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Describe some marketing, finance/accounting, R&D, and management information systems

activities that a small restaurant chain might undertake to expand into a neighboring state.

Why is it both important and necessary to segment markets and target groups of customers,
rather than market to all possible consumers?

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In performing an EPS/EBIT analysis, where does the tax rate percentage come from?

How does strategic management differ in for-profit and nonprofit organizations?

What are the three major R&D approaches to implementing strategies? Which approach would
you prefer as owner of a small software company? Why?

Which of the three basic functions of finance/accounting do you feel is most important in a small
electronics manufacturing concern? Justify your position.

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Explain why EPS/EBIT analysis is a central strategy-implementation technique.

Why is it essential for organizations to segment markets and target particular groups of

Discuss the nature of as well as the pros and cons of a “friendly merger” versus “hostile
takeover” in acquiring another firm. Give an example of each.

Describe the relationship between annual objectives and policies.

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Explain why projected financial statement analysis is considered both a strategy formulation and
a strategy-implementation tool.

What are the pros and cons of a firm merging with a rival firm?

Explain how marketing, finance/accounting, R&D, and management information systems

managers’ involvement in strategy formulation can enhance strategy implementation.

Draw a breakeven chart to illustrate closing stores.

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How does strategy formulation differ for a small versus a large organization? How does it differ
for a for-profit versus a nonprofit organization?
Under what conditions would retained earnings on the balance sheet decrease from one year to
the next?

Explain how you would motivate managers and employees to implement a major new strategy.

Explain why prioritizing the relative importance of strengths and weaknesses in an IFE Matrix is
an important strategic-management activity.

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In accounting terms, distinguish between intangibles and goodwill on a balance sheet. Why do
these two items generally stay the same on projected financial statements?

Visit the CheckMATE strategic-planning software Web site at, and

discuss the benefits offered.

What conditions, externally and internally, would be desired/necessary for a firm to diversify?

List six major benefits of acquiring another firm to achieve desired objectives.

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Diagram a two-division organizational chart that includes a CEO, COO, CIO, CSO, CFO, CMO,
HRM, R&D, and two division presidents. Hint: Division presidents report to the COO.

Explain how you would estimate the total worth of a business.

Could a firm simultaneously pursue focus, differentiation, and cost leadership? Should firms do
that? Discuss.

Why is it not advisable to pursue too many strategies at once?

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What are the major advantages and disadvantages of an integrative strategy?

List six drawbacks of using only subjective information in formulating strategies.

What effect is e-commerce having on firms’ efforts to segment markets?

Would you ever pay out dividends when your firm’s annual net profit is negative? Why?
What effect could this have on a firm’s strategies?

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Define and discuss “empirical indicators.”

Compare and contrast financial objectives with strategic objectives. Which type is more
important in your opinion? Why?

Complete the following EPS/EBIT analysis for a company whose stock price is $20, interest rate
on funds is 5 percent, tax rate is 20 percent, number of shares outstanding is 500 million, and
EBIT range is $100 million to $300 million. The firm needs to raise $200 million in capital. Use
the accompanying table to comple

Define and explain “first mover advantages.”

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Why are more than 60 percent of Fortune 500 firms headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware?

Why do you think production/operations managers often are not directly involved in strategy-
formulation activities? Why can this be a major organizational weakness?

Why should you be careful not to use historical percentages blindly in developing projected
financial statements?

Consumers can purchase tennis shoes, food, cars, boats, and insurance on the Internet. Are there
any products today than cannot be purchased online? What is the implication for traditional

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Do you agree or disagree with the RBV theorists that internal resources are more important for a
firm than external factors in achieving and sustaining competitive advantage? Explain your and
their position.

In order of importance, list six “characteristics of objectives.”

List 11 types of strategies. Give a hypothetical example of each strategy listed.

Identify cultural products at your college or university. Do these products, viewed collectively or
separately, represent a strength or weakness for the organization?

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For a firm that you know well, give an example WT Strategy, showing how an internal weakness
can be matched with an external threat to formulate a strategy.

Give recent examples of forward integration, backward integration, and horizontal integration.

Why do you believe cultural products affect all the functions of business?

What strategies are best for turbulent, high-velocity markets?

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List five financial ratios that may be used by your university to monitor operations.

Explain benchmarking.

