Class Struggle 134 Spring, 2020

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Class Struggle # 134 Spring September/November 2020

It is 80 years since Trotsky was assassinated by a Stalinist agent in

Mexico. Today our task is to rebuild the 'World Party of Socialism'
on the foundation of the 1938 Transitional Program to fulfil the goal
of world socialist revolution against dying capitalism's drive to
destroy nature and humanity. In 1935 in ‘Open Letter for the Fourth
International’ Trotsky rallied his supporters for a new international
to fight the cause of world revolution (Cont. back cover)
Class Struggle # 134 Spring September-November 2020

Against the OK sign we raise the clenched fist!

Brenton Tarrant, perpetrator of the Christchurch massacre, March 2019, makes the Alt-right sign

Tarrant makes the sign of the alt-right – the OK the Anglo-American settler culture that has
symbol - above. Yes, he deserves to stay in jail dominated NZ since colonisation as a ‘property-
for life. But don’t imagine that his white owning democracy’.
supremacy extremist ideology has not already Today the civil war between the old white
taken root here.
world powers and the rising new world nations
NZ began when Aotearoa was invaded by white drives social divides along ethnic and
supremacists. The land wars that allowed the nationalist lines. These cut across social class
theft of Maori land provides the economic base and create a mass base for fascism. The civil
for an economy that perpetuates white racism war is now being televised on the streets in the
today. White racism serves to denigrate non- US right now.
Euros and justify the right of Euro white Watch out kiwis, you are not a ‘team of 5
supremacy to conquer the world. NZ is a first million’ but a nation divided along ethnic and
cousin of the other Euro white settler colonies national lines. Ironically the reality is that NZ is
with the US as the biggest and brutal case. a neo-colony subjected to both US and Chinese
The old white empires of Britain and the other imperialism. So, race and national wars serve
Euro powers, and the white settler colonies, only Anglo/US/Euro and Asian imperialist rule
notably the USA, are in decline and with it the of NZ.
cultural dominance of white supremacy. The The solution is to wake up and recognise that
age-old fear that the Asian powers led by Russia fighting civil wars along these lines is a
and China would come to control Eurasia has diversion from the class war – that between the
come to pass. 80% that creates the wealth, and the 20% that
NZ’s European population is in decline relative lives off that wealth – which is the only war that
to new migrants from Asia. This is a threat to the majority can win.

Class Struggle # 134 Spring September-November 2020

The Party that stole the name of ‘Labour’.

The New Zealand Labour Party must be elected to govern alone to be judged for
its failure to deliver on its promises to workers and the poor for decades. It got
away with breaking those promises by making concessions to NZ First party to
keep the coalition Government in power. As for the Greens keeping Labour
‘honest’, a pious hope when its co-leader James Shaw recently gave $11m to a
private school!
When social democratic parties tie themselves cut benefits and force a 26 week stand down for
to petty bourgeois or bourgeois partners, they the unemployed.
become part of a political popular front In 1993 two thirds of the electorate voted
dominated by the interests of international
against Rogernomics. Labour won almost the
monopoly finance capital. Promises made to same number of seats as National but it did not
workers are then sacrificed. As a result, they get a majority because the NLP (which had now
become in effect open bourgeois liberal parties formed the Alliance with the Greens and
without any pretense of representing workers. Democrats) split the vote in a number of seats.
Labour has long been moving towards an open The result was a hung parliament. Anderton
liberal party since 1984 when it was hijacked by refused to support a Labour plan to form a
the Roger Douglas rightwing who later split to government on a 5-point program which
found the ACT (Association of Citizens and included repeal of National’s labour ‘reforms’
Taxpayers) party, later rejuvenated under MMP and plans to privatise health and the ACC. This
on the extreme right of parliamentary parties. allowed National to stay in power until 1999.
Labour won the 1987 election with the support
of swinging voters in affluent National Party The split in Labour then ensured that the
seats. Disgusted by Labour’s right turn, in 1989 Rogernomics counter-revolution sped forward
its leftwing split behind Jim Anderton to form on steroids under the National Party. What
the New Labour Party leaving the Lange began as a bureaucratic split by the labour left
centrists in charge of the liberal rump of the now became a sell-out of NZ workers for the
party. whole lost decade of the 1990s. Moreover, it
marked the consolidation of the Blairite centre
The Split in Labour was a Disaster in the Labour Party and the failure of the Clark
The split in Labour was a disaster. The Left had and Ardern governments to repudiate neo-
roughly a third of the votes in the national liberal policies.
conference and a majority on the National Under MMP Labour has ruled only with the
Council behind Jim Anderton. But instead of support of the petty bourgeois Alliance, Greens,
using that support to launch a campaign to kick and NZ First. The 9 years of the Fifth Labour
out the Douglas right faction, Anderton left
Government (1999-2008) was a popular front
prematurely to form the New Labour Party. Gov’t that provided a Blairite fig-leaf over the
The NLP got 5% of the vote in 1990, proving that naked neo-liberal policies of the Fourth. It
the split was not only ill-judged but a top-down trapped workers in parliament while the world
left bureaucratic adventure. Labour suffered a headed for the financial crisis of 2007/2008.
major defeat retaining holding only 29 seats True to form, Labour had done no more than
allowing National to form an extreme right- prepared the ground for National’s 9-year term
wing government to impose the ECA, drastically in office from 2008 to 2017, dragging the
Class Struggle # 134 Spring September-November 2020

