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Szőcs Gábor

Zámbóné dr. Kocic Larisa

Introduction to English Literature and Culture
Thursday’s course from 1400 to 1530
Wit by Edson

To be honest, there are 2 things all around the world I’m afraid of, and these things are
hospitals and literature. When I started to read this book, my heart kept beating as hard as it
can. Firstly, I was extremely scared, but when I moved towards in the book, I got curious.
Unfortunately, one of my great-grandmothers had an ovary tumor too, so I can think how
hard all the treatments and chemotherapy were for Vivian. If I had to mention 1 single thing
from the book, which has an impact on me, I would say the final part, where Vivian went to
the lights. I think it symbolize her death and her way to heaven.
The paradox could be between the soul and the body. Although cancer “eats” the body,
which causes brutal pain, at the end of the drama, Vivian’s soul will win, and every of her
pain will caese.

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