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(a) General
(b) Geology of the Rawalpindi Islamabad Area
1.3 Site investigation
1.4 Laboratory testing
1.5 Discussion of field testing
1.6 Standard penetration tests
1.7 Natural Moisture Content
1.8 In situ bulk density
1.9 Disturbed and Undisturbed Soil Sample
2.0 Preparation of Borehole logs
2.2 Grain Size Analysis
2.3 Liquid and Plastic Limit Test
2.4 Soil Classifications
2.5 Bearing Capacity Analysis
2.6 Immediate Settlement analysis
2.7 Depth of Ground Water Table
2.8 Bearing Capacity calculation
2.9 Seismicity of the project site
A Summary of Test Results
B Bore Hole Logs
C Lithological soil profile
D Bore Hole Location Plan
A Grain Size Analysis Test
B Atterberg Limits Test
Pak Engineers & Geotech Lab
Sub-soil investigation of Plot No: 9, Street No: 26, River Garden
Housing Society Islamabad


(a). General.

In order to design an economical and structurally safe Building foundation and to place the
foundation at suitable strata, geotechnical Investigation is a pre-requisite. To properly define
the engineering properties of soil as these exist at site, the assignment of Geotechnical
Investigation was entrusted to M/S Pak Engineers & Geotech Lab Rawalpindi.
The sub-soil investigation report presents the scope and methodology of sub-soil investigation
executed at the project site. Details of field and laboratory testing, analysis of test results,
determination of allowable bearing capacity and depth of column footing etc are
recommended in this report.
. The Team of PEGL reached on the proposed site for geotechnical study of the sub-soil. Three
(02) bore holes have been drilled by using Hand Auger up to the depth of 12.0 ft from existing
surface level. The plot is at 7 to 8ft down from road level.The sub soil stratum at the project
site was classified mostly as Inorganic brownish colored Brown Silty Sand (SM) in
accordance with unified soil classification system (USCS). The brownish color of the soil is
due to the presence of iron oxides in the soil. Liquefaction not effects the soil behavior as
ground water table was not encountered at foundation depth which effects under seismic
loading. Generally the soil present in the area is non collapsible, not undergoes large
settlement under increased moisture content. Bore hole locations are shown in Anx-C of this


For safe and modern construction according to international codes and standards, the past and
present geologic factor should be considered. For this purpose a brief geologic description is
given below.

Geological History
The dominant factor controlling the geology of Rawalpindi-Islamabad area is the convergence
of Pakistan-India and Eurasian tectonic plates and the collision between the plates that began
Pak Engineers & Geotech Lab
about 20 million years ago. This process produced complex structure and
stratigraphy in Rawalpindi area that have been studied by many Pakistani and
foreign geologists.
Many geologic units of various ages have been grouped together on the basis of their physical
properties, and much of the structural detail has been omitted.

Descriptive Outline of Rock Units

The formation in the area mostly comprises on sandstone and subordinate limestone and shale.
Dark brown and greenish grey Sand stone is thin to thick bedded, and consists of quartz and
glauconite. The shale is silty and glauconitic. The limestone is yellowish orange, arenaceous,
shelly, thiny bedded, hard and contains ammonoids and brachiopods. The limestone is
intercalated with Marl in places. Weathered beds resemble conglomerate. The unit is
distinguished from the underlying Murree Formation by its spheroidal weathering.
Geologic Structure
Rawalpindi-Islamabad area can be divided into three structural zones:-

 Trending generally East Northeast, that reflect compression and movement oriented S. 20°

 In the North, the mountainous Margala Hills consist of Jurassic through Eocene limestone
and shale that are complexly folded and thrust along the Hazara fault zone.