country into period of austerity and abandon the strategy of elimination as too
subservience to both Chinese and the US costly for business. Labour balked at this plan
imperialism. but compromised to try to keep the virus at bay
and lost little popular ‘trust’. Then with Judith
Labour sneaked back into office in 2017 only by
Collins running the naked face of capital
forming a popular front coalition with the
strategy, Sam Morgan spat the dummy when his
bourgeois populist NZ First party, and a
Covid Card failed to get rapid adoption. It is
confidence and supply agreement with the
game on with weeks to go.
petty-bourgeois Greens. Labour under its
Blairite Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, wanted With the election looming, the contradiction
to prove that it could govern for the centre, between the expectations of Labour’s voter
reconciling capitalism and socialism, and failed base and its failure to meet those expectations,
to enact any major reform in the interest of has been over-ridden temporarily by the impact
workers. of the pandemic.
Labour has always been a Capitalist Party The idea that NZ as united in one “team of 5
million” is fraying at the edges and looking
The reason should be obvious. That Labour is
shaky. Business sentiment, especially SME
and always was a capitalist party that put
businesses, despite bailouts and wage
profits before people. Its only rationale to exist
subsidies, has dropped between the first
was to present itself as the ‘nice’ face of
lockdown in March and second lockdown in
capitalism to corral workers off the streets into
parliament. But Rogernomics exploded the
myth of ‘niceness’. The desperation of the right National and
extreme right ACT, now backed by the rebellion
Today the ‘missing million’ is the working class
of the Morgan business cabal, and the corporate
that Labour has abandoned for the middle-
media, threatens to destroy the trust in
class, or more accurately the “class-less middle
Labour’s leadership in the fight against the
of NZ”. When crises strike, Labour rallies the
nation against class which provides a mask for
the ruling class. It supresses the class The 2020 election may yet see Labour returned
contradiction in the warm bath of nationalism. with a majority to govern on its own. But even
so in the Covid world it would rapidly cave in to
Then the Covert crisis struck, Labour showed its
the kiwi comprador cabal and international
true colours. It formed a cabal of big
finance to give priority to the economy. But it
businessmen including Sam Morgan the face of
would be exposed to working masses as a
neoliberal marketplace, to get permission for
bankrupt social democratic party serving only
the ‘hard and fast’ lockdown. But the cabal
to make workers’ pay for the bosses’ crisis
wanted to continue to pull the strings. The
ridden system.
‘plan’ was to eliminate the virus then find a
rapid high-tech solution to track everyone to To make this happen class conscious workers
keep it out, and so open the economy up for must give critical support to the re-election
‘business as usual’. of the Labour Party with the objective of
splitting workers away to form an
This worked until the bureaucratic border
independent workers party, that can
breakdowns that allowed the virus to sneak
represent the 80% who work to replace the
back in. The cabal now with support from
rotten capitalist system with a socialist
National put the hard word on Labour to
system that serves their needs.

Class Struggle # 134 Spring September-November 2020

Revolutionary Lessons from the Pandemic

Growth has to stop. The pandemic proved that mass lockdown and economic
shutdown, was needed to stop it. It took a while for biological science to catch up
with Covid 19 because it was new and rapidly evolving. As the lockdowns brought
economies to a halt growth stopped and the next long depression loomed. The
world has been in recession since. As each quarter ticks over it will become
depression. The US leads the way since capitalism rots from the head down.

Things will have to get much worse before they get economic activity. This required a backstory like
better. Worse will be the effects of the huge debts Robinson Crusoe, where heroic capitalists arose by
run up pumping life into a dying capitalism. Workers saving the wealth from their own labour. We know
will pay for that for generations if they survive. that is a lie. Man Friday was a slave. Capitalism was
Much worse will be the riots, uprisings and the born out of slavery. When capitalism developed
fascists, police and military unleashed to keep the industry another myth rapidly followed. Workers
ruling class in power. Each attempt to prolong the were now paid a wage and became the equal of
life of capitalism with rescue attempts only prolongs their employer as a buyer and seller of
the misery of the masses. Capitalism needs ‘growth’ commodities.
to live like Covid 19 needs living bodies to survive.
So, next myth. Workers, forcibly removed from their
Science tells us what we face with pandemics. land, sold their labour to employers for a wage so
Science tells us what we face with climate change. as to buy the goods and services they needed to
Science also tells us what we face if we do not end continue working. Exchange of equivalents! Another
capitalist growth. Never-ending depression, more lie!
pandemics and more global warming until it is too
The economists of the day like Adam Smith knew
late. The problem is that against all science there is
that without labour the profits of employers and
a rising mob of unbelievers who reject science for
rents of landlords would not get paid. But they
delusions about social reality. The mob is not
disguised this fact by describing profits and rents as
responsible for its ignorance. Its delusions are sown
the rewards for providing land and jobs. Sound
by the mythology of capital.
familiar? Economists have been singing from the
The mythology of capital is that it is a moving same hymn sheet ever since.
equilibrium that uses the market as a regulator of
Class Struggle # 134 Spring September-November 2020

But this mythology never corresponded to real life The growth we need is not capitalist but socialist.
lived by workers and peasants, and was reflected in This does not mean emulating the failed ‘socialist’
the social science of the day by Chartists, socialists, states of the Soviet Union or ‘Communist’ China. To
and communists who recorded the reality and survive these states attempted to impose socialist
argued the case for some form of socialism. plans in isolation of the world economy. Their plans
could not compete with the capitalist monopolies
None however took apart the system scientifically
that dominate the world economy. Restoring
until Karl Marx. Marx showed that capital is no more
capitalism leaves them facing the same fate as
than expropriated surplus labour time (surplus to
monopoly capital.
the value of the wage) and that without profit,
investment stops and depression follows. That is, The socialism we need has to be based on
capital dies when it does not grow. scientific socialism that expropriates the stolen
material and technological wealth of capitalism
It follows that to stop growth capital must die. But
and applies it to the collective needs of the
that doesn’t mean humanity dies. Capital is
working people on a global scale.
different from most living systems in that it is not a
self-regulating system. It is an unstable crisis-prone Some people will object that this is a leap into the
system because it lives by sucking out the wealth of unknown. There are two replies to this. Do you know
nature including that of human labour. your own society? If not, you are already in the
unknown so good luck to you. If you do know
But there can be no equilibrium when the parasite
capitalism then you also know that we cannot
eats its host. Equally the parasite without its host
survive capitalism except as socialism. Do we need
cannot maintain homeostasis. By the late 19th
a working model to prove the infallible nature of
century capitalism could only survive by destroying
socialism? No. All we need is the knowledge of the
more wealth than it created in depressions and
fallible nature of capitalism. Nobody believes in the
wars. Typically, this destruction is seen as the price
perfection of any social system except in their
of ‘progress’ i.e. growth of profits.
During the 20th century the market was replaced by
When reflecting on the pandemic, the lockdown and
monopolies as the bigger corporations ate up their
the coming long depression, what are our prospects?
weaker rivals, extracting rent or super-profits from
That scientific socialism is necessary for humanity
them driving down the wages of workers and
to overcome all these existential challenges. It
peasants. That is why the share of wages fell over
means ridding ourselves of the mythology of
the century. Rent accrues where monopoly prices
capitalism as the peak of human evolution,
are set when competition is suppressed by monopoly
understanding its threat to survival of the natural
power. The capitalist ‘growth’ that followed
world, and then working together to break the hold
became ever more parasitic as finance capital is
of capitalism over our lives.
blind to the fact that it is destroying its host by
sucking dry nature’s energy. All this puts the upcoming election in New
Zealand into perspective. None of the political
21st century monopoly capital proves that Marx was
parties standing has any conception of what is
right. Today the destructive effects of state
needed to embark on the struggle for socialism.
monopoly capital are clear. The gap between rich
At best it is “too little too late”. They highlight
and poor is widening. The billionaires profited
that failure and what must be done to replace
greatly from the pandemic. The big four tech giants
them. Looking to the future, to have a future,
profits surged as the US went into depression. Huge
those who create the wealth must take power and
numbers of the working poor and peasantry in the
build the new socialist society for our survival. We
semi-colonial world are dying of hunger and disease.
know what is possible only when we do what is
Monopoly capitalism cannot be reformed as its
growth is backed by authoritarian states. To
overcome capitalism’s parasitic relation with nature
we have to restore the equilibrium with nature.