Diagram and label clearly a product-positioning map that includes six fast-food restaurant

Define and give a hypothetical example of a “white knight” in the fast-food industry.

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Explain the difference between data and information in terms of each being useful to strategists.

A product-positioning rule given in the chapter is that “When there are only two competitors,
the middle becomes the preferred strategic position.” Illustrate this for the cruise ship
industry, where two firms, Carnival and Royal Caribbean, dominate. Illustrate this for the
commercial airliner building industry, wh

Show algebraically that the price earnings ratio formula is identical to the number of shares
outstanding times stock price formula. Why are the values obtained from these two methods
sometimes different?

Consider the following statement: “Retained earnings on the balance sheet are not monies
available to finance strategy implementation.” Is it true or false? Explain.

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Called de-integration, there appears to be a growing trend for firms to become less backward
integrated. Discuss why.

There is a growing trend of increased collaboration among competitors. List the benefits and
drawbacks of this practice.

In your own words, list all the steps in developing projected financial statements.

The PHR and SPHR Knowledge Base Appendix (pages 468-476) lists the knowledge someone
studying for the HRCI certification exam needs to have in each area of human resource
management (such as in Strategic Management, Workforce Planning, and Human Resource
Development). In groups of four to five students, do four things:

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Person-focused pay is becoming more prevalent in companies; however, person-focused pay

programs are not always an appropriate basis for compensation. Discuss the conditions under
which incentive pay is more appropriate than pay-for-knowledge pay programs. Be sure to
include your justification.

Are the three main goals of compensation departments equally important, or do you believe that
they differ in importance? Give your rationale.

Define halo error. How can halo error inhibit selecting the best strategies to pursue?

Discuss “nationalization versus bankruptcy” for large American icon firms such as General
Motors, AIG, and Citigroup. Which strategy is best for (1) the company and (2) the U.S.
economy? Discuss.

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Working individually or in groups, access relevant websites to determine what equitable pay
ranges are for these jobs: chemical engineer, marketing manager, and HR manager, all with a
bachelor’s degree and 5 years’ experience. Do so for the following cities: New York,
New York; San Francisco, California; Houston, T

1. What are some strategic considerations in establishing a pay structure at Nutriment? 2. Should
Jack suggest a pay policy to lead, lag or match the market? Explain your recommendation. 3.
Explain the role of compensation surveys. Why is it important to update survey data? 4. Explain
market pay line. How is it used i

What is unemployment insurance? Is an organization required to pay unemployment benefits to

all dismissed employees? Explain how you would go about minimizing your organization's
unemployment insurance tax.

Describe the main retirement benefits.

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Explain what causes unsafe acts.

1. Based on what you read in this chapter, summarize in one page or less how you would explain
Enron’s ethical meltdown. 2. It is said that when one securities analyst tried to confront
Enron’s CEO about the firm’s unusual accounting statements, the CEO publicly used
vulgar language to describe the analyst, and t

Is it advantageous to take a talent management approach to managing employee retention? Why

or why not?

Explain in detail how to establish a market-competitive pay plan.

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Define compensation.

Discuss at least four specific HR tools managers use to influence ethical behavior at work.

What does tell you about this union’s aims and how they intend to achieve

A state university system in the southeast recently instituted a "Teacher Incentive Program"
(TIP) for its faculty. Basically, faculty committees within each university’s college were told
to award $5,000 raises (not bonuses) to about 40% of their faculty members based on how good
a job they did teaching undergraduat

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What actions might make employers lose elections?

Can companies easily develop compensation systems that are both internally consistent and
market competitive? What are some of the challenges to this goal?

Working individually or in groups, develops an incentive plan for the following positions:
chemical engineer, plant manager, used-car salesperson. What factors did you have to consider in
reaching your conclusions?

What is the difference between exempt and nonexempt jobs?

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Respond to the statement “Building an internally consistent job structure is burdensome to

companies. Instead, it is best to simply define and evaluate the worth of jobs by surveying the

What is the relationship between compensable factors and job specifications?