 South of the mountains, a Southward-sloping piedmont bench, the piedmont fold belt, is
underlain primarily by truncated folds in the sandstone and shale of Rawalpindi Group. In
the southernmost part of the area, the Soan River flows generally along the axis of the Soan

Seismic Risk
Islamabad-Rawalpindi area lies in a tectonically moderately active zone, where faulting,
folding, and earthquakes have been frequent in the recent geologic past. The hazards of
earthquake in the future can not be neglected. The focus or epicenter of 2005 catastrophic
earthquake was located at the depth of 10 km in the crust so it was a shallow earthquake and it
Pak Engineers & Geotech Lab
caused destruction in the areas of Hazara, Azad Kashmir and collapse of
Margalla tower in Islamabad.


Foundation of a structure has a direct bearing to the engineering characteristics of the

underlying deposits of soil. Hence it is the main purpose of the soil investigation to evaluate
the various deposits of the same or different characteristics, principal constituents and the
engineering properties. Irrespective of the size and type of the project, the engineering
procedure almost remains the same for determining the most appropriate type and size of the
foundation under determined characteristics of the soil. So drilling of 02 bore holes up to 12.0
ft depth were made for sub soil profiling purpose.
Sowers (1970) suggested a relationship for estimating the depth of boring to be performed at
the project site.
Depth of boring (ft) = 10 x S0.7 For light steel or narrow concrete buildings.
For deep excavations, depth of borings should be at least 1.5 times the depth of excavation or
width of structure.
The site investigation work comprised of performing standard penetration test (SPT),
determination of moisture content, drilling of bore holes and collection of disturbed soil
samples for laboratory testing, discussion of site investigation and laboratory test results.
Analysis of strength and index properties of soil and assessment of bearing capacity are also
included in this report.


Following Tests were conducted on the site according to AASHTO / ASTM testing procedure
and results are summarized in Anx - A
a. Standard Penetration test (SPT). (ASTM D 1556-84)
b. Natural Moisture Content. (ASTM D 2216-90)
c. In situ Bulk Density (ASTM-D-2939)
d. Collection of disturbed soil samples.
e. Preparation of bore hole Logs
Pak Engineers & Geotech Lab


Following tests were conducted in Pak Engineers & Geotech Lab according to ASTM
testing procedure for evaluation of index and strength properties of soil, for analysis of
bearing capacity and behavior of settlement under footing are also included in this report. Test
results are summarized in Anx-A.
a. Grain size analysis. (AASHTO) T 11-91)
b. Atterberg limits (AASHTO) T89-93 T90-92)
c. Soil classification. (USCS ASTM D 2487-85)


Keeping in view, discussion of test results with standard testing procedure of ASTM /
AASHTO is mentioned:


Standard penetration test (SPT) is most commonly used through the world wide for rapid
determination of in situ shearing strength of soil and consistency of soil texture. In this
method split spoon sampler is used. It is an open-ended steel cylinder, which splits
longitudinally into two halves. It is 60cm (24 inches) long and has 5.08cm (2.0 inches) outer
and 3.81cm (1.50 inches) inner diameter. A standard cutting shoe at the lower end holds
together the two halves and a coupling at upper side connects the sampler to the drill rod. A
Drop Hammer weighing 64 kg (140 lbs.) falling free from a height of 76cm (30.00inchs)
drives the sampler into the soil. The number of blows required to penetrate the sampler 30cm
(12.00 inches) into the undisturbed soil strata is recorded as standard penetration resistance or
SPT blows count. The test was performed at the site after 3.0 ft depth intervals according to
testing procedure of ASTM D 1556-84 and N-value at 12 inch penetration is recorded in
borehole logs. The test is halted and refusal if,
 50 blows are encountered for any 6 inch penetration.
 100 blows are obtained for last 12 inch penetration.
 10 successive blows produce no advance.
The SPT corrected ‘N’ values at the said site ranges from 3 to 4 in the bore holes.


