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Chapter 1

Every part of his body burned.It ached. It was feeling like a thousand snakes
bit him and acid was all over his body.

Brian Flare is a software engineer.He is disabled and always sits on a

wheelchair which he made all by himself. He has equipped it with
everything.It makes coffee, tea, all his meals and is also equipped with a
dangerous defence mechanism that is a lethal killer.

He was having his morning walk(or drive?). He was in a park.It was covered
with mist.He lit his torch , but light could hardly pass through the mist.
Suddenly, he started seeing some flashes of green light. He quickly
understood that this fog was not natural and it was actually compressed air
being released out of a spaceship to hide it.He put on his night vision
glasses and saw the spaceship.He then put on his spy suitand started to
He understood that the land below him was a weak spot in the earth's crust
and it could lead them directly to the earth's core and destroy it.
So, basically It destroyed the earth completely.
He had to do something.
"So, Here's the plan.I will let them launch RTX3G2T-Q1.Then I will come in
the path of the ray and maybe I can die."
They launched the ray his wheelchair along with him jumped in the path of
the ray.
He died.
He woke up in his house.
"Is this Heaven?It looks like my house."
"God? Are you there?"
He concluded It had been a dream.

Or had it??
Chapter 2
He was hungrier.Replace reading by eating.
He ate and ate and ate and ate and ate and ate and ate and ate and ate and
ate and ate and ate and ate and ate and ate and ate and ate and ate and
ate and ate and ate and (a thousand times more) ate for the next two days.
He discovered new skills. Now, he had photographic and audiographic
memory. He knew everything. Everything about everything. He knew all the
subjects known to mankind.He was a superman is terms of knowledge.
He had become a superhero.

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