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Section 7

Coiled Tubing Definitions and

Coiled Tubing Related Definitions ....................................................................................................7-3
Symbols, Descriptions and Units .................................................................................................... 7-14
Coiled Tubing Acronyms ............................................................................................................... 7-16

7•1 Coiled Tubing I

© 2002, Halliburton
Coiled Tubing Definitions and Acronyms

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7•2 Coiled Tubing I

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Coiled Tubing Definitions and Acronyms

Coiled Tubing Related Definitions

ABANDON - To cease efforts to produce oil or ANNULUS (ANNULAR SPACE) - The space
gas from a well, and to plug a depleted surrounding pipe suspended in the well bore.
formation and salvage all material and The outer wall of the annulus may be an open
equipment. hole or it may be larger pipe.
ABSOLUTE VOLUME - The volume per unit ANTIFOAM - A substance used to prevent
mass, reciprocal of absolute density. foam by greatly decreasing the surface tension.
Compare Defoamer.
ACIDITY - The relative acid strength of liquids
as measured by pH. A pH value below 7. API - American Petroleum Institute.
Headquarters of the API Division of Production
ACIDIZING - The practice of applying acids to
are at 300 Corrigan Tower Bldg., Dallas, Texas.
the walls of oils and gas wells to remove any
material which obstructs the entrance of fluids. API GRAVITY - The gravity (weight per unit
Also used in carbonate formations, such as volume) of crude oil or other related fluids as
limestone, to increase porosity. measured by a system recommended by the
American Petroleum Institute. It is related to
ADAPTER - A device to provide connection
specific gravity by the following formula:
between two other parts.
Deg API = 141.5_- 131.5
AERATE - Intimately admixing water and air.
sp gr 60°F/60°F
AIR/GAS LIFT - Lifting of liquids by
injection, directly into the well, of air or gas. Gravity (weight per unit of volume) of crude oil
as measured by a system recommended by the
AMBIENT - We use this term to describe
API. A standard measure related to crude oil
temperature. Strictly speaking, the term is
defined as “completely surrounding.” Ambient
temperature, then would be the temperature of APPARENT VISCOSITY - The viscosity a
the air surrounding us. We stretch this definition fluid appears to have on a given instrument at a
a little and refer to pumping fluids at ambient stated rate of shear. It is a function of the plastic
temperature. We mean we don’t heat or cool the viscosity and the yield point. The apparent
fluid, but use it just like it is in the tank. Defined viscosity in centipoises, as determined by the
as “completely surrounding,” strictly speaking. direct-indicating viscometer (which see), is
Ambient temperature, then, would be the equal to 1/2 the 600-rpm reading. See also
temperature of the air surrounding us. We Viscosity, Plastic Viscosity and Yield Point. In a
stretch this definition a little and refer to Newtonian fluid, the apparent viscosity is
pumping fluids at ambient temperature. We numerically equal to the plastic viscosity.
mean that we do not heat or cool the fluid, but
BACK-OFF - To unscrew.
use it at the temperature is in the tank.
BACK PRESSURE - The pressure resulting
ANNULAR VELOCITY - The velocity of a
from restriction of full natural flow of oil or gas.
fluid moving in the annulus.
BACTERICIDE - An agent capable of
destroying bacteria.
in a well bounded by two or more circular
surfaces, one of which is concave. This would BALANCE, MUD - A beam-type balance used
include single or multiple strings of tubing in a in determining mud densit y. It consists primarily
hole or casing. of a base, graduated beam with constant-volume
cup, lid, rider, knife edge, and counterweight.

7•3 Coiled Tubing I

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Coiled Tubing Definitions and Acronyms

BARREL - A volumetric unit of measure used BREAK CIRCULATION - To start movement

in the petroleum industry consisting of 42 gal. of the drilling fluid after it has been quiescent in
the hole.
BASTARD - Any equipment of non-standard
shape or size. BRINE - Water saturated with or containing a
high concentration of common salt (sodium
BEAN - A choke, used to regulate flow of fluid
chloride); hence, any strong saline solution
from a well. Different sizes of beans are used for
containing such other salts as calcium chloride,
different producing rates.
zinc chloride, calcium nitrate, etc.
BICARB - See Sodium Bicarbonate.
BLOCKS, CROWN and TRAVELING - The completing a well and bringing it into actual
block and tackle on a rig that raises and lowers production status.
the drill string.
BY-PASS - Usually refers to a pipe connection
BLEED OFF or BLEED DOWN - Reduce around a valve or other control mechanism. A
pressure by letting oil or gas escape at a low by-pass is installed in such cases to permit
rate. passage of fluid through the line while
BLOOIE LINE - Flow line for air or gas adjustments or repairs are made on the control,
drilling. which is by-passed.

BLOWOUT - An uncontrolled escape of CALCIUM - One of the alkaline earth elements

drilling fluid, gas, oil, or water from the well with a valence of 2 and an atomic weight of
about 40. Calcium compounds are a common
caused by the formation pressure being greater
than the hydrostatic head of the fluid in the hole. cause of the hardness of water. It is also a
component of lime, gypsum, limestone, etc.
attached immediately above the casing, which CALCIUM CARBONATE (CaCO3) - An
can be closed and shut off the hole should a isoluble calcium salt sometimes used as a
blowout occur. weighting material (limestone, oyster shell, etc.),
in specialized drilling fluids. It is also used as a
BOB TAIL - Any short truck. unit and/or standard to report hardness.
BOLL WEEVIL - Any inexperienced worker CALCIUM CHLORIDE (CaC12) - A very
or “hand.” soluble calcium salt sometimes added to drilling
BOND - Adhering, binding, or joining of two fluids to impart special properties, but primarily
materials; e.g., cement to casing. to increase the density of the fluid phase.

BONDING - The state of bond between cement CASING PRESSURE - Gas pressure built up
and casing and/or formation. between the casing and tubing.

BONNET - The part of a valve that packs off CATALYST - A chemical useful for enhancing
and encloses the valve stem. the rate at which a chemical reaction takes place
while undergoing no chemical change itself.
BOOMER - A link and lever mechanism which
is used to tighten a chain holding a load on a CASING PRESSURE - Gas pressure built up
truck. between the casing and tubing.