Class Struggle # 134 Spring September-November 2020

A Covid Election, a Dying World & Rotten Capitalism

This is a Covid election in a dying world. A pandemic caused by capitalism in its

old age destroying habitats and forcing species to jump. Made worse by the
economic collapse after wrecking health systems or failing to provide them. Then
in desperation trying to isolate the masses from the mansions by locking down
people without jobs or food in the poorer countries. Yet its banks and corporates,
and even SMEs, got bailed out by central banks. In a word: capitalism is rotten.

So, let's call out all those who say the virus to blame planet B. Few have the bucks for a bed on Peter
for the looming global bust. No, capitalism is the Beck's spaced-out ships heading to Venus. They will
enemy not the virus. The virus is merely a join Jim Jones in the annals of death cults. These
messenger from mother nature to the arrogant are all delusions against doom.
capitocene that our time is up. The bourgeois have
Covid is a tiny taste of the historical justice meted
killed many hundreds of thousands of species in
out to those humans who have the hubris to put
their time including over 80% of all mammals, and
themselves outside and above nature and who
the kill rate is hitting 200 a day right now. We are
cannot face the truth. We are doomed unless we are
on death row ourselves but nature cannot wait until
redeemed by restoring nature and ourselves as part
we top ourselves. It sends a harbinger of our fate -
of it. Marxists since the days of Rosa Luxemburg
a clever little virus that has an IQ above that of the
have spoken of the fate of humanity being torn
flat earthers.
between socialism and barbarism. Many of us have
Therefore, keeping the borders shut will not save preached salvation in the form of scientific
the human race. We will wipe each other out socialism but this is widely perceived as just another
instead. There will be more pandemics, more wars, cult. We are well down the road to barbarism so
drought and floods. Washing your hands how do we change tack to socialism?
continuously will not remove the guilt. Joining the
Let's put this question into the frame of the Covid
Trump cult of fascist morons will end in more fascist
Election. Yes, it’s a Covid election. The pandemic is
genocides. Being born again will not get you to
Class Struggle # 134 Spring September-November 2020

the immediate threat to our public health which national struggles of the proletarians of the
struggles after 40 years on starvation rations. The different countries, they point out and bring to the
way we fight Covid teaches us that we must fight front the common interests of the entire
the climate emergency at the same time. And it proletariat, independently of all nationality. 2. In
teaches us that rotten capitalism cannot save a the various stages of development which the
dying world, and that socialism is the only struggle of the working class against the
alternative. bourgeoisie has to pass through, they always and
everywhere represent the interests of the
The Labour Party is not socialist, nor its leader
movement as a whole."
communist. It is a centrist social democratic liberal
party that believes in the classless society of the In the context of the upcoming election this means
“team of 5 million”. And its leader believes in a that the proletariat in Aotearoa is exploited by its
“third way” between capitalism and communism – own bourgeoisie and by international finance
(Tony) “Blairism”. Yet in the space of months it has capitalists. It is in the common interest of that
got on top of the pandemic more than any other proletariat to fight as an independent class towards
country in the world. Its classless ideology has works the end of capitalist social relations. The Labour
to rally most of the nation behind the ‘elimination’ Party never allowed workers to organise
strategy. Its deficit spending of $50 Billion to bail independently because it would challenge the
out profits and jobs reinforces the illusion that ideology of class compromise and unleash class
Aotearoa is a classless team of ‘5 million’. struggle.
Labour's centrist ideology masks or minimises the Yet at this stage of the development of the struggle
widening gap between owners of capital and in Aotearoa workers should give critical support to
workers to keep alive belief in the sustainability of the Labour Party that still has the support of the
capitalism. It follows that the elimination strategy unions. We should demand that it delivers on its
to save lives cannot arrive at a classless equal 2017 promises to “transform” Aotearoa/ NZ and act
society. It may rescue capitalism temporarily, but urgently on climate change as “the nuclear free”
cannot stop climate change and more pandemics. It moment of our age.
lacks any vision that capital is to blame for all our
We need Labour to be re-elected to parliament as a
crises. It rejects the urgent need for socialism to
majority government so that it is not able to blame
defeat economic depression, global warming and
the petty bourgeois NZ First or the Green Party for
further waves of pandemics. But it does keep more
its failure to deliver on its promises. We should
of us alive to fight for the future which is not
demand that it continues the elimination Covid
something we can say for the National opposition.
strategy, provides a fully funded public health
The National opposition and its ally the ACT Party, system to avoid unnecessary lockdowns, jobs for all
are the champions of naked rip, shit and bust and living wage, and embarks on an immediate
capitalism. Like other extreme capitalist regimes, economic plan for sustainable development of the
like those of Trump, Bolsonaro and Modi, it will stop economy in harmony with nature.
at nothing to keep capitalism alive by sacrificing
Meanwhile, Marxists know that ruling class will
workers. National's fight to save rotten capitalism is
never allow any bourgeois government to enact such
to profit before people at the cost of destroying
a program. If as a result of this election we take the
nature. Collins and Brownlee are staking the survival
left fork on the road to survival we will accompany
of the National Party on playing to people’s fears to
the working class as a whole in the development of
discredit the Government’s elimination strategy in
its "struggle against the bourgeoisie". Along this road
the interest of the survival of profits.
it will learn through experience that it needs its own
That makes the Covid election a critical junction. independent workers party, workers’ councils and
The right fork leads to doom; the left fork leads to militias, and a program that guides it in the struggle
survival. How should class conscious workers vote to make the socialist revolution and create a
come October 17th? Workers’ and small Farmers’ Government.
As Marx famously said:
"The Communists are distinguished from the other
working-class parties by this only: 1. In the

Class Struggle # 134 Spring September-November 2020

BLM, Capitalism and White Supremacy

Racism as it erupted into global consciousness in recent days to confront a growing
mass movement, is the surface manifestation of a much deeper problem – capitalism.
There is no aspect of genetic difference including skin colour that signifies the
natural inferiority or superiority of any given people. There is no biological thing
called ‘race’. Humans share the same genes. We are the Human Race. The ideology,
racism, that exists today was born of white supremacy and serves to reproduce it
today. It was the social invention of early European capitalists to provide a religious
alibi for the conquest of non-European peoples from the 15th century and remains
as the ideology of white supremacy today.

