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1 Name of road and its classification.
2 Mileage / Km. & Chainage of centre of crossing
from start of road.
3 Name of the stream.
4 Name of the nearest inhabited / identifiable
locality at either end of crossing on the roads
leading to the site.
(Give approx. distance)
5 Nearest rail head and its distance from start of
6 What arrangement exists for crossing the river/
khad at present?
a. During Monsoon
b. During Dry Season
7 Temperature.
a. Minimum
b. Maximum
8 Rain fall :
a. Max. recorded intensity of rain fall in the
catchment in cm. per hour in the severest storm.
b. Frequency of such storms in years.
c. Other rain fall data to the extent available monthly
or annual.
9 Snow fall:
a. Monthly and annual snow fall data.
b. Maximum intensity of snow fall.
10 Weather site is affected by avalanches,
cloudbursts and land slides?If so give details.
11 Indicate broadly the nature of catchment i.e.
a. Steep bare rock and city pavements.
b. Rocky slopes with vegetation and wooded.
c. Plateau lightly covered ordinary bare ground.
d. Densely built up areas of cities with metaled
roads and paths.
e. Residential areas not densely built up with
metaled roads.
f. Residential areas not densely built up with non-
metaled roads.
g. Clayey soils, stiff & bare.
h. Clayey soils, lightly covered.
i. Loam, lightly cultivated or covered.
j. Loam, lightly cultivated .
k. Suburbs with gardens, lawns & macadamized
l. Sandy soils, lightly growth.
m. Sandy soils, covered heavy bush.
n. Jungle areas.
o. Parks, lawns, meadow, gardens, cultivated area.
12 The possibility of subsequent changes in
catchment like afforestation, deforestation, urban
development, extension or reduction in cultivated
area etc.
13 Storage area in catchment such as Lakes,
reservoirs etc. their distances from proposed
bridge site both U/S as well as D/S.
a. Artificial (Indicate sizes of storage)
b. Natural.
14 Length of catchment in Kms.
15 Width of catchment in Kms.
16 Total area of catchment in Sq. Kms.
a. Hilly area in Sq. Kms.
b. Plain area in Sq. Kms.
17 Cross slope of catchment.
18 Longitudinal slope of catchment.
19 Distance from source to bridge site in Kms. from
Topo Sheet (L).
20 Difference in height between source and bridges
site in meters from Topo Sheet (H)
21 Recommended value of Rugosity coefficient (n).
22 Recommended value of constant 'C' for Dickens

23 Is the stream:
a. Alluvial ( with erodible banks)
b. Quasi-alluvial ( with more or less fixed bed but
erodible banks)
c. Rigid ( with inerodible banks and beds)
24 Is the stream:
a. Perennial.
b. Seasonal.
25 Does the stream meander or change courses?
If so, the extent of meander experienced in the
past be shown on site plan.

26 Low water level (L.W.L) at bridge site.

a. The period of occurrence of L.W.L to determine
the feasibility of C/O intermediate piers and to
examine provision of diversion during
b. Observed surface velocity at L.W.L in mtr./sec.
c. Bed slope at L.W.L.
27 Ordinary flood level (O.F.L.) at bridge site.
a. Observed surface velocity at O.F.L. in mtr./sec.
b. Water surface slope at O.F.L.

28 High flood level (H.F.L.) at bridge site with source

from which taken.
a. Observed surface velocity at H.F.L. in mtr./sec.
b. Water surface slope at H.F.L.
29 A chart of the period of high flood levels for as
many years as the relevant data has been

30 Affix, if any, and its influence on area in the

vicinity likely to be affected.

31 Linear water way at H.F.L. as per clause No. 104

of IRC: 5-1989.

32 Whether the flood carries big boulder, trees,

bushes etc. ?

33 Are the banks susceptible to scour? If so, indicate

the extent of cutting of banks in the past.

34 R.L. and location of maximum observed scour

below H.F.L.
35 R.L. of maximum anticipated scour below H.F.L.

36 Is the stream navigable ? If so minimum

clearance required.
37 Are large scale river training work necessary? If
so, give details.


38 Test results of sample of bores (Log-of-Test
Boring) giving there-in the values of the soil
available at different depth in respect of the
following (The sub-surface exploration for
determining the design parameters shall be
carried out in accordance with clause No.704 of
IRC-78 and a copy of the test report be attached
with the data). Site investigation shall be
conducted by a qualified Geotechnical Engineer
and Geologist shall invariably be associated.

a. Mean diametre of particle in mm.

b. Value of Lacy's silt factor Ksf

c. Angle of internal friction of soil (O).

d. Cohesion (C)
e. Angle of wall friction (S)
f. Dry density of soil (r)
g. Saturated density of soil. (rsat).
h. Allowable/ Safe bearing capacity of soil with R. L.
At which calculated for:
(i) Left side abutment
(ii) Right side abutment
(iii) Pier (s).
39 Is the proposed alignment of the bridge SKEW or
normal to channel ?
If skew give angle of skew.

40 Will approaches be straight?

If not, give radii of curves for:
a. Right side approach.
b. Left side approach.

41 Proposed gradient in approaches for:

a. Right side approach.
b. Left side approach.

42 Will visibility of the proposed bridge be un

obstructed up to 50 meters. On either side of
bridge? If not, give details.

