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Vol,. 60, No. 50. BATTLE CREEK, MICH., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1883. WHOLE No. 1544.

It is comparatively easy to obtain a divorce. beginning of the creation God made them male
The Veriew and 'Jerald , The divorce laws of some States are notorious
for the opportunities they offer for this purpose.
and female. For, this cause shall a man leave
his father and mother, and cleave to his wife ;
Nearly everywhere in our country divorces can and they twain shall be one flesh ; so then they
seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association, be obtained for a variety of reasons,—pretended are no more twain, but one flesh." Mark 10 : 6-8.
Battle Creek, Michigan. ill-treatment, drunkenness, desertion, and virtu- " So God created marlin his own image, in the
ally for " incompatibility of temper." Parties image of God created he him ; male and female
TWO DOLLARS A YEAR (50 NUMBERS) IN ADVANCE. stand up and solemnly vow to love and cherish created he them." Gen. 1 : 27. "And the Lord
Address all communications and make all Drafts and Money Orders
each other as husband and wife "as long as they God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and
iy able to both shall live," and in a few months, when the he slept : and he took one of his ribs, and closed
REVIEW AND HERALD, Battle Creek, Mich.
novelty has worn off, quarrel, obtain a divorce, up the fle-h thereof ; and the rib which the Lord
and marry again, perhaps to repeat the same God had taken from man made he a woman, and
THE GLORIOUS APPEARING. process. The tendency toward laxity of the brought her unto the man. And Adam said,
marriage vow in fnodern times is too strong for This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my
successful resistance by the better elements of flesh : she shall be called Woman, because she
Oust glorious King in his beauty society. Things are growing worse and worse. was taken out of man. Therefore shall a man
Is coming his people to save; Divorces are notoriously common. The tone of leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave
To rescue his faithful on duty, public morality on this subject is so low that unto his wife ; and they shall be one flesh."
And ransom his dead from the grave.
many do not realize there is anything sinful in Gen. 2 : 21-24.
He comes in ineffable glory, obtaining divorces for various reasons, and mar- These scriptures plainly show the original de-
With angels of light from above; rying again. Consequently, we meet with many sign of God, one woman for one man. These
Of sin to cut short the sad story,
And. reign in his kingdom of love. such cases. Some of these embrace the truth twain (i. e., these two; not three, nor five, nor a
and present themselves for membership in our hundred) shall be one flesh. In Christ's words
His foes at his presence shall tr,,mble, churches. In some instances, husband and wife here quoted he is placing the marriage institution
And seek to escape from his sight; back upon its original basis of holiness and pu-
No longer their fears they dissemble,
present themselves for membership both of whom
But flee in dismay and affright. have been divorced and entered new relations. rity, and rescuing it from the perversions of
Some of these cases involve great hardship, as the Jewish and Gentile practices. And though
But those who have sought the King's favor they have children by second marriages and are speaking specially of divorce, yet his words are
Will joyfully triumph and say,
" Oh, this is our God and our Saviour; living happily together. Shall such be received decisive as to polygamy. " Whosoever putteth
We've waited to hail this glad day!" or rejected ? Where shall the line be drawn ? away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth
As a people looking for our Lord to come, and adultery ; and whosoever marrieth her that is,
Then upward on pinions immortal put away, committeth adultery." Luke 16:18.
They soar to those mansions so bright,
preparing for it by returning to the neglected
Triumphantly passing the portal truths of Holy Writ, we must square our lives " And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put
They dwell in the city of light. by the Bible, and decide these questions, as well as away his wife, and marry another, committeth
all others, by its authority. Human enactments adultery against her. And if a woman shall put
No longer in pain and in sorrow
They tread the dark regions of night; in this loose age will not be sufficient. The cus- away her husband, and be married to another,
But joyfully hail each glad morrow toms of society are corrupt. We must live up she committeth adultery." Mark 10 :11,12. It
With new and ecstatic delight. to the principles of the s venth commandment must be evident that if it was adultery for a per-
as well as the fourth. What are the teachings son to marry his second wife after he had di-
of Scripture concerning marriage and divorce ? vorced his first wife, it would be none the less
Our eontributo10. Marriage is an institution designed of God for
the good of the race. It originated before sin
so to marry her before he divorced the first. The
reason why it was adultery to marry the second
"Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another; and the Lord
hearkened., and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him entered our world. " Marriage is honorable," one was simply because he was still morally
for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name."—Mal. 3:15 bound to the first. While so bound, it would be
says the great apostle. It existed before sin;
while divorce would never have existed but for adultery to marry another, one wife for one man
MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. being God's original design. These words of
sin. Marriage, as originally designed, doubtless
BY ELD. GEO. I. BUTLER. contemplated the eternal union of one man with Christ emphatically condemn polygamy. And
one woman. But sin came in with its evil con- though the practice of many other wise good men
MODERN divorces, authorized by human law, sequences and marred all this. Lust and passion sanctioned it, that fact could never change God's
and sanctioned by public sentiment, present one have been the cause of polygamy and divorce. law, or make the practice right. The customs of
of the most perplexing questions of church dis- Death has broken up this union, and other mar- society then, as now, had great influence in deter-
cipline we have to meet. As our work extends riages have been permitted. The marriage bond mining the practic.s of even good men. They had
among different States and peoples, coming in is made to cover in our age every kind of iniq- not the light of God's written word as we have.
contact with the different customs of society uity conceivable, till but little resemblance can The sunlight of the gospel had not fully dawned
prevailing in modern times, this question must be seen to that marriage which God originally upon them. Christ magnified the law by draw-
be met. And as a people we should adopt some instituted. Q aa,rrels, hatreds, jealousies, infideli- ing out more fully its holy principles. Even
principle upon which to act in the decision of ties, and lusts abound under its legal sanction. then, the evils of polygamy were often plainly
cases growing out of marriage and divorce. Al- Polygamy and polyandry (i. e., a man with seen in the terrible consequences following the
ready many cases involving great difficulty have more than one living wife, or a woman with practice of it among their own families. Jacob
been presented, coming from localities far apart ; more than one living husband) are doubtless and David both had an experience of the evils
and some of our local churches have been greatly both violations of the marriage compact, though of polygamy in their households which ought to
endangered from trials growing out of them. practiced more or less in all ages. God originally be a sufficient warning for all time.
This matter will become more and more impor- made one man for one woman. Though polyg- We notice polygamy in this article because
tant as the work progresses. There are ques- amy was practiced by the patriarchs, we must the principles bearing upon it are precisely the
tions connected with this subject too intricate regard it as contrary to God's original design and same as those connected with divorce. We must
and perplexing to be decided by every local elder, really a violation, of the seventh commandment. regard polygamy as an infraction of the original
or inexperienced person or church. There are This will appear from several scriptures. "And design of marriage. Even the law of Moses,
matters connected with it which involve the he answered and said unto them, Have ye not which accommodated itself somewhat to the
happiness of families, the permanency of the read, that he which made them at the beginning hardness of the people's hearts on the subject
marriage relation, the legitimacy of children, the made them male and female, and said, For this of marriage and divorce, forbids even the king to
purity of society, and the salvat ion of thousands cause shall a nian leave father and mother, and " multiply wives to himself," Deut. 17 :17. To
of our fellow-men. shall cleave to his wife : and they twain shall be " multiply " is to increase the number of.. The
There is a strong tendency in modern society one flesh ? Wherefore they are no more twain, number God originally provided and intended
to loosen the marriage tie and make divorce easy. but one flesh." Matt. 19:41-6. "But from the was one woman for one man. If he had no right

Ito " multiply " wives, he certainly was forbidden little of its trials and burdens. The novelty GOOD TO RE THERE.
the practice of polygamy. soon wears off, and evil tempers produce dissat-
Polygamy, and re-marriage while morally isfaction, fault-finding, and loss of affection.
bound to a living wife, are wrong, because both Hopes of a divorce arise, and in many cases mu- CAN we say in all life's beauties,
are violations of God's original design of mar- tual agreements are made to obtain it on the We have learned a lesson rare;
Can we 'neath life's pressing duties,
riage—a life union between one man and one easiest terms. Re-marriages are entered upon, Say 'Twas good that I was there?
woman,—and hence are violations of the true and other lives cursed in a similar manner.
spiritual intent of the seventh commandment, Children born under such circumstances are in- Can we in the midst of blessings,
deed unfortunate. Such a thing as a family in Scattered round us free and fair,
which was given to guard the sacredness of that Say with earnest Christian feeling,
marriage institution. Like every other require- the true sense is impossible under these condi- It was good that I was there?
ment of God, it had in view the well-being of tions. Modern divorces are fast breaking down
that sense of security that the original design of And can we in all life's changes,
those for whom it was instituted. The prophet Whether they be good or ill,
Malachi presents some beautiful and forcible marriage was intended to produce. Feel 'tis God that thus arranges,
thoughts on this subject : "Judah hath dealt The teaching of Christ is very clear relative And be subject to his will?
treacherously, and an abomination is committed to all divorces obtained for any other cause than Can we, when afflictions press us,
in Israel and in Jerusalem ; for Judah bath pro- that of adultery. This crime of course is utterly When weighed down with loads of care; —
faned the holiness of the Lord which he loved, subversive of the marriage institution ; and Can we feel that God will bless us,
and bath married the daughter of a strange god. Christ does not require parties to continue nom- And be willing to be there? °
'The Lord will cut off the man that doeth this, inally or legally united to live as husband and Can we bear the heat of conflict?
the master and the scholar, out of the taberna- wife, when one of the parties has utterly broken Can we all life's trials share?
cles of Jacob, and him that offereth an offering the marriage vow, and destroyed the real condi- Can we stand the wiles of Satan,
And be willing to be there?
unto the Lord of hosts. And this have ye done tions of union. Divorce in that one case simply
again, covering the altar of the Lord with tears, recognizes the fact that the real union has al- Can we, when we're sorely tempted,
with weeping, and with crying out, insomuch ready been destroyed. But he forbids divorces Go to God in humble prayer?
Casting all life's burdens on him,
that he regardeth not the offering any more, or upon all other grounds. " And I say unto you, And be thankful to be there?
receiveth it with good will at your hand. Yet Whosoever shall put away his wife except it be
ye say, Wherefore ? Because the Lord hath for fornication, and shall marry another, com- If, in all those trying places
mitteth adultery ; and whoso marrieth her which We are called in life to share,
been witness between thee and the wife of thy We shall have the grace of patience,
youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacher- is divorced committeth adultery." Matt 19 :9 ; 'Twill be good that we were there.
ously ; yet is she thy companion, and the wife of 5 : 32 ; Mark 10 : 11; Luke 16 : 18, and 1 Cor.
thy covenant. And did not he make one? Yet 7:10-13. These scriptures are very emphatic,
had he the residue [margin, excellency] of the and forever settle the question, so far as the NOTES OF TRAVEL.
spirit. And wherefore one ? That he might teachings of the Scriptures are concerned. BY MRS. E. G. WHITE.
seek a godly seed. Therefore take heed to your But there are some very perplexing question,
spirit, and let none deal treacherously against arising in modern society, because of the preva- NEBRASKA CAMP-MEETING.
the wife of his youth. For the Lord, the God lence of divorces when persons embrace religion
FROM the New York camp-meeting I went to
of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away ; for who have been divorced in the past and have re-
Nebraska. The notice of this meeting had been.
one covereth violence with his garment, saith the married, and perhaps have children under this
widely circulated, and a very large gathering an-
Lord of hosts ; therefore take heed to your spirit new marriage while the former companion still
ticipated. The heavy rain-storm which contin-
that ye deal not treacherously." Mal. 2 :11-16. lives, who was divorced for some other cause
ued during nearly the whole time of the meeting,
From this scripture we draw the conclusion than the one the Saviour gives. What shall
prevented many from coming ; still, a large num-
that the Lord, desirous of a pure and holy seed, such persons do when they start out to serve
ber tented on the ground. Some of these had
made one woman for one man, to whom was God ? And what shall the church do when they
come from one to two hundred miles by private
given the excellency of the spirit. This was the are found in it in this condition ? We shall not
conveyance, traveling in the rain a portion of
original design of God, by means of which to attempt to answer these questions in this article.
the way. I was very anxious that these dear
keep a pure and holy people in the earth. But It would perhaps be impossible to meet every
souls should receive a rich blessing to carry back
the people, from the days of Ezra till Malachi point which might arise in such cases in any ar-
with them to their homes ; and the Lord gave
spoke these words, after marrying a wife of their ticle. Each case must be considered on its own
me strength to bear my testimony to them. I
own people, here called " the wife of thy youth," merits. We can safely say this, however, that
felt deeply the importance of the solemn message
had taken other wives also of other and heathen each person should be careful to fulfill the sol-
to be borne to those in attendance,--a message
nations, whom Ezra and Nehemiah had forced emn and holy vows taken upon him when he
which, though solemn, should bring joy to the
them to give up. This caused weeping and entered the marriage relation, and realize that
Christian's heart, because his redemption draweth
lamentation before the altar of the Lord, and God hates divorces. All should realize that nigh. I thought I might never meet these souls
marred his worship. The Lord threatened marrying a divorced person is a transgression of again, until we should meet in the Judgment ;
heavy judgments for these things, because they the law of God, unless the person had been the
then it would appear whether I had done all
had dealt treacherously with the first wife by innocent party in a previous marriage, whose ifei. in warning, entreating, and so presenting
marrying others, heathen at that. It was there- companion had broken his marriage vow by
the truth that the Lord would work with my
fore necessary to put away these heathen wives, transgression of the seventh commandment. We
efforts, making them prove a savor of life unto
which caused much sorrow and " crying out." should be careful lest the church be brought into
Thus two great evils were brought in among disrepute by taking into its membership those
The meetings were profitable, but I longed to
them; treachery to the first wife by marrying a who have obtained divorces for other causes than
see a deeper interest awakened in many hearts.
second, and divorcee, which God hated, The that which the Saviour allows. This is a lax
More time was needed; had we had another
Lord here condemns polygamy and divorces at age in matters of this sort. Let us maintain
week, ten times as much might have been
the same moment, both being contrary to the purity in all the relations of life.
accomplished as was done in the first week. It
original law of marriage and destructive to its takes time for men who have been all absorbed
object, the propagation of a pure and holy seed. OUR MOTIVES. in business pursuits to get rid of the worldly
The marriage of one man to one woman, tak- stamp, and turn their attention to spiritual
ing this step with the full understanding that it BY ELD. ALBERT WEEKS. things; and this was not fully accomplished
is for life, with no such thing as divorce and re- before the meeting broke up. I am sorry that
marriage possible, both expecting to make the AN act may be right, by itself considered, yet any allow their minds to become so engrossed in
best of their lot in life by bringing their tempers if the motive that prompted it be wrong, the the things of this world that they are not ready
and tastes into as great conformity as possible, Judge of all cannot impute to us virtue. The to enter into the spirit of these holy convocation
that they may live happily together, taking upon Lord weighs our motives. He searches the heart, meetings from the very first. There may be but
themselves the parentage of children, gives the and tries the reins. All things are open to his one family in a place, and they deprived of the
best guarantee of a dutiful, obedient, and holy view. There is not a thought in our minds that privilege or meeting with those of like precious
seed possible in this life. When polygamy and he does not know altogether. Man may be de- faith ; but they are not deprived of access to
divorce enter, they unsettle everything. With a ceived by word, by manner, by profession, by an their Saviour. They can come to him with all
father and mother firmly united in counsel, a outward act; but God cannot be thus deceived. their burdens ; and his word declares, " If any of
powerful influence can be brought to bear upon We must be true at heart to receive his approba you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that
children, and they can be trained for God. But tion. How important it is, then, that we ponder giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not ;
polygamy divides this, brings in distinctions be- well our motives, and have them thoroughly es- and it shall be given him. But let him ask
tween children, and naturally leads to broils, tablished in the everlasting principles of truth in faith."
jealousies, hatred, and every kind of evil. It is and righteousness. If we have thus dug down My heart was drawn out in sympathy for
destructive to the family relation in every true deep, and found the solid reek upon which to these precious ones who enjoy so few religious
sense. Divorces exert a similar influence. The build our edifice of character, when the floods privileges; for temporal affairs engross their
possibility of their occurrence tends to dissatis- come, and the winds blow, our house will stand minds until their thoughts and conversation run
faction, excites hopes of change, and brings a secure. almost wholly in a worldly channel, and when
feeling of insecurity into the marriage relation. they assemble in our general meetings, they do
When young people marry, in many cases they —The less we expect from creatures, the more not understand themselves; they do not know
do so with false ideas of life, and realizing btlt tolerable will disappointment be, their great need. Some- are self-confident, self-:
DEC. 18, 1883.]3 THE REVIEW AND HERALD. 787
sufficient, exalted. in their opinion of themselves, influence upon others ; for such labor will be in manifested in every Conference. It is not to be
because they do not have clear views of iesus. marked contrast to the superficial efforts of the expected that those whose experience is short
If they lived near to him, they would see his large class who profess to be laborers for God, can have all the foresight that is gained by long
purity, his matchless benevolence, his self-sacri- but have only a form of godliness, while their experience in the work. If many who have
fice and infinite love, which would lead them lives deny the power thereof. had years of experience, and who believe all the
to see their deficiencies; and when viewing The opposition from the powers of darkness is truth, would put forth earnest efforts proportion-
the cross of Calvary, and the sufferings that very great, and is constantly increasing. Those ate to the great truths they believe, we should
Christ endured that they might be .rescued from who believe the truth and practice it in their see tenfold more accomplished. It is because of
ruin, they could not have one exalted feeling lives, will have opposing influences to meet, but our little faith and half-hearted efforts that we
in regard to self. Satan is constantly at work to Jesus has made ample provision for them. He see so little done. I sincerely thank the Lord
separate man from Christ, and his power is does not require them to go in their own weak that our brethren in Nebraska have had a mind
especially exercised upon those who profess to strength. The promise is, " Lo, I am. with you to work. Let no one take the position to find
be children of the light. If he succeeds in any alway, even unto the end of the world." But every fault, to criticise, and to block the wheel. They
way, through pride, covetousness, love of the one who has a work to do for the Master must be have not shown any more zeal or any greater
world, or self-esteem, in hiding from their view thoroughly in earnest, The servant of God must earnestness than our faith demands of every
the perfect Pattern, then his purpose is accom- watch unto prayer, be faithful to the grace given Conference in the land.
plished. It is unsafe for any one of us to allow him, continue in the love of God, and abide in Every determined. effort to advance the truth
temporal and worldly things to absorb the mind Christ as the branch abides in the vine. Many has been met by a strong resistance from the
and affections. If the mind is exercised almost have, labored depending on their own insufficient hosts of Satan, and this resistance will greatly
wholly in this direction, and the conversation is ability. They have not, by faith, claimed divine increase. He stands ready to bar the way in
of this character, the mind becomes earthly, help, although Christ has said, " Without me ye every enterprise that threatens the interests
sensual, and Christ and his grace are cut off can do nothing." Christ must be interwoven in of his cause. He has tempted some of our
from the view. all our experience; we can only reach the people brethren to look with distrust upon any one who
I thought as I looked upon the brethren and. through the influence of the Spirit of God. Be ventures to move out and work upon broader
sisters assembled on the Nebraska camp-ground, steadfast if you would be useful. plans. He will suggest that you are going
These precious souls are the purchase of the The isolated brethren and sisters should feel too fast; you will use means in this work ; you
blood of Christ ; he died that they might have it their duty and privilege to be light-bearers in must economize. It is all well to economize ; but
life and immortality. And yet they do not every sense of the word, because they are remember it will take means to do this great
discern their high and exalted privilege ; for the only ones in their vicinity who see the work. If the very ones who are criticising
Satan interposes to obstruct and cloud their importance of the truth. If they lead faithful, should engage heart and soul in doing this
view of the perfection of Christ and the Heaven- self-denying lives, laboring for others in the larger work, through their additional influence
bought privileges he has brought within their spirit which actuated Christ, they will have precious victories for the Master would be
reach. How can these obtain eternal life ? Will help from Heaven; angels will be at their side. gained. But if instead of helping, they are
they arouse from their indifference ? Will they Whatsoever they ask, they receive of God, be- continually pulling back those who have a mind
escape from this death-like sluggishness of soul ? cause they keep his commandments and do those to work, they may be found guilty, if moves
Will they avail themselves of the only effectual things that are pleasing in his sight. These will which might have been crowned with success
remedy,—earnest faith and firm reliance upon be the true Calebs in the church. They may prove a failure.
the word of God ? They may trust in Jesus ; never give a lecture or preach a sermon ; yet Let it not be suggested that if means are
they may rely upon his merits ; they may grow they have their work to do, and are successful raised to advance those branches of the cause of
in grace and in the knowledge of the truth ; laborers in the vineyard of the Lord. They truth which demand financial help, liberalities in
but in order to do this, they must work from a have a transforming influence. These men draw other directions will necessarily be limited ; that
higher standpoint. They have long trained nigh to God in prayer ; their closets are often our brethren will pay less in tithes. Minister-
their minds to run in a worldly channel, and visited ; their supplications move the arm of ing brethren, please give our people who believe
now that they profess to love Jesus, they have God. They reach the people through his power, the truth credit for greater liberality and more
another and a different education to obtain in the and receive special grace to win souls to Jesus. noble principle. Do not put complaints and
school of Christ. They are rough stones hewed Every one has talents intrusted to him of the murmuring in their hearts and minds which
out of the quarry of the world by the cleaver Lord, and is guilty if he buries them in the would not exist if you did not suggest them.
of truth ; but it is not the plan'of God that they earth. They are to be used to the honor and Teach with pen and voice that we must work ;
shall always remain rough stones. We shall glory of God. He has given light upon his that God has made men stewards of means that
all be brought into the work-shop of God, where word, and this light his people are not to shut they may help in carrying forward the various
the hammer and the chisel will be brought to up to themselves; they should let its bright rays enterprises connected with his cause ; that the
bear upon us until we are hewed and squared; shine upon the pathway of those who are trans- tithes and offerings are but a small part of what
then we are to undergo a still nicer work gressing the law of God. Each one who ex- God claims of them ; that they must work fast,
of burnishing and polishing, until we are fitted periences converting grace becomes responsible for probation will soon close. They should
for a place in God's temple, when every stone to show forth the praises of Him who has follow the example Jesus has given them in his
will come into its place without the sound of an called him out of darkness. God has constituted life,—deny self, lift the cross, get their treasure
ax or a hammer. him a new power on earth to work in establish- laid up in heaven. Thousands are dying spirit.