Do unions make it difficult for companies to attain a competitive advantage? Explain your

1. What are some advantages of a person-focused pay system at Mitron? 2. What are some
disadvantages? 3. What approach would you recommend for Holly to take in designing a person-
focused pay system? 4. Compare and contrast the stair-step model and the skill blocks model.
What kinds of skills are applicable in each mode

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Several years ago, 8,000 Amtrak workers agreed not to disrupt service by walking out, at least
not until a court hearing was held. Amtrak had asked the courts for a temporary restraining order,
and the Transport Workers Union of America was actually pleased to postpone its walkout. The
workers were apparently not upset

1. What are some problems with Precision’s performance appraisal process that might cause
challenges for Jackson to implement a merit pay program? 2. What changes do you recommend
Precision make to the performance appraisal process to align it with a merit pay program? 3.
Discuss the concept of "just-meaningful pa

What is "portability"? Why do you think it is (or isn't) important to a recent college graduate?

Select three distinct jobs of your choice. For each job, identify what you believe is the most
appropriate performance appraisal method. Based on your choices, sketch a performance
appraisal instrument. Discuss the rationale for your choice of performance appraisal methods.

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1. Assume you are mediating this dispute. Discuss five creative solutions you would suggest for
how the grocers could reduce the health insurance benefits and the cost of their total benefits
package without making any employees pay more. 2. From the grocery chains’ point of
view, what is the downside of having two c

Critics of profit sharing plans maintain that these plans do not motivate employees to perform at
higher levels. Under what conditions are profit sharing plans not likely to motivate employees?

Identify two companies—one that you believe pursues a lowest-cost strategy and another that
pursues a differentiation strategy. Relying on personal knowledge, company annual reports, or
articles in newspapers and business periodicals, discuss these companies’ competitive

Discuss the differences between job analysis and job evaluation. How do these practices help
establish internally consistent job structures?

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Discuss at least four specific ways in which HR management can influence ethical behavior at

Working individually or in groups, research the unemployment rate and laws of your state. Write
a summary detailing your state’s unemployment laws. Assuming Company X has a 30% rate
of personnel terminations, calculate Company X’s unemployment tax rate in your state.

Define and give an example of how to conduct a job evaluation.

1. Is the company at the point where it should be setting up a formal salary structure based on a
complete job evaluation? Why? 2. Is Jack Carter’s policy of paying 10% more than the
prevailing rates a sound one, and how could that be determined? 3. Similarly, is Carter’s
male–female differential wise? If not,

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“Person-focused pay plans are least preferable compared with individual incentive pay
programs.” Indicate whether you agree or disagree with this statement. Detail your arguments
to support your position.

1. Why did Amy classify the Shift Leaders are Exempt? Are there any advantages to Jones
Department Store to having the Shift Leaders classified as Exempt? 2. Do you think that the
Shift Leaders are properly classified as Exempt? Why or why not? 3. What are some factors that
Amy should consider when determining if Shi

1. The producers said the WGA was not bargaining in good faith. What did they mean by that,
and do you think the evidence is sufficient to support the claim? 2. The WGA did eventually
strike. What tactics could the producers have used to fight back once the strike began? What
tactics do you think the WGA used? 3. This

Working individually or in groups, answer the question, “Is there such a thing as an accident-
prone person?” Develop your answer using examples of actual people you know who seemed
to be accident prone on some endeavor.

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1. What are some advantages of offering an individual piecerate rate pay plan to the furniture
builders at Metropolitan Furniture? 2. What are some advantages of offering a team-based
incentive pay plan? 3. What do you think Sally should do? 4. How can incentive pay systems,
when properly applied, contribute to compani

Discuss important factors that shape ethical behavior at work.

Explain how to price managerial and professional jobs.

This chapter indicates that merit pay plans appear to be the most common form of compensation
in the United States. Although widely used, these systems are not suitable for all kinds of jobs.
Based on your knowledge of merit pay systems, identify at least three jobs for which merit pay is
inappropriate. Be sure to prov

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1. Following Sportsman’s shift in competitive strategy, what are some considerations for the
company’s human resource management practices? 2. What kind of challenges will
Sportsman face specifically in the area of compensation? 3. What is merit pay? Explain the role
of performance appraisals in merit pay program
Choose two companies, one (such as software firm SAS) that you believe is known for
outstanding employee relations, and one that is known for less harmonious employee relations.
Using any sources available, write a two-page report lying out the factors that you think explain
the differences between the two companies’

What are the main provisions of the FMLA?

Compare and contrast six types of incentive plans.

