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Peripheral Artery Disease Compendium

Circulation Research Compendium on Peripheral Artery Disease

Epidemiology of Peripheral Artery Disease
Pathogenesis of the Limb Manifestations and Exercise Limitations in Peripheral Artery Disease
Lower Extremity Manifestations of Peripheral Artery Disease: The Pathophysiologic and Functional Implications of Leg Ischemia
The Genetic Basis of Peripheral Arterial Disease: Current Knowledge, Challenges and Future Directions
Modulating the Vascular Response to Limb Ischemia: Angiogenic and Cell Therapies
Pharmacological Treatment and Current Management of Peripheral Artery Disease
Endovascular Intervention for Peripheral Artery Disease
Surgical Intervention for Peripheral Arterial Disease
John Cooke, Guest Editor

Surgical Intervention for Peripheral Arterial Disease

Shant M. Vartanian, Michael S. Conte

Abstract: The prevalence of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is increasing worldwide, with recent global estimates
exceeding 200 million people. Advanced PAD leads to a decline in ambulatory function and diminished quality
of life. In its most severe form, critical limb ischemia, rest pain, and tissue necrosis are associated with high rates
of limb loss, morbidity, and mortality. Revascularization of the limb plays a central role in the management
of symptomatic PAD. Concomitant with advances in the pathogenesis, genetics, and medical management of
PAD during the last 20 years, there has been an ongoing evolution of revascularization options. The increasing
application of endovascular techniques has resulted in dramatic changes in practice patterns and has refocused
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the question of which patients should be offered surgical revascularization. Nonetheless, surgical therapy remains
a cornerstone of management for advanced PAD, providing versatile and durable solutions to challenging
patterns of disease. Although there is little high-quality comparative effectiveness data to guide patient selection,
existing evidence suggests that outcomes are dependent on definable patient factors such as distribution of
disease, status of the limb, comorbid conditions, and conduit availability. As it stands, surgical revascularization
remains the standard against which emerging percutaneous techniques are compared. This review summarizes
the principles of surgical revascularization, patient selection, and expected outcomes, while highlighting areas
in need of further research and technological advancement.   (Circ Res. 2015;116:1614-1628. DOI: 10.1161/
Key Words: peripheral arterial disease ■ vascular surgical procedures

Principles of Revascularization: Clinical 3 categories: asymptomatic disease, intermittent claudication

Indications and Patient Selection (IC) and limb-threatening ischemia (critical limb ischemia
The surgical management of patients with peripheral arte- [CLI]). With rare exception (eg, to create an iliac conduit for a
rial disease (PAD) is derived from the wider context of the thoracic aortic endograft), reconstruction for occlusive disease
epidemiology and natural history of the disease, and the influ- is never indicated in asymptomatic patients. The clinical deci-
ence of coexisting medical conditions such as coronary artery sion process for revascularization in IC and CLI is distinct and
disease, diabetes mellitus, and renal disease. The spectrum of merits elaboration. Although the anatomic pattern of occlusive
clinical presentation of PAD is broad and can be classified into disease is a major factor in the revascularization strategy, it

Original received January 26, 2015; revision received March 23, 2015; accepted March 28, 2015. In February 2015, the average time from submission
to first decision for all original research papers submitted to Circulation Research was 13.9 days.
From the Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of California, San Francisco.
Correspondence to Michael S. Conte, MD, Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, University of California, San Francisco, 400 Parnassus Ave,
Suite A-581, San Francisco, CA 94143-0222. E-mail
© 2015 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation Research is available at DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.116.303504

