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CHEE3007 Process Modelling and Dynamics - Project Report 1

Assignment 1 - Project Report 1

Model Definition, Development, and Analysis

This assignment is to be done individually and submitted by the deadline.

This project will address the issues of model definition, the identification of principal controlling
factors, statement of assumptions, and model data. It will also cover the systematic development
of the model equations and their detailed analysis. IT DOES NOT INVOLVE THE
NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF THE MODEL; this step comes later (Assignment 2).
Expect to spend approximately 12 hours on this assignment. For the report, there is a strict limit
of 15 pages. The minimum font size is Times Roman 12 pt on 25 mm margins.
The report needs to be uploaded by the deadline to the allocated column on Blackboard. Please
include your name, student ID, and group number on the cover/title sheet of your submission.
Make certain that all of your development is clear, well organized, and well explained.

Description of the experiments using a steam-water exchanger

A series of experiments were conducted to examine the dynamic behaviors present in a steam-
water heat exchanger at varying pressures. The rig consists of a vertical double pipe heat
exchanger with steam flowing downwards through the inner tube and water flowing upwards in
the outer shell. This was done to ensure complete contact with the tube where no air was present
in the shell with the water. Dynamic data on the water and steam temperatures in response to
changes in the operating conditions were collected for the model calibration and validation.

The following process variables were measured: water inflow rate using a rotameter, inlet steam
pressure, inlet, and outlet water and steam temperatures, approximate wall temperature, and
ambient temperature. The inlet steam pressure was controlled by a regulator. The outlet steam
was vented to the atmosphere or collected in a steam trap. Six temperature sensors were present
throughout the rig measuring various temperatures versus time for feed and exit steam, feed and
exit water, tube, and ambient air. The rig was calibrated and temperature measurements were
logged as the flow rate of water was increased and decreased for trials at 100 kPag and 180 kPag
for steam pressure, where the dynamic temperature change data was collected. This was done for
at least two flow rates at each pressure tested (100 kPag and 180 kPag), ensuring the rig had
sufficient time to reach temperature equilibrium before beginning the next trial. The experimental
results are available in the Excel file. Water inflow rates are to be calculated from the rotameter
reading. The experimental procedure is available in the Appendix.

Modeling focus
The model aims to predict how the process would respond to random disturbances and systematic
changes to the process. Specifically, the system you are being asked to model is the Steam Heat
Exchanger used in the experiments. You are asked to model the heated-water outlet temperature
for disturbances/changes in the inlet water flow rate and/or temperature as well as
disturbances/changes in the steam inlet conditions (steam pressure).
For this Report 1, you can apply the lumped parameter system (LPS) approach to develop the
model. Thus, include and justify your assumptions.

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CHEE3007 Process Modelling and Dynamics - Project Report 1

Model definition and development tasks

The key tasks or items that you must address in this report (with the mark allocation) are
summarised as follows:

Task 1 (7%). Prepare a model definition for the system in the form of a modeling goal
statement, including a clear description of the system.

Task 2 (10%). Set out the key controlling factors for the problem. These factors should be
clearly described, and you must explain why they are important.

Task 3 (5%). Provide a labeled balance volume diagram that includes all relevant details.

Task 4 (10%). State systematically all of the relevant modeling assumptions. Justify all of your
assumptions by giving reasons and supporting arguments.

Task 5 (10%). What data will be necessary? Where can they be obtained? Give references to
physicochemical data. What are the specific values for all of the data for your application?

Task 6 (25%). Systematically develop the mathematical model, consistent with the approaches
of this course. Document all aspects of model development.

Task 7 (8%). Analyze the degrees of freedom and choose a natural set of specifications.

Task 8 (7%). Analyze the index of the differential-algebraic equation set and if not appropriate
choose an alternative set of design variables.

Task 9 (8%). Determine for your system the classification of variables into inputs, outputs,
states, and disturbances. Show this classification on a system input-output diagram, as
demonstrated in the lectures.

Task 10 (10%). Analyze the equations to develop a structured approach to their solution. Show
your analysis. If this approach is infeasible, then clearly state your alternatives.

Further details as to what is expected in each task and an indicative marking scheme are given
on the next page.

The final mark will be divided by 10 to give the contribution to your course mark (max 10%).

