Dedan Kimathi University of Technology 2019/2020 3.2/4.1 Bba Take-Away Cat 2

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1) Lord Acton, a British historian of the late 19th century, said that “power tends to
corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely,” suggesting that a person’s sense of morality
lessens as his or her power increases. Discuss 3 Marks

Same moral standards should be applied to all.Great men are almost always bad men, even when
they exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty
of corruption by authority. There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it.

2) Using a personal example, explain the model of motivation. 3 Marks

3) If you were the leader of a team developing a new computer game, and conflicts arose
related to power and status differences among team members, what would you do?
Explain using one of the conflict resolution styles? 3 Marks
Compromising Style would be the best for me to use in this situation because it aims to find an
expedient, mutually acceptable solution that partially satisfies both parties in the conflict while
maintaining some assertiveness and cooperativeness. This style is best to use when the you are losing
time; for example, when you want to just make a decision and move on to more important things and
are willing to give a little to get the decision made.

4) Discuss ways in which low power distance as a social value among followers could affect their
interaction with a leader who displays high power distance. 3 Marks

4) If you worked for a company like Apple or Google that has a strong vision for the future,
how would that affect you compared to working for a company that did not have a vision?
3 Marks
5) Assume you are on a search committee to recruit a new top leader of a small private
university. Explain the kind of influential leadership that would be more valuable for the
new top leader. 3 Marks
6) A vision can apply to an individual, a family, a college course, or a career. Write your
individual vision statement. 3 Marks
I will live each day as though I had all the power and influence necessary to make it a perfect world.
Through listening to and serving others, I will learn new ideas and gain different perspectives. I will
strive to gain mastery over life’s challenges through increasing my circle of influence and de-
emphasizing those areas of concern over which I have no control.
7) If you were the leader of a small technology firm, how might you imprint in people’s minds
the values for adaptive cultures in order to create a high performance culture? Be
specific with your ideas. 3 Marks
Increase employee retention.
Incorporate regular, fair pay raises. Many employees who are actively job hunting are
looking for a pay increase, so making sure that you incorporate routine raises to keep
your pay rates competitive with other companies is essential.
Provide opportunities for upward mobility. Many employees who choose to leave a job –
particularly millennials– do so because they feel they haven’t been offered appropriate
opportunities to advance in their careers.
Make them feel secure. One of the primary reasons that employees look for or take a
new job is to find job stability. Workers leave when there are frequent firings or a sense
that jobs depend on randomly set goals on the whims of management.
8) Describe the culture for Dedan Kimathi University of Technology. Identify the physical
artifacts and discuss what underlying values and assumptions these suggest. 4 Marks
9) If a leader directs her health-care company to reward hospital managers strictly on
hospital profits, is the leader being ethically responsible? Discuss. 4 Marks
The leader is not ethically responsible. This leader is trying to direct the health services to another
company's management for self interest gains. This is a way of serving and promoting oneself.
10)Planned change is often considered ideal. Do you think unplanned change could be
effective? Discuss using an example. 4 Marks
Unplanned change is very expensive but businesses should adopt it to keep their businesses going.For
example, to cater for competition from other companies..In Kenya for instance, The Postal Company is
greatly falling after Saccos and other companies like G4S came. Posta Kenya has not planned and has
been found unaware hence it requires to adopt this unplanned change to stay in the business.
Therefore, unplanned change is effective for businesses to adopt to avoid going down and out of the
11) Think of a problem situation you would like to change at school or home and describe how
you would frame the topic and approach the change using appreciative inquiry. 4 Marks

Anxiety being the problem identified, I would to change such a situation by using the appreciative
approach. I would like to reduce the levels of anxiety I see in people who are being told, constantly, that they
need to change.This anxiety is reduced when progress and growth is born of curiosity for what is and what
might be, rather than demands for change coming from a parent-like ‘other’. Sometimes this ‘other’ is our
own sense of guilt, inadequacy or insecurity.

Appreciative Inquiry focuses on strengths and is appreciative of all that is and all that might be.Such teams or
individuals evolve in whatever direction we collectively, passionately and persistently ask questions about.

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