Pak Engineers & Geotech Lab

Determination of natural moisture content is a routine field/laboratory test to

determine the amount of water present in soil air voids, usually amount of water expressed as
in percent. Natural moisture content (NMC) is most important parameter and is considered in
foundation designing purpose. Disturbed soil samples were collected at 3.0ft depth intervals
from bore holes and label according to ASTM testing procedure of sampling, and transported
to GMTL laboratory for finding the %age of natural moisture content. The results of % age of
natural moisture content are summarized in ANX-A. The values of natural moisture content
ranges from 9.0% to 13.0 %. These test results are indicating the normal degree of saturation
of soil.


Density of soil indicates the natural compaction of sub-soil strata, which depends upon the
nature, type and mineralogy of the soil composition. It is the ratio of weight of moist soil to
volume of moist soil. Dry density is determined with the following expression.
Dry density= west density x 100/(100+ moisture content percent)
Bulk density of soil was performed at site according to testing procedure of ASTM D 1587-
83, AASHTO T204-90 and T191-93 for the soil. Bulk density of soil has been used for
analysis of allowable bearing capacity and determining of the overburden pressure of soil. The
test results of in- situ bulk density are tabulated in Anx - A of this report. The values are
varying from 104.7 Pcf to 107.5 Pcf as mentioned in ANX-A. The results are indicating the
lose state of the subsoil stratum.


Soil samples were collected carefully at the site during drilling phase to accurately determine
the engineering characteristics of sub-soil. Collection of disturbed soil samples was carried out
from bore holes at specified depths. These samples have been tested in laboratory, to perform
the sieve analysis and Atterberg Limit test for classification purpose.


Pak Engineers & Geotech Lab
Bore Hole logs are presented to describe classification of soil and detailed
geological and geotechnical description of soil and rocks and are attached in
Anx-B of this report


Following tests were conducted in Pak Engineers & Geotech Lab according to ASTM
Standard testing Procedure.
a. Grain Size Analysis
b. Atterberg Limits Test


Grain size analysis or sieve analysis test divide the soil in groups through US or BS standard
sieves. For example coarse grained soil (Gravel) is consisting of 50 % or > 50 % retained on
NO 4 sieve. Fine grained soil (Clay or Silt) is consisting of 50 % or > 50 % passing No 4
Sieve. Same as No 200 sieve separates the fine grained soil into further two sub groups. For
example clay or silt particles consisting of 50 % or > 50 % passing NO 200 sieve. Sand
particles consisting of < 50 % passing NO 200 sieve. . For course grained soil, particle size is
determined against 10%, 30% and 60% passing, which may be denoted as D10, D30 and D60
Uniformity Co-efficient=D60/D10
Co-efficient of curvature= D302/(D10xD60)
For this purpose grain size analysis of each bore hole at different depth have been conducted
in laboratory and results are attached in Appendix-A

2.3 ATTERBERG LIMITS TESTS AASHTO (T 89-93) and (T 90-92)

The liquid and plastic limits are used internationally for soil identification and classification
and for strength correlations. Air dried soil samples are used for Atterberg limits test in
Casagranda liquid limit apparatus. The liquid limit is defined as that water content which
produces a standard groove closure of 1/2" for 25 blows in the liquid limit machine. Plastic
limit is the range of water content at which soil thread become 3.2 mm and crumbles with
finger pressure. The test results are shown in appendix-B of this report.
Pak Engineers & Geotech Lab
Unified soil classification system was introduced by Casagranda in 1942 for
classifying the soil elements groups. Based on % ages of grain size and plastic
index (PI) of soil, classification of proposed site suggested as Medium stiff to stiff Inorganic
Brown Silty Sand (SM) according to unified soil classification system (USCS). The soil is
mostly of homogenous nature at the site having same relative engineering properties


Bearing Capacity is the allowable load that a soil strata can with stand against the load of the
structure. Ultimate bearing capacity is the ultimate load against which the shearing failure
may occur. Where as the allowable bearing capacity is the safe bearing capacity where there is
no chance of settlement and shearing of the sub-soil.
There are three types of shearing that may occur in the sub-soil.
1. General shear failure.
It is generally the characteristic of dense sand at low strain say less than 5 %.
2. Local shearing failure
It may occur in soft to medium soil.
3. Punching shear failure
Loose sand or soft clay may be undergone by this type of shearing failure.
Bearing capacity can be determined with the help of shearing strength testing and SPT test.