Vartanian and Conte   Surgical Intervention for PAD   1615

the patient’s perception of their disability or the patient alter-

Nonstandard Abbreviations and Acronyms
ing their gait or activity level to alleviate symptoms. In the
ABI ankle-brachial indices absence of diabetes mellitus, <2% of claudicants experience
AIOD aortoiliac occlusive disease major amputation during a 5-year period.6–8 Patient education,
BASIL Bypass versus Angioplasty in Severe Ischaemia of the Leg risk factor reduction (especially smoking cessation), medi-
CFA common femoral artery cal management, and exercise therapy are the primary initial
CLI critical limb ischemia treatment strategies in IC and are reviewed elsewhere in this
GSV great saphenous vein Compendium.
IC intermittent claudication Revascularization, either percutaneous or surgical, may be
PAD peripheral arterial disease appropriate for selected patients with IC who are significantly
PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene disabled, impaired in their occupation or activities of daily
TASC Trans-Atlantic Inter-Society Consensus life, and who have not improved with conservative manage-
ment. Evidence suggests that successful revascularization in
claudicants leads to improved quality of life and functional
performance; however, there is little in the way of compara-
should be stressed that the physiological state of the patient
tive effectiveness studies in this arena. More clinical trials are
and the status of the limb primarily determines the appropri-
needed to develop evidence-based guidelines for the treat-
ateness and urgency of intervention for PAD.
ment of IC across all subgroups using patient-oriented out-
come measures. Until then, the approach for revascularization
Intermittent Claudication
in IC is individualized—taking into account risks, anticipated
Although the cellular and biochemical changes in the limb
benefit, and clinical durability. Ideal patients are those who
with claudication are complex, symptoms of IC occur only
have a significant disability from IC, have optimized medi-
during physical activity, when the metabolic demands of
cal management including a trial of exercise, and have re-
the muscles are not met by the capacity of the circulatory
vascularization options with a favorable risk:benefit ratio.
system.1,2 Many patients with PAD remain asymptomatic be-
Given the non–limb-threatening nature of the problem, inva-
cause their activity level does not exceed this threshold. In
siveness of the procedure, anatomic durability, and freedom
particular, patients with coexistent heart failure, severe pul-
monary disease, or advanced musculoskeletal disease such as from repeat interventions are important considerations in the
arthritis may never manifest symptoms despite having hemo- equation. Patients with bilateral symptoms may not realize
functional gain without a successful outcome in both limbs,
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dynamics just above the inception of rest pain. Conversely,

competitive cyclists may have symptoms of thigh claudica- another factor that must be carefully weighed before deciding
tion during exercise as a result of external iliac artery end- to intervene.
ofibrosis, despite having a normal pulse examination and
normal anatomic imaging at rest.3,4 The classic symptoms Critical Limb Ischemia
of claudication are calf muscle aching, fatigue, or cramping, CLI is a clinical syndrome of chronic, advanced limb ischemia
although it can also involve the buttocks, thigh or hip. The manifested as rest pain, nonhealing ulcerations, and gangrene
hallmark features are symptoms that are reproducibly elic- (necrosis). It is typically associated with markedly impaired
ited with physical activity and are alleviated during rest with perfusion as measured by noninvasive hemodynamic studies
abatement during a period of 10 to 15 minutes. A detailed (ankle pressure <50 mm Hg or toe pressure <30 mm Hg). In
history and a careful physical examination can help differen- contrast to IC, the fate of both the patient and the limb with
tiate PAD from other causes of lower extremity pain such as CLI is starkly dissimilar. High-quality data from several pro-
spinal stenosis (pseudoclaudication), radiculopathy, arthritis, spective studies shows annual 10% to 20% mortality for this
symptomatic Bakers cysts, benign nocturnal cramps, or other patient population.9 The Circulase trial, a randomized place-
less common diagnoses. bo-controlled pharmacotherapy trial for CLI patients without
The principal disability in IC is limited exercise perfor- revascularization options, demonstrated an all-cause mortal-
mance and walking ability. This translates into a subjective ity of 10% within the first year in both placebo and treatment
reduction in physical functioning and quality of life. Outside arms.10 The Bypass versus Angioplasty in Severe Ischaemia
of special populations, the natural history of claudication is of the Leg (BASIL) trial randomized patients with advanced
often stable during subsequent years. In a classic study from ischemia to either percutaneous or open surgical revascular-
England, of the 1476 patients followed up for ≤10 years, ization.11,12 At 2 years, all-cause mortality was 25% indepen-
only 11% of claudicants had a clinical deterioration during dent of treatment type.
the observation period.5 These findings have been reiterated The fate of the limb with CLI is also disadvantaged. Natural
in numerous other reports.6,7 Hemodynamic assessment by history data are muddled as most patients receive some form
ankle-brachial indices (ABI) suggests that some populations of therapy. Survey data show ranges of primary amputation
have a gradual deterioration over time, particularly those at ≤40% in some centers, whereas other centers offer revascu-
the lowest strata of ankle pressures. Nevertheless, a decline larization in 90% of cases.13,14 Data from prospective trials in
in ABI does not necessarily translate into clinical deteriora- CLI suggest that the rate of major adverse limb events, defined
tion, which may be a result of molecular and biochemical as any above ankle amputation or major revascularization, ap-
adaptation, gradual collateral network formation, a change in proaches 20% in the first year after an intervention.15 There
1616  Circulation Research  April 24, 2015