Eld. Haskell and my son, W. C. White, joined ing his kingdom, and he requires that every ually because their treasure is laid up upon the
us at this camp-meeting. They, were delayed talent he has entrusted to his servant be used earth, and their heart, their thoughts, their whole
on the road, so we only enjoyed their presence to its fullest capacity. being, is buried up with it.
and labors during the last two days of the When I consider the great light the Lord has Those who undertake a larger work may not
meeting. given in his word, the precious opportunities always discern the very best way to bring about
I here met Bro. Cady from Southern California. and rich privileges enjoyed by his people, I can certain results. They may commit errors. Would
He feels that he cannot preach, but he can give but think how Jesus must be grieved at their it not be a marvel if the work was carried on
Bible-readings. In a visit to his relatives and indifference and want of appreciation of these so perfectly in all its parts that no one could
friends, he presented from the Scriptures the great blessings, which make them so weak find any excuse to criticise ? But although
reasons of our faith in their families, by the that when they ought to be teachers they have there is not that degree of perfection we wish to
fireside. He was thoroughly in earnest, armed need that one teach them. A genuine Christian see, let the work advance, and let our brethren
and equipped with the word of God ; and as experience increases, unfolds, and intensifies. improve in their manner of working. They are
a consequence, he exerted a strong influence, and The child of God gathers strength as he proceeds ; obtaining an experience ; their very failures may
had the pleasure of seeing about a dozen decide his light must shine more and more, else it will be turned to victories. We all have to learn
to obey the commandments.of God. Our brother grow dim and die out. His faith should grow how to carry forward aggressive warfare against
felt that this precious fruit of his labor was stronger, his consecration more complete, his every opposing influence. But if they counsel
of more value to him than treasures of gold and love more perfect, his zeal more ardent and with Jesus at every step, if they seek wisdom
silver. Oh that many more would follow his tireless; his courage should be unshaken, his from God, they will see results of their labor.
example of personal effort patience unwearied, while he makes steady There are men who do not acknowledge any
I was glad that Bible-readings were introduced advancement in the knowledge of the truth and work to be of God unless they lead out in it
at the Nebraska camp-meeting, that those the love of Jesus. There is nothing selfish in themselves. They are disposed to tear down ;
present might have some knowledge of this a religious life. The Lord has given to every yet the work must not cease, but go forward.
kind of labor ; for if personal efforts in this man his work. Bible truth received into the At times in our experience we have had to urge
direction are put forth in. the spirit of Christ, heart is diffusive and aggressive. Its nature is advance movements against fearful odds, when
they will be crowned with success. Those who represented by the saving salt, the transforming everything went the hardest; but time proved
depend wholly upon Jesus for help and strength, leaven, the bright, shining light which dispels that we Were right, and that those who tried to
will conduct themselves as‘becomes his repre- darkness. hedge up our way were not actuated by the
sentatives, and they will not labor in vain. The The brethren in Nebraska have shown a spirit of Christ. Men may think they are right
world are so engrossed in their own pursuits commendable zeal in trying to extend their and that they are to be praised for their great
that it will be difficult to arrest their attention ; labors, and work upon broader plans. God caution, when they are blocking the wheels.
but if laborers show a spirit of self-denial, of forbid that we should abate their ardor one jot. Such persons are not to be taken as guides or
vross-bearing, of earnest love for souls and We would that we could see the same earnest models.
manifest true devotion, they will have a telling zeal and determination to do a greater work Brethren who want to do something must
788 THE REVIEW AND HERALD. 4[VoL. 60, No. 50.
arise and work, although obstacles oppose. They price he has paid for their redemption ; and results, and conclude that their talent lies in
should be continually learning in the school when man allows earthly, temporal matters another direction. Some who have talent enter
of Christ to be meek and lowly of heart, then to come between him and his duty to God, Jesus the field on that account, and become sufficient
they will follow the Leader. They will start calls him a fool to bury his soul in these treas- in themselves, and so endure but for a season.
right, continue right, and end right. I wish ures, to the neglect of the heavenly, the eternal Is it talent that is required ? Is it a high
there were men in every Conference who would weight of glory. Trusting for happiness in his order of. natural ability that will enable a person
resolve in the strength of God to do more than full store-houses and barns, he is rebuked for the to engage successfully in this closing work ?
they yet have done. With enlarged faith, they infatuation which makes him so blind to his eter- What material has God used to advance his
would enlarge their plans. My prayer is that nal interest. May our dear brethren who are lay- cause in the past ? What is the standard of
we may all aim to become whole-hearted, unself- ing up their treasures upon earth, heed the words measurement for successful service laid down in
ish, persevering, self-sacrificing workers with of Jesus : " Sell that ye have, and give alms ; pro- his word ? The prophets and men of God in
Christ, discharging every duty, improving every vide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treas- ancient times are supposed to have been men of
gracious opportunity ; then our talents will ure in the heavens that faileth not." There great talent. They may have been, but it does
enlarge with our plans. Those who are actuated is work to be done to warn the world. The not appear that for this reason they were chosen
by love, and labor with persevering energy, will various enterprises connected with this work re- to accomplish God's work.
accomplish something for the Master. All their quire means. Let the work not be hindered Jbseph's " talent " came through separation
ways and works will be established ; and what through covetousness, but let it go forward. from his father and home, through maintaining
grace has begun on earth, glory will crown " And they that be wise shall shine as the his integrity while associated with the enemies
in the future immortal life. brightness of the firmament ; and they that turn of God, through cruel bondage and hardship.
Brethren, will you remember that it is much many to righteousness as the stars forever and "His feet they hurt with fetters," but " the Lord
easier to find fault with your brother's work than ever." was with him and made all that he did to pros-
to improve upon it yourself ? Those who do per in his hand." Why ? Because he cloud not
the least are the ones who find the most fault THE TWO REWARDS. commit wickedness, and sin against God.
because their brethren do not work to the best Moses performed the greatest work ever com-
,,BY A. L.
advantage. If God has told them how to do mitted to man. Surely, if any one ever had
perfect work, he holds them responsible for that " HERE is a chance to make money," said a in himself whereof he might glory, it was Moses.
knowledge. Souls for whom Christ died will friend, after reading a list of premiums which He was a " goodly " child ; he was learned in all
perish because the light of truth has not been would be given every agent obtaining a certain the wisdom of the Egyptians; and he showed
brought before them, and when the Lord shall number of subscribers to a periodical mentioned, great love and willingness to sacrifice for the
make inquisition for their blood, what can these setting forth in glowing terms the value of the service of God when he deliberately chose to
men say, who find fault with what their brethren rewards. " Valuable prizes, indeed," I thought, forego all worldly advantages, suffering " afflic-
are doing, and yet do nothing themselves ? The " to those who love such trifles." tion with the peopl of God rather than enjoy the
sluggish, the unbelieving, the indifferent, the How earnestly we labor for earthly treasure, pleasures of sin for a season." He then felt will-
slothful, have cause to fear and tremble for the which will perish with the using, and perhaps ing and ready, and humanly speaking, he was.
record they will meet in the day of final accounts. more, destroy our souls also ; for our Saviour But " the Lord seeth not as man seeth ; " and
The death-like torpor that now holds men said, " How hardly shall they that have riches Moses was sent out, " a stranger in a strange
from earnest efforts to save souls from ruin, enter into the kingdom of God." My mind re- land," to serve in a menial capacity for forty
must be broken, for their salvation depends upon verted to other prizes of priceless value to be years. When he had learned the lesson thor-
it. given successful canvassers in the service of our oughly of humble trust in God, and was meek
Remember that an example of lukewarmness, Heavenly Master. above all the men which were upon the face of
carelessness, and indifference, is contagious. It Let us see what some of these rewards are. the earth, God could intrust him with his Spirit
is reproduced in a multitude of ways, and in- In James 5 : 19, 20, we find the following : and permit him to go forward and engage in
iquity abounds. Many are bound about with " Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, his work, and even talk with him " face to face,
worldliness, and apostasy is congealing the very and one convert him, let him know that he as a man talketh with his own familiar friend."
life-blood of the soul, because of the coldness which converteth a sinner from the error of his What enabled slender David to slay the giant
of ministers professing to be watchmen upon the way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a who dismayed all the host of Israel ?—He went
walls of Zion. Earnest spirituality, and the multitude of sins." What a blessed reward is forth " in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God
quickening influence of the Spirit of God, will this!! Who can tell the value of a soul rescued of the armies of Israel whom thou hast defied."
set men to work, not lazily, but most earnestly, from death ? What strengthened him to bear Saul's injustice
to warn men to escape the perils which threaten This is not all we shall receive. James 2 : 5 and persecution, and the severest privation and
to destroy them. says : " Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not suffering through his forty years' service ?—" And
Beware, my dear brethren, lest you measure God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, David encouraged himself in the Lord his God."
your efforts by too low a standard, and misera- and heirs of the kingdom which he has promised Among his last words is this testimony as to the
bly fail where you might have success, and thus to them that love him ?" If we love God, we source of his power : " It is God that avengeth
come short of salvation yourselves. The record are already heirs of the kingdom, an everlasting me and bringeth down the people under me, and
of our work, which will determine our destiny inheritance. Not only is the inheritance ever- that bringeth me forth from mine enemies ;
at last, is passing up to God. The sentence of lasting, but our life has the same duration. Thou also hast lifted me up high above them
every one will soon be unalterably decided ; and Rev. 21 : 4. that rose up against me."
while Mercy's sweet voice is still heard, there is " Blessed are they that do his commandments, When the angel appeared to Gideon with the
much to be done, and to every man is committed that they may have right to the tree of life, encouraging words, " The Lord is with thee, thou
his work. This thought should stir the soul and may enter in through the gates into the mighty man of valor," he was engaged in the
with diligence proportionate to the sacred truths city." Dear reader, take your Bible, and read humble occupation of threshing wheat by the
committed to our trust. Our salvation, that boon the last two chapters in Revelation, that you wine-press to hide it from the Midianites. As
of priceless value, must be worked out with fear may get before your minds the beauties of that he was called out to deliver Israel, " the Spirit of
and trembling. We must bear the reproach of city in which you have a mansion prepared by the Lord came upon him." His army was sifted
Christ, watching unto prayer, taking God into your Elder Brother, even Christ, who has al- down to three hundred, and armed with pitchers
all our counsels, choosing to suffer affliction with ready overcome and is set down with his Father and trumpets, lest they should presume upon their
his people. What constant self-denial is re- on his throne. If we could only awake and real- numbers or accoutrements, and say, " Mine own
quired ; what patient discipline of doing and ize these things as we ought, we should not go hand bath saved me."
suffering for the truth's sake ; what a clinging through the world mourning at our hard lot ; Elisha was exercising his talent for driving
to the cross of Christ, casting the helpless soul for our Saviour says, " There is no man that oxen when first selected to accompany Elijah ;
upon Jesus ; what groaning and agonizing in spirit hath left house, or parents, or brethren, or wife, and when asked what he would have before Eli-
to enter in at the strait gate ; what protracted or children, for the kingdom of God's sake, who jah was taken from him, he chose a double portion
conflicts we shall be called to pass through be- shall not receive manifold more in this present of the spirit of Elijah, which was granted to fit
fore we are crowned ! time, and in the world to come, life everlasting." him for his long, faithful service.
Brethren, you have no time to find fault with Caleb and Joshua had a " different spirit " from
the work of others. Go to work yourselves ; do the rest of the spies and the host of Israel, which
something at once. Souls are perishing around IS IT TALENT 1
enabled them to stand alone, brave the wrath of
us without the knowledge of the truth. It is too BY HELEN L. MORSE. the multitude, and contend that God was able to
late to trifle with matters of eternal interest. do what he had promised.
God has claims upon men who have means. THERE is a great dearth of laborers in the cause Saul was used to promote the work of God
There is continual danger that their case may'be of God. Every where are fields white for the while he was " little in his own sight." When
like that of the man Jesus has brought before harvest; but there are none to go in and reap. he leaned to his own understanding, God's Spirit
us in the parable. His grounds brought forth Why is it ? There are enough who profess to was withdrawn from him, and he wrought folly
plentifully. His barns were filled with abun- be looking for the near coming of our Saviour ; and ruin.
dance of fruit ; and he said, " Soul, thou bast who admit that the very last warning that a When the Spirit of the Lord came mightily
much goods laid up for many years ; take thine perishing world will hear is sounding; who upon Samson, he killed a thousand Philistines
ease, eat, drink, and be merry." believe that " the night cometh when no man with his own hands ; but when it was departed
He who made man, who gave his Son to die can work." Many excuse themselves because from him, he fell an easy pray to his enemies,
on Calvary to exalt him to his throne, has they have no talent ; many attempt the work, It was the Spirit of the holy God that gave
shown the value he places upon the race by the meet with discouragenaents, see no immediate Daniel his understanding and power to interpret
DEC. 18, 188315 THE REVIEW AND HEI?ALD. 789
visions and dreams. Paul says that his letters OUR DISPOSITIONS.
were weighty and powerful, but his bodily pres-
ence was weak, and his speech contemptible.
Me Sabbath-School.
" ,,,,,,,,,,,, "OW," ,,,,,, ^ ,,,,,, ,,,,,,J•a,

May we not conclude from his contrasting the THERE are as many different dispositions in
"And thou shalt teach them diligently."—Dent. 6:7
power of his writings with the weakness of his the world as there are different persons. Every
speech, that the great apostle, whose work was individual possesses qualities peculiarly his own. LESSON FOR THE FIFTH SABBATH IN DECEMBER.
3(21 important in the establishment of the Chris- See Instructor of Dec. 19, 1883.
There are but few who have the faculty of see-
tian church, did it not "with excellency of speech," ing faults in self which are so easily discovered NOTES, CRITICAL AND PRACTICAL.
or by what is recognized as " talent " as an ora- by others. We can readily detect the faults of (2 Cor. 7-11.)
tor ? Notwithstanding when wrought upon by others, but seldom look within to behold the CHAP. : 1. The promises here referred to are
the Spirit of God, his eloquence almost persuaded wrongs that may be lying in our bosoms. It those mentioned in the last three verses of the pre-
and caused to tremble the idolatrous and wicked has been truthfully said, " Conscience is a crea-ceding chapter, to which this verse clearly belongs.
kings who listened to him. ture of education." Then why is it not also true Having these promises extended to us, but being
It was the blessing of God that made the that men can train and educate their disposi- unable to partake of them while we willfully do
" mites " of the poor widow actually more than tions ? Solomon expressed a rich truth when he wrong, the exhortation based upon them that we
the " much " that the rich cast in. It was the said, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."cleanse ourselves from all outward sin and from
humility of the publican that permitted him to If a man's thoughts are what make his disposi- every secret impurity, should reach us with great
go down to his house " justified." tion, then in order to change the disposition we force. Perfecting holiness.—" Striving to bring
The question still confronts us, Is it talent need only to change our course of thinking. our holiness to completion, seeking entire con-
that is .wanted ? What saith the answer of God formity to the law of God."—Bloomfield. "The
"But," says one, " I cannot control my thoughts."
means of accomplishing this are, 1. Resisting and
to us ?—" Not by might or by power, but by my We simply reply, We do not expect you to quit avoiding sin. 2. Setting the fear of God before
Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts." Ah! dear friends, thinking ; we do not expect " the thoughts to our eyes, that we may dread his displeasure."—
the Lord's work can go on and prosper without perish " as long as you retain life and health. Clarke. The fear of God is the foundation of all
our talent; but we cannot contend successfully Just so long as you retain your strength of religion, and there is no holiness without it.
for one hour " against principalities, against mind, you can lead it in a right channel of Just at this point a brief survey of Paul's expe
powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this thought. I never knew a man of honor to act Hence after writing his first epistle to the Corinth-
world, against spiritual wickedness in high differently from what he thought. Men gener- ians will greatly assist in understanding the pres-
places," without his Spirit. " Except the Lord ally act and speak as they think. Then if we ent lesson. It will be remembered that the first
build the house, they labor in vain that build it ; think right, there will be no danger but that we epistle was written from Ephesus. At that time
except the Lord keep the city, the watchman wak- will act and speak right ; hence the necessity ofPaul intended to visit Macedonia (after tarrying at
eth but in vain." controlling the thoughts. The very fact that Ephesus until Pentecost. 1 Cor. 16 : 8), and thence
Where are those who will consecrate them- men can educate themselves to follow almost pass to Corinth, where he gave the brethren some
selves wholly to him? heed his command," Go work assurance that he would spend the winter. 1 Cor.
any vocation of life, is evidence that they can 16 : 5, 6. This intended visit, Paul did not make ;
to-day in my vineyard " ? believe his promise, guard their course of thought. We expect un-
" whatsoever is right ye shall receive " ? and seek but he refers to it again in his second epistle
converted men to follow the course of this world.(2 Cor. 1 : 15, 16) ; and, defending himself against
earnestly to be imbued with this Spirit, while Eph. 2 :2. And just as soon as men become con-
they go forth with weeping, bearing precious the charge of fickleness in thus changing his mind
verted to Christ they change their relation to (ver. 17-22), he gives some reasons for not visiting
seed, that they may at last come again with re- the world, and this is done by " the renewing of them at that time. Ch. 1 : 23 and 2 : 1, 2. Mean-
joicing, bringing their sheaves with them ? the mind." Rom. 12:2. while, it appears that Titus had been sent to Cor-
Battle Creek, Dec. 5. inth (either with the first epistle, or shortly after
Satan is considered a king of this present
world, and Jesus as a king of the saints. We that epistle had been written) upon a mission con-
are all invited to accept king Jesus. But before nected with the great collection going on for the
we accept him, we are regarded as belonging to Hebrew Christians at Jerusalem. 1 Cor. 16 : 1-3,
BY MRS. VIOLA. FISH. He was then to return and report concerning the
Satan's kingdom, into whose kingdom we are conduct of the Corinthian church, and especially
A VERY brief space of time has of ten decided really born, and hence the necessity of publicly as to the effect of his recent epistle upon them.
the destinies of nations ; so it is with our lives. avowing our allegiance to Christ. V We are then Passing on to Troas (ch. 2 : 12), Paul expected to
There comes a time in every one's life when subjects of his kingdom. Although the Jews re- find there Titus, and to learn the state of his breth-
there rises up vividly before them the right way jected him, it did not take from him the at Corinth. Disappointed at not meeting Ti-
and the wrong. The right, is usually paved They had not the power to dispossess him ; he is tus, he seems "to have suffered all the sickness of
with difficulties and sacrifices, rough places, and nevertheless the king, and now holds out his hope deferred." " My spirit had no rest, because I
every evil imagination that Satan can bring for- arms to us. After accepting his invitation we found not Titus, my brother." Ch 2 : 13. In this
ward to discourage those whom he would de- must be loyal subjects to our king. If we prove state of mind Paul leaves Troas, and goes to Mace-
ceive. The wrong way is gilded with pleasures, rebellious or traitorous, we forfeit our right todonia (ver. 13), probably stopping some time at
and seems to present no difficulties ; all seems the protection of the kingdom, and should not Philippi. From this place, ancient tradition says,
pleasant and fair sailing ; but how is it when they be surprised if we are expelled from its lim- he wrote the second epistle, and all the circum-
its. Paul, in speaking of our union with Christ, stances confirm the belief. See also " Sketches
advance ? Every step in the right direction from the Life of Paul," p. 175. Here his anguish
brings peace and satisfaction, and lifts the per- represents us as being married to him ; and as
of mind continued (chap. 7 : 5) until the Lord com-
son higher and higher toward a plane of good- soon as we have lawfully and publicly expressed forted him by the "coming of Titus" (ver. 6), who
ness, purity, and holiness. Every step in the our intention, we have changed our relation to brought from the Corinthians a much more favora-
wrong way brings remorse, pain, and sorrow, and the world, and- are expected to conduct our- ble report than Paul had even dared to expect.
leads downward, step by step, to ruin and de- selves quite differently than before marriage, Ver. 7. " The Apostle's letter had been well re-
struction. The right path will lead to life eter- and that in every sense we will be true to our ceived ; it bad produced the intended effects ;
nal, to a home in the earth made new, where no companion. Jesus being our companion, we must spirit of repentance had fallen upon the church ;
sorrow can ever come, no sickness or death ; walk worthy of him, and be true in every par- they had applied themselves vigorously to the cor-
and where God himself shall wipe away all tears ticular. When we become thus connected with rection of abuses ; the love which they bore to their
from our eyes. Jesus and join hands with the world, we are re- spiritual father had revived with additional strength.
Reader, are you in the right path ? If not, turn garded as standing spiritually in adultery. Rom. 'Now, thanks be unto God, who always causeth us
ye ! turn ye ! for why will ye die. A loving 7 ; James 4 :4. to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the
Saviour stands ready to receive you. He suf- Christ became our example that we should savor of his knowledge by us in every place.'
walk as he walked. We are taught that " when Great is my glorying of you ; I am filled with
fered persecution, shame, anguish, and death, that comfort, I am exceeding joyful in all our tribula-
you through his blood might have eternal life. he shall appear, we shall be like him." This be-
tion.' "—.211eCrie's Sermons.
ing true, it becomes us to assimilate to the char-
He invites you to come to-day. He is pleading
with you now; he longs to own and bless you. acter of Christ. This will bring 'upon us a Ver. 5. Without, fightings.—" With the oppos-
thorough change. Instead of our minds being ers of the gospel." Within, fears.—" Lest the false
Now is the day of salvation ; now is the ac- apostles should have perverted you from the sim-
cepted time ; make haste to obey his call. He placed upon earthly treasures, they are lifted to
plicity which is in Christ."— Whitby.
says, " Behold, I stand at the door and knock ; if the riches of the kingdom of Christ. We are
changed into the image of Christ by beholding Ver. 7. Consolation wherewith, etc.—" But also
any man hear my voice, and open the door, I by the comfort and encouragement with which he
will come in to him, and will sup with him, and him, or studying his life. 2 Cor. 3 :18. In so do-
was comforted, or encouraged, with respect to you."
he with me." ing, we find him humble, meek, devoted, and —Bloomfield.
Coldwater, Mich. prayerful, and teaching that we should be the
Ver. 11. In all things.—" In the whole of your
same. Matt. 18 :1, 4. As we near the coming of conduct in this affair since ye have received my
—There are some great troubles that only Christ, we are more and more under the neces- letter."—Clairke. Clear.—" Not void of blame in
time can heal, and perhaps some that can never sity of guarding our thoughts. " What manner the fact, but clear of all blame in their efforts to re-
be healed at all ; but all can be helped by the of persons ought we to be in all holy conversa- move the evil. They had done all they could do
great panacea—work. When grief sits down, tion and godliness !" 2 Pet. 3 : 11, 12. to rectify the abuses that had crept in among them.
folds its hands, and mournfully feeds upon its Bassiaville, Ind., Dec. 3. —Clarke. This matter.—" In the affair of the in-
own tears, weaving the dim shadows that a little cestuous person."—Koomfie/d.
exertion might sweep away into a funeral pall, —A child of God should be a visible beatitude Ch. 8 : 1. Do you to wit.—“ Make known to you.'
the strong spirit is shorn of its might, and sor- for joy and happiness, and a living doxology for —Rev. Ver. The former mode of expression is
row becomes our master, gratitude and adoration.—Spwrgeon, now obsolete.
790 THE REVIEW AHD HERALD. "[Vol,. 60, No. 50.

Ver. 7. In faith.—" Crediting the whole tes- Jenks. So may we be conquered by Christ; so may ANNUAL MEETING OF THE N. E. T. AND M. SOCIETY.
timony of God " ; utterance, literally, word or doc- our thoughts be led into captivity by him.
trine ; knowledge, " of God's will " ; diligence, " to Chap. 11 : 1. Duty to himself and to the cause THE thirteenth annual session of the New
amend all that is wrong among you, and to do what compels Paul to commend himself in contrast with England Tract Society was held according to
is right."—Clarke. Abound in this grace.—" Be as the false teachers who had led them astray. This appointment at South Lancaster, Mass., Nov. 23
eminent for your charitable disposition as ye are he' does with consummate wisdom and delicacy. to Dec. 3.
for your faith, doctrine, knowledge, diligence, and Call it folly if you will ; yet bear with me while I The first meeting was called to order by the
love."—Clarke. explain the reasons of my zeal. President, Nov. 25, at 6. P. M. Prayer by Eld.