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1. Should this plan be extended to pressers in the other stores? 2. Should other employees
(cleaner/spotters, counter people) be put on a similar plan? Why? Why not? If so, how, exactly?
3. Is there another incentive plan you think would work better for the pressers? Describe it. 4. A
store manager’s job is to keep t

Working individually or in groups, determines the nature of the academic discipline process in
your college. Do you think it is effective? Based on what you read in this chapter, would you
recommend any modifications?

You are a compensation analyst for Worry-Not Insurance Company, which is located in
Hartford, Connecticut. Define the relevant labor market for insurance claims adjusters and for
data entry clerks. Describe the rationale for your definitions.

You are the HR consultant to a small business with about 40 employees. Now the firm offers
only five days vacation, five paid holidays, and legally mandated benefits such as unemployment
insurance payments. Develop a list of other benefits you believe they should offer, along with
your reasons for suggesting them.

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Subjective performance evaluations are subject to several rater errors, which makes objective
measures seem a better alternative. Discuss when subjective performance evaluations might be
better (or more feasible) than objective ratings.

Consider a summer job that you have held. Write a detailed job description for that job. Then,
develop a behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) that can be used to evaluate an individual
who performs that job in the future.

Discuss your reaction to the following statement: “Companies should not provide training to
employees because it is the responsibility of individuals to possess the necessary knowledge and
skills prior to becoming employed.”

1. Based upon your knowledge of health and safety matters and your actual observations of
operations that are similar to ours make a list of the potential hazardous conditions employees
and others face at What should they do to reduce the potential severity of
the top five hazards? 2. Would it be adv

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The PHR and SPHR Knowledge Base Appendix (pages 468–476) lists the knowledge
someone studying for the HRCI certification exam needs to have in each area of human resource
management (such as in Strategic Management, Workforce Planning, and Human Resource
Development). In groups of four to five students, do four thin

1. What are some competitive forces that human resource management consultant will consider
in conducting a strategic analysis to determine compensation practices? 2. How will being in the
growth stage impact the company’s compensation practices?

Human capital theory has been advanced as a rationale underlying seniority pay. Identify two
individuals you know who have performed the same job for at least two years. Ask them to
describe the changes in knowledge and skills they experienced from the time they assumed their
jobs to the present.

1. What are some factors that will influence the success of a gain sharing plan in improving
employee involvement and productivity? 2. Do you think a gain sharing plan would be
successful at Circle Works?

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Why do employees join unions? What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a union

Explain why union membership dropped, and what the prospects are for the union movement.

Some people argue that there is too much government intervention, whereas others say there is
not enough. Based on the presentation of laws in this chapter, do you think there is too little or
too much government intervention? Explain your answer.

Explain how ERISA protects employees’ pension rights.

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Do you consider job evaluation to be an art or a science? Please explain.

Working individually or in groups, develop compensation policies for the teller position at a
local bank. Assume that there are four tellers: two were hired in May and the other two were
hired in December. The compensation policies should address the following: appraisals, raises,
holidays, vacation pay, and overtime p
This chapter provides rationale for conducting job analysis, and it indicates some of the
limitations. Take a stand for or against the use of job analysis, and provide convincing arguments
for your position.

1. What are some factors that Heidi should consider as she determines whether or not she should
hire an additional worker? 2. Based on the information provided, do you think Heidi should hire
an additional worker?

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1. Do you think that job analysis and job evaluation will benefit Customers First? 2. What is your
opinion on Joan’s view on job analysis and job evaluation? 3. What do you recommend
Customers First do? Why? 4. Why must a job analysis be reliable and valid? What can a
compensation professional do to ensure that a jo

Indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Individual incentive
plans are less preferable than group incentives and companywide incentives.”

1. How should the firm go about identifying hazardous conditions that should be rectified? Use
data and checklists such as in Figure 14.4 and the HR Practice feature on pages 400 – 403, to
list at least 10 possible dry cleaning store hazardous conditions. 2. Would it be advisable for the
firm to set up a procedure fo

Explain how you would ensure fairness in disciplining, discussing particularly the prerequisites
to disciplining, disciplining guidelines, and the discipline without punishment approach.