are no proven options to preserve the limb and relieve isch- in CLI, where reliable imaging of the tibial and pedal arteries
emic symptoms at this stage of disease other than effective is mandatory for evaluating the runoff vessels into the foot.
revascularization. Unremitting pain, nonhealing wounds, loss Duplex ultrasound also plays an important role in defining the
of ambulatory function, and recurrent infections accompany pattern of infrainguinal disease and suitability for endovascu-
untreated CLI. Therefore, all patients with CLI who have a lar treatment, but is not often used as a stand-alone technique
reasonable life expectancy and functional status should be for surgical planning.
evaluated for revascularization. In contrast, for aortoiliac disease, surgeons often proceed
The principle trade-off between endoluminal and open sur- directly to open surgical revascularization based on computed
gical revascularization is the reduced periprocedural morbidity tomography and MR angiogram imaging alone. Computed
for endovascular interventions versus enhanced hemodynamic tomography angiogram, in particular, informs the operator
gain and long-term durability of bypass surgery. Most of the about the location and distribution of calcified lesions, impor-
benefit of reduced short-term morbidity with endovascular tant in the planning of open aortic surgery. However, diagnos-
interventions comes from avoiding the complications of sur- tic catheter-based angiography may still be preferred in some
gical wounds and the associated recovery, but major adverse cases, such as in the presence of prior stenting or those with
cardiovascular events and periprocedural mortality are broadly spine hardware artifact, which can render computed tomogra-
similar between the 2.16 Evidence-based treatment algorithms phy or MR less accurate.
in CLI are a moving target, especially as new generations of
endovascular technologies are being developed for clinical ap- Revascularization Strategy
plications, such as drug-eluting balloons and stents.17,18 An ad- The emergence of endovascular techniques has changed
ditional limitation of comparative data in this field is the lack of the landscape of vascular therapy in PAD, but has not fun-
an adequate staging system for the limb to appropriately strati- damentally altered the selection of candidates most likely to
fy outcomes. The Society for Vascular Surgery has proposed a benefit from revascularization. As summarized in previous
Threatened Limb Classification System (wound, ischemia, and sections, the indication for treatment is predicated on the se-
foot infection) to fill this void, taking into consideration char- verity of clinical presentation, with broadly dissimilar initial
acteristics of tissue loss, severity of infection, and the extent of management strategies (primarily medical versus primarily
ischemia.19 This scheme should allow for more rigorous com- revascularization) depending on whether the symptoms are
parison of outcomes and optimization of treatment protocols. claudication or CLI.
The only prospective comparative effectiveness data in CLI Once it is determined that revascularization is an appropriate
come from the BASIL trial, now over a decade old.16 In this treatment option, determination of the optimal strategy is high-
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randomized trial of open versus endovascular interventions for ly individualized. Choosing between open versus endovascular
advanced limb ischemia, early results were broadly similar. approaches takes into consideration a wide variety of factors,
However, those patients who received a bypass procedure first including but not limited to the pattern of occlusive disease,
and survived at least 2 years had lower mortality and greater anesthetic risk, severity of comorbid conditions, durability of
amputation-free survival in comparison with those treated first the intervention, extent of tissue loss, previous failed interven-
with endovascular interventions.11 In addition, patients who re- tions, or other specific anatomic considerations. In contempo-
quired a surgical bypass after a failed endovascular intervention rary practice, vascular surgeons and interventionalists should
fared worse than those who underwent a bypass first. Current be broadly trained with deep understanding of both approaches
guidelines suggest that patients who are of appropriate surgical to provide flexible solutions for the wide range of disease and
and anesthetic risk and who are projected to survive at least 2 patient-specific factors encountered and to minimize the down-
years should preferentially receive a vein bypass graft for ad- stream consequences of failure on subsequent interventions.
vanced limb ischemia.20 Higher risk patients with shorter life The principle advantages of endovascular interventions are
expectancy, lower functional status, those with favorable oc- reduced periprocedural morbidity and shorter hospital stays,
clusive anatomy for percutaneous revascularization, or those whereas the frequent drawback is less hemodynamic gain and
who lack adequate autologous conduit should be considered for inferior long-term durability compared with bypass surgery.
endovascular treatment.21 A new generation of comparative ef- Aortoiliac disease is particularly well suited for endovascular
fectiveness studies to readdress this important question is under- interventions given the excellent durability in larger caliber
way, including 2 large multicenter randomized trials in the US vessels and the attendant risks of open aortic reconstruction.
(Best Endovascular vs. Best Surgical Therapy in Patients With However, as noted in the section on aortoiliac revasculariza-
Critical Limb Ischemia [BEST-CLI]) and UK (BASIL-2).22 tion, some situations call for open revascularization, such as
a concomitant aortic aneurysm, prior failed interventions,
Imaging or a significant burden of disease (ie, aortic occlusion). For
Patients with symptomatic PAD who are deemed suitable can- femoropopliteal disease, technical success for initial treatment
didates for revascularization should undergo imaging to define can almost always be accomplished with endovascular tech-
the anatomic pattern of occlusive disease. High-quality vascu- niques; however, consideration should be given to the known
lar imaging studies are paramount for developing an operative specific factors that limit durability (lesion length, diameter of
strategy. Catheter-based digital subtraction angiography is vessel, etc). The choice of revascularization is even more com-
generally required for evaluating infrageniculate arterial anat- plicated in tibioperoneal disease, as most patients with CLI
omy before distal bypass surgery. It is of particular importance have significant comorbidities that translate into shorter life
Vartanian and Conte   Surgical Intervention for PAD   1617