Ver. 9. Paul has been exhorting the Corinthians Ver. 2. In the figure of a marriage here intro- Goodrich. The reading of the minutes of the last
to cheerful liberality ; and he now hastens to as- duced, Christ is the bridegroom ; the church, the annual meeting was waived, and the summary of
sure them in ver. 8, that he does not command bride ; while Paul seems to consider himself in the the workings of the Society for the past year was
them to do this, but that he simply takes occasion position of one who selects the bride, and presents given. The present number of members is 386,
from the forwardness of the Philippians to recom- her in purity to the bridegroom. Paul's jealousy seventeen of whom have been added during the
mend them to follow their good example. He, does occurs when he sees their affections in danger of year ; 758 reports have been returned, and 3,333
not presume to dictate, but only to advise. Ver. being taken from Christ and placed upon false letters written ; 4,118 families have been visited,
10. At the same time he introduces a motive teachers. "The presentation refers to the period an increase over the previous year of 2,219, and
which must prove effectual with all in whom grati- of the second advent, when the union of the church 50,457 periodicals sent out. The Signs in clubs
tude is not dead. Our dear Saviour forsook the with Christ will be completely realized, the mar- have averaged over 1,000 copies during the year,
riches of heaven, took upon himself the form of a riage supper of the Lamb."—Lange. reaching 1,697 the past quarter. Subscriptions
servant, trod with sorrow our sin-cursed earth, hav- Ver. 3. As Eve was deceived by the serpent, so to the number of 2,182 have been secured for
ing no place to lay his head, was cruelly pierced they are in danger of being deceived by the false our various periodicals, and 707,541 pages of
upon the cross,—all, that we might have the riches apostle. "This is a clear assertion of the reality reading matter distributed. There were 1691
of eternal life. The basest ingratitude is alone suf- of the appearance of Satan in the form of a serpent subscribers obtained and 411,547 pages of reading
ficient to withhold means when his precious cause to Eve in Paradise."— Wadsworth. " And we may matter sent out more than during the previous
add that we have the apostle's sanction to the his- year. As many as 500 vessels have been visited
is in need.
Ver. 12. This verse contains a valuable lesson. torical nature and accuracy of the history in Gen. and furnished with reading matter, and 90 public
The worth of our gift as measured by Heaven con- 3 : 1, and onward."—Lange. libraries have accepted 800 of our boo ks. A com-
sists not in its greatness, but in the willingness pany of twenty-two persons, mostly heads of
with which it is given. The rich may not take families, have embraced the truth in North Car-
credit to themselves because they give much.
Have they given well ? If so, the Lord accepts ;
Our Tract Sccietio olina by reading publications sent out from this
Society and by correspondence. They are fully
otherwise, their gift of thousands is despised. Nor "And he said unto theta, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel established upon the different points of our faith,
to every creature."—Mark. 16 15. hold their regular meetings and Sabbath-school,
should the poor withhold from giving because they
can give but little. The widows mite was more have a club of twenty copies of the Signs for
WITHHOLD 160T. missionary work, and Instructors for their Sabbath-
than all the gold cast into the treasury by the rich.
school. They have never seen a Sabbath-keeper
Chap. 9 :1. Superfluous for me to write.—" I WrrrmoLn it not, though e'er so small,
outside of their own company.
need not enlarge, having already said enough."— The gift thou wouldst bestow;
Mayhap a harvest hundred fold The work to be accomplished was presented by
Clarke. Ministering to the saints.—The collection Shall spring from each we sow. calling attention to the fact that while the Con-
for the poor saints at Jerusalem. See Acts 11 : 29 ; ference is one of the smallest in territory it ranks
Horn. 15 : 26 ; 1 Cor. 16 : 1. Withhold it not, though but a smile,
as third in population, containing more than
Ver. 2. Forwardness of mind.—Their readiness 'Twill plant a seed of cheer
In hearts of such as tire or faint, a score of cities of over 20,000 inhabitants each.
to contribute to the support of the poor and suffer- And make their way less drear. To all these the message of warning must be
ing saints. They had begun their collection a year given. To accomplish this work will require
before. ,lee Ch. 8 : 10. Achaia.—The whole of Withhold it not, if but a word;
More fitly spoken word, broader plans and advance moves, and it is only
the peninsula of Morea was anciently called A chaia, Than golden fruit in silver dish, by adopting these measures that the church can
of which Corinth was the capital. While laboring Will grace the festal board. maintain spiritual life. Those who cease to take
in Macedonia, Paul had been wont to speak of the advance steps will quickly backslide, but those
liberality of the churches in Achaia, and had thus Withhold not, then, such comfort crumbs
As load thy daily board; who venture their all and reach forward to go
provoked many to follow their example. The sparrow's fall and raven's cry beyond their present ability to labor in the work
Ver. 6-8. "It is an important maxim, that be Are noted by thy Lord. of God, will realize his help in a special manner.
who soweth sparingly, shall reap also sparingly ; —Missionary Reporter.
Laborers must be educated who can connect
and he that soweth bountifully, shall reap also Bible-readings with the colporter work, and this
bountifully.' God will bestow rewards proportiona- NEW ENGLAND T. AND. M SOCIETY. cannot be done successfully without instruction.
ble to what is given, and to the temper from which There should be a training-school for the workers
it proceeds. With this hint, I leave it to every one Report for Quarter Ending Sept. SO, 1883. in the cause of God. A brief history of the
to judge for himself what he shall give, and how school in this place was then given, which clearly
much seed he shall throw into this grateful and No. of members, 386
" reports returned, 194 showed that the hand of God has been leading out
fruitful soil. Whatever it may be, more or less, " members added,. 2 in this work, that his providence has been over its
let it be given with a good will, and a good grace : " missionary visits, 2,131 interest and that his blessing has attended it thus
every man as he chooseth in his own heart, not as " letters written, 487 far.
proceedeth from grief or necessity,' as if he were " Signs taken in clubs, 1,697
44 " subscriptions obtained for periodicals, 1,261 The following committees were appointed by
sorry to part with his money, and were laid under " pages tracts and pamphlets distributed, 389,726 the Chair : On Resolutions, Bids. D. A. Robinson,
a kind of constraint to do it : for God loveth a " " periodicals distributed, 19,841 A. S. Hutchins, and J. B. Goodrich ; on Nom-
cheerful giver,' and nothing that is contributed can Received on membership and donations, $80.06; on sales, inations, C. W. Comings, H. A. Weston, and J.
possibly be acceptable to him without that truly $1,014.64; on periodicals, $725.33: R. Israel.
liberal disposition. And lest you should fear that MRS. E. T. PALMER, See.
SECOND MEETING, Nov. 28, AT 2 : 30 P. M.--Prayer
your charity should bring you into wants and by Eld. Hutchins. The report of the Treasurer
straits, I entreat you to consider that God is able ILLINOIS T. AND M. SOCIETY. was given, and by a comparison with that of the
to make all grace' and bounty of every kind to previous year it was shown that the business
abound toward you,' so that all your liberality shall Report for Quarter Ending Sept. 30, 1888.
of the Society had more than doubled.
accrue to your advantage, and you shall be sup- The Committee on Resolutions then presented
plied with abundant matter for future charity ; 'that No.
44 of members, 383
" reports returned, 148 the following :—
having always all sufficiency in all things, ye may' " missionary visits, 725
, go on with new enlargement and vigor of generous " letters written,
Resolved, That we express anew our unshaken confidence
iresolution, to abound to every good work,' with- " Signs taken inclubs, 265
in the tract and missionary work, and that with renewed
energy and consecrated zeal, we will devote ourselves
out finding your circumstances straightened."— " new subscribers obtained, 144
as far as possible to pushing it forward until the near
iDoddridge's Paraphrase. " pages tracts and pamphlets distributed, 31,090
" periodicals distributed, 6,921 approaching end shall come.
Chap. 10 : 5, 6. " All the terms in these two verses " annuals . " 125 Whereas, Experience shows that the Signs canvass,
are military. Allusion is made to a strongly forti- Received on membership and donations, $29.07; on sales, when properly conducted and the work followed by
fied city when the enemy bad made his last stand, $107.47; on periodicals, $164,87; on other funds, $215.43. frequent visits, is one of the beat methods of preparing
entrenching himself about the walls, strengthening L S. CAMPBELL, See. the way for tent-work ; therefore—
all his ramparts, raising castles, towers, and various Resolved, That we recommend that this kind of labor
engines of defense and offense upon the walls and TEXAS T. AND M. SOCIETY. should precede our efforts in new fields.
neglecting nothing that might tend to render his Whereas, The sale of our works by canvassers is one of
stronghold impregnable. The army of God comes Report for Quarter Ending Sept. 30, 1883. the most efi
cient means of diffusing the light of present
truth ; and—
against the place and attacks it; the strongholds, No of members,. 118 Whereas, The various canvassing works now in the
all the fortified places, are carried. The imagina- " " reports returned, 67 field offer profitable employment to persons of different
tions, engines, and whatever the imagination or " members added, 1 ability and in varied circumstances ; therefore--
44 44 dismissed,
skill of man could raise, are speedily taken and des- if
4 Resolved, That we urge those who can to devote their
troyed. 'Every high thing,' all the castles and tow- " missionary visits, 273 entire time and energies to this work, and others, to
" letters written, 59
ers, are sapped, thrown down, and demolished ; the " Signs taken in clubs, 34
do all they can in their varied circumstances in placing
walls are battered into breaches ; and the besieg- CC
" subscribers obtained for periodicals, 13
before the people such works as " Thoughts on Daniel
ing army, carrying everything at the point of the " pages tracts and pamphlets distributed, 15,872 and the Revelation," "The Coming Conflict," "The
if " periodicals distributed, 705 Way of Life," and our various periodicals.
sword, enter the city, storm and take the citadel.
Everywhere defeated, the conquered submit, and
" annuals distributed, 28 Whereas, There are many earnest and willing workers
Received on membership and donations, $15.55 ; on sales, who have not sufficient experience to handle our larger
are brought into captivity, are led away captives; $4.40 , on periodicals, $58.51 ; on reserve fund, $5.00. works ; arid—
and thus the whole government is destroyed."— KIT= M. STEVENS, See, Whereas, The publication of " Sunshine at Home " for
the holiday trade offers a most favorable opportunity for These resolutions, especially those relating to Well, we call him, " Me Signs of the Times." His
such to gain a successful experience • therefore— missions, called forth remarks from the President head quarters are at Oakland, Cal., from which
Resolved, That we recommend such workers to canvass and others present. The establishment of missions place be is ready to visit your friends whom
their neighborhoods before Christmas with " Sunshine at
at Home)" " Sabbath Readings " and Youth's Instructor,
in our cities had previously been considered by you may be anxious to have enlightened in
and then re-canvass after New Year's with "The Way of the General Conference Committee, and it was regard to the truth ; providing you will encour-
Life " and Signs of the Times. recommended that the N. E. Conference take age him by giving to the librarian of your church
Whereas, We believe the tract and missionary organi- immediate steps in this direction. The presence tract society $1.60, who will immediately order •
zation has had much to do in preserving our identity as and labors of Sr. White, and also of W. C. White him to visit your friend's house weekly one year,.
a people in this Conference during the great dearth of and Elds. Hutchins and Goodrich, added greatly and you may be assured that he will do so, mini
ministerial aid ; and— to the interest of the meetings, and were appre- or shine.
Whereas, Our school is already proving itself an ciated by the N. E. Society. The writer visited a reading-room at Indianalps-
efficient means of fitting individuals to work in the cause,
some already occupying positions of trust and responsi- TREASURER'S REPORT. olis, Ind., Nov 28, to become acquainted and rib
bility not only in this Conference but also in Maine and Cash on hand at beginning of year,
missionary work, and in so doing introduced ithe
$ 755.62
Vermont ; therefore— Rec'd on tract fund, 3107.42 above-named minister. The proprietor, on look-
Resolved, That we recognize in this enterprise the " " periodicals, 2262.71 ing at his finely marked face, said pleasantly,
opening providence of God, and through this medium, Raised to meet general expense, 480.17 " We are receiving that paper, and I wish I knew
with God's blessing, we may confidently expect efficient who sent it ; I would thank him." He continued,
help in these destitute fields. Total, $6605.92 "As I went to do missionary labor this morning
Whereas, The South Lancaster School has already con- Paid REVIEW AND HERALD, $2375.00
tinued with its present temporary arrangements longer " Pacific Press, 1905.22 I took several copies with me, and gave to parties
than should have been under such circumstances ; and— " for other publications, 1103.71 who I thought would read." May the Lord
Whereas, We believe its future prosperity depends " merchandise, 488.44 bless the one who encouraged "our minister" to
very much on different accommodations from what we now
" freight and express, 141.45 to visit that reading-room ; and I have fully re-
" postage, 211.02
have ; therefore— I
" incidentals, 30.78 solved that his visits shall not cease.
Resolved, That we advise the trustees to proceed at Reader, will you encourage this true minister
once to the purchase of land and the erection of such 'rote, $6255.62 to visit some home or reading-room during the
buildings as in their judgment the necessities of our Balance on hand, $ 350.30 coming year? S. H. LANE,
school demand. Due from agents• and societies, 714.03
Resolved, That the School Board be instructed to open " on periodicals from districts, 682.69
a stock book for the reception of shares, and that we (
recommend the raising of $25,000 for the school en- Stock on, hand, 2350.56
Resolved, That immediate steps be taken toward the Total assets, $4447.04
ehoice Selectiort),
erection of suitable buildings and the furnishing of such Society owes REVIEW AND HERALD, $1284,92
facilities as are greatly needed by the South Lancaster " Pacific Press, 465.64
School. " " on Vermont reserve fund, 287.80 THE HEART OF THE YEAR.
Resolved, That we hereby invite all our brethren and WHITE lay the world in her burial web;
sisters throughout the Conference to take shares in the Total liabilities, $2038.36
Deep in December her life was at ebb;
South Lancaster Academy. Gray with great clouds, all the air-height was dim;
Whereas, The plan of Bible-reading is proving to be a Balance in favor of Society Nov. 1, 1883, $2408.68
S. N. HASKELL, Pres. Frost-fingers, cruel and stealthy and slim,
very successful method of introducing the truth into FrazA. T. Pataanu, ;See. Stiffened and sheathed every briar and stem,
families in connection with our canvassing and colporter Breaths of slow death-wind detaining on them.
work ; therefore—
Resolved, That we recommend that this plan be intro- OIIIi ABLE MINISTER. Heavy tree-branches swayed upward and fell,
duced into our school, and thus present opportunities Moved like the swing of a funeral bell.
for those desiring to do so to prepare themselves to en- Where were the toss and the shimmer of June, ,
I DESIRE to speak of the above-mentioned min- Glory of green that had vanished so soon,
gage in the near future in the work of God. ister in a personal. manner, so that our people and Bird-song and bloom? I outquestioned with tear: •
These resolutions were considered separately, his friends generally will encourage him in his "Heart of winter! oh, art thou the heart of_tbie year?'"
and all were adopted. A motion was made to field of labor more in the future than in the past. Hush of the snow and dull moan of the treas..—
adjourn this meeting, when a call was made for I write of him freely, and shall use some terms of Durance of all—was there answer in these,?'
subscriptions in behalf of the school, and several praise in his favor, on account of being so well Durance! That said it. The things that endure—
thousand dollars were pledged at once, thus show- acquainted with his Christian graces that I know Bear, and wait on—are the things that are sure!
ing the interest which is taken in this enterprise ; he will not become exalted, as he never gets lifted Not in the shroud, or the pall. or the tear—
and before the meeting closed $12,546 was sub- up because of commendation, or cast down through Deep in the life, is the heart of the year!
scribed. censure. Down where the pain and the shrinking can beg,
THIRD MEETING, Nov. 30, 2 : 30 r. m.—The usual He has been laboring in our Conference for Buds the great summer, for earth and for me.
opening exercises wore followed by the report of several years. His labors have been of a self- Down at the quick it must gather awhile,—
the Nominating Committee, who recommended Grow to the fullness,—for blossom and smile
sacrificing nature. He has never found fault with Where the hope hides, under hindrance and lossi.
for President, S. N. Haskell ; Vice-president, the little encouragement he has received from us. Lies the heart-meaning, the sign of the cross!
D. A. Robinson ; Secretary and Treasurer, Eliza He has never sent in a bill against the Conference
T. Palmer ; Assistant Secretary, Carrie M. Mace. to be settled by the auditing committee, notwith- Now it is June; and the secret is told;
Flashed from the buttercup's glory of gold,
For Directors, Dist. No. 1, J. C. Tucker, Kingston, standing his converts to the truth have quite Hummed in the bumblebee's gladness, and sung
R. I. ; No. 2, M, Wood, Worcester, Mass. • No. 3, often replenished our treasury with means, and New from each bough where a bird's-nest is swung;
F. W. Mace • No. 4, Solon Farnsworth, Washing- have donated to purchase tents for other min- Breathed from the clover-beds when the winds pass,
ton, N. H. ; No. 5, It L. Warner; No. 6, C. S. Dick- isters to preach in. Those who embrace the Chirped in small psalms through the aisles of the grass..
enson, Holyoke, Mass. ; No. 7, J. R. Israel ; No. 8, truth under his labors seem innocent of that Beauty of roses, the lavish sweet light,
W. J. Boynton. This report was accepted, and spirit which cause some to say, "I am of Paul, Splendor of trees, rearing up the blue bight,
the individuals named were elected to their re- and I of Apollos, and I of Cephas." They are Smell of the strawberry, balsam of pine,
spective offices. ready and anxious to listen to any accredited Bliss of the brook, and this rapture of mine!
The following resolutions, which were pre- Seventh-day Adventist minister, and when they Tell they not all, now their heyday is here,
Heart of the summer is heart of the year?
sented by the Committee at this meeting, were hear the truth they often exclaim, with an anim-
adopted by the Society :— ation glowing in the countenances which does Billowing forest, and balm-bearing breeze,—
one good, " Why that is just as I learned it." Outcome of life,—lies the answer in these?
Whereas, We believe our canvassers and colporters can -Waiting, fulfilling, holds neither the whole;
do better work, and with less expense, where two or I am now laboring in a new field. A Seventh- Greater the gospel than joyance or dole;
more go together ; therefore— day Adventist minister has never preached in the Whether His snows or His roses befall,
Resolved, That we recommend that as far as practica- county before. 1 have a large M. E. meeting- Heart of the Father is heart of it all!
ble such a course be pursued ; and we further recommend house in which to labor. Commenced meetings —The Centitry.-,
and urge all our canvassers to report weekly to our State Thursday night, Nov. 29. After the discourse,
Secretary. a gentleman and his wife invited me to their —If we could understand our own weakness, .
Whereas, We believe the principles of health and true
temperance are of great importance ; and— home. As I was engaged for the night, I stated and see the sharp points in our character which
Whereas, The journal entitled Good Health is an able to them that I would gladly visit them the next need repressing, we would see so much to do for
and earnest exponent of these principles, the subscription night, if agreeable. They were the first ones to ourselves that we would humble our hearts under
price of which is but a trifle ; therefore— meeting the next evening. I shared the hospital- the mighty hand of God. Hanging our helpless
Resolved, That we urge upon every family of our peo- ities of their home, and as we bowed in prayer souls upon Christ, we should supplement our ig-
ple in this Conference the importance of having the night and morning, I felt that I had found a home
monthly visits of this journal, and that they secure the norance with his wisdom, our weakness with his
in my new field. Sabbath morning, as I sat down
same at their earliest opportunity. strength, our frailty with his enduring might,
Whereas, We believe the time has come when a mis- to read, the lady soon joined me, intently read-
ing " Spirit of Prophecy," Vol. 2, which had been and, connected with God, we would indeed be,
sion should be opened in the city of Boston; and— lights in the world.—Mrs. E. G. White.
Whereas, There is not at present the person who can loaned to her by one of our missionary workers.
take charge of such an enterprise ; therefore— As soon as opportunity presented itself, I intro-
Resolved, That we recommend the Conference Com- duced the subject of present truth, as I had done —Cloudy days are many ; bright days are,
mittee to select some one who can labor in connection the night before. I soon learned that she was
with Bro. Boynton in New York City, and thus gain an few. We must catch each ray of sunlight as it
quite well informed in many points of our faith,
experience in the work during the coming winter. comes, The clouds gather, and as they roll, they
Resolved, That we recommend the Conference Com- and when questioned in regard to the Sabbath, she
stated that she was convinced that the seventh hide the distant shores from our sight. The
mittee to take the matter under advisement, and open a clouds that hide our future never lift. Blessed
mission in the above-named city just as soon as they in day is the only Bible Sabbath, and that she had
their judgment deem advisable. commenced to observe it. 1 asked her how she shadow! Who would wish to see one step along
It was also moved and carried that the resolu- became enlightened and convinced in regard to the way ? An unseen hand will guide us safely
lution of the General Conference relative to inter- the subject, and was surprised to learn that it to the other side, if we take firm hold, and cast,
change of labor between the Vermont and N. E. was through the labor of " our able minister." our care on Him. It is better to trust than to
Conferences be carried out. Do you wonder who that minister can be ? see,
792 THE REVIEW AND HERALD. 8[VoL. 60, No. 50.

tinel were distributed in the city of Cleveland and return to their first ardent love for the cause.