Statue of Columbus beheaded at Boston’s North End Park

Some history classes/castes stratifying peasants at the bottom to

the aristocracy at the top where the unpaid labour
Prior to the rise of class society social relations were
of producers flowed upwards as ‘tribute’.
based on kinship in which labour was collective and
its products shared equally. When men overthrew In all of these pre-capitalist modes, physical
the kinship mode and took control of women’s characteristics including skin colour were incidental
reproductive power, they formed a ruling class, and irrelevant to the reproduction of the social
exploiting the unpaid labour of women as a sex-class relations of society. European capitalism,
– i.e. Patriarchy. succeeding these other modes, incorporated them
into itself as subordinate modes. But it alone had
The Slave mode of production followed. In ancient
the distinction of inventing racism to justify its
Greece for example, men who had become
conquest of non-European peoples and its
landowners, exploited the unpaid labour of slaves
occupation and plunder of their natural resources
and women. Feudal society (aka the Tributary mode
and wealth as the basis for founding a new and
of production) spanning most continents in many
expanding, global, capitalist mode of production.
forms from the middle ages, was a hierarchy of
Class Struggle # 134 Spring September-November 2020

Why Europe? resistance was met, the Church decided that the
inhabitants had no ‘souls’ and that genocide was
China was the only Tributary mode in Asia with the
God’s work.
wealth to back exploration of new trade routes, but
it never went further than East Africa. There is no Such hypocrisy sanctioned the adventurers treating
evidence that Chinese reached the ‘new world’. the indigenous peoples as sub-human in need of
Was China sufficiently rich to not need new sources conversion to Christianity to save them from their
of wealth? Not necessarily as the Emperors feared sins of laziness, violence, lack of intelligence
the expense of such ventures. So, while China etc. Coincidentally, these ‘heathen’ were of darker
siphoned ‘tribute’ upwards from the smaller states skin shade than the Europeans, so that dark skin
under their influence which extended through the colour became a marker of racial inferiority in the
Indian Ocean it did not venture further. The expansion of colonies. From that point on genocide,
explanation is probably that the Chinese form of slavery and other forms of oppression necessary to
Tributary mode was highly integrated with a strong guarantee profits was done in the name of the racist
warrior class and a Confucian bureaucracy white supremacy.
controlling commerce and trade and averse to
Indigenous peoples were exterminated, and their
lands stolen and the survivors enslaved. Africans
The European feudal fiefdoms, by contrast, stuck on were captured and transported to the Americas to
a bleak peninsular jutting into the Atlantic, were perform slave labour. It is this history of the 500
relatively impoverished, and gained little from years of racist oppression of blacks as slaves and
internal wars of conquest. This allowed the new their ‘liberation’ as wage slaves that in the US today
bourgeoisie, the middle-class merchants in the leaves Blacks, alongside native Americans, the most
market towns and ports, the freedom to trade oppressed sections of the US working class. It is this
outside Europe and to expand their wealth. The ongoing unresolved oppression, symbolized as
solution was for merchant adventurers to win Royal lynching, that led inexorably to the killing of George
patronage to ‘discover’ and invade ‘new lands’ to Floyd and countless other blacks in the US.
enrich both the Monarchy and the rising bourgeoisie.
The question arises: how can the Black Lives Matter
They sought sources of wealth, in particular gold movement be turned into a mass movement that
and silver that would boost the limited money reverses the process of European white supremacy
supply and stimulate European capitalism. Here is of the Americas including slavery, unless it destroys
the significance of Columbus, the Genovese sailor the historic roots of the rise of capitalism and its
who hired out his services to the Spanish crown to global terminal crisis today? It is fitting that those
sail to Asia and accidentally ‘discover’ the ‘new who paid the highest price for the founding of
world’ named after his countryman Amerigo European capitalism should lead the fight to bring
Vespucci. Europe now had its opportunity to turn a an end to decadent capitalism today, made the
faltering capitalist market into a world empire. No more urgent and necessary as that system is in
wonder the white fascist mobs today are trying to irrevocable decline and threatens to destroy
stop anti-racists and anti-fascists from knocking humanity.
Columbus off his pedestal wherever he is found
What is to be done to make this possible?
surveying the new Eurocentric world.
To win, the black liberation struggle has to unite
The origin of racism as we know it today
with all other sections of the working class, most
The feudal patrons of these European merchant importantly indigenous peoples, Asian workers and
adventurers were blessed with the divine right to women, and all others who today are the millions of
rule under the Catholic church. Unlike the migrant and displaced workers who experience
Confucian bureaucracy, the Vatican backed these historic and special oppression. As the awareness
voyages of discovery for new wealth as a ‘civilising grows, white workers who historically have shared
mission’. The plunder of nature’s wealth was some of the economic advantages of white
glorified as the saving of souls. When popular

Class Struggle # 134 Spring September-November 2020

supremacy have to reject racism and unite as allies, domestic labour and are therefore doubly
rather than opponents of, black liberation. oppressed.
Those who still subscribe to white supremacy, and Petty commodity producers originated as a sub-
who today oppose the BLM movement, are a fertile mode of the Tributary mode. They are the self-
ground of recruitment by fascist vigilante militias, employed who produce commodities with their own
and must be defeated. The division in the white family labour for sale on the market. They are not
working class can only be overcome by white small capitalists as they do not employ other
workers uniting alongside black workers and their workers whose labour they live off. Under
allies to smash a fascist movement before it capitalism they include peasants, poor farmers,
becomes a major threat. small traders, servants, contract workers, taxi
drivers etc and many are really disguised wage
So far, in response to the lynching of George Floyd,
workers. Most are self-employed only because there
this unity is building, much more so than in previous
is no secure wage-labour available. As individuals
periods of struggle, and in much greater numbers
they have no financial security or power to survive
than those actively defending white supremacy. But
economic crises and for that reason, have a class
there is a long way to go. The capitalist state cannot
interest in overthrowing capitalist social relations
tolerate the rise of an anti-racist movement that
and creating a socialist society.
morphs into an anti-capitalist movement that
threatens its class rule. The police, the military and Both forms of labour contain an unpaid element of
fascist paramilitaries will be set against this value that ends up as the profits of banks or
movement. To defeat the forces of reaction we employers and are thus formally exploited labour.
must work to resolve all divisions within the working Along with this economic relationship their political
class that weaken its power to smash fascism. and social rights are far from equal so that both
forms are also specially oppressed. As a result, they
Within the wider working class, comprising all those
have a strong interest shared by all other
who must live off their own labour, there are other
components of the working class, to break with the
historic divisions that must be overcome to unite the
dominant social relations of capitalism by means of
class. Of the pre-capitalist modes of production
socialist revolution.
incorporated into capitalism two are critical,
women as a sex-class of domestic labourers, and All of these forms of labour have a common
petty commodity producers. Both forms of historic denominator in that they all produce unpaid labour
exploitation persist alongside wage-labour and can value for capital and are subject to increasing
be ended only by uniting to overthrow capitalism. exploitation and oppression as capitalism faces its
terminal crisis. They share a common fate of having
Uniting Sex, Race and Class
their labour power stripped from them along with
As we have seen, women as a sex-class originated their living standards. Their lives are all threatened
when men took control of women’s reproduction by the collapse of the capitalist system as the result
and consigned them to domestic slavery along with of a compound crises manifest as plague, flood, fire,
male slaves in the Slave mode of production. The famine, and ultimately human extinction. The fight
fact that some women were wives of slave owners against racism is the fight against white supremacy;
did not mean they could escape their subordination is the fight against gender oppression; is the fight
as a sex-class. In the Tributary mode, this against capitalist exploitation and oppression!
subordinate role continued, embedded in the class
Workers Unite! It is your historic destiny to
or caste structure from bottom to top. Under
overthrow capitalism and build the socialist
capitalism women have won equal rights to work
outside the home but are not equal in practice
because they remain largely responsible for unpaid

