DataSheet Aspilla Topaz

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moversyinoaton PALE Aspila TOPAZ Intelligent Hybrid System The affordable, expandable solution for expanding smalland medium businesses Aspila Topaz - Smart Solutions, Simply Affordable Aspila Topaz is a cutting-edge Digital Key Telephone System that accommodates immediate and emerging business requirements of the small and medium enterprises (SMEs), small offices and home offices (SOHOs). The scalable intelligent telecommunication tool is designed to effectively and cost-efficiently meet the increasing needs of growing SMEs / SOHOs reukeun ee eeu a e Facile Printer Standard Key Telephone Key System Unt (SU), ‘ial > so) Music Source for BGM / MOH ll Extemal Backup Battory Box Display Kay Telephone + Direct Station Selection Console Pinca eu Scalability Aspila Topaz allows for expansion from the minimum of 3 trunks / lines and 8 extensions to the maximum of 27 trunks / lines and 72 extensions without compromising elficiency ‘as your company grows, Digital Architecture ‘Aspila Topaz's Non-Blocking System uses high performance digital switching architecture that allows limitless extension to extension and intercom calls simultaneously. It also supports Euro-ISDN BRI (Integrated Services Digital Network Basic Rate Interface)* that allows for the integration of voice and data via telephone networks. Full Hybrid Ports Aspila Topaz’s Full Hybrid Ports allow seamless integration of single line telephones, proprietary key telephones, mociems, facsimiles, answering machines and more. You have the choice to select the type of terminals that best fits your needs. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) ‘Aspila Topaz’s VoIP" feature is ready to take advantage of the converging world between voice and data communication by integrating and transmitting voice, fax and data over packet-switched IP-based networks Aspila Topaz supports both commonly used standards in IP communications, namely H323 and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP}** ruse eae a) Built-n Caller-ID Caller 0 feature enables your propristary splay key telephone or Caller 1D single line telephone to show the cale’s number andor name before you ‘answer an incoming call. You can review the historical records of up to 20, received missed cals for each proprietary display key telephone. Least Cost Routing (LCR) / Automatic Route Selection (ARS) Ifyou engage mare than one telephone sence prover, Aspla Topaz wil utomatcaly lize reprogrammed LOR / ARS table ar ype of operation toidentiy the most competive cal rates when routing oulgoing cals Call Forwarding Call Forwarding feature enables incoming calls 19 be redirected ‘automatically to another extension or an extemal number (mobile Phone, home and stc.) wien you are not avalable to answor tho cals. You may eelect the type of call forwarding eonestion immediate when Busy / when No-Answer), designeted numiber and activate it easly from your extension. In adcton, you may choose to redrect an Incoming call manually to a pre-assigned extension by simply pressing a Function Key without answering the call. Group Listening Group Listening funtion atlows you to broadcast your converstlons via butin speaker onthe promctay ceplay key teephone. Ths enables your surrounding aries olsen tothe conversaton » Hotline ‘This funtion abous you to cal a pre-essigned extension or external number by jstiting the handset wihout iaing any numbers. This isan idel feature ‘orlcbby chenes, security quard houses, parking atandands ard ate, Day / Night Mode Acpila Topaz provides up to & system modes which can be evtched caer automaticaly or manualy, Each mode can be configued 10 re direct cals towerés speciied extensions or groups tat maton your requitement etecvey Multiple Ring Tones ‘Aspila Topaz key telephone comes with 13 ring tones which can be ‘selected fo personalize the ring tone of your extension and distinguish ‘exornal cals rom intemal eal. Virtual Extension \itual Extension feature enables one proprietary key telephone to have ‘multiple extension numbers and it may be shared by multiple users. Each Virtual Extension number