The Reriew• and iferald. at the Convention. This was a broad sowing of
the truth for that place. Some effects were ap-
Eld. Rosqvist has come over from Sweden and
is already laboring with encouraging results
"Sanctify them thrc ugh Thy Truth Thy Word is Truth." parent immediately. We expect more wide- among the Swedes in the West. We hope for the
spread results in the future. God is hastening best results. The Swedish cause has passed
BATTLE CREEK, MICH., DK. 18, 1883. the day of his great work in the earth. Let us through a great crisis. It has been most dis-
also hasten it by preparing ourselves thereunto. couraging to consider the ruin in many places
wrought by those who ought to have been the
SABBATH, DECEMBER 15. friends of the cause. But having at last killed
off their own influence, we now hope for better
VISIT TO OHIO. Two discourses were given in the Tabernacle this day. days. Every good cause has to have its baptism
In the forenoon we spoke, not on the " Eastern," but
SABBATH and Sunday, Dec. 8 and 9, we spent on the Western, Question, namely, the religio-political of sorrow. Then the experience gained compen-
with the church in Clyde, Ohio. Quite a number course this nation is to pursue according to prophecy, sates for the sadness experienced, and the good
of leading brethren were present from different dwelling particularly upon the Sunday movement now work prospers as never before. We could pre-
parts of the State, and the meeting was a most becoming so prominent, and the impressions received, sent many illustrations of this principle. We ex-
excellent one. Eld. D. H. Lamson accompanied and the indications manifested, at the recent Cleveland pect this result in the Swedish work.
us from 'Hillsdale, Mich., and spoke twice to the convention of the National Reform Association. Believing the time has now come to work with
edification and comfort of the brethren. His help At the conclusion of the service five were baptized by success for the cause among the Swedes, we are
was much appreciated by all. Eld. Butler, and united with the church ; and application anxious to do all in our power to assist in it. The
from another to unite with the church was subsequently
Sabbath afternoon Eld. H. A. St. John preached Harolden, our Swedish paper, has heretofore been
his farewell discourse, previous to his departure In the afternoon Sr. White spoke from Rev. 3: issued monthly, while the Danish paper, the Ti-
for the Pacific coast, It was not without deep 1-12. Her words were full of admonition, instruction, dende, has been issued twice as often. It has
feeling that the brethren, especially those who and encouragement. She spoke particularly of the im- been a source of sorrow to our Swedish brethren
had been associated with him in important posi- portance of strengthening the things which remain, and that they could not have a paper as often as their
tions in the Conference, contemplated a period of letting the enemy gain no, advantage over us. She re- Danish brethren. Not being as numerous as the
separation and the loss of his labors. One could viewed the past, showing where some who had once had Danes, the subscriptions have not been sufficient
hardly fail to be reminded that the same spirit the light had made fatal departures from the right way, to meet the expense of publishing the Hafrolden
still exists in some places which was so conspic- and pointing out the glorious outcome which awaits those hitherto. This reason has seemed to prevent its
who stand firm in the truth and work of God. The
uous in the days of the apostles. Acts 20 : 37. publication oftener. But we have hit upon a
events which may be expected to transpire in the polit-
Monday, the 10th, in company with Eld. L. ical and religious worlds were graphically depicted. Her plan which we trust will meet the wants of the
and several of the Ohio ministers, we took the words made a deep impression upon the people. Swedish cause, and give them a paper semi-
train for Cleveland, to be present at the conven- At 1 :25 the following night she took her departure monthly, and yet be of but little more expense.
tion of the National Reform Association, the 11th with the company for California. The church hopes to The General Conference voted to establish a new
and 12th. The convention was not large in point have the privilege of welcoming her return another season. paper in Sweden at once. This will be published
of numbers. Probably not over three hundred monthly also. We have arranged so that the
were in the hall at any one time ; and not all of THE PRESIDENT MUSTaXEEP SUNDAY BETTER. paper published there shall have the same name
these were delegates. There seemed to be no as the one here, and be issued at such a time as
A PARAGRAPH in the N. Y. Christian Advocate,
special effort to call out the masses ; probably to reach subscribers in this country half way be-
of Nov. 22, 1883, makes some suggestions from
from a feeling that the time has not yet come to teen the issue of the Harolden in America, thus
the standpoint of the church in regard to the next
work in that direction. But a remark dropped furnishing a paper once in two weeks. Subscrip-
presidential election. One of its remarks raises
privately by one of the members, that a certain tions here for both will be $1.00 per year. This
the query whether the matter of Sunday-keeping
obnoxious measure if carried through would lose
will not enter, as a prominent element, into the gives twice as many papers, at an increase of only
them a million votes, shows that they intend to one-fourth the expense. No doubt many who
coming presidential campaign. Of this we leave
reach and control the masses when the time have come to this country from Sweden will be
the reader to judge for himself as he peruses the
comes to strike. They are apparently laboring glad to have a paper half of the time from the
paragraph, which reads as follows :—
now to lay a foundation for a strong movement old country. This will cement the Swedish cause
in all parts of the country not far in the future. " The next presidential election is likely to be
throughout the world, and add much to the in-
'This is shown in the list of officers they have se- closely contested, and there are good reasons for terest in that branch of the work. We trust our
cured, among whom are over three hundred vice- believing that party attachments are not as strong Swedish friends will rally, and make one united
'presidents who are connected with the higher as they were five years ago. These conditions
effort to increase the subscription for this paper.
courts, doctors of divinity, bishops of churches, dictate to parties great care in the selection of GEO. I. BUTLER, Pres. Gen. Conf.
presidents of colleges, etc. Mrs. Woodbridge, candidates, and we take an early occasion to
president of the Ohio Woman's Christian Temper- claim for the Christian people of (the country HOW THE NUMBER OF OUR MINISTERS CAN BE
respect for their wishes as Christians in the matter INCREASED.
ance Union, was made one of the vice-presidents,
the more closely to link the temperance work of the personal character of candidates. They IT frequently becomes necessary for us to co-
with their own. Indeed, they claim that their do not want Presidents who drink and swear and operate with God in answering our own prayers.
reform, which is to so amend the Constitution of shun the house of God on Sunday. If there are The children of Israel desired bread in the wilder-
United States as to secure a recognition of the candidates who do such things, they would better ness and God gave it to them, at the same time
Bible as the source of all law, and of Jesus Christ be dropped at once. Christian people are not making it incumbent upon them to gather it, and
as the ruler of the nation, includes all other re- going to prescribe that a President shall belong prepare by baking or seething. They desired
forms ; and on the basis of this claim they are to any particular church, or to any church at all ; flesh, and he sent them quails ; but these quails
endeavoring to rope in and identify all reformers but they are more and more disposed to insist were neither dressed nor'prepared for the table
with their work as their natural allies and assis- that the President shall be decent in speech and through the process of cooking. Indeed, the peo-
tants. This once secured, and the influence of sober in his habits, and that he shall respect the ple were compelled to capture them while yet
great names, everywhere, also gained, they will Christian Sabbath. Another danger to which alive and upon the wing, and to prepare them for
be ready for a bold movement when the time parties are more and more exposed is the temp- food afterward. Again, when the toil-worn and
comes. tation to spend large sums of money to secure hungry disciples longed for food for themselves
The members of the convention were evidently success. We respectfully remind their leaders and families, the Saviour might have supplied
men of ability and education. Their speeches that a large number of voters have grown to their wants without requiring any effort on their
were a great success intellectually and rhetori- be suspicious of these increasing political expend- part. He did not do so, however. On the con-
cally ; but from a scriptural standpoint some of itures." trary, he directed them to cast their net on the
them were most astounding. Of these we have CHANGES IN THE SWEDISH PAPER. right side of the ship, and when it was filled by
not time to speak particularly in this paper, but the multitude of fishes, he allowed them to drag
purpose to speak of them fully hereafter. WE anticipate a great advance in the Swedish it to the shore and remove the fish therefrom at
We came out of the convention more than ever branch of the work in this country in the near the cost of much hard work.
confirmed in the correctness of our position ; more future. Influences which have greatly hindered As in temporal, so in spiritual things. It is
than ever assured that a great crisis is just before it since the apostasy of Chas. Lee, now seem to right to pray to God to advance the interest of
us ; and that these men have entered upon a line be reduced to their minimum. The effect of his his cause and glorify his own name through the
of action, the end of which they do not them- work is now manifest. We trust there are good, conversion of sinners. We need not expect,
selves foresee. honest-hearted people who were misled by him, nevertheless, that he will do this independently of
Over three thousand copies of The Sabbath, Sen- who may now be reached, and some we trust will human instrumentalities. You cannot cite a sin-
DEC. 18, 1883.7 THE REVIEW AND HERALD. 793
gle instance in which, during the last eighteen fore, to make a suggestion which 1 trust will he of very thankful to you for letting me know. Please
hundred years, a soul has been converted who service to you in this matter. Do you not remem- inform me as soon as convenient, and oblige,
ber that when Absalom sought to destroy his " Your brother in Christ,
does not owe that conversion either directly or in- « "
directly to the labor of some human being. The father David, the people would not allow the lat-
explanation of this state of things is found in the ter to go out to battle, assigning it as a reason
following passage : " How, then, shall they call that his life was worth more than ten thousand
on him in whom they have not believed? and how of theirs ? 2 Sam. 18 : 3. But why was this so ?
shall they believe in hjm of whom they have not Simply because David possessed talents and capa- SOUTH LANCASTER, MASS.
not heard? and how shall they hear without a bilities of a very high order, and could therefore THE meeting at South Lancaster commenced
preacher " Rom. 10 : 14. The Bible is the accomplish much more than any of them. Friday evening, Nov. 23, and continued ten days.
fountain of truth. From it the preacher obtains Just so in the cause of Christ. Some by nature It was one of unusual interest, and in many re-
his authority to offer free salvation to all believers. and grace conjoined are fitted for the work of the spects the most encouraging, and we trust profit-
But the truths of the Bible must be preached, ministry. Once in the field, they can accomplish able, meeting of the kind ever held in New Eng-
and ministers must be fitted up for their work and as much for the cause of Christ as one hundred land. The attendance from abroad was not as
supported therein. It takes many hands and ordinary men can do. To my certain knowledge, large as at some of our general meetings, although
much hard work to secure these ends. Perhaps there are scores of men who are not only quali- many of our leading brethren were present.
it is well that we cannot figure out just what the fied to preach the present truth, and are anxious Nearly all attended the morning meetings held at
salvation of each individual will cost in dollars and to do so, but who are prevented from doing so half past five. At most of these Sr. White was
cents. The revelation might have a tendency only by pecuniary necessities. They stand in present, at.d her testimony was never more ap-
to discourage those who have never meditated need of a few months' training at the College be- preciated than at these meetings. Many were
upon this phase of the subject. Take, if you fore they can enter upon their work to advantage. helped into the light who had previously been in
please, tent-meetings. They are held in the most Unfortunately they are poor, and not able to meet a discouraged state of mind.
favorable portion of the year, and are attended by the expense of board and tuition. Brethren, do Our missionary report showed more than twice
hundreds. Two ministers and a tent-master are you not recognize your opportunity ? If you wish the amount of labor performed than in any pre-
usually present under pay. If such a tent com- that others shall be saved, and that you may work vious year since the organization of the Tract
pany shall bring into the truth, on the average, to the best advantage, why not step right in here Society. We never saw a greater and more gen-
thirty persons each season, they will, judging and invest your means to the very best account eral interest to see the cause of truth move for-
from the past, do full as well as we have any rea- possible in the cause and work of God? Why ward than at this meeting.
son to expect. The actual cost of such a summer's not have from one to ten of those young men The missionary work and its relation to the
campaign cannot be less, all things considered, fitted up at your expense to go out with their school were considered, and there was a general
than three hundred dollars. It would be safe to sickle into the white harvest field to earn, as it feeling that one could not be successfully carried
conclude that not over one-half of the thirty men- were, wages to be paid to you en the other shore ? forward without the other. To secure immediate
tioned above will ever reach the city of God. Perhaps you have been praying for some time help in the cause of present truth, is the object of
Calculating on the basis of this estimate (which is that the Lord would open the way for you to do the school. It should be a missionary training-
more liberal than the facts will warrant), we per- something which would directly forward his work school, imparting such instruction as can be util-
ceive that the conversion of each of the remaining in the earth. If' so, be reminded again that we ized by colporters, canvassers, and missionaries, in
fifteen has required an outlay of twenty dollars. can many times answer our own prayers. the different phases of the work. The influences
When it is remembered that we have not taken Has God given you means ? Does he instruct which surround such a school should be of a high
into the account the enormous amount of labor you in his word to use it to his glory ? Then, moral character. The buildings, landscapes, and
which is expended upon men and women already surely, he has not left you ignorant as to how every surrounding should contribute to this end.
in the church, in order to keep them in the road this can be done. Manifestly, you are to search The teachers should have a living connection with
to heaven, it will be readily discovered that while for opportunities to do what you desire. This God, and their souls be inspired with the spirit of
heaven is very cheap, as some men phrase it, it you have been doing hitherto, and now they pre- our special work.
nevertheless costs a sum which is far from being sent themselves by scores. From many States The results of the school already apparent were
inconsiderable, even in dollars and cents, to secure we are constantly receiving letters from men mentioned, and were so very marked that all
the passage of a single individual through this whom a few hundred dollars would help to enter could see plainly that, although the circumstances
wicked world into that most desirable of all places. upon their duty as dispensers of God's word. were somewhat unfavorable in the lack of suitable
But, says one, your figures discourage me from Will you render them the needed aid? school buildings, etc., yet the prospering hand of
laboring for others. • In reply, let me ask you if' In order that you may see that we are not God had attended the efforts. Over a score have
you have a family ? If so, have you ever estimated drawing upon our imagination in this matter, and been converted to God, and twelve active laborers
the cost of rearing such a family ? Does it not that the men spoken of actually exist, and that are now in the field who were not such before en-
require hundreds of dollars, on the average, to they are intensely earnest, a copy of a letter from tering the school. These are among the results
bring each one of your children to a point where one of them is appended. of the first year's effort. It has struggled
he is capable of self-support ? Do you ever re- " DEAR BROTHER IN CHRIST : Although I do not through difficulties, but God has crowned with
gret the money thus expended? If not, why not? know you personally, yet I would like to write his blessing the efforts to overcome them. None
Do you answer that it is a great pleasure to you you this letter to get some information on the could take any glory to themselves. We could
to look upon your own offspring, and, besides, that following points. First I will state my case. only say, " This is the Lord's doing, and it is mar-
you anticipate that they will make you some re- "I am a young man twenty-three years of age, velous in our eyes."
a carpenter by trade. I have a wife and one
turn by and by for what you have done for them ? child. 1 have been in the faith three years and a The only question to be settled was, Shall the
I reply, There is no relationship in this world half, and at different times have been impressed school enterprise go forward and involve an ex-
which is nearer and dearer than that which exists very strongly that I should go out and labor in pense of twenty-five or thirty thousand dollars ?
between converted persons and those who have the cause, and especially since last spring. The Land would have to be purchased, a school build-
brought them into the truth. There is, therefore, longer I strive against the impression, the more ing, boarding house, and work-shops, immediately
dissatisfied I feel with myself. But now comes
no pleasure higher and purer than that which one the difficulty, and that is, 1. Can I, with the small erected. The brethren with one united testimony
experiences when looking upon those who have sum of money that I can get, go through a five said, We will go forward trusting in God to help
been brought into the church through his labors or six months' course of study at Battle Creek us. There was no urging for funds, but the sim-
and sacrifice. Furthermore, such an one will wit- College ? and 2. Will that short course of study be ple facts were stated, showing the necessity for
ness returns for such labors and sacrifice in the sufficient to prepare me to enter the ministry? an extra effort to be put forth if the enterprise is
I have a fair education, and think I can say I am
world to come. Every soul which we may be in- quite quick at learning. to be a success. Pledges commenced with sums
strumental in saving here will add to the crown "Now, I can leave my family provided for un- of $1,000. During the meeting two individuals
of our rejoicing a radiant star. But to come to til I can get back to them, that is, for six months, gave $2,000 each; three gave $1,000 each, one
the point which is before the mind of the writer and still have enough to pay my fare to Battle $700, one $600, and five $500 each, and then
of this article, i. e., the increase of the number of Creek, and have about forty dollars left. I can others gave smaller sums, so that the aggregate
take my tools with me, and if I get any time to
our ministers. work, and can get work, either at my trade or amount pledged at the meeting, to be paid in one
Doubtless many of my readers take great satis- anything else, I shall be glad to do it, so as to help year, was over $12,500, and over $4,000 of this
faction in seeing others saved, and no doubt they me out in paying for my tuition and books. I is available in a few weeks' time. Those who
are anxious for the reward of those who shall want to work in the cause if it is possible, and I gave did it understandingly. It should be re-
bring others to Christ. It is quite certain, also, see no other way to do it. I think it would be membered that the friends in New England
gaining time to go through a course of study, as
that while they are ready to invest their means you are prepared at the College to teach in the raised the past summer over $2,000 on foreign
in the cause of God, they are desirous of doing so shortest time that which is most necessary. If missions, and have ever done their proportion on
to the best advantage possible. .Permit pie, there- you think this pip) feasible and best, I would be every enterprise of general interest to the cause.
794 THE REVIEW AND HERALD, "[VOL., 60. No. 50
When the sum of $50,000 was raised to erect the as ministers, colporters, etc. Over $5,000 was accomplished, i. e., to make the nation acknowl-
College at Battle Creek, one-tenth of the entire pledged at the meeting. One brother pledged edge that " God is the sovereign of the universe,
sum was pledged at the camp-meeting held at $1,000, and five pledged $500 each, and it was and Jesus Christ, by the Father's appointment,
South Lancaster. There are no wealthy brethren confidently believed that there were as many the rightful ruler of the nations." It seems that
in this Conference ; indeed, we know of no person more in the State who were not present that in the above all-too-familiar phraseology they are
who is worth $10,000. We mention the above to would do the same, while the balance of the $10,- willing to pay to our Father in heaven and our
the praise of God, for it was by the influence 000 could be made up in sums of from $100 to dear Redeemer a compliment by voting the name
**of his Spirit that this was accomplished. We $300, thus leaving the smaller donations to supply of our God in the National Constitution and our-
would not forget to say that some not of this Con- their tract fund, which will always have a con- Saviour the author of all statutory law.
ference gave liberally to this enterprise. stant drain. The Rev. Dr. Merrick made the statement,
Tent-making has already been commenced in It was thought that as the Pennsylvania and which was greeted with great applause, that they
the school, and there will be a class in cobbling, New England Conferences sustained the same re- meant their work to crystalize in the form of law,,
and another in dress-making during the coming lation in the nature of their missionary work, and that the most potent form of law. Many
term. Before spring we expect, with God's bless- having the same connection with the ship mission, things were said in the convention that it would
ing, that there will be not less than five different that it would be well for them to unite in their not do to say to the masses who are already jeal-
kinds of useful employment represented. Within educational interests, as the disciplinary training ous of their personal liberty, as they are please&
forty-eight hours from the close of our meeting, and experience needed would be similar for the to term it. The time will soon come when the
a deed was taken for over twenty acres of the most workers in those fields. The spiritual interest masses will hear, and by the present policy will(
desirable land in the village, upon which to erect of the meeting was good. We never heard Sr. be leavened, so as to love to hear the things that
suitable buildings, and to be cultivated by the stu- White speak with greater clearness and power are now said to the few. There is not, however,,
dents, etc. than at this meeting. On Sunday at 3 P. M., she a single measure prepared by the National Reform,
On Thursday we had truly a day of thanksgiv- spoke by special invitation in the Baptist house. Party, or the Christian politician, that is not a,
ing to God. Instead of a day of feasting upon The house was crowded so that chairs were measure of right ; and the condition of things at,
pork, beef, fish, and fowl, not the smell of meat placed in the aisles and in every vacant spot to which they aim, and to which they hope to come,,
was in the camp. At the close of a Bible-reading accommodate the people. It is evident that God should be the desire of every Christian heart,
conducted by Eld. Corliss, on the subject of praise is turning the tide in favor of his people, and provided it can come in God's way and by his di-
and thanksgiving to God, twenty-seven gave opening the way for a more extensive promulga- rection. The one great trouble will be, not that
themselves to the Lord as a thank-offering, eight tion of present truth. Wisdom would say, Watch the Bible be taken as the rule of life for the na-
for the first time. Quite a proportion of the above- for every opening providence to correctly repre- tion as a moral person, or of individuals as moral
mentioned sum was pledged on that day. sent the truth before the people. persons, but that evangelical Christianity, as it
On Sabbath, Dec. 1, a goodly number again The brethren were much encouraged. We left is called, shall interpret the law and the Bible for
came forward, thus expressing a desire that the on Sunday night, about 12 o'clock, for Battle the State and for the individual.
brethren should pray for them. On Monday the Creek, while on Monday the brethren met to ar- If our government were a theocracy, and the
friends scattered to their homes greatly encour- range their labors for the winter campaign. Lord were king, if his will could be known and
aged. Many of the students went to canvassing When our brethren throughout the Held see the he should judge the cause by urim, by thummim,
either for the Signs of the Times, the " Way of importance of having a large tract depository in or by a prophet, then, indeed, would interpreta-
Life," " Sunshine at Home," or " Thoughts on order to extensively distribute our publications in tions be correct and judgment just. The Chris-
Daniel and the Revelation;" while some of the every part of their respective Conferences, and to tianity of to-day, with its different interpretations,
children took " Sunshine Series" and the Instructor. educate men to labor in the cause, availing them- is not logical ; how, then, can it be made infinite ?
Thus closed a successful general meeting for the selves of talent that God's providence brings " What is broader," exclaims the Rev. Dr.,
New England Conference. within their reach, we shall see one hundred times " than the view of a universal sovereign ? what
WELLSVILLE, N. Y. more accomplished than we now see. God works broader than infinite Christianity ?" This is to
December 12 we left South Lancaster for the according to our faith, and if we do not expect be brought about, we are taught to believe, by
general meeting of the Pennsylvania Conference much we shall not see much. Let larger plans be amending the National Constitution by inserting
which was held at Wellsville, N. Y. We arrived wisely laid. Let the responsibility of carrying the name of God in it, and electing only Christian
this work forward rest upon men who have means, men to office ; " for," says the speaker, " vote for
Friday morning. The meeting was already in
and there are hundreds whom God has made stew- none who will not accept this standard." The
progress, and much of the Spirit of God seemed
to be present in their midst. It was a larger ards of this world's goods who will be ready to most unbounded faith is expressed in the ultimate
gathering of the friends of this Conference than invest their thousands to carry on this work. success of the cause ; and, to more fully show the
had ever met before, except at their camp-meet- Very few men will cling to their farms and mer- fallacy of human Christian (! !) exegesis, it is
ings. Sr. White and Bro. W. C. White were chandise when they see that by using the same claimed that then the millennium is begun, and
present. This meeting was as encouraging in its in the cause, it will plant the truth in cities and that Rev. 11 : 15 is in process of quick fulfillment
nature as the one held in South Lancaster. Our places where it has never before entered. We when "the amendment" is carried, and Christian
brethren were anxious to see the cause advance. confidently look forward for a greater work to be usages are established upon an undeniably legal
They felt that the time had come when the lead- accomplished this coming year than many of us basis I D. H. LAMSON.
ing cities should be entered and labor begun, and have ever dreamed of in the past.
the attention of the people called to the truths The New England and Pennsylvania Confer-
which we profess. Philadelphia presents advan- ences took steps to secure men to go to New York
and labor in connection with that mission that
tages over any other city in Pennsylvania, as it IN a late report from Sweden a certain priest is
may be called a seaport city, and it has been they might gain an experience which might qual-
ify them to labor in the cities in their respective reported as saying that "there was nothing in
found that publications can be transported by the Bible to prove that Sunday had become the
water at a much cheaper rate than by any other Conferences. S. N. HASKELL.
means. In fact, thus far we have secured free Sabbath. It was a human ordinance, but the
transportation to nearly every nation of the globe IMPRESSIONS OF THE LATE NATIONAL REFORM Lord had been content with it so many hundred
that can be reached by water. Then, when men CONVENTION. years that he no doubt was pleased with it now."
are upon the water, away from the daily news, This is not a new thought. The Catholic " Cate-
which is received by those upon land, almost any This convention was entirely representative in chism of the Christian Religion," speaking of the
reading is acceptable to them. Thus in some re- its character, and is not to be regarded in any change by which " the church" has substituted
spects Pennsylvania, New York, New England, sense as a mass-meeting, or even a popular gath- Sunday for Saturday, says : " The uniform, uni-
and Maine, as well as those States on the Pacific versal, and perpetual tradition of all ages and na-
Coast, present advantages for missionary work ering of the friends of the cause of National Re- tions attests the antiquity of, and consequently
that no inland city can possess. And there are form. This is evident from the fact that no spe- the divine assent to, the change."
no Conferences that should feel more of the mis- cial effort was made even in Cleveland to insure a This suggests the question, How long must
sionary spirit than those that border upon the large attendance. men transgress a commandment of God, substitut-
sea-coast. It is a blessing to have the privilege of The pastors of churches came, but not their ing something else in its place, in order to get
opening missions in these cities which have a people. The Association is not yet ready to make the divine assent to the change? How long
direct connection by water with all portions of a popular demonstration. Only the hard workers must we substitute theft for honest dealing, and
the earth. were there ; and they were there, apparently, only falsehood for truth, ere the Lord will be pleased
Our ideas of the work have been altogether too to lay plans and devise means to make their work with it ?
limited. Our brethren in Pennsylvania felt that from their standpoint a glorious success. None, There were long periods of time in ancient
if they could raise a few hundred dollars to ena- in any cause, could be more sanguine than they Israel when they substituted their idols and the
ble them to erect ,a building in Wellsville as a de- were of the ultimate object to be gained. It was groves for the worship of the true God. Why
posit ary for our publications, it was all they could an assembly of representative men in the fullest did they not obtain the divine assent to the
expect. But when they came together and con- sense of the term. The most robust moral sense change? We do not learn that God ever became
sidered the magnitude of our work, and our near- and nature, the most exalted patriotism, the most pleased with it.
ness to the second coming of Christ, they felt that unbounded zeal and enthusiasm, the eloquence, God's law is declared by the pen of inspiration
their ideas were altogether too narrow, and that erudition, culture, position, and influence of the to be the truth. Ps. 119 : 142. " All thy com-
the time had come for them not only to lay church, the law, and the schools, gave this con- mandments are truth." Verse 151. The Sabbath
broader plans, but to make immediate provision vention a prescience that will make itself felt by commandment is one of them, and it reveals the
to carry out those plans. Accordingly they passed the nation at large. truth that the Seventh day is the Sabbath or rest-
a resolution, that instead of raising a few hundred The party have already gained the affections of day of God. That any other day of the week is
dollars, they would raise $10,000, open a mission what is esteemed heroic evangelicism far beyond the Lord's rest-day is false, for he rested on no
in Philadelphia, and increase their reserve fund so our fears, and equal to their hopes. The mem- other day of the seven. ow the question re•
that they could build a depository, and keep a bers do not seem to be in any burry, with all their solves itself to simply this : How many ages and
larger stock of publications on hand, also have a anxiety, to see their measures carry. They say generations must a lie be repeated to become the
fund of at least $2,000, to assist those who would they can afford to wkit God's time, and will pa- truth, and God be pleased with it ?
need assistance to engage in the missionary work tiently labor and never yield till their object is R. F. COTTRELL,
DEC. 18, 1883.1" THE REVIEW AHD HERALD, 795

ONLY. INDIANA. that I had the privilege of delivering thirteen

sermons in regard to present truth, and of selling
ONLY a word for the Master, EDEN.-1 began meetings in the M. E. church hundreds of pages of reading matter which con-
Lovingly, quietly said; at Eden, Hancock Co., the evening of the 8th tain precious truths. We had just reached the
Only a word, inst., and have given three discourses. The indi- Sabbath question but did not introduce it. May
Yet the Master heard, cations are favorable for an interest, and if we are our Master hasten the time when hundreds shall
And some fainting hearts were fed.
permitted to continue to use the house we may be laboring in new fields, for truly the honest
Only a look of remonstrance, hope for good to be accomplished at this place. are longing for a knowledge of the truth,
Sorrowful, gentle, and deep;
Only a look, Will God's people remember the work here as S. H. LANE.
