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Necessary conditions:

If A is a necessary condition of B, that means A must happen for B to happen. In other words, if B
happened, A must be true. If A is not true, then B can't happen.

In summary: If B then A. If non A then non B.

Example: I will take my umbralla with me only if it rains.

Raining is a necessary condition for my taking the umbralla with me.
If it is not raining, you can be sure that I don't have my umbralla with me.

Sufficient conditions:

If A is a sufficient condition of B, that means if A happens B must happen. In other words, if B did not
happen, A must be false.

In summary: If A then B. If non B then non A.

Example: I will take my umbralla with me if it rains.

Raining is a sufficient condition for me to take the umbralla with me.
If it is not raining, you are not sure whether I have my umbralla with me. But if I don't have my umbralla
with me, you can be sure that it is not raining.

Necessary and sufficient

If A is a necessary and sufficient condition for B, that means if A happen B must happen, and if A does
not happen, B does not happen. In other words, A=B. It is equivalent with B if and only if A.

In summary: If A then B. If B then A. If non B then non A. If non A then non B.

Example: I will take my umbralla if and only if it rains.

If it is raining, you can be sure I have the umbralla. If it is not raining, I don't have the umbralla. If I have
my umbralla with me, you can be sure that it is raining. If I don't have it with me, it mustn't be raining.

----> just like we inverse inequality sign when we multiply -ve, we can perhaps do the same for X---> Y

1) For X--> Y......-ve on both sides will give.....(non Y ----> non X)...note the relation is reversed i.e. Y to X

2) For (non X ----> Y)......multiply-ve on both sides.....(non Y ----> X)

3) For (X----> non Y).....multiply-ve on both sides.....(Y-----> non X)

We have to be careful about sometimes, always, and never.

If A = always doing something

then non A = not doing something sometimes

If A = never doing something

then non A = doing something sometimes

If A = doing something sometimes

then non A = never doing something

If A = not doing something sometimes

then non A = always doing something

For example:

Birds sing sometimes. A never sings. Therefore A is not a bird.

Birds don't sing sometimes. A always sings. Therefore A is not a bird.

Compare to:

Birds always sing. A doesn't sing sometimes. Therefore A is not a bird.

Birds never sing. A sings sometimes. Therefore A is not a bird.

Compare to:
Birds sing sometimes. A sings sometimes. Is A a bird? We don't know. A may be a person who sings
Birds sing sometimes. A doesn't sing sometimes. Is A not a bird? We don't know. A maybe a bird who
sings sometimes and doesn't sing the other times.

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