BOTTOM -HOLE PRESSURE - The pressure CELLAR - Excavation under the derrick to
at the bottom of a well. provide space for items of equipment at the top
of the well bore. Also serves as a pit to collect
BOWL - A device into which fit the slips or drainage of water and other fluids under the
wedges which support tubing. floor for subsequent disposal by jetting.
BRACKISH WATER - Water containing low CENTIPOISE (CP)- A unit of viscosity equal
concentrations of any soluble salts. to 0.01 poise. A poise equals 1 g per meter-

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Coiled Tubing Definitions and Acronyms

second, and a centipoise is 1 g centimeter- COMPRESSIBILITY FACTOR - The ratio of

second. The viscosity of water at 20°C is 1.005 the volume of a quantity of real gas at a pressure
cp (1 cp = 0.000672 lb/ft-sec). and temperature to the volume it would occupy
were it an ideal or perfect gas; a factor used to
CENTRALIZERS - Spring steel guides that are
correct a real gas for non-ideal behavior.
attached to casing to keep it centered in the hole.
CENTRIFUGE - A shake-out or grind-out
resistance of a material to force acting along one
machine. Samples of oil are placed in the
of the axes in a manner tending to crush it,
machine and whirled at high speed to settle out
usually expressed in pounds of force per square
sediment. A device for the mechanical
inch of surface affected.
separation of high specific gravity solids from a
drilling fluid. Usually used on weighted muds to CONDENSATE - Hydrocarbons which are in
recover weight material and discard drill solids. the gaseous state under reservoir conditions but
The centrifuge uses high-speed mechanical which become liquid either in passage up the
rotation to achieve this separation, as hole or at the surface.
distinguished from the cyclone-type separator in
CONDUCTOR PIPE - A short string of casing
which the fluid energy alone provides the
of large diameter which is used in marshy
separating force.
locations and under certain other conditions. Its
CHASE THREADS - To straighten and clean principal function is to keep the top of the well
threads of any kind. bore open and to provide means of conveying
the upflowing drilling fluid from the well bore to
CHRISTMAS TREE - A term applied to the
the slush pit.
valves and fittings assembled at the top of a well
to control the flow of the oil. CONNATE WATER - (geologist) The water in
the pore spaces of a rock which is all or part of
CIRCULATE - To cycle drilling fluid through
the original water of deposition; (reservoir
drill pipe and well bore while drilling operations
engineer) The irreducible minimum water
are temporarily suspended. This is done to
content of a rock. Water inherent to the
condition the drilling fluid and the well bore
producing formation; or fossil sea water trapped
before hoisting the drill pipe and to obtain
in the pore spaces of sediments during their
cuttings from the bottom of the well before
drilling proceeds. Circulation of the drilling fluid
while drilling is suspended is usually necessary CONTAMINANTS - Materials, usually mud
to prevent drill pipe from becoming stuck. components, which become mixed with the
cement slurry during the displacement process,
CIRCULATION - The movement of drilling
and which have a deleterious effect on cement
fluid from the suction pit through pump, drill
pipe, bit, annular space in the hole, and back
again to the suction pit. The time involved is CONTAMINATION - The presence in a
usually referred to as circulation time. drilling fluid of any foreign material that may
tend to produce detrimental properties of the
CIRCULATION, LOST - The result of drilling
drilling fluid.
fluid escaping into the formation by way of
crevices or porous media. CORROSION - The adverse chemical
alteration on a metal or the eating away of the
COME-ALONG - A stretching or tightening
metal by air, moisture, or chemicals; usually an
device that crawls along a length of chain.
oxide is formed. Deterioration of a metal due to
COMING OUT of HOLE - Withdrawing of a reaction with its environment.
the drill pipe from the well bore. This
CRACK A VALVE - To barely open a valve so
withdrawal is necessary to change the bit, or
that it leaks just a little.
change from bit to core barrel, to prepare for a
drill stem test, and for other reasons.

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Coiled Tubing Definitions and Acronyms

CROWN BLOCK - Sheaves and supporting control. In the latter instance, the well bore
beams on top of derrick. drilled at an angle permits the pumping of heavy
fluids into the bore of the well which is not
DEAD MAN - A piece of wood or concrete,
under control. Modern development of this
usually buried, to which a wire guy line is
technique makes possible close control on both
attached for bracing a mast or tower.
the direction and the degree of deviation of a
DEFOAMER or DEFOAMER AGENT - Any directional well from the vertical.
substance used to reduce or eliminate foam by
DISPOSAL WELL - A well through which
reducing the surface tension. Compare
water (usually salt water) is returned to
subsurface formations.
DEHYDRATION - Loss of water by filtration
DOG-LEG - The “elbow” caused by a sharp
of cement slurries during or after displacement.
change of direction in the well bore. The bend in
The removal of free or combined water from a
pipe, a ditch, or a well.
DOGHOUSE - A small house used for keeping
DENSITY - When used in relation to materials
lease records, changing clothes, or any other use
such as solids, liquids, or gases, this means the
around a lease.
weight of a unit volume of the material. Many
types of units are used to measure density. The DOPE - Material used on threads of pipe or
chemist usually uses grams per cubic centimeter tubing to lubricate and prevent leakage.
(gm/cc). In the oil patch we may use pounds per
cubic foot (lb/cu ft) for solids, pounds per gallon
determine if oil and/or gas in commercial
(lb/gal) for liquids and pounds per cubic foot
quantities have been encountered in the well
(lb/cu ft) for gases.
• Matter measured as mass per unit volume
DRILL STRING - The string of pipe that
expressed in pounds per gallon (lb/gal), pounds
extends from the bit to the Kelly, carries the
per square inch per 1,000 ft of depth (psi/1,000
mud down to the bit, and rotates the bit.
ft), and pounds per cubic ft (lb/cu ft). Density is
commonly referred to as “weight.” DRILLER - The employee directly in charge of
a drilling ring and crew. Operation of the drilling
• Mass per unit volume. Absolute density
and hoisting equipment constitute his main
considers only the actual volume occupied by
the material. Bulk density is mass per unit bulk
volume that includes the actual volume of the DRILLING FLUIDS - Any fluid, such as air or
material plus the volume of trapped air. gas, water- or oil-base muds, circulated in a well
during drilling operations.
difference in pressure between the hydrostatic DRY GAS - A hydrocarbon fluid which exists
head of the drilling-fluid column and the at a reservoir temperature above its
formation pressure at any given depth in the cricondentherm; a gas which cannot be liquified
hole. It can be positive, zero, or negative with by pressure change alone. Natural gas that is
respect to the hydrostatic head. produced with liquids; also a gas that has been
treated to remove all liquids.
normal well bore under usual conditions is DRY HOLE - Somewhat loosely used in oil
planned to be drilled vertically, controlled work, but in general any well that does not
directional drilling is sometimes used to drill a produce oil or gas in commercial quantities. A
well at an angle from the vertical. Examples are dry hole may flow water, or gas, or may even
the drilling of wells under the sea from a yield some oil to the pump, but no in
location on dry land and killing a blowout by commercial quantities.
means of a well drilled from a point at a safe
distance from the one being brought under
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Coiled Tubing Definitions and Acronyms