expectancy, and endoluminal interventions in tibioperoneal should be sufficient to resolve the clinical ischemic syndrome
vessels have poor long-term durability (eg, <40% primary pa- and maintain sufficient flow rates through the conduit. The
tency at 1 year).23 large caliber arteries and the high-flow environment of aor-
toiliac reconstructions favor prosthetic grafts for reconstruc-
Fundamental Concepts in Surgical tion. Both Dacron and PTFE have excellent long-term results.
Revascularization Modern fabrication practices with either collagen or gelatin-
impregnated Dacron or PTFE have resulted in synthetic mate-
rials that have minimal blood loss through the graft, excellent
Endarterectomy is the direct removal of obstructive plaque
long-term structural integrity, and ability to incorporate into
from an arterial segment and it is best applied for focal le-
native tissues. A randomized multicenter trial of aortoiliac
sions in large caliber vessels, particularly at bifurcations
reconstructions comparing PTFE to knitted Dacron showed
(eg, carotid, aortoiliac, common femoral arteries; Figure 1).
no difference in 5-year patency by graft type.26 In general, all
Initially described by dos Santos,25 then popularized by Wylie
commercially available prosthetic grafts perform well in this
in the 1950s, it takes advantage of a cleavage plane between
location. The limitations of prosthetic conduits in these envi-
the plaque and the underlying deep media. The advantages
ronments relate to the potential for infection (an infrequent,
of endarterectomy are its autogenous nature without need
although highly morbid complication), anastomotic pseudoa-
for conduit. Limitations of endarterectomy relate to adequate
neurysms, and thrombosis (Tables 1 and 2).
securing of the end points, thrombogenicity of the resulting
In contrast, small caliber conduits typically required for
surface in low flow environments, and the subsequent healing
infrainguinal bypass (≤6 mm) face a more demanding hemo-
response of the artery (intimal hyperplasia), which may lead
dynamic environment for patency. The ideal bypass conduit is
to recurrent stenosis.
The success of angioplasty and stenting in the aortoiliac an arterial autograft, with its antithrombotic endothelial sur-
segment, particularly for focal disease, has largely led to aban- face, fidelity to the physiological and mechanical properties
donment of endarterectomy in this location. However, femoral of native arterial wall, resistance to infection, and resistance
endarterectomy remains a common and important procedure to inflammatory changes that result in stenosis or occlusion.
in PAD, allowing for durable reconstruction of the common Unfortunately, unlike coronary disease, arterial autografts
femoral artery (CFA) and the profunda femoris artery, the key are not a viable solution for PAD. Superficial extremity veins
source of collateral circulation to the lower leg. It may be per- of appropriate caliber may be readily harvested in relevant
formed in an isolated fashion or as part of a hybrid or open by- lengths and offer a nonthrombogenic, autogenous solution.
pass revascularization. Femoral endarterectomy is performed Venous conduits were first used for surgical reconstructions in
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most commonly via longitudinal arteriotomy, with removal of the 1940s, initially by Dos Santos as a patch for enterectomy,
the plaque followed by patch closure (prosthetic or biological and later by Kunlin27 for peripheral bypass. In today’s prac-
materials) allowing for a degree of scarring to occur without tice, great saphenous vein (GSV) is the dominant conduit for
subsequent lumen compromise (Figure 1). small and medium vessel bypass. Despite significant advances
in material sciences, small caliber synthetic conduits have sig-
Bypass nificant limitations, particularly at the graft–vessel interface.
Surgical bypass is a versatile and flexible tool allowing for For infrainguinal reconstructions, autologous vein is well
revascularization across a broad range of disease patterns, established as the optimal conduit. The quality of the vein is
from the aorta down to the foot. The principal elements of the single greatest determinant of long-term outcomes of low-
technical success are unobstructed inflow, good-quality con- er extremity bypass. A single high-quality segment of GSV
duit, and adequate outflow. The inflow source should be free has been shown in prospective trials to be superior to all other
of any hemodynamically significant disease, and outflow conduits in primary and assisted patency.28 Unfortunately,