Yet the strong man shook, they petition the throne of grace?
And he went alone to weep. WM. COVERT. OHIO.
Only some act of devotion, YELLOW SPRINGS.—From Dec. 1 to 5, 1 was
Willingly, joyfully done; ROCHESTER, DEC. 9.---The interest to hear pre-
" Surely 'twas naught" with the church in Yellow Springs. We were
(So the proud world thought), sent truth is much greater than has been known sorry to learn that two or three souls had soon
But yet souls to Christ are won. here since the organization of this church in 1874. tired of the way. But there are some precious
—Sel. Thus far, five have voted to keep the Sabbath, souls here that we expect will go clear through
and one has united with the church. The cause to the kingdom. We were much rejoiced to see
of this revival is the method pursued in conduct-
roofteM of the ctet,Je. ing our services. Each night we have a Bible-
reading of about forty-five minutes' duration ;
their good courage in the Lord. Bro. Guilford
assisted me in the meetings. We endeavored to
make all of our preaching practical, as well as
"He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless this is followed by a fervent exhortation of fifteen doctrinal. We had several Bible-readings upon
come again with rejoicing, bringing hie sheaves with him."—Ps. 126:6.
minutes. We distribute Bibles throughout the important subjects, which we feel sure were both
congregation and invite all to read, irrespective interesting and instructive. Our labors among
of religious belief. The interest is truly wonder- them seemed to be appreciated, and, we hope, did
BEAVER CREEK.—I have been here nearly three ful. Children of tender age, and white-haired much good. We were unable to stay as long as
weeks. Have held seventeen meetings, awaken- sires that are not of our religious belief; earnestly desired, but Bro. Guilford will resume the meet-
ing some interest, also some opposition. A few participate in these exercises. Surely there is ing, to continue as long as seems good. We
will obey. I expect to remain in an adjacent nothing like Bible-readings to revive oar old confidently expect an ingathering of souls befbre
neighborhood the rest of this month so that churches. A. W. BARTLETT. he gets through.
interests may blend. Brethren, pray for the The dedication services of their new house, on
work in Colorado. A. J. STOVER. SEVASTOPOL AND ROCHESTER.— Since the Gen- Sunday, at 11 A. M., wore well attended. This
Dec. 7. • -4
eral Conference, I have been holding meetings little society have done nobly in the erection of a
with the brethren at the above-named places. house of worship. Their house is a model of
MICHIGAN. We held our first meeting in Sevastopol, Nov. 23, neatness and good taste. Everthing, inside and
WATERVLIET, RIVERSIDE, AND HAGAR.—Last and continued until Dec. 2, giving thirteen dis- out, is finished up in good order. There are good
Sabbath, Dec. 8, I met with the brethren in Wa- courses in all. I found some good souls here try- sheds fbr teams, the lot is inclosed, and a nea
ing to live out the truth. Union and love prevail and well-painted fence is built in front. The
tervliet. They are keeping up an interesting
Sabbath-school. Riverside and Hagar are sta- among them, and they seem to want to do what building committee report good feeling and union
tions on the Chicago and West Michigan Railroad, they can to advance the truth. The outside in- all the way through. The entire cost in money
between Watervliet and Benton Harbor. Iiave terest was good from the first to the last. Several (aside from labor donated), including lot and all
preached five discourses at Riverside, but have asked for prayers, and two more have decided by pertaining thereto, was not much less than $1,000 ;
God's help to walk in all his commandments. yet it was all paid for. If this little society will
concluded to hold a course of meetings at Hagar.
May God bless them, and help them to overcome build each other up in the most holy faith with
There are two faithful Sabbath-keepers at River-
and at last hear the " Well done." While here the same zeal and harmony that they have shown
side, one at Benton Harbor, and a brother whom
I canvassed, in all, about one day, taking six or- in the erection of this house, I am sure they
I have not yet seen gets his mail at Benton Har-
ders for "Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation." will grow in grace, knowledge, and members. I
bor. I have been disappointed in not having Bro.
I left the brethren and sisters of good courage. part with them, earnestly praying that their love
Kunz with me. I need help very much. Until for each other may abound more and more, and
May God bless this little company.
further notice, my post-office address will be
Dec. 4 I came to Rochester, where I joined Bro. that we may meet when Jesus comes.
Benton Harbor, Berrien Co., Mich. CLYDE.— From Dec. 6 to 9, we had a general
Bartlett in holding meetings. The Spirit of God
Dec. 18. T. S. PARMELEE.
has wrought powerfully upon the hearts of the meeting at Clyde. Rids. Uriah Smith and D. IL
people. Several have already taken their stand Lamson, on their way to ,the Cleveland Conven-
IOWA. to obey the truth, and we have great hopes that tion of the National Reform Party, stopped over
others will soon. Bro. Bartlett leaves for Rush Sabbath and Sunday with us, and each spoke
SwEA, KOSSUTH CO.—By request I came to la- county to-day. Bro. Hill and myself will continue twice with freedom and to good acceptance. We
bor among the Scandinavians in Iowa. Arrived the meetings as long as the interest demands. feel that their presence and earnest words added
at Council Bluffs the 3d of September. Labored Pray for us. M. G. HUFF MAN. much to the interest of the meeting. There was a
some among the friends here and the church at Dec. 10. fair turnout of our people in the immediate vicin-
Weston. From the 2d to the 18th of October, la- ity. Several interesting Bible-readings were held.
bored in company with Eld. E. G. Olsen at Al- RustivinnE.—We have been laboring during the All of the ordained ministers of the Conference
gona. Came to this • place from Algona. Swea past ten days in a field entirely new, situated in were present but one. Work was laid out for the
is a large Swedish settlement about ten miles north- Rush Co., near Rushville, the county seat. A very winter, to be entered upon at once. Several per-
west from Bancroft on the Chicago N. W. R. R. devoted sister lives here who embraced the truth sons of ability and devotion will give themselves
Few came to meeting at first, but since visiting at several years ago. She has obtained subscribers to the work of canvassing and general missionary
their homes, the attendance has been good. The for the Signs, scattered tracts, supplied the depot work, and will begin immediately. The Lord is
opposition of the Baptist minister has also helped with reading matter, and sold some ten copies of putting it into the hearts of many to prepare to
some. Five have concluded to observe the Lord's " Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation," which, work in his cause as never before. When we ear-
Sabbath, and we hope for others, as the interest in connection with her living out the truth, has nestly and in faith pray the Lord of the harvest
Seems to be good. On the last four Sabbaths and resulted in creating a favorable impression con- to send forth laborers, he will hear and answer.
Sundays I have enjoyed the company of Eld. E. G. cerning what we teach. About $1,000 was pledged at this meeting for
Olsen, who has come here from Algona and re- Through the influence of the above-mentioned the Ohio reserve fund. This was a good start
mained Sabbath and Sunday. My desire is to so sister, we obtained the use of a large M. E. meet- for so small a meeting. Brn. Underwood and
labor that souls may be saved. ing-house, and commenced preaching Nov. 28 ; we Gates will begin immediately to hold general
My permanent address is Algona, Box 68. have preached each night for ten days. The first meetings throughout the State. We hope our
Dec. 5. JOHN WILSON. night there were about forty present, and every people will take special pains to attend these

night since the number has increased, until meetings, as they have solemn and important
WISCONSIN. during the past few meetings nearly three hun- things for your consideration.
dred have been present. The best of order At the close of this meeting I bade farewell to
POY SIPPL—According to appointment I met was preserved, and the congregation gave almost my dear brethren with whom I have been asso-
with the Poy Sippi church Nov. 30, and continued breathless attention, listening to the truth as long ciated so long. Ohio is my native State, and hero
our meetings for eleven days among the Scandi- as it was spoken. The congregation of their has been nearly all my experience and labor in
navians. On account of some difficulties between own accord donated enough to furnish wood and connection with the cause of God under the third
the church members, I entered upon the work oil and pay all other expenses. angel's message. Dearly do ,I love this people,
here at this time with much trembling. After a As soon as the interest seemed to warrant, and my attachment to them makes it painful to
good deal of patient labor for several days, we ap- reading matter was introduced, and we sold $6.09 separate from them. But in all our partings here
pointed Sabbath, the 8th, for fasting and prayer worth during the last few evenings. Yesterday, the hope of meeting again when Jesus comes,
with humiliation of heart, and the Lord worked first-day, the regular minister filled his appoint- cheers the heart.
for us beyond expectation. Hearts were conver- ment, announcing that he would commence a We expect now to leave home evening after the
ted and united in brotherly love. We held one or protracted meeting immediately. Thus we find Sabbath, Dec. 15, for the Pacific coast. We shall
two meetings every day in the Danish language, ourselves deprived, for the present at least, of the be glad to hear from old friends at any time, but
and closed Monday, the 11th, in celebrating the house. Many of the M. E. members and a host expect to be so fully occupied as to preclude ex-
ordinances of the Lord's house. On this occa- of outsiders regret that it is so. We hope in due tensive correspondence. My post-office address,
sion the bleesing of God came very near. We time to again secure the house. The people until further notice, will be Pacific Press, Oakland,
feel sure that if the many good confessions and treated me kindly, and many of the Methodist California. H. A. ST. J01111.
resolutions are carried out, much good will result to members solicit me urgently to return as soon as Battle Creek, Mich., Dec. 11, 1883.
the owls° in this place. May it be so. a boils° can be secured. I regret that the matter
J. F. HANSON. has terminated as it has ; but I praise the Lord —Bad seats to occupy—conceit and deceit,
796 PHE REVIEW AND HERALD. 12[VoL. 60, No. 50.
closely connected with it now as in times past.
Sitecial Notiee0. We want to see you at this meeting ; and as you
come, renew your determination to gird on
New,J of the Weeh.
the armor anew. This is the class of men that
BUSHNELL MEETING. we want to see present, that we may have the "Tidings of these things came."—Acts. 11 :2.
benefit of their counsel.
IT is with pleasure that I announce to the It was not thought advisable to hold any more DOMESTIC.
friends of the cause in Dist. No. 6, Mich., that the district meetings till after the State meeting. —Over eight hundred bills were introduced in the
president of the General Conference has cheerfully Let us now begin the work of preparation for the Lower House Monday.
assembling of ourselves together, that we may
consentAd to attend this meeting. Let us show --The excise law was rigidly enforced throughout New
each have hearts filled with love for this work York
our appreciation of his valuable labors by putting City Sunday.
and its advancement. J. FARGO.
forth earnest effort to be present. W. C. SISLEY. —Five men hunting Monday morning in the Niagara
River were drowned by the capsizing of their boat.
IMPORTANT MEETINGS FOR INDIANA. —General Grant is very active in the New York So-
ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
GENERAL MEETINGS FOR OHIO. WE expect to visit the State of Virginia the —Five robberies, by the aid of revolvers, were per-
last of January, and spend at least three months petrated in St. Louis, Tuesday night, by one gang.
WE would call the attention of our brethren
in the Southern field. Before doing so, we design —During the gale in Chesapeake Bay last week, the
to our appointments in this paper. After filling Baltimore schooner Mary Anna foundered, and the crew
to hold meetings in several churches ; and just
these we shall visit churches in the following of nine men perished.
before we leave, we hope to hold a general State
order : Dunkirk, Corsica, Belleville, Waterford, —All the coal miners 'along the Monongahela River
meeting of the Indiana Tract Society. We decide will suspend operations this week, owing to the depression
Newark, New Haven, Norwalk, Spencer, Litch-
to hold the general State meeting near Alto, How- in the coal trade.
field, Akron, and other points.
ard Co., with the Oak Hill church. This meeting —The Mount Hickory Rolling Mills at Erie, Pa.,
All scattered brethren in the vicinity of these were destroyed by fire Sunday morning. Loss estimated
will commence Wednesday night, Jan. 16, and
churches, and also the neighboring churches, are at $275,000; insurance, $90,000.
continue until Tuesday morning, Jan. 22. At this
earnestly invited to come and stay till the close. —Vigilantes in the Niobrara Valley (D. T.) recently
meeting we desire to see a general turnout, as lynched five horse and cattle thieves. Four others, now
Instructions will be given in canvassing for our
books and periodicals, and in conducting Bible- important matters will be introduced, not only in in jail, if not punished by the law, will share the same
connection with our tract society, but also our fate.
readings. Let all who desire to seek the Lord
and prepare for more active labor in this closing Conference and canvassing work. Distribution —The Standard Theater in New York took fire at 7
message of mercy, come to these meetings. o'clock Friday evening, and was in ruins in an hour.
of the Sabbath Sentinel throughout the entire State The origin of the fire cannot be determined. The loss is
R. A. UNDERWOOD. will also be considered. We hope that during the placed at $75,000.
E. H. GATES. time before the meeting every church in the State —Seventy-five leading distillers of Kentucky met
will order a large club for general distribution. at Louisville, Wednesday, and agreed to reduce pro-
MEETINGS IN MICHIGAN. duction. Sixty-five per cent of the registered capacity of
Send in your orders through the tract society, or the State signed the agreement.
IT is greatly desired by those who are interested direct to the Office immediately. --Charles McLoughlin, the millionaire, was shot and
in the progress of the cause in Michigan, that the The church at West Liberty having just com- killed at San Francisco Thursday morning by Jerome B.
pleted their new house of worship, we will attend Cox, as the result of litigation in a railroad contract suit
spirit of progress and earnestness so plainly man- of seventeen years' standing.
ifest at the time of the General Conference shall the dedication services on Sabbath and first-day,
Jan. 12, 13. Meetings to commence Friday night, --The National Republican Committee elected Senator
be disseminated as much as possible throughout Jan. 11. Dedication sermon Sunday forenoon at D. M. Sabin, of Minnesota, Chairman, vice Marshall
this strong Conference. To accomplish this, it is 10: 30, Jan. 13, 1884. Hope to see a general Jewell deceased, and selected Chicago and June 3 as the
turnout from surrounding churches. date for holding the next National Republican Convention
proposed to hold important meetings in various
parts of the State. I am invited by the president Let all church T. and M. Societies report im- —The floral decorations at W. H. Vanderbilt's ball
mediately after the church quarterly meetings to last Tuesday evening cost $20,000. The supper was the
of the Conference and other leading brethren, to most elegant ever served in this country. Each napkin used
district secretaries, and they to the State Secre-
help at these meetings, as far as other duties will cost $5.00 ; and the supper, including wines, cost $50,000.
tary, so we may have full report at the State
admit. I have consented to do so, and hope to meeting. S. H. LANE. —While the Harris Mill, at Lowell, Mass., was burn-
meet with the friends of the cause in three or four ing Friday morning, several barrels of naphtha exploded
TO THE FRIENDS IN DISTRICT NO. 7, MAINE. in the Merrimack-Croquet Turning Works adjoining,
places at least, before leaving for Europe. Prov- throwing a wall upon nine firemen who were severely
idence permitting, I will be at Bushnell at the As the time is fast approaching when you will injured. The loss on the mill is about $50,000.
meeting appointed there next Sabbath and Sun- hold your quarterly meeting, and as this will be —At the election for delegates to the Louisiana Dem-
day. I greatly desire to see a general rally or ocratic Convention, at New Orleans, Friday, a riot oc-
the first quarterly meeting held in this district curred at the Seventh Ward polling booth between the
the brethren and sisters of the country around
since it was formed, .I greatly desire that all of our adherents of Governor McEnery and General Ogden.
that place. We hope for an excellent meeting. Revolvers were used with deadly effect, three men being
The time has come for earnest work. We want to brethren and sisters in the district should be pres-
killed and about a score wounded.
see the light kindling up in old Michigan the corn- ent. Important matters connected with the cause
ing year as never before since this cause started. —It would be impossible in this limited department
of present truth will be brought up and considered. to even name the long and fearful list of robberies,
God is ready to bless us, if we move out in faith. There is not that variety of reading-matter in this accidents, suicides, murders, and outrages with which
GEO. I. BUTLER. the columns of the daily papers literally teem ; and the
district that there should be. Reading matter on
perusal of the sickening array would only degrade the
all the different points of our faith is needed, and reader. Suffice it to say that it would seem as though
in order that this need may be provided for, means all the fiends of hell were let loose to inflame the
is wanted with which to purchase it. Some sys- passions of men and lead them to commit such crimes
BY appointment in another column it will be as would almost shame the evil one himself ; and these
noticed that this meeting is appointed to be held tem should be adopted whereby means may con- things increase from week to.week, so the papers them-
one week earlier than usual, and hence comes on tinually be coming into the treasury. This is im- selves say. " How/ long, 0 Lord, how long ? '
the regular time for the district quarterly meet- portant ; because if the district is embarrassed
ings. The appointment was not made without financially, it cannot prosper. FOREIGN.
due consideration and good counsel. The follow- Nothing has a tendency to bring discourage- —English gunboats are throwing rockets over the town
ment upon the brethren more than being in debt. of Suakim to scare off the False Prophet's forces.
ing are some of the reasons why the change was
made : 1. There are some very important ques- You want to avoid this by adopting a system co —The French minister to the United States started
from Havre on the way to Washington Sunday.
tions that need prompt attention, and should be bring means into the treasury as fast as it is
drawn out. If our brethren feel• the importance —A terrible storm raged in the British Islands Wed-
considered before any more general meetings in nesday, causing the wreck of many vessels, destroying
of this work as they should, 1 know there will be numerous structures, killing and drowning scores of
the districts are held. 2. This time will best suit something done. I would that all of us could re- persons, and flooding-lying
ow districts.
Eld. Butler, who has kindly consented to meet alize the responsibility that there is resting upon
with us. We feel that it will well pay us to be a —Reports concerning the movements of El Mandi the
us, in having such important truth committed to False Prophet are so contradictory that it is hardly safe
little irregular, if by so doing we can avail our- us as we have. I know many of us fail here. We to make any definite statement. One item, perhaps, may
selves of such valuable assistance as he will render. have the truth, and we settle down contented, be relied upon ; i. e., that - a party of 800 Egyptians
as though no responsibility rested upon us what- reconnoitering near Suakim were surprised by the forces
To say that this will be a very important meet- ever. My brethren, this is a mistake. We are of El Mandi and defeated, only fifty escaping.
ing is, we think, true. We feel that the time has responsible. We are to let our light shine. The —Berne, Dec. 14.—Rechonnet, head of the Political
come to lay broader plans. Important moves subject of canvassing for our periodicals will be Department of the Federal Council, at a military banquet
must be set on foot. All branches of the T. and considered, and we want to see a number of our said : " Be on your guard. Let the Swiss people prepare
M. work should be pushed forward with re- brethren engaged in this work. Let us not feel to defend their country. Many black clouds are gathering
doubled energy. Every director and district sec- contented by doing a little in the cause ; but on the European horizon. War long averted can hardly
retary should be present, and those who have had be escaped after 1884. It may even come next spring."
let each one see how much he can do. It is the —Inter Ocean.
long experience in the work and love the cause or truths of the third angel's message believed and
truth. These we would be glad to meet. Then, FRANCE AND CHINA.—Although there is yet a bare
practiced that will prepare us for translation and possibility of peaceful settlement between these countries,
too, there are brethren in Michigan who have long a home in the kingdom. J. HEasum. still indications are that blood will be shed. France
been substantial in the work, who are not as Dec. 11, 188$. is making active preparations for war. On Monday the
DEC 18, 1883.]" THE REVIEW AND HERALD. 797
Chamber of deputies by a vote of 381 to 146 passed a bill the third message from her earliest childhood. She be- desire a full attendance of brethren'and"sisters,!and especially
providing for the expenses of the military operations came a member of the Mechanicsburg church two years of the librarians in the district. We hope to have a minister
which they deem necessary to make. The Paris corres- ago, and retained her standing with it. We sorrow not present. JESSE WOODS, Director.
pondent of the Times says : " After the vote yesterday as others which have no hope. She enjoyed life, and
on the Tonquin credits bill, China must abandon dreaded very much to die ; but would hurry the time, THE quarterly meeting for Dist. No. 2, Nebraska, will be
all hope of France retreating. Admiral Courbet, were it impossible for her to regain her strength. We held with the Waco church, the second Sabbath and Sunday in
who has charge of the French forces in Tonquin, will trust the family, who have been long in the truth, will January. Cannot some one of our ministers attend this meet-
soon ask China to renew negotiations. If negotiations prove true and faithful to their Master, that they may be ing ? E. D. HURLBURT, Director.
are declined, the Admiral will seize Bac Ninh, Sontay, unbroken in the kingdom that knows no parting or
and Hung-Hoa, and again appeal for a peaceful settlement. sorrow. Words of comfort were spoken from Job 19 : 25. THE quarterly meeting of Dist. No. 2, Iowa, will be held at
A second refusal will be followed by the seizure of some VICTOR THOMPSON. Marion, Jan. 12, 13, 1884. J. F. MITCHELL, Director.
main port other than Shanghai or Canton, owing to the
unwillingness of France to offend the other powers. It OLIVE.—Died at Canby, Dakota, Dec. 4, 1883, Charles No preventing providence, I will meet with the church at
is stated that England has resolved to intervene between Arthur, son of John and J. S. Olive, aged eighteen years Baraboo, Wis., Dec. 22, 23. H. W. DECKER.