DUTCHMAN - The portion of a stud or screw classified as oil-external or water-external. In an

which remains in place after the head has been oil-external emulsion, the aqueous phase exists
twisted off in an effort to remove the entire stud as tiny globules which are coated with a thin
or screw. Also used to refer to a tool joint pin layer of the hydrocarbon phase. Most emulsion
broken off in the drill-pipe box or drill-collar breakers are designed to work on this type
box. emulsion. They do not work as well on water-
external emulsions.
ELEVATION - Height above sea level.
For a circulating fluid, the equivalent circulating
pipe; attached to the traveling block which raises
density in lb/gal equals the hydrostatic head (psi)
and lowers the pipe from the hole.
plus the total annular pressure drop (psi) divided
EMULISIFER or EMULSIFYING AGENT - by the depth (ft) and by 0.052.
A substance used to produce an emulsion of two
EXPANSION LOOP - A bend placed in a line
liquids that do not mix. Emulsifiers may be
to absorb stretch or shrinkage.
divided, according to their behavior, into ionic
and non-ionic agents. The ionic types may be FATIGUE - Failure of a metal under repeated
further divided into anionic, cationic, and loading.
amphoteric, depending upon the nature of the
ion-active groups. A surface active agent
coupling with the threads on the inside.
capable of stabilizing an emulsion.
FIELD - The area around a group of producing
EMULSION - A substantially permanent
oil wells.
heterogeneous liquid mixture of two or more
liquids that do not normally dissolve in each FILLING THE HOLE - Pumping drilling fluid
other but which are held in suspension or continuously or intermittently into the well bore
dispersion, one in the other, by mechanical to maintain the fluid level in the hole near the
agitation or, more frequently, by adding small surface. The purpose is to avoid danger of
amounts of substances known as emulsifiers. blowout, water intrusion, and/or caving of the
Emulsions may be mechanical, chemical, or a well bore, e.g., as the pipe is withdrawn.
combination of the two. They may be oil-in- FILTRATE - The liquid that is forced through a
water or water-in-oil types. An intimate mixture porous medium during the filtration process.
of liquids mutually insoluble, one of which is
distributed throughout the other in the form of FISH - An object accidentally lost in the hole.
globules. A mixture of two or more liq uids FISHING - Operations on the rig for the
which do not normally dissolve in each other but purpose of retrieving from the well bore sections
which are held in suspension, one in the other. of pipe, collars, junk, or other obstructive items
The suspension is usually stabilized by small that are in the hole.
amounts of additional substances known as
emulsifiers. These modify the surface tension of FITTINGS - The small pipes and valves that
the droplets to keep them from gathering are used to make up a system of piping.
together and forming two separate liquid layers. FLANGE UP - The act of making the final
A mixture of two or more liquids which do not connection on the piping system. Also in oil
normally dissolve in each other but are held in field slang it refers to the completion of any
suspension, one in the other. The suspension is operation. Frequently refers to quitting a job.
usually stabilized by small amounts of additional
substances known as emulsifiers. These modify FLOWING WELL - A well that produces oil
the surface tension of the droplets to keep them or gas without any means of artificial lift.
from gathering together and forming two FLOW LINES - The surface pipes through
separate liquid layers. We usually deal with which oil travels from the well to storage.
emulsions of crude oil or diesel with an aqueous
fluid such as acid or water. Emulsions may be
7•7 Coiled Tubing I
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Coiled Tubing Definitions and Acronyms

FLOW TANK - A lease storage tank to which HANDY - A connection that can be unscrewed
produced oil is run. by hand.
FLUID LEVEL - Distance between well head HEADACHE - A warning cry given when
and point to which fluid rises in the well. anything is dropped from overhead.
FOAM - A foam is a two-phase system, similar HOPPER, JET - A device to hold or feed
to an emulsion, where the dispersed phase is a drilling-mud additives.
gas or air. A dispersion of a gas in a liquid.
HYDROCARBON - A compound consisting
FOAMING AGENT - A substance that only of molecules of hydrogen and carbon.
produces fairly stable bubbles at the air-liquid
interface due to agitation, aeration, or ebullition.
exerted by a column of fluid, usually expressed
In air or gas drilling, forming agents are added
in pounds per square inch. To determine the
to run water influx into aerated foam. This is
hydrostatic head at a given depth in psi, multiply
commonly called “mist drilling.” A surface
the depth in feet by the density in pounds per
active agent capable of stabilizing a foam.
gallon by 0.052.
FORMATION DAMAGE - Damage to the
INHIBITOR - A substance that minimizes the
productivity of a well resulting from invasion
amount of corrosion on metal in contact with a
into the formation by mud particles or mud
corrosive medium. For stimulation purposes, an
filtrates. Asphalt from crude oil will also
inhibitor is most often used to limit acid
damage some formations.
corrosion of tubular and pumping equipment.
FORMATION PRESSURE - Pressure at the
JETTING - A process of periodically removing
bottom of a well that is shut in.
a portion of, or all of, the water, mud and/or
FRACTURE - Cracks and crevices in the solids, from the pits usually by means of
formation either inherent or induced. pumping through a jet nozzle arrangement.
FRACTURING - Application of hydraulic JOINT - A length of pipe - usually from 20 to
pressure to the reservoir formation to create 30 ft. long.
fractures through which oil or gas may move to
KELLY OR KELLY JOINT - A heavy square
the well bore.
pipe or other configuration that works through a
FUNNEL VISCOSITY - See Marsh Funnel like hole in the rotary table and rotates the drill
Viscosity. stem.
GAGING NIPPLE - A small section of pipe in KILL A WELL - To overcome pressure in a
the top of a tank through which a tank may be well by use of mud or water so that surface
gaged. connections may be removed.
GAS CUT - Gas entrained by a drilling fluid or KILL LINE - A line connected to the annulus
cement. See Air Cutting. below the blowout preventers for the purpose of
pumping into the annulus while the preventers
GAS-OIL RATIO - The number of cubic feet
are closed.
of gas produced with a barrel of oil.
KILLING A WELL - Bringing a well under
GRAVITY, SPECIFIC - The weight of a
control that is blowing out. Also the procedure
particular volume of any substance compared to
of circulating water and mud into a completed
the weight of an equal volume of water at a
well before starting well service operations.
reference temperature. For gases, air is usually
taken as the reference substance, although LOCATION - The place at which a well is to
hydrogen is sometimes used. be or has been drilled.
GUY WIRE - A rope or cable used to steady a LOG - A running account listing a series of
mast or pole. events in chronological order. The driller’s log is
a tour-to-tour account of progress made in
7•8 Coiled Tubing I
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Coiled Tubing Definitions and Acronyms