Figure 1. An open endarterectomy is performed

by directly removing obstructive atheroma
from an arterial segment. The intima and inner
media are removed, leaving the outer media
and adventitia. Typically, the arteriotomy is
closed with a patch of vein or prosthetic to delay
recurrent stenosis. Reprinted from Cronenwett
and Johnston24 with permission of the publisher.
Copyright ©2014, Elsevier.
1618  Circulation Research  April 24, 2015

Table 1.  Expected 5-Year Patency Rates for Direct and Extra- They are primarily used when treating graft infections or tun-
Anatomic Surgical Revascularization for Aortoiliac Occlusive neling a graft through a grossly infected field in the absence
Disease of available autogenous conduit, as they are more infection
Intervention 5-y Patency resistant than prosthetic materials.
Aortofemoral bypass 80%–95% Hybrid Approaches
Iliofemoral bypass 80%–90% As endovascular interventions evolve, vascular surgeons
Femorofemoral bypass 55%–85% are increasingly using hybrid approaches, a combination of
Axillobifemoral bypass 50%–75% catheter-based and open techniques to achieve limb revascu-
larization with less invasiveness. Common examples include
≤40% of patients needing revascularization will not have ad- open common femoral endarterectomy with concomitant
equate ipsilateral GSV available.29 In this scenario, contralat- angioplasty and stenting of aortoiliac disease, iliac stenting
eral GSV, lesser saphenous, and arm veins are the next best combined with femoral–femoral or femoral–distal bypass,
options, either as single segments or spliced grafts. Because and superficial femoral artery angioplasty combined with pop-
of the central importance of venous conduit to success of the liteal to pedal bypass. Contemporary vascular surgeons and
operation, it is recommended that routine preoperative evalua- interventionalists must be broadly trained and competent with
tion includes ultrasound vein mapping. both open and endovascular techniques to provide creative
Although it is expected that the majority of lower extrem- and flexible solutions for the range of disease encountered.
ity revascularizations can be performed with autogenous vein,
there are circumstances where prosthetic grafts may be neces- Specific Strategies and Expected Outcomes
sary. Prospective trials have shown a short-term equivalency Strategies for surgical revascularization of PAD are based
between prosthetic and vein grafts for femoral to above knee on the clinical presentation and the anatomic pattern of oc-
popliteal bypass, with favorable runoff.30,31 However, the pre- clusive disease. Classically, 3 anatomic levels of disease are
ponderance of evidence suggests that even for above knee described: aortoiliac (inflow), femoropopliteal, and tibiopedal
bypass, autogenous vein outperforms prosthetic grafts at ≥2 (both outflow). The CFA is the center point of the limb and
years.32 When good-quality vein is not available, a prosthetic is considered a special case of inflow disease. In general, in-
is a suitable alternative for bypass to the popliteal level. Some flow optimization always precedes outflow reconstruction.
authors have also reported acceptable patency for prosthetic Claudicants may present with multiple levels of disease, but
grafts to more distal targets.33 Other putative advantages of typically treatment is focused on the most proximal involved
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prosthetic are shorter operative times and less surgical dis- segment first, and progresses distally only if required. In some
section. However, a major limitation, in addition to reduced patients with CLI and tissue loss, simultaneous multilevel re-
patency, is the life-long risk of prosthetic infection, which can construction is immediately required to achieve pulsatile flow
be a life- and limb-threatening complication. to the foot for limb salvage.
Unlike vein grafts, the level of the distal anastomosis has CFA Disease
a significant effect on the durability of prosthetic bypasses. Unobstructed inflow to the CFA and outflow via the profunda
Whereas the 5-year patency of prosthetic grafts to the above femoris is the single most important determinant of adequate
knee popliteal artery is on the order of 40% to 50%, at the circulation to the lower extremity. Because the first common
tibioperoneal level, the 5-year patency falls to 15% to 30%.33 femoral endarterectomy performed by Portuguese surgeon Dos
When forced to use prosthetic grafts for infrageniculate by- Santos in 1948, a variety of techniques have been described,
pass, surgical modifications of the distal anastomosis, such as including the closed, semiclosed, eversion, and the most com-
with the Miller cuff, Taylor patch, or St. Mary’s boot, may im- mon, the patch angioplasty (Figure 1).25 Because of ease of
prove patency by altering the compliance at the graft–vessel surgical exposure of the CFA and the ability to perform the
interface.34 Recent improvements in prosthetic graft technolo- procedure under regional anesthesia, even patients with ad-
gy, notably heparin-bonding surface technology, may improve vanced comorbid conditions and isolated disease are candi-
on the comparatively lower patency rates reported above.35 dates for this procedure. Nevertheless, isolated CFA disease is
Cryopreserved venous homografts have limited long-term uncommon. Given the importance of the common femoral and
patency as well, with outcomes akin to prosthetic grafts.36,37 profunda femoris arteries, femoral endarterectomy is usually
an adjunct procedure during other inflow or outflow revascu-
Table 2.  Expected 5-Year Patency Rates for Various
Infrainguinal Revascularization Procedures larizations. However, in patients with rest pain or minor tissue
loss in the setting of common femoral disease and a superficial
Intervention 5-y Patency femoral artery (SFA) occlusion, treating the common femoral
Femoral endarterectomy 90% and profunda femoris alone may often be an adequate solution.
Femoral-popliteal bypass with vein 70%–75% The surgical management of common femoral disease has
Femoral-tibial bypass with vein 60%–70% been challenged by aggressive application of percutaneous
Femoral-popliteal bypass with prosthetic 40%–60%
techniques. Flexion and extension of the CFA, both during
ambulation or when transferring from the seated to the supine
Femoral-tibial bypass with prosthetic 10%
position, creates significant motion at the iliofemoral junction.
Pedal bypass with vein 60%–70%
Even flexible self-expanding stents fare poorly in this location
Vartanian and Conte   Surgical Intervention for PAD   1619