Class Struggle # 134 Spring September-November 2020

Polemic on China
We publish two documents about the relationship between our tendency and the
FLTI. This is part of a wider discussion with ex-Militants of the FLTI that documents
the history of that tendency. These refer specifically to the debate of the character
of China that blew up in the FLTI in 2009. The point of disagreement was whether
China was emerging as an imperialist power or not. As a result of the dispute our
tendency split from the FLTI as a relapsing national Trotskyist tendency
characterised by a bureaucratic centralist internal regime centred on the LOI-CI of
Argentina. The first document is an account of the way this dispute led to the FLTI
resorting to Stalinist methods in the formation of a Zimbabwe section. The second,
summarises the main points of the debate over China as a contribution to the
reflections on this issue among ex-members of the FLTI today.

Zimbabwe: From the New ISO to the RWG and the role of the FLTI
We broke with ISO (International Socialist Soon, by around mid-2009, the FLTI was introduced
Organisation of Zimbabwe) in early 2009 after a to us and we initiated engagement more or less on
bitter and acrimonious fight with the then the same level with WIVL, informal yet regular. This
leadership headed by GW. We agreed to identify later culminated in a trip to SA by AM and another
ourselves then as the New ISO pending a name comrade with a view of establishing how best we
change, should that be warranted. The majority of can relate and continue engagements. At this
comrades followed us with a sizeable minority meeting there were proposals for fusion made to us
remaining with GW’s group and others quitting all and we stated that only a general meeting/congress
together. of comrades scheduled for later that year would
The break was preceded by a protracted political deal with that.
fight that culminated in a huge defeat for the GW It was in South Africa that we also got to know of
slate at the 2008 ISO congress/National Members a major political debate within the FLTI over the
Conference (NMC). The fight centred on the critique nature of China and we resolved at leadership
of the Cliffite centrist method of adapting to the level to probe the issue further and make a
labour bureaucracy as opposed to the rank and file, decision at our congress, if possible.
a popular front approach and a bureaucratic centrist
AM used the trip (his second one after the first
personal one when he rushed back to join us in jail)
The election was immediately followed by to South Africa to also get in touch with individuals
persecution and victimisation resulting in the arrest he wanted to work with to form an NGO, Zimbabwe
of three leading comrades (LM and myself initially Action Trust. We only got to know about this later
with AM rushing from South Africa to join us) at the on. This was to form the backbone of accusations of
behest of the GW group. working with NGO’s when the FLTI turned against
It was during this period that we made contact with him towards the end of 2010.
WIVL (now WIVP) of South Africa led by Cde SM. We We held our congress in December 2009 where it
agreed to start exchanging notes with the view of was resolved to continue probing the issue of
finding answers to the political limitations we had China and maintain a fraternal relationship with
identified in ISO. The engagements involved FLTI.
exchanging documents.
Soon after our congress, and becoming increasingly
impatient, FLTI quickly dispatched Cdes SM and MT

Class Struggle # 134 Spring September-November 2020

twice to Zimbabwe in early 2010 to ostensibly look FLTI to facilitate an unprincipled fusion and control.
at how best they could help us but in actual fact We quickly began to mobilise for an extra ordinary
trying to identify hurdles to immediate fusion and congress to primarily look at the issue of imposed
agreement on China. fusion, name and position on China.
It was during these visits that a proposal was made The extra-ordinary congress, held in August 2010,
for us to change our name and leadership structure was attended by the majority of both the general
to reflect the tradition of FLTI. Little did we know members and members of the leading organ, the
that AM had already made a commitment (during National Coordinating Committee (NCC). The result
the first official South Africa trip around October of the congress, as per the published statement,
2009) to the FLTI to fuse New ISO into FLTI and also was to reject the imposed fusion, name, leadership
adopt the position of the majority on China. structure, position on China and other minor issues
resulting in AM being expelled and resolving to
This was to become apparent when AM returned
continue calling ourselves the New ISO.
from Argentina in April of 2010 when we later
learned that he had, together with SM of WIVL, Whist in South Africa, after failing to meet SM, I
doctored the minutes of our congress to appear as made contact with cdes of CWG (NZ) and CWG
if we had agreed on fusion, on China, and to (US), then HRWS, who constituted a minority on
change our name. This was done during the the question of China and had recently broke with
second organisational trip to South Africa enroute the FLTI to form a Liaison Committee of
to Argentina. Communists (LCC).These comrades enabled us to
look at the Chinese issue intensively and openly
The FLTI/WIVL resorted to this method after
resulting in an agreement that China had become
realising that their positions were in the minority
an emerging imperialist nation. We became a
and could not allow for proper discussion. We can
section of the LCC in mid-2011 after extensive
only imagine that if they could do this to thwart a
engagements, enough time necessary to look at
majority view, how far would they go to thwart a
the issue given our Cliffite history, and launched
minority position as happened with comrades of
the RWG.
CWG-NZ/HRWS over the China issue?
Soon after our congress in 2010 we heard that a
The trip to Argentina (in April 2010) proved to be a
moral commission had been established by the FLIT
turning point in that our name, structure and
which had found that AM was working with NGO’s,
position on China was imposed on us with the help
and was still following the Cliffite IST tradition of
of Mutero who was now acting unilaterally on key
holding an annual public meeting (called Marxism)
issues taking instructions from FLTI.
where even members of the reformist mainstream
Just a few days after AM had returned from parties were invited to speak, among other findings.
Argentina, I was to leave Zimbabwe for South
The real results of the findings remain unclear to us
Africa. AM indicated to me that they had resolved in
save to say that SM and some FLTI cdes spent time
Argentina for me to go to South Africa for a brief
in Zimbabwe around this period. AM did not produce
period as a guest of the WIVL. Little did I know then
any response to the findings that we are aware of
that it was a plot to remove me from the ground in
but the RIL-FI soon split in two with AM keeping the
preparation for an imposition of a name, RIL-FI, and
name and most comrades, and Cde JS leading
majority position on China. I never got to meet SM
another group soon to be named WIL centred on the
and when I was informed by other cdes of
out of Harare comrades. RIL-FI died a natural death
developments back in Zimbabwe I quickly made
as AM went on to be a leader of a food federation
preparations to return and confront AM on the issue.
working with the MST of Brazil.
Upon my return, all leading cdes including me, had
been either stripped of their positions or demoted Cde Tigwe (For RWG-Z) 29 August 2020
using a new leadership structure imposed on us by