Different scientists have proposed theories for the calculations of bearing capacity. Terzaghi,
Meyerohf and Hensen proposed there theories for soils having cohesion and angle of internal
frictions. Hensen and Meyerohf added inclination, depth and shape factors to that of Terzaghi
Terzaghi equation best describes all the factors necessary to be considered.

For strip Footings

qu=cNc + qNq+0.5 BN For General shear Failure.
qu = ultimate bearing capacity
C = Cohesion Intercept
Pak Engineers & Geotech Lab
Nc,Nq & N = Friciton Fractors
q = Overburden pressure

For Isolated Footings

qu=1.2 cNc + DNq+0.4 BN
Meyerohf’s Equation.

For Vertical Load, qu=1.2 c Nc Sc dc+q Nq sq dq+1/2 B Nr Sr dr

For Inclined Load, qu=1.2 cNcScdcIc+qNqsqdqIq+1/2 B Nr Sr dr Ir
Hensen also proposed ground & base factors.
qu=1.2 c Nc Sc dc gc bc Ic+q Nq sq dq gq bq Iq+1/2 r B Nr Sr dr gr br Ir

Inclination, depth and shape factors only give a high bearing capacity values for vertical and
inclined loading and not conservative.



Messeri and Skempton introduced an equation based on the un-drained shear strength (Su) for
the determination of allowable bearing capacity of cohesive soil.
qu (tsf)= 5 Su (1+0.2 D/B) (1+0.2 B/L)
Where D,B and L are depth, width and length of proposed foundation and Su is un-drained
shear strength (Su = qu/2), Where qu unconfined compression strength. For continuous
footing, term (1+0.2 B/L) becomes 1 and simple relation will be as under:-
qa(ksf) =5 su(1+0.2 D/B)/FOS
Factor of safety (FOS) is taken as 3 by keeping in view the risk of settlement and loss of shear
strength of foundation soil at contact of water during construction stage. Un-drained shear
strength (for clay) from standard penetration test can be determined with the following
simplified relation:-
Unconfined compression strength, qu (tsf) =0.125xNcor: Su=qu/2
For sandy, silty sand and Fine Gravelly soils, Meyerhof’s equation
is more conservative for the assessment of bearing capacity:-
Qa (ksf)= (Ncor/4) Kd for B(=/<)4ft
Qa(ksf) =(Ncor/4) (1+1/B) 2xKd for B>4ft
Pak Engineers & Geotech Lab
Where, Kd=1+0.33(D/B) should be (<, =) 1.33
For gravelly soil strata, the bearing capacity is assessed basing on
SPT number of blows with the following simplified formula:-
Qa(tsf) =0.116 (Ncor) for B=3 &4 ft and D/B =1
The proposed equation for non-cohesive soil provides allowable bearing capacity for one inch
settlement. The above expressions are for dry type of soils (M F Atkinson) so the bearing
capacity should be halved for the foundation or there is any risk of leakage of water in
foundation soil.
Different rules and considerations for deciding width & depth for structural engineer.
a. Width of footings.
 The width of footings should be equal to 3 x thickness of the wall.
 The total load including dead load, live load and wind load coming on the wall per
foot length in case of a pier at the center of the pier is worked out. The width of the
footings is worked out and is obtained as;
B (ft)= P (tons)/ BC (Tsf) For columns
 Width of the footing equal to the sum of twice the thickness of the wall and twice
the projection of the bed concrete. Out the above three methods, maximum value
should be adopted for the design purposes.