drilling. Electric well log is a record of circulating and reserve. Mud testing and
geological formations which is made by a well conditioning is normally done in the circulating
logging device. This device operates on the pit system.
principle of differential resistance of various
MUD SCALES - See Balance, Mud.
formations to the transmission of electric
current. OFFSET WELL - Well drilled near another
LOST CIRCULATION - The result of drilling
fluid escaping into the formation by way of OIL FIELDS - An area where oil is found. A
crevices or porous media. loosely-defined term referring to an area in
which one or more separate pools or reservoirs
may be found.
material added to cement slurries or drilling
fluids, which is designed to prevent the loss of OLD HAND - A man who has been around the
cement or mud to the formation. oil field for a long time.
MAKE A HAND - To become a good worker. OPEN HOLE - The uncased part of the well.
MALE CONNECTION - A connection with OPERATOR - The person, whether proprietor
the threads on the outside. or lessee, actually operating a mine or oil well or
MANHOLE - A hole in the side of a tank
through which a man can enter the tank, also the OPERATING PRESSURE - The pressure at
clean-out plate. which a line or system is operating at any given
MARSH FUNNEL- An instrument used in
determining the Marsh funnel viscosity. The PACKER FLUID - Any fluid placed in the
Marsh funnel is a container with a fixed orifice annulus between the tubing and casing above a
at the bottom so that when filled with 1,500 cc packer. Along with other functions, the
fresh water, 1 qt (946 ml) will flow out in 26 ± hydrostatic pressure of the packer fluid is
0.5 sec. For 1,000 cc out, the efflux time for utilized to reduce the pressure differentials
water is 27.5 ± 0.5 sec. See API RP 13B for between the formation and the inside of the
specifications. casing and across the packer itself.
called the funnel viscosity. The Marsh funnel formation drilled into that contains oil and/or gas
viscosity is reported as the number of seconds in commercial quantities.
required for a given fluid to flow 1 qt through PENETRATION, RATE OF - The rate in feet
the Marsh funnel. In some areas, the efflux per hour at which the drill proceeds to deepen
quantity is 1,000 cc. See API RP 13B for the well bore.
PIG - A scraping tool forced through a flow line
MASTER GATE - A large valve used to shut
or pipe line to clean out wax or other deposits.
in a well. See Rabbit.
MUD - A water- or oil-base drilling fluid whose PIPELINE PIG - A scraping tool forced
properties have been altered by solids, through a flow line or pipeline to clean the line
commercial and/or native, dissolved and/or or test for obstruction.
suspended. Used for circulating out cuttings and
many other functions while drilling a well. Mud PLUG BACK - To seal off the bottom section
is the term most commonly given to drilling of a well bore to prevent the inflow of fluid from
fluids. that portion of the hole. This permits the inflow
of oil and gas from the formations above the
MUD PIT - Earthen or steel storage facilities section so sealed off, without contamination of
for the surface mud system. Mud pits which vary fluids below that depth.
in volume and number are of two types:

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Coiled Tubing Definitions and Acronyms

PARTS PER MILLION (PPM) - Unit weight RABBIT - A small plug that is run through a
of solute per million unit weights of solution flow line by pressure to clean the line or test for
(solute plus solvent), corresponding to weight- obstructions. See Pig.
percent except that the basis is a million instead
RELIEF VALVE - A valve that will open
of a hundred. The results of standard API
automatically when pressure gets to high.
titrations of chloride, hardness, etc, are correctly
expressed in milligrams (mg) of unknown per RESERVOIR - Each separate, unconnected
liter but not in ppm. At low concentrations, mg/l body of producing formation.
is about numerically equal to ppm. A correction REVERSE CIRCULATE - The method by
for the solution specific gravity or density in which the normal flow of a drilling fluid is
g/ml must be made as follows: reversed by circulating down the annulus and up
ppm = mg/l _- soln den, g/ml and out the drill string.
% by wt. = mg/l _- (10,000) (soln den, g/ml) RIGGING UP - Before the work of drilling can
be started, but after the derrick has been built,
= ppm _- 10,000
tools and machinery must be installed and a
Thus, 316,000 mg/l salt is commonly called supply of fuel and water must be established.
316,000 ppm or 31.6 percent, which correctly This operation, which in substance is that of
should be 264,000 ppm and 26.4 percent, getting the rig ready, is conveniently described
respectively. by the driller’s term “rigging up.”
PRESSURE - Force per unit area. RISER - A pipe through which liquid travels
• Bottom Hole Circulatin g Pressure - The
pressure at the bottom of a well during ROCK A WELL - To bleed pressure from
circulation of any fluid. It is equal to the casing of a dead well, then from tubing, then
hydrostatic head plus the annular friction loss from casing, and so on so that the well will start
required to pump the fluid to the surface plus to flow.
any back pressure held at the surface.
ROUGHNECK- A driller’s helper and general
• Bottom Hole Static Pressure - The pressure at all-around worker on a drilling rig.
the bottom of a well after the well is shut-in long
ROUSTABOUT - A laborer who assists the
enough to reflect ambient formation pressure.
foreman in the general work about producing oil
• Circulating Pressure - The pressure at a wells and around the property of the oil
specified depth required to circulate a fluid in a company. The roustabout is a semi-skilled
well at a given rate. laborer in that he requires considerable training
to fit him for his work.
• Final Squeeze Pressure - The pressure at the
completion of a squeeze cementing operation. SAND - A loose granular material resulting
Final squeeze pressure usually refers to the from the disintegration of rocks, most often
surface pressure. silica.
• Surface Pressure - The pressure measured at SANDED UP - Clogged by sand entering the
the wellhead. well bore with the oil.
PUMPING TIME - Synonymous with SETTLING VELOCITY - The velocity at
cementing time except in those instances where which a particle of particular size, type, specific
a volume of cement slurry is premixed prior to gravity, and concentration will settle in a fluid of
displacement in a well. In this instance, the a particular specific gravity and viscosity. It is
pumping time will be total cementing time usually measured in millimeters per second.
minus mixing time.
SHUTDOWN - A term denoting that work has
been temporarily stopped, as on an oil well.