France and China only after an agreement on the subject and three months. He was employed upon the railroad
with Germany and America. The latest information as conductor, and while in the discharge of his duties, THE next quarterly meeting of Dist. No. 2, N. Y., will be
from China states that the King of Anam, who was he fell under the wheels. He only lived three hours held at Roosevelt, Jan. 12, 13. The temperance meeting will
supposed to be favorable to the French, has been after the accident. His father was hastily summoned, be held on the evening of the 12th. Will Eld. Brown, or some
poisoned by members of the anti-French party. Mean- but could not reach the scene bfore his death. Other other minister, meet with us ? L. R. CHAPEL, Director.
while, active preparations are making by both nations ; friends received his last words and ministered to him the
and unless something shall occur to avert the catastrophe, last possible comforts. The sudden death of the young- No preventing providence, we expect to bold meetings in
open hostilities will soon take place. est son and brother falls upon this family as a very heavy Ohio in the following order:—
affliction. The remains were brought home to Prescott, Bowling Green, Dec. 20-24
Wis., where appropriate funeral services were held Liberty Center, " 26-30
Walnut Grove, " 9-13
—Mr. F. W. Dawson, editor of the Charleston (S. C.) MILLARD —Died of paralysis of the heart, in Osceola, Ia. , The meetings will begin on the evening of the date indicated
News and Courier, has recently been made Knight by the Dec. 1, 1883, Eld. A. W. H. Millard, aged sixty-three by the above. R. A. UNDERWOOD.
Pope because of the stand taken by his journal against years, six months, and two days. At the age of twenty, E. H. GATES.
duelling. he gave his heart to God, and became connected with
—Rev. Arthur T. Pierson, who delivered an excellent the Baptist church, in which he lived a consistent life. No preventing providence, I will meet with the churches in
address at the commencement exercises of Battle Creek Twelve years ago he embraced present truth under the Indiana as follows:—
College in 1881, was installed pastor of the Bethany labors of Elds. Canright and Butler, and became a mem- Mechanicsburg,- Dec. 20-23
church, Philadelphia, Pa., on Sunday, Nov. 25. ber of the S. D. Adventist church at Osceola. He received Jonesboro, 7 o'clock P. M., Dec. 24
hewn e to preach some seven years ago, and was ordained Marion, 4( ,C
Dec. 25, 26
—When the " Most Rev. (!) Bishop P. W. Riordan " in June, 1882, laboring as opportunity afforded until his Bunker Hill, 44
Dec. 27
would go to his new diocese in California, he is escorted death. Star City, it
Dec. 28-30
on his way by six ordinary Reverends (I); and he is His death was very sudden, caused, it is supposed, Ligonier, Jan. 4-6
" enthusiastically received " by the Roman Catholic by paralysis of the heart. On awaking in the morning, Wolf Lake, Jan. 7, 8, 9
people of that State, and "tendered three or four very he remarked to his wife that he believed he was ill. A Let all the friends be present, for it will be the last meeting
fine receptions," the laity vying with the clergy to do him little later she noticed that he was breathing heavily, we can hold with you for several months. Circulate the ap-
honor. and arose hastily and called for help ; but he breathed pointment, and obtain a crowd. S. H. LANE.
—" To what base uses may even churches come at his last before help came, and without apparent pain.
last ! Passing through Twenty-third street the other Thus passed away a good man, whose influence for good No preventing providence, I will meet the Maple Works
day, I saw open the door of the old Calvary Baptist has been widely felt. church in quarterly meeting the first Sabbath and first-day in
Church, and found that it had been transformed into a On account of the family burying-ground being some January, 1884. Shall hope for a general gathering of all the
bazaar for the sale of holiday goods. A great frame with twelve miles distant, the funeral was held at 9 A. iii. ; Sabbath-keepers. Would be pleased to have the church at
portraits of noted actors hung just over the baptistery, yet at that early hour, the church was filled with sympa- Loyal put off their quarterly meeting one week, and I will
where the last time 1 was in the building I saw Dr. thizing friends and neighbors. We laid him away with meet with them the second Sabbath in January; therefore we
McArthur lead several men and women into the baptis- hope to meet them all at the Maple Works meeting if possible.
good hope that he will come forth in the first resurrection. Will some one meet us, myself and wife, at Neilsville,
mal waters."—N. Y. Correspondent,.in the National He leaves a wife, two sons, one daughter, and one sister Jan. 3, at noon ?
Baptist. Sure enough, " To what base uses ! " to mourn their loss. I will also meet with the brethren and sisters near Augusta
—A daily paper has the following advertisement :— Discourse by the writer. J. D. PEGG. the third Sabbath in January, and remain several days. Will
"THE PRAYERS OF GOD'S PEOPLE ARE Bro. Strader give out appointments for Sabbath at 10: 30 A. M.
BOURDEAU.,---Died at her home in South Stukely, P. Q., and 7 r. at., and the same on first-day ?
most earnestly requested for the thorough purification of Nov. 27, 1883, Sr. Charlotte Bourdeau, wife of A. C.
a young church whose pastor and officers are inveterate Will some one meet us at August% station the 16th, near
Bourdeau, in the forty-eighth year of her age. Sr. noon ? I. SANBORN.
tobacco users, much against the wishes of the members." Bourdeau was born in Bakersfield, Vt., and spent the
Although the prayers of God's people are requested in greater part of her life in that vicinity and at Stukely, THE Lord willing, the quarterly meeting of Dist. No. 7, Me.,
the above, its principal design was probably to lash the P. Q. With her husband she embraced the Sabbath and will be held with the church at East Washburn, Jan. 13, 1884.
consciences of the offending pastor and officers. Not a kindred truths in 1856, and has ever since maintained a Let every member report without fail. We want to see an ad-
very good way, perhaps; but if it can arouse any one's consistent Christian character. Naturally gentle and vance movement started at this meeting; therefore, a general,
conscience to the sinfulness of this filthy habit, let it affectionate, with pleasant words for all, she won many attendance is earnestly solicited. We expect ministerial help.
go the rounds. friends, who will read these lines with sadness. Upon B. F. Davis, Director.
her death-bed she expressed thankfulness that she could THE quarterly meeting of Dist. No. 1, Kansas, will be held
truthfully say that she could not remember that she had at Lebanon, Smith Co., at the usual time, the second Sabbath
Obituar ticeJ. ever manifested anger or spoken unkindly to her parents, and first-day in January. The meetings • will begin Friday
brothers, sisters, or even to any other person. Her love night. Now, dear brethren and sisters, will you not, in the
for the present truth was deep and abiding, and she was name of the Lord, turn out ? For several quarters past only a
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth."-Rev. 74.13. a faithful helper to her husband, often accompanying few have attended. Let us redeem the time. Let us come to
him in his travels, willing to bear burdens, ever breath- this meeting with hearts prepared to meet God.
BAILY. —Died July 26, 1883, in the township of Broom- ing a spirit of consecration and hopeful trust in God. 111. ENOCH, Director.
field, Isabella Co., Mich., Sr Baily, wife of John Baily. Her disease was consumption, and her sickness long
and protracted. Most of the time she suffered intensely, No providence preventing, I will meet with the church at
Sr, Baily was a firm believer in the third angel's message,
and was baptized at the second Alma camp-meeting. yet she endured the pain with Christian fortitude, giving Dimondale, Mich., Sabbath and Sunday, Dec. 22, 23. First
Words of comfort by the writer from Acts 26 : 6-8. full evidence of her acceptance with God, and enjoying meeting, Friday evening at 7 o'clock. Brn. Hayes, Carman,
J. B. TINKER. sweet peace and hopeful trust in her Redeemer. Her and Lewis, and Sr. Lewis, of the Potterville church, are
mind was clear up to a few moments before her death. especially requested to be present on Sunday.
MORRILL. —Died of paralysis, in Hyde Park, Vt., Nov. She committed herself without a fear or doubt into the I. D. VAN HORN.
23, 1883, Charlotte Morrill, aged seventy-four years hands of God, and peacefully fell asleep in Jesus to await WE will. meet in quarterly meeting with the church in Howell,
and three days. Sr. Morrill had observed the Sabbath the morning of the resurrection. A companion, four Mich., Sabbath and Sunday, Dec. 29, 30; and with the church
of the Lord about twenty-five years, and we trust she children, and many relatives and friends are comforted in Pcitterville at their quarterly meeting, Sabbath and Sunday,
rests in hope of a part in the first resurrection. Remarks in their bereavement by the blessed hope of soon meet- Jan. 6, 7, 1884. J. FARGO.
at the funeral by the writer, from Gal. 6 : 7, 8. ing her again when the trump of God shall sound and I. D. VAN HORN.
GEO. W. PAGE. the dead in Christ shall rise.
Funeral at her old home in Bordoville, Vt. , Nov. 29, CHANGE OF APPOINTMENTS.
VAN SY0C. —Died at Knoxville, Ia., Nov. 3, 1883, Ber- 1883. Discourse by the writer from Rev. 14 : 13.
tha B., daughter of A. P. and S. E. Van Syoc, aged eleven M. E. KELLOGG. MY appointment at Knapp, Wis., Dec. 22, 23, is changed to
months and eight days. This is the second time within River Falls.
a few months that the parents and friends have been Dec. 29, 30, there will be a general meeting at Milton, Wis.,
called to mourn, their daughter Etta having died in to which we invite the brethren from Afton, Little Prairie,
Colorado last spring. But they are sustained by the Hebron, Oakland, and all who can attend. We want especially
Christian's hope. to hear from each member of the Johnstown Center (now
Words of comfort by Bro. R. A. Hart, from Jer. 31 : "And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of Heaven is at hand."-- Milton) church. Some are in Kansas and other States, from
15-17. GRAS. F. STEVENS. Matt- 10 : 7. whom no word has been received for years. Address Truman
Loomis, Milton Junction, Wis. Eld. Decker will conduct the
BATES. —Died at my home in Greenvale, Jo Daviess WILL meet with the church at Vermontville, Mich., Sabbath, meeting. G. C. TENNEY.
Co., Ill., Nov. 13, 1883, of old age and disease of the Dec. 22. Service Friday evening if thought best.
stomach, my dear mother, aged eighty-five years and L. G. MOORE. CIRCUMSTANCES are so altered that I will not be able to meet
twenty-eight days. Mother experienced religion at an my appointments at Kelley and West Dayton, as stated in last
early age and joined the Baptist church, but left it to EAST RICHFORD, Vt., Dec. 29, 30. A. S. Hirrcums. week's REviEw; therefore I will postpone them for the pres-
join in the Advent movement of 1843-44, and remained ent.
a full believer in the soon coming of Christ. She com- Dism. No. 3, Maine, in Portland, Jan, 5 and 6, 1884. The Lord willing, I will meet with the church at Algona the
J. B. GOODRICH, first Sabbath and Sunday in January, 1884. Hope all the
menced to keep the Sabbath in 1852, and ever tried, members of the church will report either by person or letter.
to live a consistent Christian life. We sorrow not as E. G. OLSEN.'
those without hope. Funeral discourse by Eld. D. W. THE Michigan State T. and M. quarterly meeting will be
Bond, Methodist, from 1 Thess. 2 : 19. held at Potterville, commencing Friday evening, Jan. 11, at 7 Tim T. and M. quarterly meeting and Sabbath-school con-
J. H. BATES, r. M. Meetings will continue till the following Tuesday. vention for Dist. No. 1, Kentucky, will be held at D. W. Barr's,
J. FARGO. near Elizabethtown, beginning Thursday night, Dec. 27, and
ELIOTT. —Died of consumption, at Mechanicsburg, W. C. SISLEY.
Ind. , Clara Jane, daughter of Bro. and Sr. John Elliott, of closing Sunday night, Dec. 30. We arrange thus to favor those
the above-named place, aged fifteen years five months and THE quarterly meeting of Dist. No. 3 will be held at Kewanna, of our members who are teaching school. We hope there will
seventeen days, Sr. Jennie had beep taught the truth of Felton Co., Pad., Sabbath and first-day, Jan. 12, 13, 1884. We be a general agendance. S. Osaoini.
798 THE REVIEW AND HERALD. "[VoL. 60, No. 50
their questions answered are indebted to him for ren, and very inconvenient, to call a Conference
The Reriew and geraltt that pleasure, as without his help this department
could not have been maintained. His services
now. After considering all these circumstances,
the General Conference Committee recommend
will still be continued on the paper. that Eld. R. A. Underwood act as president the
BATTLE CREEK, Mica., DEC. 18, 1883. remainder of the Conference year. A very few
cases similar to this have occurred in the past.
CONTENTS OF THIS NUMBER. where it seemed necessary to take such a step,
ELD. Barton sends the following correction :— We hope this will prove satisfactory to all parties.
[All articles, except in the departments of Choice Selections and The
In the REVIEW of Nov. 27, my report of the GEo. I. BUTLER, Chairman Gen. Conf. Com.
Home, which contain no signature or other credit, will be understood as
coming from the Editor. All signatures to articles written for the REVIEW meeting at Timber Hill, Kans., says that " ten new
will be printed in SMALL CAPITALS; to selections, in italics.]
converts were baptized." It should have been:two. COLLEGE ITEMS.
The Glorious Appearing, ELD. It. F. COTTRELL, 785
Good to be There, S. H. Conn, 786 SANNINGENS HAROLD. THE second term of the College year will com-
Withhold Not, Missionary Reporter, 790
The Heart of the Year, The Century, 791 mence Wednesday, Jan. 2. The attendance dur-
Only, Set., 795 Tins is the name of the Swedish paper now issued from
Our Contributors. the REVIEW AND HERALD Office at Battle Creek, Mich.,
ing the present term has reached about two hun-
Marriage and Divorce, ELI/. GF.O. I. BUTLER, 785
and by Eld. Matteson from Christiana, Norway. It dred. This is larger by fifty students than even
Our Motives, ELD. ALBERT WEEKS, 786
Notes of Travel, Mits. E. G. WHITE, 786 means, " The Herald of the Truth." The American edi- the most sanguine dared to hope. It is now confi-
The Two Rewards, A. L., 788 tion will be published at the beginning of each month.
Is It Talent, HELEN L. Mons's, 788 ently anticipated that the number of students next
Life and Death, Mas. VIOLA FISH, 789 The European edition will reach its American readers
Our Dispositions, Emu. VICTOR Tnoursox, ..... 789 about the middle of the month. Price per year of both
term will reach two hundred and fifty, if not three
Sabbath-school. to single subscribers in this country, $1. 00. hundred. It will be greatly to the advantage of
Notes Critical and Practical, 775 Let there be an earnest effort to increase the circulation those who design to come to the College this
Our Tract Societies. of this paper. The readers will notice that the name has winter, to do so at the very commencement of
New England T. and M. Society, MRS. E. T. PALMER, Sec., 790 been changed slightly. It was formerly Advent Harolden. next term.
Illinois T. and H. Society, L. S. CAMPBELL, Sec., 790
Texas T. and M. Society, Ernie M. STEVENS, Sec., 790 The number of subscribers to that paper is now about We are just issuing a second edition of the Cat-
Annual Meeting of the N. E. T. and M. Society, ELICA T. PALMER, 1400. The number of subscribers to Sann,ingens Harold alogue for this year. Those desiring copies can
Sec., 790
should be doubled the present year. This can be done
Our Able Minister, S. H. LANE, 791
by proper effort. Let vigorous efforts be made to accom-
obtain them free of charge by giving us their ad-
Editorial. dress and enclosing a postage stamp.
Visit to Ohio—Sabbath, Dec. 15—The President Must Keep Sunday plish this at once. Let orders come in rapidly. Address
Better, 792 REVIEW AND HERALD, or &e'ltningens Harold, Battle W. H. L.
Changes in the Swedish Paper, GEO. I. BUTLER, 792 Creek, Mich. G. I. B.
How the Number of our Ministers can be Increased, W. H.
Meetings in Massachusetts and New York, S. N. HASKELL, 793
Impressions of the Late National Reform Convention, D. IL LAM- BUSINESS COUNCILS.
SON, 794 EXPECT to start within forty-eight hours for
"Pleased with it Now," R. F. COTTRELL, 794
the Pacific Coast, to be absent, in all probability,
Progress of the Cause. DURING the last week the General Conference
Colorado—Michigan—Iowa—Wisconsin—Indiana—Ohio 795 Committee have been together with the exception until after the next annual Conference in Ohio.
Special Notices, 796 of one member, and have consulted concerning The distance is such that it will be impracticable
News, 796
Obituaries, 797
matters of importance connected with the cause. for me to attend to the business of the Conference.
Appointments, 797 Quite a number of things were left unfinished The duties of my office must necessarily devolve
Editorial Notes, 798 at the close of the General Conference. There upon another. In view of these considerations,
Index, 799, 800 are so many important questions constantly aris- and by the full consent of the General Conference
ing that such meetings are a necessity. The Committee, I do hereby resign my, office as
members of the Committee are full of courage President of the Ohio Conference, praying God
and hope for the prosperity of the work. The to abundantly bless his dear people in Ohio, and
As this number closes the volume, the paper will be meetings in the New England and Pennsylvania give wisdom t9 the General Conference Commit-
omitted next week, according to our usual custom. The Conferences were very encouraging. The breth- tee, to make such recommendations for my native
first number of the new volume will be dated Jan. 1, 1884. ren are taking hold most liberally to lift in the State as will best subserve the interests of the
We contemplate making important improvements in the various enterprises constantly arising, and every- good cause. H. A. St. JOHN.
paper, to commence with the coining volume, including a thing looks encouraging. The good influence of
new dress, new department headings, and a better quality the last General Conference is extending far and
of stock. The aim stall ever be to make the REVIEW, a wide. Eld. Haskell has already returned East (1)
model paper for the field which it is to occupy.
to carry forward the important interests looming
up there, preparatory to going to Europe about . ..... ........ ,,,,,,
De artment
DEPARTURE FOR CALIFORNIA. the first of February. Eld. Fargo has returned "Not slothful in business."—Rom. 12:11.
to his work in Michigan. This strong Conference
THE night after the Sabbath, Dec. 15, the company or- seems to be arousing to the work more earnestly THE P. 0. address of D. T. Shireman and wife is Room 1, Second floor,
ganized by Eld. W. C. White for the Pacific coast, left than for a long time in the past. Sr. White and 215 West Madison St., Chicago, Ill.
this city on their journey by way of the Grand Trunk By. Eld. W. C. White will be on their journey toward Mr P. 0. address until further notice will be, Pacific Press, Oakland,
The party numbered some twenty-six at this point, among Cal. H. A. ST. JOHN.
California ere this paper goes to press. And thus
whom were Eld. J. 0. Conies and family, Eld. H. A. St. H. A. FENNER, Flushing, Genessee Co., Mich., will act as Secretary of
John, Mrs. Dr. Chamberlain, a number of hands from
we separate to labor as best we can to advance Dist. No, 10. H. D. BANES.
the REVIEW Office, members of the church, and citizens the common cause we all love so much. May ARE there any Adventists in Sumner Co., Mans.? If so, please corres-
of the place. Others will join them at Kansas City, malt- God's blessing rest upon all of these his faithtul pond with me at Oxford, Mans., as I am desirous of finding brethren
ing a company of over forty in all. We wish them a servants. G. I. B. here. Will Bro. Marshall Enoch send his address to um?
prosperous passage, and much success in the different en-
terprises and labors upon which they intend to enter. OHIO MATTERS.
THE SABBATH SENTINEL. THE brethren in Ohio will notice the resigna- NOTICE.—The change of figures on the address labels will be in all cases
a sufficient receipt for money sent for the paper. If these changes do not
REDUCTION IN PRICE. tion of Eld. St. John, the president of that Con- in due time appear, and if books ordered by mail are not received, notice
should be given. All other business is acknowledged below.
AFTER more mature deliberation, the Association has ference, in the present issue, and will be impressed
iIeNotice of expiration of subscription will be given by special stamp
concluded to offer the Sentinel at 25 cts. a year, single with painful feelings thereat. One of the most on the margin of the paper. We should be pleased to receive your re-
unpleasant features of this work which we have newal at once.
subscription, instead of 30 cts., as heretofore announced.
to meet, is th6 separations occuring from time to Books Sent by .Freight.—II M Burleigh $16.50, Hiram A Flint 30.35,
The club rates will be the same ; that is, for ten or more L G Smith 81 95, H W Decker 84.35.
copies ordered at one time, 20 cts. each ; and these will time when ministers who have labored long and Books Sent by Express.—W J Simonton $01.25, A B Cowles 4.49,
be sent to separate addresses if desired. Special rates faithfully in onesfield and formed attachments Theodore Clapper 14.80, H SI Burleigh 2.63, CS 0 Williams 9.00.
will be granted to tract societies on large quantities. If hard to break with many, go to another. These Cash Ree'd on Account.—B C V NI Society por F H Sisley $41.50,
our brethren will give us a subscription list of from thirty Texas T & M Society per Kittie Stevenson 128.90, Ohio Conf Fund, Julia A
to fifty thousand, the Association will be able to furnish
ties are hard indeed to sever, and nothing but the finks, tithe 19.45, Ohio T & NI Society per Ida Gates 78.00, Wm Hill 21.84,
them on still more favorable terms. love we bear to the cause of God could induce us Marcus Adams 100, ,Ohio & NI Society per Ohio Ed R Fund 1.00, Ohio T
& M Society per Ida Gates 21.13, M S Burnham 7.50, Penn Conf (Walter A
to sunder them. We know it is painful to our Graves, tithe 4.00, Fannie Graves, tithe 1.00, Mrs S. Graves, tithe 1.00),
dear Bro. St. John to thus leave Ohio, and John F Hansen per A B 0 14.70, Minn Conf G S Honeywell, tithe 11.00.
fully as painful to his many friends there to have Shares in. S. D. A. P. Association.- Wm Perkins $50.00, Philip
Hoffman 100.00.
him. But the reasons he assigns for this resigna-
WE wish to acknowledge the help received tion are weighty, and we cannot question the Mich. Conf. .ruotc/.-Vergennes Mrs 31 E Evans 50e, Sherman City per
J B Tinker $12.00, Pontiac, Jas H McPherson 1.00, Petoskey, Ii H Page
during the past year from correspondents in all propriety of this step. 23.00, Partello, Maria & Marinda Crawford 28.00, M L Dean 50.00.
parts of the field, who have contributed of their The General Conference Committee recently Mich. T. & 1111 Society.—H D Banks $28.80, Addie J Cooper 7.20,
Baxter Owen 10.05, Geo 0 States 3.00, Walter I,,Moore 1.00, Dist No 2 per
best thoughts to enrich the columns of the paper. considered this matter, and fully sanctioned it. Ella Carman 2.00, Dist No 2 per A G Wilbur 80c, General Agent 7.10, Bat-
We can assure one and all that their efforts have Under all the circumstances, it is no doubt the tle Creek V 111 Society 19.00.
been appreciated and their contributions grate- best thing that could be done. This leaves the Mich. 2', & M. Reserve Ettnd.—Dist No 5 (Silas Fox $50.00, Calvin
Fox 50.00),Dist No 6 M E Lunger 50.00.
fully received. We hope for a continuance of Conference without a president. There are con- Inter. T. & M. Society.—Mrs 31 R Swan & children $5.00, A N Dun-
their favors. stantly arising circumstances which make it de- lap 5.00, J C Franz 5.00, Mrs Esther Trumbull 1.50, J W Pugh, L 111 10.00.