is distinguishable by assigning @ ‘itfarent ring tone, Conference Conference function allows you to setup a teleconference betwoon intemal andor extemal parties. You may establish a multiple party teleconference up to total of 32 partcipants smultaneously in mutiole ‘ups with a maximum of 8 participants per group There are to methods of crganizing @ teleconference; you may cll and inte each partcpant or you may request all parcipant to dial a ghen ‘designated Conference Number to join tne teleconference Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) Uniform Call Distibuton (UCD) feature hancles incoming cals effcenty by distroutng them to extension grouns unitoimy. Users may tur on ‘Break Mode" to avoid incoming cals temporatly and redirect the incoming cals to anather avaiable extension automatically a the event that all extensions sre busy the system has an option to announce a ‘queuing message* tothe callers whe the cals are being queued Computer Telephony Integration (CT!) AsplaTopaz's Computer Tlephry Intgrtion (CT) eacness alos you to cennect your phone system to your parsonal compute (PC) via the Local Aree Network (LAN) by using Telephony Appicaton Progrem Inertace (TP) ane enabes the connected PC a8 & Cl termi With the C71 capabites of Asia Tope. your wil be able to view your cals contact deta before you answer the cal Men nsec leg Hotel / Motel Features* Asp Topaz has the festures to meet the hospltay services needs of @ ‘smal hotl ce motel, Some ofthe innovative features ae Checkin/ Checkout, Wake-up Cal, Message Wating, Do Not Dstu, Single Digt Access, Toll Restction Class Change of each room, Room-o-Room Call Resticton, FRoom Status Indication, Room Status Cutput and Foom Mentoring. Music On Hold (MOH) MOH (Music On Hol) sends musi to calls on held infor your caller that ei cll hasbeen put on Rok and not ergten You may Use one ot the 9 ultin music or ecord your own music or announcement to have a more personal touch fr yout callers Almaty, you may also connect the sytem to an extemal music device such as a redo or CD player as he source of MOH "= ‘pron ert ae ‘rot tert naiunte pute aman os trate Oig Ne escon Fa hs Seen eo Pi my as ny Sy nse ee ue rece a Toll Restriction Dll Restriction feature prohibits specited extensions rom accessing Unauthorized numbers which have been pre-programmedinio the restriction table A otal of 1S rasiction asses can be assigned to each extnsion Walking Toll Restriction ‘Waking To Retin feature lous speci sas to orate Tl Retiton Gass temporary by entaing thet Waking Tall esticbon password ‘Amani of 500 Passwords may be registered for mle users Extension Lock (Dial Block) Extension Lock (Dial Bt0c) feture prevents unaahoried personne! fem ‘making calls fom your extension while you are away from your desk. You ‘may sviten on ox of this feature by etering secuty cade Long Conversation Alarm / Cut-off Long Conversation Alarm feature provides callers a beeping remindsr tone periodically during a eng continuous telephone conversation. The Long Conversation Cutoff feature is used 10 disconnest extemal calls forcally after the pre-programmed time limit. Both of these features ‘enable you to manage your commurication cost effectively Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)* SMD feature enables the system to recotd the infomation of incoming, utgoing and transferred calls such as date, time, caled numer and cal ‘uration. These call information may be output to printers andlor personal comauters to monitor telephone usage and users productivity as wel as manage communication cost. Interactive Voice Assistance Voice Response System (VRS)* ‘eice Response System (VRS) provides various voice fectios namely Automated Atendant, Voice Announoement, Greetings. end others 0 increase you produetvty and efcieney Asp Topaz provides multiple loveis ot Automated Attendant™* tat ‘ides callers to reach the desited extension or group without going through a telephone operator. You may personalize the message by recording t fom your extension This feature wil improve the efclency of handing incoming calls and overall customer service “cpt en 0305 regan etree 8 rt ee Voice