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Coiled Tubing Definitions and Acronyms

SHUT-IN PRESSURE - Pressure at the top of a density to specific gravity, and vice versa, is a
well when it is shut in. simple matter. For example, given a 10 lb/gal
brine, calculate its specific gravity:
SKIDDING THE RIG - Moving a rig from the
location of a lost or completed hole preparatory 10 lb/gal Specific Gravity = 8.33 lb/gal = 1.2
to starting a new one. In skidding the rig, the
Suppose you are given the specific gravity of a
move is accomplished with little or no
liquid as 1.2. Calculate the density: 1.2 × 8.33
dismantling of equipment.
lb/gal; = 10 lb/gal. See Gravity, Specific.
SLACK OFF - To lower a load or ease up on a
SQUEEZE - A procedure whereby slurries of
cement, mud, gunk plug, etc. are forced into the
SLING - A wire-rope loop for use in lifting formation by pumping into the hole while
heavy equipment. maintaining a back pressure, usually by closing
the rams.
SLIPS - Wedge-shaped toothed pieces of metal
that fit inside a bowl and are used to support SQUEEZE CEMENTING - The process of
tubing or other pipe. forcing cementing material under pressure into a
specific portion of a well, such as fractures,
SLIP VELOCITY - The difference between the
openings, or permeable zones.
annular velocity of the fluid and the rate at
which a cutting is removed from the hole. • High Pressure Squeeze Cementing - The
forcing of cement slurry into the points to be
SNATCH BLOCK - A block that can be
squeezed with a final pressure equal to or greater
opened up for putting a line over the roller or
than the formation breakdown pressure.
• Low Pressure Squeeze Cementing - The
SODA ASH - See Sodium Carbonate.
forcing of cement slurry into the points to be
SODIUM BICARBONATE (NaHCO3) - A squeezed with a pressure not exceeding the
material used extensively for treating formation breakdown pressure.
contamination and occasionally other calcium
STAB - To guide the end of a pipe into a
contamination in drilling fluids. It is the half-
coupling when making up a connection.
neutralized sodium salt of carbonic acid.
STABBING BOARD - A temporary platform
erected in the derrick at an elevation of about 20
material used extensively for treating out various
to 40 feet above the derrick floor. The
types of calcium contamination. It is commonly
derrickman or other crew member works on this
called “Soda Ash.” When sodium carbonate is
board while casing is being run in a well.
added to a fluid, it increases the pH of the fluid
Derived from the term “to stab” meaning to
by hydrolosis. Sodium carbonate can be added
guide a joint while it is being screwed into
to salt (NaCl) water to increase the density of the
another joint or section.
fluid phase.
STAND OF PIPE - Two or three or sometimes
SOUR GAS - Gas that smells bad because of
four joints of pipe fastened together, called a
impurities, usually hydrogen sulfide.
double, thribble, or fourble, respectively.
SPECIFIC GRAVITY - The weight of any
SUBSTRUCTURE - The foundation on which
volume of a material divided by the weight of
the derrick and engines sit. Contains space for
the same volume of a material taken as a
storage and well control equipment.
standard. For solids or liquids, the standard is
water. For gases, the standard is air. It may also SURFACE PIPE - The first string of casing to
be defined as the ratio of the density of a be set in a well. The length will vary in different
substance to the density of water or air. We deal areas from a few hundred feet to three or four
mostly with liquids and solids. The density of thousand feet. Some states require a minimum
water is 1 gm/cc or 8.33 lb/gal. To go from length to protect fresh-water sands. On some

7 • 11 Coiled Tubing I
© 2002, Halliburton
Coiled Tubing Definitions and Acronyms