Of our more immediate co-laborers we would sirable, and almost absolutely necessary, to have European /fiisSum.—Mrs R F Stucky & daughter, tithes 580, Mrs S
also make grateful mention, especially of the help an executive officer to act in various contingen- J Hunt $2.00, Mrs M R Swan and children 5.00, J C Franz 10.00, Mrs Es-
filer Trumbull 1.50.
received from Eld. Littlejohn. He has had entire cies. There is no time now to summon a meeting English Mission.—M R Swan & children $5.00, Mrs Cecilia Thomas
charge of the Commentary Department, besides of the State Conference to elect one. Important 5.00, Mrs 0 T Noble 2.00, A 3.1 Dunlap 10.00, J C Franz 5.00.
furnishing other valuable communications, notes, moves are to be made which require activity and Danish Mission.-0 A Gilbert, thank-offering 1.00.
and items. Those who have been glad to have decision. It would be at great cost to the breth- Scandinavian Mission.—J C Franz $5.00,111 R Swan 4 children 5,00,
DEC. 18, 1883.115 THE REVIEW AND HERALD. 799
Master's tench, the 134 Alabama Tract Society 124 Christian rule of dressing 54 Encouraging 285, 365, 663, 717
INDEX TO VOLUME 60. Mother, the
My sacrifice.... ,.............
167 Advanced thought on the credibility of
193 New Testament history
Civil-service reform 72 Explanation
126 Coming repeal of California Sunday law 73 Editorial correspondence .......
Mother's boys 389 Alarming extravagance 129 Conveniently non-committal 73 Every man as his work shall be .... .. : 466
My peace I give to you 451 A year of disasters 136 Canada 76, 219, 347 Hid. Bourdeau's return to Prance 544
POETRY. Master's questions, the 458 Another slander ditched 136 Change of laborers in Michigan 80 Eld. B. L. Whitney and party ...... 560
Moth-eaten ................. ..... 501 A striking admission ......... ... ... • 137 Children at bedtime, the .'... ........ /OS Earthquake at Java 588
A New Year's prayer 37 My tracts ............ 634 An open letter ...... ..... ... 140 California Health Retreat
A hymn 43 My work 112 Effect of reproof upon St. Peter 568
551 A new kind of strike .... ........... 152 Church-spires overtopped 113 Plod of the ages, the 578
.Answer to the puzzle 69 My prayer 566 A hint
An old hymn . 160 Closing act of earth's drama, 117 Exacting people 678
90 Marais and Huhn 677 A whisky h el ocaust . .... 161 Church business meetings . .......
A prayer 107, 166, 667 Martha or Mary 118 Encouraging words 879
758 A striking note 161 Colorado Conference directory 124 Eldorado camp-mooting 697
Attraction of the cross 113 A good point well made 163
A story of the North 131 New calendar, the 5 Criminal policemen 129 Everything .. 739
A good prayer-meeting 165 Caliph of Islam 130 Encouraging items from Europe 776
A dream 171 New Year's presents 38
!A requiem 238, Nearer thee . 97 Antiquity of the Sabbath 168 Corning of the Lord ........ 136
Advent song 241 Not now 177 A lame critic 168 Ceresco meeting 136 Facts better than dation 48
:At vespers ................ ... 246 Nobody knows but Jesus 214 A new chain for India .. .... 177 Camp-meetings for 1883 . 144 Free trade ve. lumber supply 07
Nebuchadnezzar's dream 243 A lesson from Elisha 178 Card from Bro. Decker 144 Fiendish abuses of prison convicts 113
;A last day's duties 253 A skeptic's queries...185, 201, 216, 233, 249
'A worker's prayer....... 269 Nothing is lost 407 Character of Jonathan,.., . . 152 First prayer in Congress 184
Name in the sand 453 Another step forward 189 California .... ......... ....... ..... ... 154 Farm and Garden .,,,,,.135, 183
!Adventus secundus 384 A caution ... ,ee 192
A lesson learned ' • 438 Nothing to do ......, ..... .......... 454 Another valuable book ..... ...... .... 194 Canvassing in the South, . ..... 156 Floods in Europe ' 146
Anywhere 443 Not worthy, but willing . ..... . 465 A notable sign Colorado 171, 218, 251, 248,443, 731 Future of politics :145
........... .. 209 Christianity halting 177 Forgiveness 150
'A careless age „ 449 No night there Are you willing to be saved?
481 None but Christ... 653 Casts from spirit hands 180 Family tents. 172
All for God ............... ....... Absolution ... .. ..... 9.... ......... .. 229 Correction
Absent one, the 529 192, 621 Floods of 1882 193
Alone 563 Nearer to thee 674 Areading service ....................235 Cure for loneliness 195 First names of linen 227
Analysis of the Old and New Testaments 240 Campbell on the law 105 Fixing for Sunday law 264
sA sheaf of richest grain 598 Only wait 3 A disturbing element 241 Caste in America 209 Facts about the United States 294
A Christian crosslees cannot be ....... 609 Oriental studies 85 Ark of the testimony 244 Conditional immortality
Amen of the rocks 619 Our prayer 225 Funeral texts 298, 346
247 Arrogance of the Catholic priesthood.. 245 Christian experience 229 Faithfulness in our sphere 309
.A Sabbath hymn 722 Overcometh '4i 257 A specific for pride ......... ....... 245 Christian Statesman on definite day 241 Flint, Mich., camp-meeting -.320, 350, 408
'Be in earnest 6 Our daily bread 423 A man of principle . . 246 Catholics becoming spiritualists .... 241 Feet-washing ... 324
'Better 34 Oh, speed the work 1 ... 427 A continued prophecy 258 Coldness of the church 246 Floating members . 371
'Beulah land 273 Only a dream, but yet how true . 439 Absurd reasoning 269 Common opportunities 246 Florida 428, 475
'Better world 322 Old hundred ... 579 An objection to the Testimonies an- Charm of true marriage 247 Fear not ............ ............ .... 436
'Behold, he comes l 153 On the other side ...... e .. ... 643 swered 254 Christian work 257, 273 Forsaking all .. . .... 460
Blameless 418 Our daily bread .... ........ 677 A few suggestions 277 Coming as a thief ........ ............ 260 Funds for missionary work 474
'Better to'wear out than rust 484 Out and into 731 A deacon carried away.. . . .. 280 Colorado Tract Society ... 284, 517 From the East 536
`Be ye also ready 486 Passing years, the ........ 22 Another wicked religious novelty 280 Camp-meetings of 1883 296 Faith 563
'Be with me, Lord 627 Purity . ... ... 53 Attitude of expectation ... ...... 280 Connecticut 300 First 'Mess. 5 563
'Beyond 662 Pleasures forevermore..... .......... 209 A sad accident . . 281 Could not give it up 301 Formation of character 580
'Christmas chimes from the poets' belfry 11 Paul and the viper 807 Ashamed of it ....... ..... ,..... ..... . 292 Camp-meeting labor 304 Faithfulness 595
'CriMifixion, the 77 Psalms 17 :8 321 American fables 295 Cause of Nihilism 805 Final triumph of Christ 596
338 Angry nations 296 Character building 320 Forgiveness, atonement 810
Coining quickly 81 Peter's repentance A serious evil ....... -P.. ... .. ..... 321 Citizen pope Four things...-. ...............
Pray 539 321 666
"Christ our glory 83
'Consent not, 183 Pray for the erring. ....... ........ 632 Angels at creation 324 Canvassing in Nebraska 343 Forty years 681
"Christ's way of blessing 236 Passion of Christ... ............ 769 A sleeping church . 325 Courage 355 First angel's message in Sweden 684
Awaking from sleep . ..... 840 Can the world be reformed ? ...... .. 356 French Switzerland 884
`Christ and the clouds 366 Redemption's song 547 A suggestion to questioners 345 Common mistake. ... ...... ......... 359 Florida. 684, 731
'Charity 370 Rest in God... 679 A dveritish 364 Canvassing in Indiana
'Christian duties 423 365 Fire-proof armor 739
Advent Harold 368 Canvassing 375, 518, 534, 582, 583, 598 Fifty thousand dollars' worth 752
Churchyard reverie 431 Spiritual gifts 12
An efficient mode of work 874
468 St. John, the aged ...... ........ .... 52 Czar's Coronation, the ......... ....... 385 General Conference boundaries
Safe retreat 60 A work of judgment 376 Canvassing in Kansas ......... ........ 397 General meeting of the Michigan Tract 11
Curse of empty hands Ass impressive discourse 376 Christian temperance
Christ the sufferer, and Christ the con- Second coining, the 65 A valuable book 436, 514 Society 24
485 Selling heaven .. 86 381 Creation vs. redemption.,,. 437 God's plan for you 59
queror At work for the Lord 381 Canvassing in Kentucky
Cast thy bread upon the waters ..... 517 Scatter the seed 93 .. 489 God's memorials appropriate 65
A building without a foundation 392 Canvassing in Iowa .......... .. . 448 Good advice
Courage 587 Saviour's bequest, the 161 67
A suggestion 807 Christian love 452 Great lesson, the
Could we know 595 Sunshine .................. ...... 109 68
237 A first-class railroad 400 Co-operation with ministers 465 German court and church, the
Christ, thou art mine 611 Service An acknowledgment 406 Canvassing in Ohio. ... .. . 82
694 She sleeps ............ 351 471 Gates of pearl, the 82
Consider the lilies 725 Seen and unseen. 879 A call for volunteers
413 Conversation with an Israelite 483 Great storms 145
433 422 Concordance to the doctrine of baptism 485 God's kingdom " industrious"
Come back 779 Sometimes Annihilation of the wicked 423 168
Stranger, the . 533 Camp-meetings in Iowa 491 Gradual growth of Sunday-keeping 181
Dominion 1 Secret of a happy day 549 Alma, ?itch., camp-meeting 425 Canvassing in Minnesota 493, 551, 636 Gleanings
A word for our own paper 206
Dawning year, the 17 Sleep they not well 9 . 559 430 Camp-meeting changes. 406 General meeting for West Virginia 208
Don't . 231 Sabbaths 676 A vigorous society ........ ............ 432 Camp-meeting Sabbath-schools 503 Good Samaritan
All the time 436 248
Deacon's advice, the 374 Sea mists 705 Conference in Sweden ........ .... 509 General meeting in Missouri
417 Star of love A national religion . 440 Causes of the dispute on circumcision 519 Good Health 256
Day is at hand 288, 528, 663
Evening hymn 103 Sickness 739 A terrible picture ............ ........ 440 College items........ 626, 666, 688, 752, 784 General summary of missionary labor 802
Are we followers of Christ 7 440 Coming conflict.. ...... .... ...96, 528, 584 Genealogy of Christ, or an infidel cavil
Evening by evening 135 18 A distressing calamity
178 Tired and tried 496 Charity 530 exploded 352
End cometh, the A debtor to Christ
Even so, come, Lord Jesus 181 Their meaning 4e9 Changes in postal rates.-- . 549 Gold eagle 359
.. 75 A bad crowd
Eternity 301 Tell it to God 139 A wonderful gun
502 Christianity vs. infidelity . 696 General meeting in New England 411
305 Trusting ... ..... ....... 604 Carlyle on Darwinism 598 Grieve not the Spirit 417
Evening tears and morning songs This earth is like a troubled main A mysterious providence 604
End of the way, the 502 147 Canvassing in Upper Columbia 508 Great week of time, the 456. 472, 488, 504,
. 260 Antidote of death
Even thus shall it be ....... 513 True Shepherd. .. 546 Colorado camp-meeting
283 Among the Scandinavians in Nebraska 551 Canvassing in Texas
606, 690 520, 586
Eternity ..... , .. 631 To a young Christian 293 Appeal to youth
620 Georgia 475, 555
True greatness Colorado Conference ........... . ... , 652 Gratitude 500
Faith and works 60 Thy will be clone ... 314 A private word to correspondents 576 Cherub, the 859 God's promises
343 A request.... 600
Fool's prayer, the ... 66 Tired foot 567 Canvassing in Maine 663 Good words for our paper 528
Family love /19 Time and eternity 386 A Turkish crisis approaching 584 Canada Conference ... ........ 669 Great Britain Tract Society
123 Thoughts at sunset . ..... . 394 Arapahoe, Nebraska, camp-meeting 584
Forgive for Jesus' sake • 585 Canada S. S. Association 669 Great projects 636
Fullness of Christ 129 Troubled waters..--......-....... 469 A new work in the Danish-Norwegian Comforter, the 673 General Conference 560, 728, 744, 746
Fullness of joy 145 Thou art coming ..... 500 lan aline 592 Cares of life 674 Go forward
• 567
Faith.... ............ ........225, 287, 749 To the workers 506 A Christian life . 596 Canada Tract Society 679 Good, better, best '
515 A lesson from the unjust steward 582
Former things are passed away 332. Temptation 610 Christian character 691 God of the Bible and the "God of na-
Faith and fancy 403 Trust ........ ......... ...... 540, 545, 692 A conversation on pork, tea, and coffee 611, Canvassing in Vermont 695 ture "
•• • • 476 Tongue instructed, the 550 626, 660. 627, 848
Finish thy work.,,,. Conversion 700 Great commandment 644
False pride 517 Three watchwords :.. • ..... 582 A precious Sabbath 624 Conference, the ............ ........ 720 Giving way
522 Trust and distrust 664
Footprints of Jesus 604 A word from our College... 651 Child-training . 725 Giving up all for Christ .... ........ 676
Father's pity, the . 565 True love begins at home.. ..... , 614 Arrival at Bale, Switzerland ... 656 Coke ado Tract Society 727 Give your wife a vacation...
673 Truth vs. error. 756 An acceptable fast unto God 657 Changes in fields of labor.... . . • • 803
Foreshadowing, the .......... 752 General Conference proceedings...732, 741
Great assize, the 33 Take me, make me, break me ...... 763 A ride with the deacon
Another Arctic failure
. .... 661 Coining canvass 752 General S. S. Association 765
Gethsemane . ... 141 Vision of St. John on Patmos... 98 Alabama camp-meeting ...... 662 College matters 761 Greatest miracle, the 778
204 Vanity versus substance 865 Constitution of the Inter. Tract Society 750 General meeting at Poy Sippi 780
God giveth the increase .. 691 Annual meeting of Canada....... 667 Church festivities
God's care 580 774 Good report from Healdsburg 784
598 What claim have 1. 67 A retrospect 675
Go forward Why do they not see the light ?,
609 What 109 A palace on wheels 676 Dakota ...12. 43, 90, 107, 123, 155, etc Hints to mothers 5
I most desire... 124 Appearance of a tornado 676 Dakota Tract Society.. 28, 141, 253, 582, 563 Dew is it ? 26, 80
Happy Now Year 2 s 154 A mind of my own 691 Design of the prophecies 33 Health Reform institute 20
Heaven 51 Weil done 284 A frightful array 794 Doeg's mistake 74 Hidden clock, the 37
Haunted 125 We seek a city 289 Alpha and Omega 707 Does death end probation? . 85 Honor 52
Help one another 152 What shall I be? 293 A savor of life-a savor of death .... 711 Disasters of January, 1883 97 Horror and degrcdation of the heathen
How much do you love Jesus? ...... 173 When the day breaks 363 American compromise ...713, 728, 744, 760 Did Christ ever live') 98 world, 60
He maketh the blind to see 194 Waiting 28, 401, 613 A word from New Mexico 717 Dune-novel literature. 129 II. W. Beecher's surrender 97
He leadoth me 215 Wild grapes 615 A prevalent sin 739 Did Luke reckon by Roman time in How weak are you? 109
Happiness 221 Why not save mother? 646 Arkansas 749 Acts 20 : 79 150 He doeth great wonders 113
Healer, the 266 What of that? 684 An endowment fund.,. 762 Don't tales a back seat 161 Hastening to be rich ...... 114
How, when, where, why 390 A new and valuable work 766 Divorce in America 184 How to tell them 117
Heart content... 437 Ye will not come to me that ye might A contrast .. ... ... • 770 Designs of the Mormons 184 How to he ready for successful labor 125
Harvest home ....... 571 have life 198 A new departure in the Babylon family 770 Dakota and Iowa 188 House and farm 151
How shall I pray?... 597 Ye have done it unto Me ........ 358 An inhuman religion .
... .. 774 Dress 219 Hands off, pope 152
Honored heroism 659 A church paper 776 Danger from millionaires 225 How to preach 202
Harvest 726 GENERAL ARTICLES. Demand of the present 225 How it was answered 225
Hidden serpent, the 767 Battle Creek V. M. Society 45, 237,356 Dakota camp-meeting... .... 272, 368, 441 "How readest thou?" 228
He giveth his beloved sleep .... 773 A priest's letter to the people..... Bette' way, the , 69 Danger of rich churches 305 Have you a backbone? .... .......
3 Baptism means baptism 258
85 Deacon's week 810 How to wait 270
In the King's banqueting house 45 A broken reed 8 British mission -124, 218, 269, 3/.6, 394, 410,
Discontent in Europe 337 How to pitch a tent 298
It is well . 189 A universal rule ....... ....... .. 8 443, 458, 475, 523, 539, 571, 804, 632, Dynamite threatening•s .....
In the resurrection........ 211 An explanation 16 - 094
860 How to canvass for the m9ns 327
Divine government, the 4'21 How to select a field of labor... 331
In the morning 410 An interesting incident.... .. . 19 Bale, Switzerland 139, 522 Departure for Europe
In the early days of autumn 641 At the year's end . 21 Benjamin Franklin's motion for prayers 145 432, 592 How to present the Sabbath .......... 831
Discouraged ....... .. .............. 436 Has the spirit a form s ...... . , .... 342
I shall be satisfied 657 Annual summary of missionary labor Besotted Switzerland 177 Dying.......... ...... ....
I shall see Him 717 for year ending Oct. 1, 1882 23 Business folly 193 Don't borrow
... 440 Now to present the truth in new fields 346
I say unto all, Watch.. 737 A glimpse of college life 24 Beside himself 451 His real views 358
197 Doubts 463 Iftrinihty 372
A critic or a fault-finder-which? . ... 35
Just as God leads 187 A thanksgiving New Year ............ 37 Business stronger than religion 225 Dakota Conference.... 477 Huldah the prophetess 386
Jesus 203 American H. and T. Association Battle Creek church and advisory com- Danish Conference 509 Hearthstone, the 390
44 mittee 249 Do they really believe?
Jacob's dream ... 365 A full human life 58 Believest thou this '+ 515 Humility ....................434
258 Dakota S. S. Association 525 How to resist evil 470
Kissed his mother 21 A night in Lapland 54 Bright spots in Battle Creole 256 Does the gospel abrogate the ten com-
Keep us, Saviour 753 A dangerous element 55 Because Humbling of pride .... 501
268 mandments 9 531 Hillsdale camp-meeting 526, 568
Keep nothing from mother 772 A peculiar people 59 Burning world, the... ... 277 Dakota and Minnesota
A noble example 62 Battle Creek Bible class 281 Delegates and proxies for our anniver-
572 Heaven 530
Let us go forth, Heb. 13 :13 49 Heavenly friend 648
Another helper in the Association 64 Buddhism vs. Catholicism 343
Lo! He cometh 101 A spice of wickedness sary meeting 608, 640 How to discourage a minister 505
Lord's poor, the 68 Books for the camp-meetings 845 Delegates to General Conference. 656;672 Have other worlds fallen? ....
116 A menace to republican France 568
Lord will come, the 166 A chapter from the record of 1882 71 Better still 374 Death of Hid. J. N. Andrews
71 Backsliding 440, 753 Dr. Crosby's testimony
680, 710 How the stars fell 581
Laid aside 218 A retrospect .., ......... ........ 77 Bodily defilement 712 Had an eye on him 597
Life everlasting 300 And not man for the Sabbath..... 498 Has the time come? .. 612
84 Burden-bearing 517 England 12, 632
Little work 316 A prophecy fulfilling . 83 Blessed hope History of the Sabbath 640
Labor song . . 347 All-sufficient indorsement 520 Educational Society 13
Loving words ........ ........ ..... 369 A terrible mistake 85 Be zealous and repent 561 Elements of success 35 Have you faith? 642
86 Bull City, Kansas, camp-meeting Here are they 660
Last message, the ........ ...... ..... 396 A dead man slandered 585 Eighteen hundred and eighty-three 44 Have you read it 2
Love in the family 407 Amusements snore expensive than re- 88 Because it's according to law 696 Except ye exceed 56
Leverage 497 Bible means of both mental and moral Established with grace 74 How Martin Luther was cured
Looking beyond.... .... 561
ligion 97 culture ... .... ..... ' ... . 609 Ezekiel 38 and 39 . 90 How to receive the truth 696
An infidel picture ..... : ...... 97 Extinguished lights ... ... 101 Homespun religion 772
Love and youth.... 593 Breastplate and helmet 6e6
Look up, not down 597 A chimerical dream 97 Bible-reading Institute....640, 653, 666,704 Editor, the 114 Ise. 49:16 3
Lord Jesus, make us ready A disastrous month 98 Bible readings ' ' 649, 768 Evil effects of vicious literature 133 Inquiry from a dunce .... ........... 1
Look to thyself 693 A Another view of the papacy 102 Biblical lectures.,-,,.. • 768 Example of the prophet Daniel 168 International T. and M. Society 6, 221, 763
Lord is coming story of Holland ' 103 Enormous railway businese .. ' t 177 Iowa le; 28, 43, 60, 76, 90,108, etc.
706 An ounce of mother
Little things 710 103 Coming kingdom 1 20 Eighth day, the 216 Indiana 12, 29, 43, 60, 108, 140, 154, etc
Labor and pain A better crop Canvassing work, the 9 Empty- coat 230 Inci•easing irreverence 21
741 Alabama 107, 171, 251, 348, 879; 4.7 .- 1
5, 572, 631 Conference boundaries 11 Extension of time .... ....... 253 Illinois 28, 92, 108, 139, 164, 171, etc
Midnight hymn 4 At work again 109 Confessions ' 24 Earnest work 259 Importance of time Old Testament 50
Missionary call, the 23 A sign of the end 121 Canvassing in Maine 28, 156, 205 Evolution 261 Inundated Europe 55
Motive, the 61 A leaf from experience 124 Circulation of the Signs of the Times.. 42 Early writings 280 is man immortal? 67
'800 THE REVIEW AND HERALD. „[VoL. 60, No. 50.
