Dividing Our Roles

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Curriculum Group Project

No Name Duty Date to give

1 Tr Hnin YamonHlaing Reading; presentation, review activity for reading, Q(1) Monday

2 Tr Thin Thin Hmwe Reading practice, review activity for speaking, Q(2) Monday

3 Tr Seint Lei Phyu Reading production (2), review activity for speaking, Q(3) Monday

4 Tr Su Su Thwe Reading production (1), review activity for reading, Q(4) Monday

5 Tr Chit Su Reading wrap up , review activity for listening Monday

6 Yee Mon Aung Reading production (3), review activity for listening Submit Tuesday
Wrap up for review day, collect all data

What we have done:

Day (1) : Introduction & rules

Day (2) : Speaking (warmer, presentation, practice, production, wrap up)

Day (3) : Listening (warmer, presentation, practice, production, wrap up)

Day (4) : Reading (warmer)

Day (5) : Review (warmer, production (1))

What we need to do:

For Day (4) : Reading; presentation, practice, production, wrap up

For Day (5) : review activities for each skill… wrap up

For Day (6) : mid test for 20 questions.

We will create 4 questions numbers, each for 5 marks.

Questions (1)….Match

Questions (2)….Multiple choice (based on speaking skill)

Questions (3)….Short read the passage

Questions (4)….listening

Trs if you want to change or add or put any more ideas, you can , Tr.

This is just my idea, we’d better do like that. If so, we will be able to submit our job quickly.

Tr Yee Mon Aung.(09446974499)

Speaking (15)Marks

Listening (15) Marks

Reading (20) Marks

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