wells it is necessary to set a temporary operation to determine whether or not the well
conductor pipe which should not be confused can be made to flow. In the event the well does
with surface pipe as described here. not flow after being swabbed, it is necessary
then to install a pump as a permanent lifting
SURFACTANT - In the broadest sense, this can
device to bring oil to the surface.
be defined as a “surface active agent.” Or, a
chemical which, when added to a liquid, will TALLY - To measure and record length of pipe
change the surface te nsion of the liquid. or tubing.
Practically, we limit the term to those chemicals
TEMPERATURE - The degree of heat, usually
which lower the surface tension of liquids. A
expressed as degrees fahrenheit.
material that raises the surface tension of a
liquid we usually call an emulsifier. A material • Bottom Hole Circulating Temperature - The
that tends to concentrate at an interface. Used in temperature of any fluid at the bottom of the
drilling fluids to control the degree of well while it is being circulated.
emulsification, aggregation, dispersion, • Bottom Hole Static Temperature - The
interfacial tension, foaming, defoaming, wetting, temperature attained at the bottom of a well after
etc. A contraction of “surface active agent.” A the well is shut-in. See Static Temperature.
surfactant is a chemical which, when added to a
liquid, will change the surface tension of the • Casing Cementing Temperature - The
liquid at relatively low concentrations, temperature of a cement slurry while it is being
Practically, we limit the term to those chemicals displaced at the maximum cementing depth in a
which lower the surface tension of liquids. A casing cementing operation.
material which raises to surface tension of a • Circulating Temperature - The temperature of
liquid is usually called an emulsifier. Surfactants any fluid at any specified depth in well while it
are normally mixtures of complex organic is being circulated, as measured inside casing or
compounds, which, in the pure state, are either drill pipe.
solids or very viscous fluids. They are diluted
with alcohol or methyl ethyl ketone or similar • Squeeze Cementing Temperature - The
solvents to a viscosity which can be used over a temperature of a cement slurry while it is being
wide temperature range. Some materials that are displaced at the maximum cementing depth in a
not classified as surfactants will lower the squeeze cementing operation.
surface tension of a liquid. Two of these are • Static Temperature - The temperature attained
alcohol and carbon dioxide. Surfactants at a specified depth in a well after the well is
normally used in the oil field act by adsorbing shut-in long enough to reflect the ambient
on the interface between two liquids, one formation temperature.
hydrocarbon and the other and aqueous liquid,
or on the surface of a liquid exposed to air. The TENSILE STRENGTH - A measure of force
molecules of these surfactants have an oil per unit cross sectional area required to pull a
soluble end and a water soluble end specimen apart.
(hydrophobic) and a water soluble end (hydro- TENSILE STRESS - The perpendicular
philic). At the interface, the oil soluble end of components of internal stress exert a pull
the molecule is oriented in the hydrocarbon between the two parts of the mass which
liquid while the water soluble end is in the water constitutes a tensile stress. A pull-apart stress.
or water based liquid. An efficient surfactant
will lower the surface tension of a water based to TOOL JOINT- A drill-pipe coupler consisting
30 dynes/cm or less, and will lower the of a pin and box of various designs and sizes.
interfacial tension between a hydrocarbon and a The internal design of tool joints has an
water based liquid to zero or near zero. important effect on mud hydrology.

SWABBING - Operation of a lifting device to TOOL PUSHER - A foreman in charge of one

bring well fluids to the surface when the well or more drilling rigs. Supervisor of drilling
does not flow naturally. This is a temporary operations.

7 • 12 Coiled Tubing I
© 2002, Halliburton
Coiled Tubing Definitions and Acronyms

TORQUE - A measure of the force or effort VISCOMETER, DIRECT-INDICATING -

applied to a shaft, causing it to rotate. On a Commonly called a “V-G meter.” The
rotary rig this applies especially to the rotation instrument is a rotational-type device powered
of the drill stem in its action against the bore of by means of an electric motor or handcrank, and
the hole. Torque reduction can usually be is used to determine the apparent viscosity,
accomplished by the addition of various drilling- plastic viscosity, yield point, and gel strengths
fluid additives. (all of which see) of drilling fluids. The usual
speeds are 600 and 300 rpm. See API RP 13B
TOTAL DEPTH (or TD) - The greatest depth
for operational procedures.
reached by the drill bit.
VISCOSITY - The internal resistance offered
TOUR - The word which designates the shift of
by a fluid to flow. This phenomenon is
a drilling crew or other oil field workers is
attributable to the attractions between molecules
pronounced “tower.” The word does not refer to
of a liquid, and is a measure of the combined
the derrick or tower, as some seem to think, the
effects of adhesion and cohesion to the effects of
day tour starts at 7 or 8 in the morning. The
suspended particles, and to the liquid
evening tour starts at 3 or 4 o’clock in the
environment. The greater this resistance, the
afternoon. The morning tour starts at 11 p.m. or
greater the viscosity. See Apparent Viscosity.
midnight (sometimes referred to as graveyard
tour). The almost universal practice in oil well VISCOSITY, FUNNEL - See Funnel
drilling is to work 8-hour tours or shifts. Viscosity.
TRIP - To pull or run a string of rods or tubing WAITING ON CEMENT - After the casing
from or into a well. has been cemented, it is necessary to suspend
operations and allow time for the cement to set
TUBING JOB - The pulling and running of
or harden in the well bore. The time during
which operations are suspended is designated as
TURNING TO THE RIGHT - A slang term on waiting on cement.
a rotary rig referring to the drilling operation
WHIPSTOCK - A device inserted in a well
during which the drill stem is rotated in a
bore used for deflecting or for directional
clockwise direction.
UNDER-REAM - To enlarge a drill hole below
WINCH - A machine used for pulling or
the casing.
hoisting that does so by winding a cable around
V-DOOR (WINDOW) - An opening in a side a spool.
of a derrick at the floor level having the form of
an inverted V. This opening is opposite the
pressure at which an item is to be used at a
draw-works. It is used as an entry to bring in
specified temperature.
drill pipe and casing from the pipe rack.
WORK-OVER- To perform one or more of a
VELOCITY - Time rate of motion in a given
variety of remedial operations on a producing oil
direction and sense. It is a measure of the fluid
well with the hope of restoring or increasing
flow and may be expressed in terms of linear
production. Examples of work-over operations
velocity, mass velocity, volumetric velocity, etc.
are deepening, plugging back, pulling and
Velocity is one of the factors that contribute to
resetting the liner, squeeze cementing, shooting,
the carrying capacity of a drilling fluid.
and acidizing.
WORKOVER FLUID - Any type of fluid used
apparatus to determine the viscosity of a fluid or
in the workover operation of a well.
suspension. Viscometers vary considerably in
design and methods of testing.