and are prone to stent fracture. In addition, stents that cross a Claudication: Exercise vs. Endoluminal Revascularization
bifurcation stimulate neointimal hyperplasia across the cov- (CLEVER) trial, a randomized controlled trial comparing en-
ered orifice, potentially compromising flow to the profunda dovascular treatment of AIOD against optimal medical therapy
femoris. Finally, CFA stents can limit future surgical or per- with a supervised exercise program, showed greater short-term
cutaneous access to the femoral artery. For these reasons, ap- improvement in walking performance in the exercise therapy
plication of endovascular techniques in the CFA is generally group in comparison with percutaneous treatment, although
limited. patient satisfaction scores favored revascularization.41 Similar
Endarterectomy for isolated femoral bifurcation disease findings have been noted from randomized trials comparing
can be performed under regional anesthesia with low proce- exercise therapy with endovascular treatment of infrainguinal
dural morbidity and excellent long-term results (Table 2).38,39 disease.42–44 In summary, interventional therapy for IC should
Technical success of femoral endarterectomy is the rule, with be reserved for patient with debilitating symptoms, despite
early failures, a result of inadequately treated inflow disease or optimal medical therapy and a trial of exercise, for whom the
residual dissection distal to the endarterectomy.39 Long-term risk:benefit ratio is low and a durable result is expected.
outcomes are excellent, with a 10-year primary patency rate Although the patient’s functional status and comorbid con-
of >90%.39 Late failures are typically the result of progression ditions help frame the risks and benefits of the intervention,
of atherosclerotic disease beyond the endarterectomy site or the underlying anatomic pattern of disease is supremely im-
neointimal hyperplasia, the clinical significance of which can portant in determining the operative strategy and durability of
be delayed with a patch angioplasty closure of the arteriotomy the procedure. The most widely used anatomic classification
(Figure 1). Prosthetic and bioprosthetic (eg, bovine pericar- system for AIOD was devised as part of a multidisciplinary,
dium) patches handle well and have a low rate of infection multispecialty consensus statement, the most recent iteration
(<2%). Autologous patch with saphenous vein eliminates the of which was published in 2007.45 Among the conclusions of
infectious risk but has a low rate of aneurysmal degeneration the Trans-Atlantic Inter-Society Consensus (TASC) II guide-
(≈2%), slightly more common than the rate of pseudoaneu- lines, patterns of AIOD disease are described that facilitate
rysm formation with prosthetic patches. Wound complications classification when comparing revascularization methods. By
such as infection, hematoma, or lymphocele occur in <10% expert consensus, it is generally agreed that patients with focal
of patients. and discrete aortoiliac lesions (TASC A or B) should be pref-
erentially treated with endovascular interventions first given
Aortoiliac Disease the high likelihood of technical success, reasonable durability,
Aortoiliac occlusive disease (AIOD) is largely a disease of and comparatively lower procedural morbidity. Conversely,
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smokers, although other risk factors for PAD are commonly advanced patterns of AIOD (TASC D), such as extensive aor-
associated with it including advancing age, hypercholesterol- tic disease, diffuse iliac disease, long chronic total occlusions,
emia, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus. Typically, isolated or concomitant abdominal aortic aneurysms should be treated
AIOD in patients presents with lower extremity IC symptoms with surgical revascularization unless the operative risk is
involving the proximal muscles of the hip, thigh, or calf. prohibitive.
Occlusive disease of the common iliac or internal iliac arter-
ies can present with pelvic ischemia, presenting with symp- Direct Aortoiliac Revascularization
toms of buttock claudication and impotence in males. First The modern era of direct surgical revascularization began with
recognized by French surgeon Rene Leriche, the syndrome a successful endarterectomy of the CFA by Portuguese sur-
now bears his name. Symptoms of limb-threatening ischemia, geon dos Santos in 1948. Wylie46 at University of California,
such as rest pain, nonhealing wounds, or gangrenous changes San Francisco, first extended the endarterectomy technique to
are rare with isolated AIOD and typically require multilevel the aortoiliac segment in 1951. However, it was not for anoth-
atherosclerotic changes including involvement of the infrain- er decade until prosthetic grafts were used to bypass aortoiliac
guinal circulation. disease, first as aortoiliac grafting, until the more durable aor-
Many patients with IC present with palpable femoral pulses. tobifemoral bypass procedure became widely adopted.
Hemodynamically significant AIOD can be identified during the The principle advantage of direct surgical revascularization
initial evaluation with noninvasive vascular laboratory studies. is the durability of the intervention (Table 1). Ten-year pa-
Doppler waveform analysis may reveal a delayed upstroke and tency rates of 85% for both aortofemoral bypass and aortoiliac
reduced amplitude at the common femoral level. Although rest- endarterectomy are unmatched by endovascular interventions.
ing ABI can be diagnostic, hemodynamic testing with exercise For patients with unilateral disease, the 5-year patency rates
ABIs is particularly useful in discriminated mild atherosclerotic for unilateral iliofemoral bypass exceed 90% in most series.47
changes of the aortoiliac segment from pseudoclaudication syn- Nevertheless, certain patient populations warrant special
dromes, such as spinal stenosis or radiculopathies, which often consideration. Female patients have consistently lower pa-
coexist in this patient population.40 Treadmill walking or 2-min- tency rates, in part because of smaller vasculature. Patients
ute heel raises reduce the distal peripheral vascular resistance, with multilevel disease also have worse long-term outcomes.
creating a pressure gradient across hemodynamically signifi- Several reports also highlight that young patients with pre-
cant stenosis while reproducing symptoms of IC. mature PAD (age <50 years) have markedly higher failure
There is mounting evidence that a supervised exercise rates. This may be a reflection of poorly controlled risk fac-
program can produce functional outcomes equivalent to re- tors, particularly tobacco abuse, as well as an aggressive vas-
vascularization procedures for select patients with IC. The cular disease phenotype. The same holds true for endovascular
1620  Circulation Research  April 24, 2015