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CHEE3007 Process Modelling and Dynamics - Project Report 1

Criteria and mark distribution

Task 1 Model definition [7]
The definition is given and includes the application area 3
Percent acceptable error is stated 1
Definitions of key inputs/disturbance states, etc., are included 3
Task 2 Key controlling factors/mechanisms [10]
Mentioned controlling factors are complete 5
Quality explanations are given for controlling factors 5
Task 3 Balance volume diagram [5]
All relevant balance volumes and connections are shown 3
Labels are given for volumes, connections and key variables 2
Task 4 Modelling assumptions [10]
Modelling assumptions are complete 5
Justifications are given and quality of the assumptions is adequate 3
Assumptions are consistent 2
Task 5 Data [10]
Physical and chemical data are complete 3
Actual numerical values are given with units where data are accessible 4
References are clearly and correctly stated for data sources 3
Task 6 Model development [25]
Development of conservation balances is correct 8
All relevant constitutive relations are included 8
Model development is consistent with assumptions 4
All key variables are defined 3
Units are stated for the variables 2
Task 7 Degrees of freedom [8]
All variables are sorted into correct categories (states etc.) 5
Selection of specified variables is appropriate 3
Task 8 Index issues [7]
An incident matrix has been set up and is correct 4
Selection of output assignment for equations is appropriate 2
Index is stated 1
Task 9 Systems definition [8]
Systems diagram is presented (u, y, d vectors given) 4
Clearly explained variables are included in u, y, d 4
Task 10 Developing a structured solution [10]
Diagraph or upper left/right diagonal matrix is determined correctly 5
Precedence is rationally developed from the matrix or digraph 3
Partitions and precedence order are correctly shown 2

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CHEE3007 Process Modelling and Dynamics - Project Report 1

Appendix: Experimental Details with the Steam Heat Exchanger

The heat exchanger is an energy exchange system between hot and cold fluids, which
can be used in both cooling and heating processes. In the steam heat exchanger, steam
is utilized to raise the temperature of another (cold) fluid stream. The system is normally
operated in the counter-flow mode and under a steady-state regime. However, operators
must know/predict how the process would respond to random disturbances and
systematic changes to the process.

Experiments were conducted on a rig consists of a vertical double pipe heat exchanger
with saturated steam flowing through the inner tube and water in the outer tube (Figure
1). The purpose of the experiment is to collect dynamic data on the water and steam
temperatures in response to changes in the operating conditions, i.e. inlet water flow
rate, and steam inlet pressure (temperature). Instruments are available to measure the
following process variables: water flow rate; inlet steam pressure; inlet and outlet water
and steam temperatures; approximate wall temperature; ambient temperature. The inlet
steam pressure is controlled by a regulator. Some of the outlet steam condenses and
may be vented to the atmosphere or collected in a steam trap. A detailed experimental
procedure is described in the following section.

Inlet steam

Outlet water

Inlet water

Outlet steam

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the vertical double pipe heat exchanger. The pipe is
made of copper whose dimensions are: heat exchanger length = 0.8 m, inner pipe
diameter = 0.018 m, outer pipe diameter = 0.028 m.

Experimental procedure

The inlet water flow rate is controlled by a rotameter, however, the level of rotameter has
no units. We, therefore, need to use a stopwatch and a measuring cylinder to correlate
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CHEE3007 Process Modelling and Dynamics - Project Report 1

the actual flow rate with the level of the rotameter. This calibration data are given in the
first worksheet of the Excel file.

The following experiment involves dynamic step tests in the water flow rate at two
different inlet steam pressures, as set out below:

➢ The inlet steam was set to 100 kPag, while the rotameter level (inlet water) is at
23.6. The system was allowed to stabilize, then, a step-change decrease in water
flow rate to 7.6 was made. The temperatures of all inlet and outlet streams are
frequently recorded until the system has stabilized. Another step-change in the
water flow rate to 25.7 was made. All recorded data are presented in the second
tab of the excel file. You are recommended to use one set of data (either 23.6 →
7.6 or 7.6 → 25.7) for model validation.
➢ The inlet steam pressure was set to 180 kPag. Recorded data from three major
step-changes in the inlet water flow rate can be used: 25.5 → 11.4, 11.4 → 23, 8.8
→ 25. You are recommended to use at least one set of data from this 180 kPag
experiment for your model calibration.

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