Class Struggle # 134 Spring September-November 2020

Some salient points on the China question

Comrades, as ex-Militants of the FLTI, you probably know that the CWG and HWRS
joined the FLTI at its founding conference in 2009. We immediately got into a dispute
about the character of China. Everyone thought it had restored capitalism, but we
were divided over whether or not it could become an imperialist power. We agreed
to a public debate on China. An exchange of documents began between the majority
(China cannot become an imperialist power) and minority (China is already an
emerging imperialist power). However, the debate was not conducted in a
democratic centralist way as it was diverted by CM into the Japanese adventure with
the JRCL. As you will know from our balance sheet on the FLTI written in early 2010,
we think that this episode was evidence of the emergence of a bureaucratic
centralist regime around CM. Both the Japanese adventure and the Zimbabwe
adventure in our view were driven by the wrong position on China taken by the
Majority. Here is a summary of the salient differences on the character of China.

(1) "The world is divided, there can be no more imperialism. Rather they confirmed his theory and
room for imperialism powers." method. What’s more, Lenin's theory and practice
was instrumental in making the revolution that
Majority: From the start, this was the main
broke free of the capitalist world by winning the
argument of the majority. It was argued, following
civil war in 1921, as did China in 1949.
Lenin, that the world was already divided by the
imperialist powers, and thereafter could only be re- (2) The workers states, isolated and backward,
divided in future inter-imperialist wars. Old could not escape their bureaucratic deformation
imperialist powers may fall and new ones rise, but or degeneration. Without political revolutions
new imperialist powers can never be.
supported by world revolution, their fate was, as
Minority: The minority agrees with this in the Trotsky thought most likely, a state capitalist
context in which it was written. Imperialist restoration.
(oppressor) powers back their imperialist
monopolies, including banks, to extract super- The majority and minority agree that this historic
profits from the (oppressed) colonies and semi- defeat took place in Russia and China by 1992. In
colonies. No oppressed country can accumulate China we agreed that restoration converted the
sufficient surplus-value to trigger growth that bureaucracy into the Red Bourgeoisie. But we
would bring the LTRPF into effect and the export of differed on the legacy of the bureaucratic workers
surplus profits as the necessary condition of state in determining the outcome for the restored
imperialism. To escape imperialist exploitation state capitalist regime.
would require the overthrow of imperialism and its Majority: Starting from its assumption that no
comprador bourgeois agents. A big task for a semi- imperialist powers can emerge once the world was
colony (or even a weak imperialist power such as divided in the imperialist epoch, the restoration of
Tsarist Russia. capitalism means that China would re-enter the
Resolution: This position is correct insofar as no world economy as an oppressed country unable to
oppressed capitalist semi-colony has broken from accumulate sufficient value to emerge as
the imperialist world system forcing a repartition of imperialist. Whether China is semi-colonial, or some
the world economy from ‘below’...except for 'transitional' state, the point is it is oppressed and
workers' or peasants' revolutions going all the way fought over by rival imperialist powers. Massive FDI
to a break with the national bourgeoisie and in the free trade zones, big branch plants of most of
imperialism. The Russian revolution did exactly the big multinationals, and China's role as the
this. We don't need to tell the whole story to those workshop of the world, all fit the 'profile' of a semi-
who know it, it is sufficient to show that colony that serves the imperialist division-of-labour
these revolutionary breaks did not reject Lenin on by producing cheap imports of capital and consumer
goods for the world market.
Class Struggle # 134 Spring September-November 2020

Minority: The minority questions how can this be attempt to recolonise China. At that time the
true? China has accumulated massive surpluses since Minority held that China was an 'emerging'
2001 when it joined the WTO, and now exports imperialism with semi-colonial characteristics and
surplus capital to every continent as FDI or state-to- would have defended it from a US (or any other
state deals in competition with the established imperialist) attack to increase the super-
imperialist powers. While China allowed the exploitation and oppression of China. The Majority
controlled penetration of imperialism in the special today still argues that the growth of China is that of
zones, it also imposed terms that required joint an oppressed nation subordinated to imperialist
ventures and intellectual property transfer unlike powers. Even the Belt and Road project that invests
any semi-colony. The legacy of the workers state $trillions in unprecedented global infrastructure is
allowed it to control and limit the extend of interpreted as reducing labour costs for imports and
imperialist penetration, and thus to retain the exports that serve the profits of China’s imperialist
ability to accumulate capital and emerge as an masters!
imperialist power.
Minority: For the Minority Lenin's theory of a re-
Resolution: Abandon the dogmatic assumption that divided world applies to the workers states which he
Lenin's theory of imperialism cannot predict and had a hand in establishing. It can explain the return
spark revolutions that allowed socialist revolutions of the workers' state to the capitalist world with the
to re-partition the world economy! Further, failing legacy of state capitalism that avoids re-
the world revolution, counter-revolutions forced colonisation and the lawful emergence of new
the bureaucracy to restore capitalism but not at the imperialist powers. It counters the unipolar world of
expense of re-colonization. The legacy of the the fake left that delegates the workers revolution
workers' state proved to be the advantages of a to this or that imperialist dictatorship including that
strong central state, a dominant state-owned of Xi Jinping, president-for-life. The program for
monopoly sector, and a centralised Communist China that flows from this is dual defeatism in every
Party that could plan the economy. The minority inter-imperialist war and defeatism in wars against
asserts that this legacy of the workers' state allowed semi-colonies.
the Red bourgeoisie to accumulate capital sufficient
Resolution: In the decade since this debate began,
to trigger the LTRPF and the export of capital.
China has risen to become second only to the US as
(3) The Character of China at the concrete a world power, and ahead on real GDP and capital
level accumulation. Back In 2010 China was only
beginning the trajectory of its imperialist
The two points above cover the theoretical
expansion. But already it was accumulating a
development of Lenin's theory of imperialism, the
surplus in trade much of which was invested in US
victory of socialist revolution against imperialism,
treasury bonds. No semi-colony ever did this. It had
and of the inevitable failure of an isolated
virtually no external debt, unheard of for those of
revolution in a single backward country. This is
us living in semi-colonies. It was becoming a banker
consistent with the observed reality of the
for the Bolivarians and the Castroists. The only
character of China today. But we need to evaluate
reason that the Majority did not see these trends as
the program and practice of the Majority and
contradicting its theory on China was the
Minority as a consequence of their method and
preconceived schema misrepresenting Lenin which
saw the world revolving around only the USA. Back
Majority: The majority theory of no new then we referred to this theory as missing the
imperialisms must be put to the test against the 'elephant' in the room. Today there is no question:
observed reality today. At the time we had the the elephant has broken out of the room, trampled
debate in 2009, the evidence of China's restoration on those who still do not see it, and is now
as a semi-colony, open to re-colonisation by challenging the US for the lead in dominating the
imperialism especially the US and Japan, was world. As comrades look back at the FLTI to see
superficially convincing. It required a program for what went wrong and why, they should re-evaluate
the socialist revolution, the defence of China, the debate on China and the adventures in Japan
especially from the US, and a bloc with the JRCL in and Zimbabwe, which revolved around his question
support of the socialist revolution in China. The China.
Minority was naturally cast as abandoning Lenin and
Dave Brown (for ILTT) 4 August 2020
Trotsky in order to support the US ruling class in its