procedures in these patients, and percutaneous interventions The key to optimizing the durability of the aortofemo-
of seemingly favorable anatomy can initiate the treatment trap ral bypass (AFB) graft is ensuring adequate outflow. Most
cycle toward complex reconstruction at an early age. Whereas patients who require surgical revascularization also have
it may seem that young patients would stratify toward better coexistent infrainguinal occlusive disease. Typically, unob-
surgical risk, paradoxically they are best managed with opti- structed flow into the profunda femoris is sufficient outflow
mal medical therapy with surgical intervention reserved only to maintain graft patency. Even in the setting of a complete
for severely progressive disability or limb-threatening disease. SFA occlusion, a well-collateralized profunda system is ad-
equate runoff and will often result in significant hemody-
Aortobifemoral Bypass
namic improvement of the limb distally.
The typical aortobifemoral bypass grafts a bifurcated pros-
Aortofemoral bypass grafting for AIOD has excellent dura-
thetic graft from the infrarenal abdominal aorta to each CFA
bility. Irrespective of surgical indication, whether claudication
(Figure 2). Developing the operative strategy requires care-
or CLI, 5-year patency rates exceed 90% and 10-year patency
ful consideration of the patient’s arterial anatomy and prior
surgical history. Imaging studies are critical for determining rates approach 85%—unmatched by endovascular results.49,50
the level of aortic and iliac artery control, the presence of co- Unilateral iliofemoral bypasses fare at least as well in modern
existent renal or visceral arterial disease, the presence of con- surgical series, with 5-year patency rates >90%.47 The most
comitant aortoiliac aneurysms, and the status of the outflow common cause of failure of direct surgical reconstruction for
vessels. Central to developing the operative strategy is careful AIOD is progression of atherosclerosis in the femoral artery or
management of the pelvic circulation (Figure 2). Inadvertent neointimal hyperplasia at the distal anastomosis. Appropriate
exclusion of pelvis flow can result in ischemic colitis, bilateral management of femoral disease at the time of the index opera-
buttock claudication, and rarely spinal ischemia. tion is the key to maximizing the benefit and durability of any
The proximal aortic anastomosis may be created in an end- revascularization for AIOD.
to-end or end-to-side fashion, although the former is usually Improvement in patient selection, preoperative optimiza-
preferred (Figure 2). The aorta immediately distal to the re- tion, operative management, anesthetic and postoperative care
nal arteries is more likely to be disease free and less likely has translated into a ≈2% in-hospital mortality for AFB.51,52
to progress over time. In addition, the hemodynamics favor Nevertheless, as major vascular surgery, a composite morbid-
nonturbulent flow with the end-to-end anastomosis and the ity end point of major and minor complications approaches
end-to-side anastomosis requires a longer segment of disease- 15% to 30%. Major adverse cardiac events occur in <5% of
free aorta, which is less frequently encountered with current patients and can be minimized with the appropriate use of an-
patient selection algorithms. With the end-to-end anastomo- tihypertensive medications, antiplatelet agents, and statins in
Downloaded from by on September 6, 2020