7 • 13 Coiled Tubing I
© 2002, Halliburton
Coiled Tubing Definitions and Acronyms

Symbols, Descriptions and Units

Symbol Description Unit Po Internal in.
Diameter of
AV Absolute Volume Casing
Intermediate Strength Proppant = Dp Diameter of in.
0.0370 gal/lb Perforations
Sand = 0.0456 gal/lb Dt Outside in.
BHTP Bottomhole psi Diameter of
Treating Tubing
Pressure Dv Diameter of
bbl Barrels = 42 gal bbl Vena
BPM Barrels per bbl/min
Minute = rate FD Fluid Density lb/gal

CD Drag Coefficient FG Fracture Gradient

Cp (1) Perforation Will vary from 0.80 to 0.95, if

Coefficient unknown, use 0.95

D Depth ft Pfe is fracture entry friction, that is,

the friction past the perforation but
DEF Equivalent in. before the entrance to the fracture.
Diameter for This friction can make the
Friction perforation friction erroneous.
DEV Equilvalent in. FT Temperature of °F
Diameter for Fluid
ft Feet ft
E Young’s
Modulus HHP Hydraulic hp
EZ Axial Strain
I.D. Inside Diameter in.
Er Lateral Strain
k Formation md
Pf Friction Loss - psi Permeability
Kf Fracture md
Pf (A) Friction Loss in psi/100 ft Permeability
Pipe (acutal)
lb Pound lb
Pf (B) Friction Loss psi/100 ft
Charts of Data M 1000 Gallons M
(base) Fluid Viscosity cp
Pfe (2) Friction Loss – psi Fluid Density lb/cu ft
Fracture Entry
MR Modified Rate BPM, bbl/min
Ppf Friction Loss – psi
Perforations N Number of
Ppfo Friction Loss – psi
Observed at Nre Reynolds
Perforations Number
Pw Wellhead psi O.D. Outside in.
Pressure Diameter

7 • 14 Coiled Tubing I
© 2002, Halliburton
Coiled Tubing Definitions and Acronyms

Ph Hydrostatic psi H Fractur Height ft

KB Bulk Modulus psi
Php Hydrostatic psi/100 ft
Pressure for cb Compressibility 1/psi
Proppant cf Pore Volume 1/psi
Added Compressibility
Pisi Instantaneous psi Biot’s constant
Pressure (ISIP) cm Rock Matrix 1/psi
PP Pounds of lb
Proppant t Tensile psi
psi Pounds per psi
Square Inch c Commpressive psi
q Production Rate
BHN Brinnel kg/mm 2
qi Injection Rate bbl/min Hardness
Q Flow Rate cc/min z Stress Due to psi
r’ Effective ft Overburden
Wellbore x Horizontal psi
Radius Stress
R Rate bb/min (minimum)

RF Rate Factor y Horizontal psi

SPF Shots /ft (maximum)
KIc Fracture psi in.
TFCF Turbulent Flow Correction Factor - Toughness
Bulk Density lb/ft3
(not used for laminar flow)
rr Radial Stress psi
Ts Temperature at °F
Tangential psi
u Proppant ft/sec
o Shear Stress on psi
Settling Velocity
Poisson’s Ratio
w Average in.
wf, w Fracture Width in. Fracture Width
GAC Gelling Agent lb/Mgal Wmax Maximum in.
Concentration Fracture Width
Fracture Half ft R Radius of ft
Length Penny Shaped
P Fracture psi
t Pumping Time min

7 • 15 Coiled Tubing I
© 2002, Halliburton
Coiled Tubing Definitions and Acronyms

Coiled Tubing Related Acronyms

Acronym Description CVA - Cash Value Added
ANSI - American National Standards Institute DAS - Data Acquisition System - used in
Coil Tubing, TCCs, COMPUPACs
API - American Petroleum Institute
ASME - American Society of Mechanical
DEA - Drilling Engineering Association
DFW - Dallas/Fort Worth (includes
ASTM - American Society for Testing and
Downtown Dallas Corporate/
Carrollton Mfgand BD and Ft Worth
B&R - Brown & Root Manufacturing)
BHA - Bottom Hole Assembly DHP - Down Hole Pump
BOM - Bill Of Material DHT - Down Hole Tool
BOP - Blow Out Prevention DNV - Det Norske Veritas – Norwegian
BRES - Brown and Root Energy Services – is Certif Agency
a leading supplier of engineering and DOT - Department of Transportation – US
construction services to the upstream Federal Agency
oil and gas industry worldwide
DPDSV - Dynamically Positioned Diving
BU - Business Unit Support Vessel
CBL - Cement Bond Log DS - Directional Surveys
CBT - Computer Based Training DST - Drill Stem Test - measure pressures at
CEMS - Computerized Equipment bottom hole
Management System - field system for EJCS - End of Job Customer Survey
tracking equipment and repairs
EMR - Electronic Memory Recorder – Tools
CIBP - Cast Iron Bridge Plug & Testing PSL
COE - Common Office Environment – EPT - External Pipe Thread
Architecture for PCs using Win95 and
ERD - Extended Reach Drilling
Win NT which describes standard
software and platforms FARpack - Field Activity Reporting
COMPUPAC -NAA - the portable computer
and printer system for DAS FBM - Focus Business Market - is a natural
market which allows the organization
CPI - Correction, Prevention and
to focus resources on the greatest
opportunities for growth in
CPS - Completion Products & Services – A shareholder value
reservoir focused set of Completion
FOP - Field Operating Profit
Solutions including Subsurface
Products, Sand Control, Slickline, FSQC - Field Service Quality Coordinator
SEWOP, and Surface Products
FSR - Field Service Representative
CT - Coil tubing and all its derivatives
GIH - Grease Injector Head
7 • 16 Coiled Tubing I
© 2002, Halliburton
Coiled Tubing Definitions and Acronyms