43 Proposed type of surface of approaches.


44 An index map to a suitable small scale (topo
sheets in scale 1cm. To 500mtrs) showing the
proposed location of bridge, the alternative sites
investigated & rejected, the existing means of
communication, the general topography of
country and important towns & villages etc. in the
45 A contour survey plan of the stream showing all
topographical features and extending upstream &
downstream of the proposed site to the distances
shown below (or such other greater distances as
the design engineer may feel suitable for design)
and to a sufficient distance on either side to give
a clear indication of the topographical or other
features that might influence the location and
design of the bridge and its approaches. All sites
for crossings worth consideration shall be shown
on the plan.

a. 100 mtrs for catchment areas less than 3.00

sq.Km. (scale not less than 1/1000).

b. 350 mtrs for catchment areas less than 3.00 to

15.00sq.Km. (scale not less than 1/1000).

c. 1500 mtrs. or the width between the banks,

whichever is more for catchment areas more than
15.00 Km2.
46 A site plan to a suitable scale, showing details of
site selected and extending not less than 100
mtrs. Up stream and down stream from the centre
line of crossing and covering the approaches to a
sufficient distance, which in the case of a major
bridge, shall not be less than 500 mtrs. on either
side of the channel. In case the river is
meandering in the vicinity of the bridge site, the
course of river extending a suitable distance not
less than two loops on either side of the proposed
crossing shall be plotted on site plan. The
following information shall be indicated on site

a. The name of the channel or bridge and of the

road with R.D. at the centre of crossing.
b. The direction of flow of water at maximum
c. The alignment of existing approaches and of the
proposed crossing and its approaches:

d. The angle and direction of skew if the crossing is

aligned on a skew
e. The name of the nearest inhabited identifiable
locality at either end of the crossing on roads
leading to the site.
f. Reference and R.L. of permanent stations and
benchmarks used for layout duly connected to
G.T.S. benchmark, wherever available.

g. The location and identification number of the

cross-section and longitudinal section taken
within the scope of the site plan and the exact
location of their extreme points
h. The location of trial pits or borings, each being
given an identification number and connected to
the datum.
i. The location of all nallahs, buildings, places of
worship, wells, burial grounds, outcrop of rocks
and other possible obstructions which may affect
the approach alignment.

47 Cross-section of the channel at the site of the

proposed crossing and at least two cross-sections
one each at 150m upstream and downstream, all
to a horizontal and vertical scale of not less than
1/100 recording the bed levels along with the
corresponding flood levels and indicating the
following information:
a. The bed levels upto the top of banks and the
ground levels to a sufficient distance beyond the
edges of the channels with level at intervals
sufficiently close to give a clear outline of
markedly uneven feature of the bed or ground
showing right and left banks and names of
villages on each side.
b. The nature of the existing surface soil in bed,
banks and approaches and the location and the
depth of trial pits or borings with their respective
identification numbers.

c. The highest flood level and the low water level.

48 Longitudinal section of the channel, showing the

site of bridge with H.F.L., L.W.L. and the bed
levels at suitably spaced intervals along the
approximate centre line of the deep water
channel between the approximate points to which
the survey plan has been prepared. The
horizontal scale shall be the same as for the
survey plan and the vertical scale not less than

49 Longitudinal section of the road in approaches

upto a distance of 300 mtrs. on either side of the
proposed bridge site clearly indicating the levels,
chainages and proposed gradient.

50 Recommended type, span and carriageway of the
proposed bridge.
51 Recommended maximum flood discharge at
bridge site.
52 Recorded traffic census data.
53 Minimum vertical clearance required.
54 Recommended deck level.
55 Possibility of constructing intermediate piers.

56 Possibility of sinking wells and driving piles.

57 Quantum of de-watering effort required in

58 Possibility of diversion of traffic during
construction of proposed bridge
59 Type of loading for which the structure is to be
60 Seismic Zone under which the proposed bridge
61 Type of foundation recommended whether:
(a) Open foundations.
(b) Well foundations.
(c) Pile foundations.
62 Is site safe from slides and falling down of
boulders ? .If not, give details.
63 Is the bridge site safe from slope hazard, soil
liquefaction or poor soil characteristics etc. ?

64 Give complete information separately in case

alternative sites are available .Also attach
comparative statement for all bridge sites
including the reasons for selection of the site
finally recommended.

65 Special Requirements:
a. Proximity of a bridge to a town or village and
need for footpaths
b. Provision on bridge for carrying utilities such as
telephone / electrical / waterlines etc.

c. Electrification of the bridge etc.

d. Special precautions against aggressive
atmospheres, water etc.
e. Provision for increasing the bridge length in
future, if required
66 Do any bridges exist on the stream and its
tributaries in its vicinity ? If so, have their
positions been marked on index plan?
67 Details of each of the existing bridges in respect
of the following:
a. Name of bridge.
b. Location of bridge.
c. Year and agency of construction
d. Whether located in backwater
e. Loads for which designed.
f. Number and length of each span:
g. Width of carriageway.
h. Type of substructure .
i. Type of superstructure .
j. Type and depth of foundation.
k. Cross-section area at H.F.L. under bridge.
l. Catchment area.
m. Silt factor
n. Design discharge.
o. Is the water-way found to be adequate, excessive
or inadequate ?
p. Whether the foundations have been trouble free
and depth provided is adequate or inadequate ?

q. Any other information.

NOTE : (i) It should be certified by the Assistant Engineer in charge that items under heads B, C, D & F have been fully test checked by him. The date of test
check should also be mentioned.
(ii) It should be certified by the Executive Engineer in charge that items under the head B, C & D have been fully test checked by him. The date of test
check should also be mentioned.
(iii) E.E. and S.E. shall be jointly responsible for information contained under Head H.

(iv) S.E. shall be fully responsible for the information under Head I.

Assistant Engineer, Executive Engineer,

Lad Bharol Sub-Division, B&R Division HP.PWD.,
HP.PWD Lad Bharol (HP) Joginder Nagar.

The proposed bridge site has been inspected by Er.______________________ and any other remarks considered worth mentioning /recommending by him

Signature of Superintending Engineer

with date and seal.

NOTE: No column of above items shall be left blank.


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