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Synchronous Machine Transient Simulation

The program
SMTS allows the user
to carry out
simulations involving
a synchronous
machine in a very
short time and in a
very easy way.
SMTS is a powerful
tool for electro-
technicians and
electrical engineers
working in the fields
of power generation,
excitation systems
and power

SMTS generator data input

Basically SMTS includes the following components:
• Synchronous machine that may be defined either as generator or as motor
• Excitation system including ABB’s AVR type UNITROL® with static excitation or with rotating exciter
• Power system stabilizer (PSS) ABB type 1 and IEEE PSS2A
• Field suppression circuit including field breaker and field suppression resistor
• Multipurpose IEEE governor and turbine
• Driving power ramp
• Non-linear speed dependent shaft load for motor applications
• Unit transformer
• Network composed by the line series inductance and resistance connected to an infinite
voltage source.

Simulations which can be performed:

• Load rejections
• Three-phase faults at generator terminals
• Three-phase faults at high-voltage side of step-up transformer
• Field suppression from a desired initial load or fault condition
• Performance verification of the excitation system under fault conditions
• Adjustments verification of the power system stabilizer
• Load variation when operating in island operation
• Asynchronous start-up, etc.
Main Features:
• No programming knowledge is necessery to
input system parameters or simulation events.
• SMTS includes a database with typical generator
data in order to provide system parameters in
case of incomplete or non-sufficient data.
• Simulation output is presented in graphic
form with self-scaling facility.
• All the plot outputs may be tailored by using
the graphic setting facilities of SMTS.
• Plots can be printed directly or copied to the
clipboard in order to be attached to other
Microsoft™ Windows® programs (e.g. MS
Word, MS Write, MS PaintBrush, Micrografx
Designer etc.).
• It is possible to plot up to 12 different curves
(4 plot outputs, each one showing up to
SMTS Parameter input
3 curves) in a unique simulation example.
• A complete list of system variables may be
selected to be plotted.
• SMTS also provides a report facility which
basically allows the user to print a summary
of all system parameters used during the
simulation. This report may directly be printed
or copied to the clipboard in order to be
integrated in another document.

User-friendly interface:
• SMTS contains an own graphic output facility
and due to that there is no need to use
additional graphic software package in order
to plot the results of the simulations.
• SMTS makes really your simulation work
very easy!
• Please let us know if there is some sugges-
tion that could be considered in the future SMTS output plot
releases of SMTS.

Minimum System requirements:

• PC IBM compatible
• Operating systems:
Microsoft® Windows® 3.x, 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP
• CPU 486 SX 25 MHz or higher
• 5 MByte free harddisk space
• 8 MByte RAM
Specifications subject to change without notice.
© Copyright 2004 ABB. All rights reserved.

ABB Switzerland Ltd

3BHT 490 323 R0001

Static Excitation Systems, Voltage Regulators

and Synchronizing Equipment
CH-5300 Turgi / Switzerland
Telephone: +41 58 589 24 86
Fax: +41 58 589 23 33
Internet: / unitrol

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