Mail* ‘Aspila Topaz has an option to add on the Voice Mall features hich allow up to approximately 10 houts of total recording time and handle Up to 8 accessas simuitaneously. In acition, Aspia Tonaz's Voice Mall provides comprehensive features auch as Conversation Recording ard Message Notification. Message Notification ‘When an external calor leave a voice message to your extension, ‘Aspila Topaz automaticaly places a call 1o your pre-assigned umber (another extension, mobile phone, home, ete) and sends a notification informing you to retrieve the new message in your Voice Mall Box Conversation Recording ‘You may record and store your telephone conversations with ‘externa calles into your Voice Mall Box and playback the recorded ‘conversations anytime. “Coors 09908 en OF) i ean cue Web Based Configuration Manager (Administrator/User) ‘Admiistraton of the system has never been easier with the itutve Graphical User nteriace (GU. Aspla Topaz comes equioped with 2 ‘ypes of Web Based System Configuration Manager. One for the ‘aciministator and the other for extension users ‘This web based sofware enables administrators and extension users to ‘manage setings from vituelly anywhere with a network connection, The Lseefiendly GLI alows users to configue or change the setings easily without ary experiance of system programming, BCU Features & Functions Speaker ‘Alphanumeric Display Indicator Programmable Function Keys, DC (Dial Control) Key CALL Key FLASH Key TRFR (Transfer) Key SPK (Speaker) Key DNDICONF Key (Do Not Distura / Conference) HOLD Key MIC (Microphone) Key Microphone VOL (Volume Control) Key co 16Button Standard | 16Button Display 22.Button Standard 22 Button Display. Key Telephone Key Telephone Key Telephone Key Telephone ‘Alphanumeric Display . a (Unes x Cnaracten) Ne pe cen us Le) ‘Additional PAG Keys 10 10 10 10 Programmable Keys 6 6 2 2 Handsfree No (Tak Back) Yes ‘No (Tak Back) Yes Clear / Check Key No. Yes No Yes ‘Compatibie wih BLS/DSS Console bo ue) No ace Wall Mount Ki Yes (Builtin) Yes (Built) Yes (Buin) Yes (Buin) Agjustable Legs Yes (Bultin) Yes Bultin) Yes (Builtin). Yes Buitin) No BF Bay Lap ek) on Aton Pogonmal Ks atau cn saa pe epoes TD 87D BU ete cli 4 @ wk 24st Dect Line Console But Dsct Shon Secon Canela AAO Sng Line Telephone 8235 Calli coreisiteatOupy Tooke grow "Comet ra oh er 9 Sngle ine Teeshone owas Dalog ne tence Secu ones amy Coneston tm tt tam Lomas Agfanere Dp Meet ‘esa Ca inorg * Gries ‘Aces Sete) + Fang Teigeurcitie Pang vse Bage Mend Ca Frm Message tng Fed Merepone ust ot enee ‘Mute rect Wars Cal Cowoge ores al ats ng re Feta Micon ait cat Feed Coren fame Stary Cat Fear Donets erie Nt sevee Otek Satna * Pig Era ‘at atng/Carp 08 agg er aa Pu car. Cony Cera ie us, Arasing Pe ine Sean Cea Oe Cae Pig rate ne Caso Seon Pai Ftc ys Cansenee Mac cankece cal 4grags) Paseo ne Carson Cannes Ve Cal Py Rae get i Cannas Oaing Fen anos Canerater tng Fence Marne ang ose fing ops Deen ag Fido Ensen, alee Depron Sep leg Foon Dat tame Fee at Pa Cant oe Dia Tre dapten Die ase) Sc pl ean Dict sen ees (0A) Seca Di Son Sesion * Suto Messig Dsl Fecoeng (059) rede Tarde Trkag (raged Creare) Diese cal Pein Tinga ae Donate Tonenion + Diora Dal Beat Pesan = Orenae Feasting Canptity Tera Fie Tsk up Pato Fate tem urbang Trak ps Force hn Deccret Tek Oietag/ Cap Grupa Pep Ue a ttn (U0) ruplin ss Prseeia Haase rarer eve Baer Hanae ronetck/ Faces cer ghy—* Vasa + Hise Opeaton * Voce Rages Seem (5) the er ene ae rg Tore Fer an Carerscn — Vib Sad Congas tia is be Pa let Cotovina cA) Onion Fess eee ent Broa) Aca ° 8 a a seminar 60] ttn | at om | ss conse o © @ Yiu Eton Ey Ey Ey Exo 108) suse ‘6zem) ——24(8e) piscmese u a 2 rotons 2 4 . ‘eritenOe @ > 4] 8 tration 0 |xtar | 0m | cm aA ot @ a ® Pov Fae cle a ‘ ° ter Bic Baty 1 2 3 soANs2HERS) 30 % 25 2Bhlvonivt rox 190 6 7s hvont chp satay 384 EI 1 s2uyonips Erte ta pt a gv) 100/20 AS 07D) owe Conumesin ‘am USS ey Tengetae 0 40 degee (9 — 04 ce Humaty 10 90% (on contesig) Tomtse = 20~ +60 eae 4~ 1 dae) uany 20 8% on conte) SPOR andy apones Drone fo eres SereenKl ‘wst (EONS ere SOE Shara hieidoamacnrietae ‘SOPUS! 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