Illinois Tract Society 94, 203, 270, 317, 518, Maine Tract Society..125, 343, 582, 828, 758 Our camp-meeting 817 Scandinavian mission 139 True missionary spirit 433
551, 647 Maine's answer 145 Ohio S. S. Association 636 Something for tea-drinkers _ 145 Thou shalt not covet 435
Irrepressible conflict, the 98 More about good books.. ........ .. 162 Our Mediator 723 Symptoms of spiritual decline . ... 146 Thoughts on Sabbath housekeeping 436
Is it much to " draw" , 113 Martyrs of to-day 163 Old, old story, the 725 Scandinavian S. D. A. P. A 155 To our missionary workers in Iowa 439
Instability of nations......... ... 121 Matthew 5 : 11 ... 164 Our surroundings .... 756 Swiss V. M. Society 156 The three therefores 466
Indiana Tract Society 141, 156, 326, 365, 679 Minnesota Tract Society.141, 173, 865, 486, Old vs. New Testament 771 Something valuable for thrise who write 160 That hymn 467
Integrity of character 150 566, 598 Sunday reaction 161 Testimony of Jesus the same as the
179 Parables 4 Slight divergence leads to wide depart- spirit of prophecy- 481
Important meetings in New England 153 More faith Practical thoughts 4, 19, 84, 1 530
Iowa Tract Society 173, 189, 224, 526, 551, Mark of the beast 179 ure 162 Testimony of Jesus again 488
190 Profitable reading Synopsis of Biblical Sabbath history 162, 178 Testaments of Christ 501
666 Missionary spirit, the Poverty of the Mormons 22
It will out 193 Meeting at Marshall, Mich 232 Strong evils weak remedies 168 Texas H. and T. Society 519
Publishing Association, the 27 Skeptics and comets 177 Texas S. S. Association 526
Indiana meteor 193 Minister's department 235 Pennsylvania Conference 28, 60, 75, etc
Is it the lull before the storm ? 194 Mississippi and Alabama 236 Secret societies 182 These perilous times 548
Plain words to rich Methodists 49 Stretching things . Tree and the rock, the 550
Is it church and State? 200 More spiritualistic investigation 241 Practical 50-
Imitation of the Saviour 200 Mormonism 241 Swan Lake V. M. Society Time of the judges 584
Prince Napoleon's keenness 55 S. S. work in Wisconsin 192 Tennessee camp-meeting 590, 608, 665
Important notice... 208 Minnesota and Iowa 250 Premium book, the 80
If not, why not? 229, 245, 275 290, 370, 337, Missionary labor 251 Synopsis of secular history ..... th.e-Sab- 118839 To the churches in Ohio . 520
Province of Quebec 90 bath 194, 228, 244, 291, 324, 340, 354, Thy kingdom come 595
403, 419 Making memories 293 Polar sea explorations 81
Iowa camp-meeting 252, 392, 510, 558, 569 Modern religious declension 305 418 Thoughts for free-thinkers 600
Periodical account, the 93 Strauss' mythical theory - 198 Threshing-floors 618
Is it consistent? • 264 Mormon defiance 321 Prepare war 113
Iowa and Illinois 267 Maine H. and T. Association 327 Soul-elevating community 209 Thirty reasons against dancing 614
Proposed Sunday legislation in N. Y 114 Sodom in the majority 209 Texas Conference 620
Is it Sunday or Thursday ?.. 278 Millennium, the 328, 314 Prayers answered 124
In my Father's house 278 Modern Spiritualism.... ......... ... _ 372 Save the national stomach 231 Tract society in California 629
PAfitable reading 149 Sowing and reaping 232 Temporal power of the pope 650
Instruments of music 279 Michigan not an exception 375 Plain talk 150
Immense immigration coming 321 Missionary work in Ohio 375 Salvation army 241 Tract work 695
Political power of the papacy 161 Second advent, the 280, 296, 312 Third message of Rev. 14 : 9-12 ....696, 712
Instrumental music 328 Maine S. S. Association 396 Pr
Priodgeress of our canvassing work 173
Increasing formality 830 Ministerial appointment for Kansas Supplying reading-rooms in Kentucky 284 Tennessee Conference 700
• 179 Seventh-day Adventists and the testi- Tennessee S. S. Association 701
Iowa Sabbath-schools... 834 Conference ........ 396 Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar 184
Irish troubles and the papacy . .81337 More from Ohio 397 mony of Jesus Christ .290, 307, 322 Temperance in Kansas 701
Prophetic maps 192, 304 Seating tents 298 Ten commandments in Eden 760
Instructions and suggestions to colpor- Missionary work in Kentucky... 414 Perilous times 197, 19
2 297
ters 343 Mother's whisky bottle 423 Shafts against infidelity 305 Thou mayest be no longer steward 771
349 Pockets Synopsis of Stephen's speech 306 Thrift at home 772
Indiana State meeting Meats clean and unclean 424 Pure amid impurity 230
Important meeting in New England 350 Minnesota camp-meeting 440 Septuagint chronology 309 The Review 776
Proof of love 237 Supplying libraries in Illinois 817
Infidels not martyrs 391 Minnesota Conference 445 Preeumptions as to ham 247 Unity of the Testaments 2
Idolatry in dress 406 Minnesota S. S. Associations 461 Spirits in prison 341 Upper Columbia Conference ....12, 604, 731
.. 412 Person al 248, 527527 Swiss Tract Society 343, 486
Iowa Conference Proceedings. Sleekness 467 Prodigality Upper Columbia Tract Society.124, 317, 454,
owa S. S. Association 412 Missionary work 471 Second advent in the New Testament. 355 566,758
Perplexity of nations 281 Spiritualism : a delusion of the devil.. 357
Is it practical' 413 More preaching in our churches 485 Premiums 285 Unstable as water 275
Items of interest 429, 667, 695 Most consistent, which? ...... . 530 Story of a tired mother's victory 158 Unappreciated blessings 346
463 Practical thoughts for camp-meetings 289 S. D. A. church manual 361, 377, 393, 409,
I will come again Missionary work among the Scandina- Prove me now 291 Uses of an enemy 358
Is it not selfish ? 530 i lens 503 426, 441, 457, 474, 491, 505, 521, 537, Under the law 420
Profession without fruits 293 553, 569, 586,692, 618, 631
Illinois camp-meeting 641, 630 Manton, Mich., camp meeting 510, 585 Pure and undefiled religion 293 Uncertainty of geological science.497, 513,
Is evolution science? 247 Many called but few chosen.. 565 Self-renunciation 371 529
565 Pennsylvania camp-meeting ..316, 376, 393 Salvation not easily obtained 392
Indiana camp-meeting........573, 617, 650 Mother Pulpit qualifications 331 Use of trials 565
Iowa camp-meeting, Algona 617 Maine camp-meeting 601 Signs canvass in Ohio 397 Unchangeable law, the 788
Illinois Conference Poisoned at a church festival ..... , 837 Sathabnittahs,tthhee
s 401
634, 576 Maine Conference 620 Proof of conversion 342
Illinois S, S. Association ...... ........ 652 Missouri camp-meeting 624, 664, 685 scope-goat 424 Virginia ..12, 76, 90, 123, 140, 154, etc.
Illinois Conference directory Paradise lost aftd restored 388, 438084 S. S. collections- Are they wrong 424 Vermont Tract Society.. .. 23, 205, 343, 534,
653 Michigan, Battle Creek, camp-meeting 630 Power of faith
Illinois H. and T. Society 653 Michigan Conference 635 Sunshiny husbands 437 662, 758
International Society reports 656 Pennsylvania S. S. Association 896 463 Vermont and the Province of Quebec 43
Miller's mistake 648 Prayer-meeting 406
Is it a similar case 11 660 Michigan H. and T. Association 652 Seplafis'elinn ocsts . . ........ ......... 457 Vermont. 44, 60, 91, 107, 507, 632, etc.
Indiana Conference Philip the evangelist 419 Sanitarium, the 461 Vine and the branches, the 180
663 Michigan Conference directory 653 Provoke not the Lord by unbelief 422
Indiana S. S. Association 660 Maine S, S. Association... ... .. . 669 Shall we go back? 463 Virginia Tract Society ....237, 317, 566, 726
" I just did" 692 Pennsylvania Conference report 446 Sabbath to the front 488 Vermont camp-meeting .256, 304, 525. 586
Matthew 19 :17 . 675 Pennsylvania Tract Society...454, 503, 628
Important meeting 704 Missouri Conference ........ ........ 700 Spirit of persecution 516 Visit to Hillsdale 264
Institute and General Conference 714 Paul and Mark... Some one to love 516 Vagaries of evolution 308
More earthquakes 704 Prayer in the family 457
Inspiration of the Bible 714, 746 My wet ds shall not pass away 706 Scandinavian missionary society ..517, 726 Value of correct habits 323
Institute for New York 713 720 Pennsylvania II. and T. Society... 477 Signs canvass in alt. Pleasant, Mich 518 Very true 355
elc .serlec Perilous times 485
More "Sunshine at Home" 762 Seven months of horror 531 Virginia camp-meeting...396, 461, 491, 537
Judgment is mine 84 Persecution 491 Spirit of the early church 533 Vermont Conference 820
Joy unspeakable 86 Meetings in Ceresco.... .... 776 Parental influence, ....... 514 Sonic more good words 534 Valuable books for reference 672
Japan advancing 113 Nebraska Tract Society .7, 173, 302, 551, 662 Prayer 516 Sketches from the Life of Paul 448, 535, 550 Variable elements in the Christian
Jethro as a jurist 115 New volume, the 8 Power from on high 532 Sunday for woodchucks 536 ministry... , 697
Jewish day, the 134 Nebraska.12, 61, 154, 171, 203, 251, etc. 552 Sanitarium, the 544
Jay Gould 145 Nevada Tract society 22, 124, 317 Prophets and their preroga yes 503 Stirring words What shall we teach our daughters? 5
552 What to call it 40
Just before generous 164 Northern Europe .28, 314, 411, 508, 619, 651, Paper and its future 598 Stray sheep, the 580
Jolly jokes 357 717 Paul as a minister 615 Sure word of prophecy Wisconsin _43, 60, 76, 90, 107, 123, etc.
595 Worth trying 51
Judgments, retributive and premoni- North Pacific Conference 98, 315 People's telegraph, the .. 617 " Suppression " 608
tory 434 New England H. and T. Society 29 Pronoun " he " in Dan. 9 : 27 648 Why do people read? 70
Search the Scriptures 625 Were they infidels? 81
John 11 : 35 515 New England 44, 349 Prayer of faith 661 Sabbath, Oct. 6 640
New Jersey. .. . 75 Potter and the clay 724 Significance of Iowa polities Who are entitled to premiums 98
Kansas 28, 43, 60, 75, 90, 108, 123, etc. 644 World's deep need, the 98
Keep it before the people 36, 504 New York...91, 108, 154, 187, 218, etc. Pope still demands political power 725 Sabbath reflections at sea 645
New Monitor, the 81 Prospective College improvements 761 Scripture jotting's When did Christ rise from the dead; on
Kentucky 60, 139, 235, 380, 427, 443, 459, 645 Saturday or Sunday ?. 98, 116, 131, 147
507, 555, 572, 587, 619, 699, 731 New method for preserving records of Physical and mental labor combined 762 Still deceiving 549
sea disaster 81 Preach the word 777 What we need 110
King's friend, the 87 School for Bible-readers, Oct. 30 653 What whisky does 120
Kentucky Tract Society ...94, 326, 518, 646 Night is far spent, the 114 Quarterly meetings 396 Self-justification 660
Neither is there salvation in any other 133 Sabbath, the What Catholics say 129
Know not God 133 Quarterly meetings, tithes, etc. 405 661, 603 What one woman did for Japan 141
Kansas Tract Society 141, 156, 221, 224, 326, New England school 137, 252, 512, 518 Startling statistics 677
New England Tract Society 141, 397 Riots in India 6 Well done 142
374, 615 Something new and nice 688 What not to discuss in Bible-class 145
Kentucky quarterly Conference 220 New York Tract Society. 141, 156, 224, 256, REVIEW for 1883 16 Self-will .... 708
374, 397, 517, 629 Review of 1882 38 Sernot on the second advent Why is it? 161
Keep in the narrow way 244 708 What makes a home beautiful ... 151
Kansas camp-meeting 256, 860, 448 557 National reform '181 Rothschild's maxims 41 South Lancaster school .. 720
North Pacific Tract Society...189. 317, 436, Respect for the servants of a id 42 Sunday-law conflict coining on Whispers of diplomacy 152
Keep on the track 259 728 Weak-kneed ministers 161
King dynamite 143 598, 758 Rest from within 45 Seeking God 738
No stopping-place 194 Right view, the 48 "World is coining to an end, the " 166
Keeping the tongue ...... .......... 354 S, D. A. Publishing Association 742 Where is your interest? 178
Kansas Conference 381 Not as our Rock .. 197 Retribution, not punishment 52 Signs in the sun and stars 756
New torpedo gun 225 Revolution in the air 55 Sabbath hunger Wisconsin Tract Society 189, 439, 454
Kansas S. S. Association 381 757 What should we do? 189
Kansas H. and T. Society 477 Note to our brethren in Kentucky 272 Richness of Alaska 97 Switzerland 763
New departure 276 Remarkable growth of our country 104 S. D. A. Educational Society What ruin is doing in Ireland 193
Keep warm 564 764 Warlike inventions 193
Kentucky camp-meeting 631 National reform movement 321 Religious liberty denied ..... 114 Sabbath Sentinel 768
Nebraska T. and M. State office '397 Railway building 114 " Sabbath Readings " etc What of the Sabbath day? 196
Kansas, Fort Scott, camp-meeting 631, 652 263 Will there be room? 197
Key note, the 648 North Carolina 347, 572 Remarks on Phil. 1 : 23... 122 Spiritualism an organized religion 776
New York Conference 380 Russo-Turkish question 136 Weeds and flowers 199
Kentucky Conference 652 Sunday movement and our new paper 784 When he cometh ... 200
Kentucky S. S. Association 780 Night cometh, the 450 Religious amendment 145 Seventh day Adventist statistics, 1883 784
North Pacific Conference . 460 Reserve fund, the 157 Wonderful book 202
Latest and worst 6 Nebraska camp-meeting _465, 541, 557, 630 Reformation continues, the 164 To canvassers and vigilant T and M What may be done 204
Labor in the South Atlantic States New England camp-meeting..526, 669, 588 Respect the aged 180 workers in Iowa 7 Watch 204
Let us subscribe for Good Health 58 New York camp-meeting.525, 557, 573, 617 Religious intolerance in Pennsylvania 241 Tennessee .12, 203, 348, 363, 443, etc What he has done 229
Living for others 77 New Jerusalem 564 II m's lava stream 241 To the brethren in Nebraska 13, 301 Words of our Lord to the thief on the
Love's answer... 83 New England Conference 589 Reading matter wanted 253 Texas Tract Society .... .23, 253, 365 cross 201:1
Literary study of the Scriptures 89 New England S. S. Association 590 Religious laziness 294 Two laws 24, 40, 56, 72 Will not endure sound doctrine ..... 260
Look after the children ....... 103 New England H. and T. Association 605 Railroads to keep Sunday 305 To s. B. treasurers in Vermont 31 Willing to investigate 210
Letter to a young lady 118 Nearing the coast of England 631 Request for prayer 312 To tract worIcers in Nebraska. 32, 253 Works of the Almighty 278
Luther's conflict with popery 125 New York Conference .... 634 Report of missionary labor in the Scan- Testimonies, the 84, 106, 342 What we need 278
Leprosy in the United States 145 Notes of travel...641, 689, 705, 721, 737, 769 dinavian kingdoms 317 To missionary workers 45 Why get discouraged? 278
Late disasters 163 New York S. S. Association 652 Reapers 325 Then and now 56 Who is this King of Glory? 292
Labor in New England 188 New missionary letter 665 Remember the Sabbath day 339 Third angel's messege.57, 120, 169, 234, 312, What great men have said about the
Land given to railroads '209 Nebraska Conference 668 Railroad robberies 353 344 Bible 292
Legality . , 248 Natural appetites 678 Royal foot-washing 356 To canvassers for "Thoughts" 59 Where is our strength ? 293
Labor in the New England Conference 252 No Church Manual 745 Reason, the 369 Tobacco habit 66 What a canvasser is doing in Dakota 302.
Lone watcher, the 293 New s'andard time 768 Remember Lot's wife 371 Tobacco on the young 87 Way to keep fresh, the 313
Last days perilous 297 Now Biblical Atlas 766 Rapid growth 335 Thou shalt do no murder 102 W. T. V. M. Society 326
Last-day scoffers 305 Romans 7 and 8 405 Tents and tent labor 103 W isconsin ,camp-meeting .336, 352, 408,,541
Labor in Vermont ...... .... 314 Our conversation 3 Russian pressure increasing True -% iew of inspiration 113 Work of God in the earth 840
Omens for good ........... 9 456
Letter and the spirit of the law 341 Radi 1 467 Two evils 130 World growing worse 353
Labor in Maine. 349 Ohio 12, 29, 75, 91, 107, 139, 154, etc Ro 2 : 11 Theological discovery 133 Wonderful growth of the United States 353
Our foreign missions 23 409
Let us be wise 430 Re rinse from Illinois- 493 Tennessee Tract Society..14/, 865, 551, 691 Why don't you? 153
Labor for the Texas camp-meeting 432 Origin and growth of faith 34 Ristaw Supplement To Sabbath-schools in Kansas 156 Wisconsin and Iowa 363
Our country's progress 41 288, 521, 628, 601
Lord's day, the 451 Reflect the true light 564 Tract and missionary societies 157 War in Asia 369
Love of Christ, the 473 Our children 63 Relief fund To church clerks and treasurers in N. Y 160 We would see Jesus 389
One day at a time 507
Light literature 498 Report from a Mississippi worker 615 Truth comically told 161 Ways and works of God harmonious 377
Let us pray 499 Our present duty 73 Russia still active This same Jesus .............. 165 Worship God 387
Occupy the field Ir 94 616 Wisconsin and Minnesota
Love in the household 501 Report from New England 685 Trimming ministers 177 395
Land of Palestine, the 533 Our privileges 110 Romanism as seen in Mexico Terrible bigotry and intolerance 177 Where is the blessing? 405
Obituary poetry 144 694
Last battle, the 547 Return to Ca- donna 704 Texas 181, 251, 301, 348, 363, 540, 667 West Virginia 411, 475, 604, 633, 699
Looking out of the back door 549 Ohio Tract Society 156, 284, 566, 758 Repentance Two covenants 195, 213, 227, 243, 258, 273 Wisconsin Conference 444
Ohio camp-meeting ..176, 412, 443, 490, 563 724 Warnings 451
Light of prophecy '- 562, 578 Restitution of all things 726 To the brethren in Missouri 204, 317
Living Vine, the 577 Oyster supper in Milton 177 Religious Amendment Association "Time of the resurrection of Christ..... 211 Wisconsin S. S. Association ...... 461
" Old fiddle " argument, the 178 736 Thrilling present, the What is Illinois doing? 461
Law of Liberty 600 Rome still the same 752 213
Lesson from the history of Hezekiali 616 Organization of the Virginia Conference 204 Texas camp-meeting 220, 377, 490 Who made the Sabbath'? 463
Laying by in store 677 Oregon 218 Subscriptions for the likvisw and In- Third party 224 Who and what killed that young lady ? 470
Look unto me, and be ye saved... 691 Organization of the Va. Tract Society 237 structor 8 To the brethren in Maine ... „....224, 541 Who can hinder 9 472
Looking 740 Ontario 240, 266, 300, 395, 443, 492, 496, 524 Sacrifice of separation 17 Temple, the 226 Wholly unjustifiable 474
Laborers wanted 777 Our first duty to God 259 Something concerning " corners" and Talmage vs. the Bible 241 Wickedness of grudging 439
Organization of Va. S. S. Association 268 " futures " 22 The year and the calendar 246 Worshiping the world 515
Men do not fight phantoms 8 Other side of the question, the.. 262 S. D. A. year-book 27, 64, 96, 128, 288 Two valuable books 255 Why will ye die? 616
More trouble... .......... 8 Ohio State meeting 283 Seventh-day Adventist statistics, 1582 32 To the brethren in Canada 256 Was it an accident? 519
Missionary work for the winter 10 Our camp-meetings 297 Sabbath a blessing To the brethren in Kansas 256 Who will endure 'e 537
Maryland... 12, 633 36
Ohio reserve fund 302 Severity of Russian State laws 39 To the scattered believers in Ontario 263 Worldly conformity 548
Michigan ...13, 43, 60, 76, 92, 107, etc. Oregon V. M. Society 326 Sabbath-school lessons 48 Tent labor 269 Wisconsin and Illinois 555
Missouri Tract Society.23, 189, 365, 582, 694 Ohio S. S. Association 349 Something- interesting from Iowa 51 To whom it may concern '288 What is truth? 661
Missionary meeting at Greenville, Mich. 27 Our thoughts as elements of character 355 Sabbath items 52 To the friehds of the cause in Minnesota 304 What strong drink will do ... 579
Missouri..28, 43, 75, 107, 154, 187, etc. Office chapel, the 408, 480 Sacred music 67 Temperance work in Switzerland 305 What does it mean? 600
Massachusetts..28, 123, 428, 444, 475, 523, Our companion 421 Sunday items The church.-Unseen workers 310 Without are dogs 608
589, 604, 632 73
Oregon camp-meeting 426 Sweden, work in 91 Tithing under the gospel 324 Why not come to Christ? 612
Minnesota S. S. Association ... . . 31, 109 Obedience 469 South Atlantic mission 90, 140, 172, 284, 314 Take heed 325 Wisconsin camo-meeting, Memnon 617
Matthew 24:41, 57, 73, 88, 105, 120,337, 152, Of one mind 485 Street preaching by Bishop McNamara 81 Timeliness in duty 326 Who was Melchisedec ? 680-
169, 185, 201, 216, 232 Our work 486 Straws in motion ,To the H. and T. workers in Texas 327 Why don't you open ? 707
Meteors 55 Our College at Battle Creek 489 Signs of the times Thunder-storm in New York 337 We know, by faith we know 722
Ministerial districts in Kansas 88, 81
59 Our present position 545 Sunday-breaking railroads .... 97 Test that argument 361 Wesley on the Sabbath 722
Michigan Tract Society.61, 93, 109, 205, 208, Our vast productions 580 Synopsis of the atonement 101, 119 Testimony of Jesus ............ 372 Who were the " devout Greeks " 7 723
269, 281, 301, 439, 534, 647, 726 Ohio Conference 589 Sabbath and the German Bible, the .. 106 Tract society constitutions.. ..„ 384
Missionary work in New York City 61 Opening of the College 591 Sanctuary, the 120, 360 To every man his work 386 Year Book, the
Minnesota...75, 154, 172, 187, 203, etc 27, 64, 96, 128, 288
Only a wee sick lad 592 Scripture questions 122, 138, 153, etc. Thought; of Jesus 339 Young atheists 166
Maine..90, 155, 172, 187, 218, 235, etc Our country's future 607 Situation in Russia That fatal " if " 406 Young men as missionary workers
Ministry and our periodicals, the 129 449
105 One reason . . i 618 Sabbath in the Now Testament 184 To the brethren in Texas 416 Youth
t _

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