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Recently, a 315-foot-tall, 2-million-pound erection crane collapsed on a construction site in East

Toledo, Ohio, killing four ironworkers. Do you think catastrophic failures like this are
avoidable? If so, what steps would you suggest the general contractor take to avoid a disaster like

Discuss the basic facts about OSHA—its purpose, standards, inspection, and rights and

Some of America’s executives have come under fire because their pay seemed to some to be
excessive, given their firms’ performances. To choose just two of many: one Citigroup
division head was due a $97 million bonus, and Merrill Lynch paid tens of millions in bonuses
soon after Bank of America rescued it. However,

1. What would be the advantages to Carter Cleaning Company of setting up such a career
planning program? 2. Who should participate in the program, and why? All employees? Selected
employees? 3. Outline and describe the program you would propose for the cleaners, pressers,
counter people, and managers at the Carter
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Give examples of four fair disciplinary practices.

1. Although the case with OFCCP is closed, we wonder if there are any less discriminatory
explanations possible for why our women sales reps on average earned less than men. If so, what
are they? 2. Our company now uses a point method to evaluate jobs for pay purposes, and each
resulting job class also has a rate rang

1. Does the pay-for-performance plan seem like a good idea? Why or why not? 2. What advice
would you give Regina and Sandy as they consider their decision? 3. What mistakes did they
make in adopting and communicating the new salary plan? How might Sandy have approached
this major compensation change a little differentl

Working individually or in groups, conduct salary surveys for the following positions: entry-
level accountant and entry-level chemical engineer. What sources did you use, and what
conclusions did you reach? If you were the HR manager for a local engineering firm, what would
you recommend that you pay for each job?

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Name at least three jobs that have been influenced by such technological advances as robotics,
word processing software, fax machines, and electronic mail. Describe the jobs prior to the
technological advances and explain how these jobs have changed or will change because of the
technological advances. For each job, li

Unlike individual incentive programs, group and companywide incentive programs reward
individuals based on the group and companywide performance standards, respectively. Under
group and companywide incentive programs, it is possible for poor performers to benefit without
making substantial contributions to group or com

Define impasse, mediation, and strike, and explain the techniques that are used to overcome an

You are the manager of a small manufacturing plant. The union contract covering most of your
employees is about to expire. Working individually or in groups, discuss how to prepare for
union contract negotiations.

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Select one of the contextual influences presented in this chapter. Identify a company that has
dealt with this influence, and conduct some research on the company’s experience. Be
prepared to present a summary of the company’s experience in class.
Compare and contrast the following methods of job evaluation: ranking, classification, factor
comparison, and point method.

1. Do you think EasySpa would benefit from hiring a compensation professional? How? 2. How
can Jay convince the CEO to hire a compensation professional?

What techniques would you use as alternatives to traditional discipline? What do such
alternatives have to do with “organizational justice”? Why do you think alternatives like
these are important, given industry’s current need for highly committed employees?

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1. What would you do if you were Jennifer, and why? 2. Should a disciplinary system be
established at Carter’s Cleaning Centers? 3. If so, what should it cover, and how would you
suggest it deal with a situation such as the one with the errant counter people? 4. How would you
deal with the store manager?

Explain how an employee could reduce stress at work.

Define employee relations and discuss at least four methods for managing it.

Describe your reaction to the following statement: compensation has no bearing on a

company’s performance.

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There is currently a tendency among business professionals to endorse the use of incentive pay
plans. Identify two jobs for which individual incentive pay is appropriate and two jobs for which
individual incentive pay is inappropriate. Be sure to include your justification.

An issue of the journal Occupational Hazards presented some information about what happens
when OSHA refers criminal complaints about willful violations of OSHA standards to the U.S.
Department of Justice (DOJ). Between 1982 and 2002, OSHA referred 119 fatal cases allegedly
involving willful violations of OSHA to DOJ f

Conduct a job analysis of a person you know, and write a complete job description according to
the principles described in this chapter. In class, be prepared to discuss the method you used for
conducting the job analysis and some of the challenges you encountered.

Opponents of incentive pay programs argue that these programs manipulate employees more
than seniority and merit pay programs. Discuss your views of this statement.

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1. Do you think the company should offer merit pay increases? Why or why not? 2. If the
company chooses not to offer the merit pay increases, how should they approach explaining the
decision to the employees?

React to the statement: “Merit pay grids have the potential to undermine employee
motivation.” Please discuss your views.