GLV - Gas Lift Valve HWO - Hydraulic Work Over. Well

Control and well maintenance duties.
GOM - Gulf Of Mexico - Focus Business
Market I.D. - Inside Diameter
HALCO21 - Revolutionizing business ILAN - Instrument Local Area Network used
processes globally to provide for UNIPRO communications
dramatic improvements for
IRJ - Irregular Job Report
Halliburton Company, enabling our
success in the 21st Century IS - Integrated Solutions -was established,
uniting the best people,
HALNET - Halliburton Network (Voice and
technology,products, and equipment
to offer oil and gas companies the
HDT - Heavy Duty Thread most effective and profitable solutions
to their challenges
HEC - Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose
IT - Information Technology
HEI - Halliburton Energy Institute – a
learning center in Duncan, OK which JSA - Job Safety Analysis
provides training for employees and
KBR - Kellogg Brown and Root - The M.W.
Kellogg Company and Brown & Root
HES - Halliburton Energy Services - one of Engineering and Construction have
the Energy Group Business Units - combined to form Kellogg Brown &
provides products, services, and Root (KBR). This new company
integrated solutions for oil and gas provides a full spectrum of services:
exploration, development, and project development, technology
production. Capabilities range from licensing and development,
initial evaluation of producing consulting, project management,
formations to drilling, completion, engineering, procurement,
production enhancement and well construction, operations and
maintenance - - for a single well or maintenance services.
entire field
KPI - Key Performance Indicator; used as a
HPHT - High Pressure High Temperature measure in Service Quality PII for
HR - Human Resource dept
L&P - Logging and Perforating PSL
HRD - Human Resource Development –This
department drives performance - LAN - Local Area Network
focused change of our people,
LGC - Landmark Graphics Corporation
processes, and organization,
supporting Halliburton`s goal of LTA - Lost Time Accidents
becoming a high -performing
LWD - Logging While Drilling - part of the
organization. Using the developmental HDS business
solutions approach, HRD develops
and implements specific processes M/LWD -Measurement/Logging While Drilling
that change and improve performance MBA - Market and Business Analysis – new
- -processes collectively known as marketing term
interventions - -to support our clients`
business needs MBU - Mobile Business Unit - a team with
equipment which can deliver products
HSE - Health & Safety Executive (UK and services to the customer
Govenment Agency)
MLWD - Measurement While Drilling and
Logging While Drilling
7 • 17 Coiled Tubing I
© 2002, Halliburton
Coiled Tubing Definitions and Acronyms

MMS - Minerals Management Service – Dept Injuries by Better Management of

of Interior hazardous inspection Risk -Protecting the Environment by
service Reducing the Amount of Waste
Created and Using Environmentally
MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet
Friendly Operating Practices
MWD - Measurement While Drilling – system
PJ - Pup Joint
which tracks drill bit location
PM - Preventive Maintenance - system of
MWD/LWD - Measurement While
checks which insure equipment is kept
Drilling/Logging While Drilling
at minimum standards to prevent
N2 - Nitrogen services - 1960's – First failures during normal operation.
liquid nitrogen pumping unit for oil
PMPOP - PuMP -Out Plug
field service. Allows development of
high pressure applications. , POOH - Pull Out Of Hole
Commingling and displacement
PPE - Personal Protective Equipment – used
applications developed, Foam
for personal safety in performance of
cleanout and fracturing applications
duties - coveralls, gloves, eye
developed, Foam cementing and
protection, hearing protection
straight gas fracturing.
PPR - People Performance Results - part of
NACE - National Association of Corrosion
the People Performance Management
system used to establish goals,
NDE - Non Destructive Examination provide feedback on performance,
assess performance and deliver pay or
NDT - Non Destructive Testing
other incentive based rewards
NORM - Naturally Occuring Radioactive
PSL - Product Service Line - like TCP,
Material - as it relates to the EPA
NWA - Natural Work Area - A method of
PSMT - Product Service Management Team
dividing up North America into
regions which have similar product PTA - Plug to Abandon
and service requirements
QIP - Quality Improvement
O.D. - Outer Diameter Program/Process
OH - Open Hole QIT - Quality Improvement Teams
OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health RIH - Run in Hole
Administration - Federal US Agency
ROP - Rate Of Penetration
responsible for worker safety
SAP - System Application Products – new
P&L - Profit & Loss
Enterprise Resource Planning system
PDM - Positive Displacement Mudmotor to handle accounting, personnel,
PE - Production Enhancement PSMT
includes SC - Service Coordinator - is a customer
focused member of the PSL and Asset
PII - Performance Improvement Initiative -
Management Team. The Service
Three areas of Performance we can
Coordinator provides technical and
focus on in the delivery of our
operational expertise, champions
services, In addition to our financial
service excellence, creating customer
performance. -Doing the Job Right the
satisfaction. The Service Coordinator
First Time by Using Standard
deploys equipment, materials, and
Processes and Procedures -Reducing

7 • 18 Coiled Tubing I
© 2002, Halliburton
Coiled Tubing Definitions and Acronyms

personnel with focus on optimizing TC - Tungsten Carbide insert

utilization and profit.
TCP - Tubing Conveyed Perforating PSL
SO - Shipping Order
TD - Target Depth
SOP - Standard Operating Procedures
TIMS - Technical Information Management
SPE - Society of Petrole um System
Engineers/Society of
TOC - Top Of Cement
SS - Shared Services - the enabler for
TTTCP - Tools & Testing and Tubing
change by pulling together the various
Conveyed Perforating.
functions that were common to all our
operations under one management UBD - UnderBalanced Drilling is performed
structure that exists along side of the when bottomhole circulating pressures
other mainstay processes of during drilling are below the natural
acquisition and execution. Through reservoir pressure. In some instances,
this model each Business Unit is able it may be the only way to drill
to access the resources necessary to pressure -depleted tight gas and oil
acquire and execute its work, yet gain reservoirs successfully. The objective
the efficiencies and synergies in these conditions is to reduce the
available by "sharing" key services drilling pressure to a point that will
between Business Units. ensure that the pressure gradient into
the wellbore is positive.
SSDP - Service Supervisor Development
Program is designed to train UK - United Kingdom
Supervisors to meet technical and UR - Under Reamer
customer needs on a global basis.
Successful completion of the program WAN - Wide Area Network
is expected to lead to promotion of the WIT - Wellhead Isolation Tool
Participant from entry level ( or
experienced candidates from within WO - Work Order
Halliburton) to a revenue producing WO - Workover - A workover is when you
Service Supervisor in field operations. go into an existing production well
SSIT - Service Supervisor In Training – is (i.e. a well which has already
responsible for successful wellsite job produced oil and gas) in order to fix a
execution in a safe and efficient problem.
manner. The Service Supervisor's WOB - Weight On Bit
emphasis is on operational excellence
and customer satisfaction for long ZI - Zonal Isolation (ZI) is a process used
term growth and profitability of the in petroleum well construction which
NWA. keeps fluids in one permeable zone of
the well bore separate from fluids of
SSSV - Sub Surface Safety Valve another zone. Once the well has been
SSV - Surface Safety Valve drilled and lined with pipe, the
connection between the geological
StimWin - NAA - Stimulation Design formation and the well must be
Software established and assured. Completion
T&E - Travel & Entertainment - System of includes installing suitable tubing or
tracking these expenses casing, and cementing this casing,
using casing plugs and pack.
TA - Technical Advisor

7 • 19 Coiled Tubing I
© 2002, Halliburton

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