Class Struggle # 134 Spring September-November 2020

Workers Call this Pussyfooting:

Socialist Resurgence and Left Voice tiptoe around
movement self-defense. Michael Forest Reinoehl Presente!
“...The petty bourgeois democrats – including Social Democrats, Stalinists and Anarchists – yell
louder about the struggle against fascism the more cravenly they capitulate to it in actuality. Only
armed workers’ detachments, who feel the support of tens of millions of toilers behind them, can
successfully prevail against the fascist bands. The struggle against fascism does not start in the
liberal editorial office but in the factory – and ends in the street. Scabs and private gunmen in
factory plants are the basic nuclei of the fascist army. Strike pickets are the basic nuclei of the
proletarian army. This is our point of departure. In connection with every strike and street
demonstration, it is imperative to propagate the necessity of creating workers’ groups for self-
defense. It is necessary to write this slogan into the program of the revolutionary wing of the trade
unions. It is imperative wherever possible, beginning with the youth groups, to organize groups for
self-defense, to drill and acquaint them with the use of arms.” - Leon Trotsky, “Transitional
Program - The Picket Line, Defense Guards/Workers’ Militia and The Arming of the Proletariat”

Barr and Trump ordered the execution of Michael

This is how Biden plays to the centrist Democrats,
Forest Reinoehl as a warning to any leftists who
the DNC and Blue Dogs. He lectures protesters on
assert their 2nd amendment rights to self defense
street tactics, telling us rioting is not protesting.
against the fascist thugs. There was no attempt to
This coming from one who has never protested for
arrest him. It was an execution authorized from the
justice and faced the wrath of the militarized
top. Trump and Barr ordered the hit and Biden gave
police. He says nothing about the role of
them permission with his Pittsburgh speech about
provocateurs initiating the breaking of windows
rioting and looting. The state has openly come out
(which he calls violence) and the subsequent street
in defense of white nationalism again: kid gloves for
fighting, which we have known since long
Dylann Roof and Kyle Rittenhouse, bullets for AntiFa
before the Kerner Commission Report that riots are
defenders of Black Lives Matter protests.
initiated by police violence. Biden like Trump is
Biden’s play to split the protest movement, trying pointing at the protesters and yelling riot! Biden
to drive a wedge between the “legitimate along with Obama militarized the police prior to and
protesters” and those who take advantage of the during the 2009 anti-austerity movement that
federally promoted chaos to expropriate the developed into Occupy. Today Trump and
product of workers collective labor power back from Democratic mayors use the repressive state forces
the corporate retail outlets. The petty bourgeois built up and enabled by Obama/Biden to turn
left that has gone all-in for Biden need to protests against racist cop murders into police riots.
contemplate what he said. He is offering you the
Socialist Resurgence’s article “Trump, Biden and
same future as Trump, albeit legalistically
Far Right Militias” mentions nothing about the
camouflaged. If you call yourselves Debsians, how
necessity of building worker’s self defense guards,
do you swallow this!
a basic tenet of Trotsky’s transitional program and
“I want to make it absolutely clear: Rioting the methods of revolutionary Marxism. The article
is not protesting, looting is not protesting,” makes it sound like a few big mobilizations, like
Biden says at the start of the 60-second ad, Boston following Charlottesville, will put this to all
which will air on cable news networks to rest. No doubt mass anti-fascist moblizations will
nationally and in key swing states. “It’s have an impact on the tactics needed for self
lawlessness, plain and simple, and those who defense (linked arms of 10,000 may replace the
do it should be prosecuted.”………....“He need for tactical equipment). Sorry, but all the
can’t stop the violence because for years, miseducation about ‘peaceful-legal’ protest as a
he’s fomented it,” Biden says in the ad. “His strategy you learned, in the then centrist YSA, has
failure to call on his own supporters to stop got to go. It was not Marxism the SWP was teaching
acting as an armed militia in this country it was an opportunist adaptation to the Gandhian’s
shows how weak he is.” of the civil rights movement.

Class Struggle # 134 Spring September-November 2020

That is why today the spin offs of the SWP are ill (SR) gives backhanded praise to Black self-organized
prepared to lead any workers in struggle. In the face self-defense of the 1950s and ‘60s. But within the
of a counter-revolutionary insurgency, Trotskyists logic of the article, as well as the historical record,
recall the methods of Farrell Dobbs and the fighting they are saying, “we approve”, but from a safe
Teamsters who beat back the ‘Silver Shirts” the distance--an idea you can’t pin on them!
anti-labor fascist mobs akin to white citizens
In 1974 the predecessor political tendencies of
militias that terrorized the Black and Brown
Socialist Resurgence and Left Voice were in
communities. Today these scum re-emerge flying
nominal unity in the United Secretariat of the
the Confederate Flag and Trump Banners in the
Fourth International. At that time, they were
guise of Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer, Boogaloo Bois,
members of the Leninist Trotskyist Faction (LTF)
etc. Where Trotsky said acquaint the fascists’ heads
which united the Jack Barnes wing of the SWP with
with the pavement, the Barnes crowd famously
the Nahuel Moreno wing of the Argentine PST
defended free speech for fascists in Skokie, IL in
against the International Majority Tendency (IMT)
1976 and in 2013 in Kansas City as well.
led by Ernest Mandel, Livio Maitan and Pierre Frank.
To defeat the The crisis at the
violent counter- time was the
revolutionaries in looming counter-
the streets we revolutionary
need labor, Black coup in Argentina
and Brown self which would
defense guards result in the
training in every murder and
union hall and disappearance of
assemblies of the thousands of
specially worker militants
oppressed to and
organize defense revolutionaries.
of strikers and The IMT was
anti-racist actions warning of the
and anti-fascist impending right-
mobilizations. But wing movement
Dobbs did not just refuse to put out a call for such onslaught which would result in continental
self defense; the Trotskyists had to struggle for the warfare, while the LTF saw this as a petty bourgeois
leadership of the Teamsters and defeat the class retreat from the working class. Or so they put it, not
collaborators and pacifists in order to arm the taking a side in a battle already in progress.
workers both theoretically and tactically to win
While the LTF was correct about the need for an
their strike. The labor leadership prevents this. Only
orientation to the working class they were already
a direct challenge for the leadership of the Trade
poisoned by their opportunist orientation to
Union movement and their class collaborationist
Ghandianism and the trade union bureaucracy. So
political strategy, a challenge based on a
they were ill prepared to counter the “guerrilla
transitional program, can alter the political
mania” of the IMT with the method of the
landscape in favor of our class.
Transitional Program for workers self defense
We are prepared to be smeared by these stealth militias, which defend the workers movement and
pacifists. We recall the SWP’s COINTELPRO lawsuit, become the armed basis for the workers’
where the Barnes’ group’s lawyers called the government. The orientation to electoralism and
Internationalist Tendency (IT) members legalism resulted in the slaughters, imprisonment
“terrorists,” just as the “Friends of the FBI” did in and the break-up of the trade union and socialist
the Congressional Record. We recall the lie that groups across Latin America for decades. They
ITers were calling for arming the party. We recall junked the Transitional Program.
the Barnesite denunciation of the Argentine and
Left Voice, in “Federal Police Gun Down Black Lives
Bolivian workers’ militias who fought fascist
Matter Activist in Washington” adds their own view
dictatorships, arms in hand. We recall how they
of working class self-defense:
refused to raise the demand “Solidarity with the
Chilean Resistance.” For cover, Socialist Resurgence

