D to fly/ Ље D had she/ -

23. It seeшs
that tЬе v.1edding has been 28. It suddenly - - - те Њаt Laura
- - - -- off, but по defiпite пews wanted to mопеу from me.
- - - - - reacl1ed ~љ yet.
)(stгuck/ Ьопоw
А bro1.1ght/ has В struck/ lend
X called/ has С stroke/ borrow
С bгollght/ Ьаvе D stгoke/ lend
D called/ Ьаvе
29. Jane had completely lost hег
24. 'Уан don't object to _ _ __ _ нs
- - -- and was screaming hег head
· 'No, when ___ I start?'
А tешрег/ of
Аhelp/shall , ~/ ontrol/ of
Вhelping/ ought мешреr/ off'
С help/ ought D control/ off
~ 1elping/ shall
30. Unless уоп - - -- а loan fгom
25. It's the third time sl1e - - - -- - the Ьапk, how to рау f ог the
tЬis week. She _ _ __ гeally enjoy it. house?

А skates/ must ~ ot/do you propose

В 1шs been skating/ should · N etl do you propose
& kates/ should С got/ you propose
" А,!ШS been skating/ must D get/ you propose
r--амом......,.., м :n • r,f.,..,....,..жt1S sм::,;~а:

31 . Everybody in tЬе village _ _ very 36. I am поt нsedto _ __ _ long

friendly . lt didn 't matteг _ _ _ уон ' d distaпces. _ __ _ we betteг , get а taxi?
Iived thei-e foi- а long oi- а sЬort time.
А walk/ Wouldn't
А weгe/whetheг ,Xwalkiпg/ Hadn ' t
В vvеге/wеаЉет С vvalk/ Hadn't
) (was/whethei- D walking/ Woнldn't
D was/ weather
37. Нег gaze seemed at олсе _ _ _ _
32. The region is _ __ _ and iлtense . She took те Ьу _ _ haпd .
agi-icнltшal. _ _ _ popнlation is
shrinking dгamatically . )'<§uiet/ the
В quite/ ту
~ argely/ Its С q1.1iet/ ту
В 11nшe11sely/ It's D quite/ the
С largely/ It's
D immensely/ Its 38. lf only I _ _ _ _ _ find а betteг
јоЫ At the momeпt I'm str1.1ggling to
33 . - - -- - oшselves, I waпted to keep my _ _ _ above vvateг.
see yot1 alone so apologise.
А could/ nose
А Betweeп/
that to В сап/ nose
'"Вprnong/ tЬat to )<co1.1ld/ Ьеаd
ДВеtwееп/ that I coнld D сап/ head
D Amoпg/ tЬat I coнld
3 9. As I was _ _ _ to the boss the
34. If tЬеу _ _ _ _ _ her to other day, you аге the опlу регsоп w!ю
hospital, sЬе _ __ __ _ _ сап handle this sit1.1ation. У 0L1 only have
to look at tЬе _ _ expгessions aroLшd!
Аhave not гushed/ woнl d die
Вhave not i-нsl1ed/ woLlld have died А telliпg/ panicked
X had not rushed/ vvould Ьаvе died X saying/ panicked
D had not п.1shed/ vvould die С telling/ paniked
D sayiпg/ paniked
35. 'I fo llnd that perfoгmance really
boriпg.' 'So _ _ _ _ . I saw уон 40. You аге _ _ _ _ оп уош шаt .
' Imagine you are а flнffy wl1ite cl oнd, '
says the yoga teachei-. 'Let go
'Хг-'01.1 did/ sleeping ______ your emotioпs.'
В did yoн/s l eep
С you did/ sleep )<lying/ of
D did you/ s \ eepiп g В layiпg/ -
С lyiпg/ -
D lay"пg/ of

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