b. Depth of footings.
 It should be taken to the minimum depth of 2’6’’below the natural ground unless hard soil
is available within 2’6’’.
 For loose soil, Rankins formula can be useful to find out the max. depth of footings.
D = P/r [(1-sin)/ (1+ sin)2 where D is depth of footings in feet, P load on soil in Psf, r
unit weight in pcf.
 D (cm) = 30 + H/10. Here H is height of room in cm. Out of three methods maximum
value is adopted. In case of basement, depth of basement should be at least 2-1/2 to 3ft
below the floor level of basement.

c. Footing type.
Pak Engineers & Geotech Lab
Strip footings are appropriate for single and up to two story building keeping in
view the cost effect and better performance. Isolated footings are for more than
two stories or more on stable ground.

d. Soil Profile Type for Earthquake Analysis.

Electrical resistivity requires sound experience in interpretation of graph and averaging of
wave velocity as per stratification while SPT number of blows provides a fair judgment to
evaluate stratum consistency.


Elastic deformation causes primary change in the volume of the soil structure. Saturated soils
have water molecules in its structure that squeezes out under imposed loading conditions. The
immediate settlement should be within the allowable limits.
Consolidation settlement is due to the slippage and reorientation of the soil particles under
constant loading condition and is time dependent.
The equation proposed to estimate the amount of immediate settlement.
Si = qn B 1-µ2 x

Where qn = Net allowable bearing capacity = 80 kg/cm3

B = Width of the foundation = 1.5 m
µ = Poisons Ratio = 0.5
Es = Modulus of Elasticity = 80kg/cm3
I = Influence factor = 0.73

Si = 10.0mm which is within the elastic limit of 25 mm settlement. Hence there is no

chance of immediate settlement.


The Depth of ground water table, if encountered, needs to be observed and recorded on the
Borehole logs. The ground water affects many elements and phases of foundation design and
Pak Engineers & Geotech Lab
construction. In case of site under consideration, ground water table was not
encountered up to the depth of 12.0 ft from the existing surface level in both of
the bore holes during the investigation

2.8 Computation of Allowable Bearing Pressure

The evaluation of allowable bearing pressure has been made for raft (mat) foundations against
shear failure of ground and as well as for 25mm total tolerable settlement of foundations
based on “N” value. The analysis shows the settlement criteria is governing a bearing pressure
(bearing capacity) of 92 kPa or 1775psf or 0.86Kg/cm2 could be confidently used for the
proportioning the size of foundation.

The following Meyerhof’s (1956) Bearing Capacity Equation is used for determining bearing

qult = (N/4) [(B+1)/B] 2 x kd

Where, qult = Ultimate Bearing Capacity (Kips/ft2) for an estimate maximum

Settlement of 1inch
N = average SPT corrected blow counts in the foundation effective
B = width of foundation (ft)
kd = depth factor (1+(0.33 D/B)) ≤ 1.33
D = Foundation Depth (ft)

2.9 Seismicity of the Project area

No Seismicity was observed, there is no local hazards.

Recommendations for Plot No: 9, Street No: 26, River Garden Housing Society
Islamabad is given as below;
1. Recommended allowable bearing capacity values for various types of footings are
For Square Isolated Footings = 0.50Tsf
Pak Engineers & Geotech Lab
For Raft Footings = 0.80Tsf
2. The depth of footings for double storey building with basement may be
taken at 10.0 ft depth from road or street level. Because plot is 7 to 8ft down from road
3. Raft footing can successfully be designed for the proposed structure.
4. It should be ensured that the foundation should not be placed on lose and unstable
ground strata.
5. Foundation strata must be well compacted.
6. Light Earth moving machinery can be used for the excavation purpose.
7. A granular layer must be provided beneath the foundation to prove the stability of
under foundation strata.
8. Drainage and sub drainage system should be efficient if water seepage encounters so
the intrusion of water into foundation soil should be restricted/minimized.

Material Engineer

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