Class Struggle # 134 Spring September-November 2020

“So in this moment of continued uprisings the Not F***ing Around Coalition, the John Brown
against racism and racist police violence, it Gun Clubs do not stand isolated, but will be linked
is more important than ever that working to the social power of the organized labor
people learn to watch out for and protect movement. Labor, Black and Brown Self-Defense
each other from right-wing attacks, whether Guards are needed to defend every demonstration,
it be vigilantes or uniformed police, and we along with mass trade union contingents to drive the
unequivocally defend the rights of the fascists and white supremacists from the streets.
working class and oppressed to defend For United Front self-defense of the workers and
themselves against these forces. However, the oppressed!
while protest security groups like the one
The more organized, militant and resolute the
that Reinoehl was involved in are one way of
workers are, the more likely are the capitalist state
doing this, they are insufficient. A few
forces of repression, the cops, CBP, ICE, etc. to
armed BLM protesters are no match for the
hesitate, to not attack the demonstrations and to
weapons of the police and right-wing
stand aside rather than defend the fascists. Workers
militias. Further, self defense is not only
self-defense, patrolling the Black and Brown
about armed militias, but crucially, depends
communities, will also put some restraints on the
upon the political and social support of the
rampant racist cop terror that will never end so long
masses. The real power of the working class
as capitalism exists. The liberal methods of
can only be realized in numbers, through
defunding the police, rewriting police policies,
mass self-organization in the workplaces and
civilian review boards, more training, and
neighborhoods and through the use of
community policing will do nothing to curb the
working class methods of struggle such as
racist police violence that is endemic to American
general strikes. This is why the fight against
police violence cannot be separated from
the other struggles of working people during Build armed, trained, and disciplined Labor, Black
this crisis. Only by uniting the fight against and Brown Self-Defense Guards from out of our
police violence and racism with the struggles union halls and community centers to defend
of the unemployed, immigrants, tenants, against racist cop and fascist terror!
organized labor, and against all forms of No platform for fascists or white supremacists!
economic and social exploitation can the For mass Labor, Black and Brown mobilizations
working class truly find its power.” - with organized trade union contingents to sweep
“Federal Police Gun Down Black Lives the fascists and white supremacists from the
Matter Activist In Washington” streets! Defend immigrants! Drive ICE and the CBP
To which we respond “where is your criticism of from the workplaces and communities!
the labor bureaucracy? This could have been For Labor political strikes in response to racist
written by SOLIDARITY, who deny the cop terror and violence! “They shoot us down, we
bureaucracy is parasitic and privileged based on shut them down!” For Worker/Oppressed
3rd world super-exploitation.” The trade union tribunals to find justice for all victims of racist cop
tops completely abdicate to the police union violence and murder!
position, apart from a banner on the DC HQ building.
Cops and prison guards are not workers! Kick the
Left Voice, the American section of La Izquierda cops and prison guards out of our labor unions,
Diario / Left Voice, calls for mass self-organization councils and labor federations!
of the working class. So does the CWG, except that
in the face of fascist and police murder and Build a fighting Workers/Labor Party, a class
violence, we explicitly call for organized working struggle combat party of the workers and
class self-defense. Armed, trained, militant and oppressed to organize and coordinate struggle!
disciplined Labor, Black and Brown Self-Defense Fight for a workers’ government to put an end to
Guards are urgently needed now, organized out racism, cop and fascist terror, anti-immigrant
of our union halls and community centers. attacks and capitalist exploitation once and for
all! For workers rule and socialism!
The Union movement has a responsibility to ensure
that existing self-defense organizations of the Reprinted from CWG/USA website
oppressed, such as the Huey P. Newton Gun Club,

International Leninist Trotskyist Tendency

Class Warrior: Theoretical Journal of ILTT

Revolutionary Workers Group of Zimbabwe (RWG-ZIM)

Revolutionary Worker (Paper of RWG-Zimbabwe)

Revolutionary Workers Group of Brazil (RWG-BR)

Guerreiro da classe Trabalhadora (Paper of the RWG-BR)

Communist Workers Group – USA (CWG-US):

Email: Website: Class War

Communist Workers Group- New Zealand/Aotearoa (CWG-NZ)

Email: Class Struggle (paper of CWGANZ)

Class Struggle is online at

Archive of publications before 2006
Phone +64272800080

Class Struggle # 134 Spring September-November 2020

Continued from front cover

Police mugshots of Trotsky when arrested as Chair of the St Petersburg Soviet of 1905

“The new parties and the new International must be built upon a new foundation:
that is the key with which to solve all other tasks. The tempo and the time of the
new revolutionary construction and its consummation depend, obviously, upon the
general course of the class struggle, the future victories and defeats of the
proletariat. Marxists, however, are not fatalists. They do not unload upon the
historical process those very tasks which the historical process has posed before
them. The initiative of a conscious minority, a scientific program, bold and ceaseless
agitation in the name of clearly formulated aims, merciless criticism of all ambiguity
those are some of the most important factors for the victory of the proletariat.
Without a fused and steeled revolutionary party, a socialist revolution is
inconceivable. The conditions are difficult; the obstacles are great; the tasks are
colossal; but there is no reason whatever to become pessimistic or to lose courage.
Despite all the defeats of the proletariat, the position of the class enemy remains a
hopeless one. Capitalism is doomed. Only in the socialist revolution is there salvation
for mankind.”
Open Letter for the Fourth International: To All Revolutionary Working-Class
Organizations and Groups (Spring 1935)


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