1. Do you think it is important for Carter Cleaning Company to have a formal grievance process?
Why or why not? 2. Based on what you know about the Carter Cleaning Company, outline the
steps in what you think would be the ideal grievance process for this company. 3. In addition to
the grievance process, can you think o

What is meant by good faith bargaining? Using examples, explain when is bargaining not in
good faith?

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1. What are advantages of shifting to a pay-for-knowledge program at TechEx Repair? 2. What

are advantages of keeping the company’s current bonus plan? 3. What do you think Tech Ex
should do?

What would you as a supervisor do to avoid someone accusing you of wrongful dismissal?

1. What action should Leroy Washington take in response to Carol McCalmont’s and Janet
Weber’s actions? Should McCalmonts be granted a raise even though she hadn’t
completed her self-evaluation? 2. Evaluate the Engel Product’s self-appraisal system. Should
it be changed to make it more effective? Is it too tim

Discuss the differences between enhanced benefits and perquisites.

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1. If you were Beckwith, would you have dropped your transfer request to help Martin? 2.
Should Fisher have given Martin preference over Beckwith because of his disability? Does
seniority override the “reasonable accommodation” requirement as specified in the
Americans with Disabilities Act?

Respond to the following statement: “Pay grades limit a company’s ability to achieve
competitive advantage.” Do you agree? Provide rationale for your position.

Discuss some of the choices an employer may make to help control health care costs.

1. What types of orientation should supervisors provide at the work site? 2. What are the
fundamental problems in this situation? What would be required to address these problems? 3.
What training methods should be used to train the supervisors assuming approval of the
proposal? 4. What written materials should the

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Conduct some research on the future of the Social Security program. Based on your research,
prepare a statement not to exceed 250 words that describes your view of the Social Security
program. Refer to the information obtained from your research efforts, indicating how it
influenced your views.

1. Did Helen’s actions invade James’ right to privacy? 2. Was the company justified in
suspending James? 3. What should be the key contents of an employee computer and Web-use
policy? Explain

1. Evaluate the company's on-the-job training program. Should it be changed? 2. Should the
company install an employee orientation program for new factory workers, or is one
unnecessary? 3. What changes should be made in the company's safety training program? 4.
What other kinds of approaches other than training mig

Of the many reimbursements and allowances that U.S. companies make for employees who take
foreign assignments, which one is the most essential? Discuss your reasons.

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What can be done to make the function of compensation committees consistent with
shareholders’ interest? Explain your answer.

1. Given the background information about How 2 Ski Stores, discuss the feasibility of
implementing lump sum bonuses, pay for knowledge, profit sharing, and gain sharing plans in
this situation. What plan or plans would you recommend that Howe look at more closely and
why? 2. Assuming she decides that a gain sharing

Describe some ethical dilemmas sales professionals may encounter. How can sales compensation
programs be modified to minimize ethical dilemmas?

1. Should Docutrend use the same pay policy for all of its open positions? 2. What pay policy
would you recommend? Why?

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Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the following methods for establishing base pay in
international contexts: home country-based pay, headquarters-based pay, and host country-based
1. What other management development approaches could the firm use to improve managerial
skills other than I-MBA programs? 2. What criteria should the firm use to determine if it will pay
for employees to enroll in any degree program offered on the internet, including an I-MBA
program? 3. Should the firm grant Thomas

Discuss the main differences between the minimum pay regulations in the United States (Chapter
2) and one other country’s practices discussed in this chapter. How do these differences
affect companies’ ability to compete with other companies worldwide?

Briefly discuss the uncertainties brought by health care reform and changing workforce

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1. What are the major problems in this case? 2. If you were Jim Staples, what steps would you
take to solve the problems depicted in this case? 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
having a “no nepotism” policy?

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of extending Maura Currier’s leave? 2. If you
were the Human Resources Director, would you grant Maura's request? Explain your answer.

1. What are some factors that Alan should consider when determining whether or not to offer
benefits to part-time workers? 2. Do you think the firm should offer benefits to part-time
workers? If yes, should they offer paid time-off, the 401(k) plan and health insurance? Or only
one or two of the benefits? Explain your

1. What can Elite do to lower their healthcare insurance costs? 2. Will making changes to the
company’s healthcare insurance benefit affect the company’s ability to recruit and retain

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Compression represents a serious dysfunction of pay structures. Discuss some of the major
ramifications of compression. Also, discuss how companies can minimize or avoid these

Describe the principles of fee-for-service plans and managed care plans. What are the similarities
and differences?

1. Why would Eco Safe prefer to engage Laney as an independent contractor? 2. Based on the
information provided, do you think Laney should be engaged as an independent contractor?

1. What are the sales objectives for the new Sales Representative? 2. What role will the
compensation design play in motivating the new Sales Representative? 3. What kind of sales
incentive plan do you recommend? Why? 4. Compare and contrast merit pay systems and sales
compensation. 5. Briefly discuss designing job-ba

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List the four challenges for compensation professionals. Among these, describe the challenges
brought by wage issues in China.

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Internet recruitment and selection for a small
but expanding company like Jackson Hotels? How would you minimize the disadvantages? 2.
Which of the above three approaches to online recruiting and selection (if any) makes the most
sense and why? 3. What prescreening hu

Discuss some of the problems that companies are likely to face when both contingent workers
and core employees work in the same location. Does it matter whether contingent workers and
core employees are performing the same jobs? Explain your answer.

1. Is there any evidence of adverse impact against any race, sex, or ethnic groups? 2. If the total
selection process for a job has no adverse impact, should the individual components of the
selection process are evaluated for adverse impact? 3. Which type of validation would you use?
Why? What are the differences

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Summarize the controversial issues regarding cash balance plans.

1. What was the impetus for the union organizing effort at SGA Mills? 2. Discuss SGA's strategy
in managing the representation campaign? 3. Discuss any potential unfair labor practice charges
SGA management might face as a result of their campaign strategy?

1. What factors appear to be affecting LGA’s staffing practices? 2. Who is responsible for
meeting the requirements of the Immigration and Reform and Control Act in respect of the
completion of I-9 Forms? 3. If you were Martin, what would you do now?

1. Evaluate Johnson’s actions in dealing with the e-mail. 2. Examine the data contained in
Exhibits 1.10 and 1.12-1.17. What seem to be the most significant diversity issues at Johnson? 3.
What is the cost to the organization of these problems? What will happen if they are not
addressed? 4. Where and how do these

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1. Discuss the relationship between the corporate human resources structure and operations at the
plant level. What impact, if any, did it have on the present situation? 2. How should Joyce
Newcombe have handled this situation? 3. What, if any, disciplinary action should have been
taken against the plant’s superint
For a country of your choice, conduct research into the cultural characteristics that you believe
should be important considerations in establishing a core compensation program for a U.S.
company that plans to locate there. Discuss these characteristics. Discuss as well whether you
feel that pay-for-performance program

1. Describe the nature and causes of the problem faced by Sweeny.

1. Discuss the nature and causes of the problem. 2. Should Mr. James attempt to improve the exit
interview process? If so, how should this be done? 3. What other assessment alternatives should
he consider in addition to or rather than exit interviews? 4. How can James use the information
generated about why nurses

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Are employees more likely to favor defined contribution plans over defined benefit plans? How
about employers? Explain your answer.

1. How should Allison approach evaluating Venta Care’s benefit program? 2. What are some
benefits Allison should consider changing or eliminating? Why?

1. What are Nelson's alternatives? 2. What do you think Nelson should do? Justify your answer.

1. Do you think changing Superior’s time-off policies will decrease unscheduled time-off? 2.
Beyond reducing occurrences of unscheduled time-off, are there any other benefits to offering
PTO? 3. Are there any disadvantages to changing to PTO? 4. What are the components of
discretionary benefits? Provide two examples

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Provide your reactions to the following statement: Contingent workers should be compensated
on a pay-for-knowledge system.

1. What do you see as the strengths and weaknesses of the HR Director’s proposed work
schedule from (a) the employees’ perspective, and (b) the firm’s perspective? 2. Would
you recommend the firm use the new work schedule? Why? 3. What alternative work schedule
could be used?

Allowances and reimbursements for international assignments are costly. Should companies
avoid international business activities? Explain your answer. If you answer no, what can
companies to do minimize cost?

1. Was Mr. Carpenter's suspension justified? 2. Was Mr. Carpenter's termination justified? 3.
Evaluate the adequacy of the company's drug and alcohol abuse policy. Are there any
components that need improvement? 4. Were Mr. Carpenter's privacy rights protected?
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