sis, pelvic perfusion is maintained via retrograde flow from accordance with current practice guidelines.53,54 Pulmonary
the external iliac arteries and proximal lumbar and mesenteric complications are not infrequent, occurring in ≤7% of patients.
collaterals. Techniques to minimize pulmonary difficulties, especially im-
The abdominal aorta is usually exposed via a transperitone- portant in patients with underlying chronic obstructive pul-
al approach through a midline incision. Transverse exposures monary disease, include epidural anesthesia to optimize pain
offer generous access to the aorta, especially to the visceral control allowing for adequate postoperative pulmonary me-
segment; however, the incision requires division of the infe- chanics and avoidance of volume overload. Other common
rior epigastric arteries, which are major collateral pathways in complications include renal failure for patients requiring su-
AIOD. In the event of graft thrombosis, preservation of col- prarenal aortic clamping or renal embolization during aortic
lateral networks will allow the patient to revert back to the cuff endarterectomy, wound complications particularly in the
original circulation rather than progressing to acute limb isch- groin (lymphocele, lymphocutaneous fistula, wound infec-
emia. Retroperitoneal approaches may be desirable in patients tions), and postoperative hemorrhage. Finally, atheroemboli
with significant prior intra-abdominal surgical histories, such can be liberated during the procedure, manifesting as end or-
as those with stomas; however, it can be challenging to de- gan ischemia in the skin, pelvis, spinal cord, and bowel.
velop the tunnel for the right limb of the bypass graft via a left Late complications include pseudoaneurysm formation
retroperitoneal exposure. because of material fatigue or suture fracture. An index of

Figure 2. Aortofemoral bypass grafting. Direct

revascularization of the aortoiliac segment (A) can
be performed in an end-to-end (B) or end-to-side
(C) fashion. The orientation that maximizes pelvic
circulation is chosen, with flow either prograde via
the common iliac arteries (C) or retrograde via the
external iliac arteries (B). Reprinted from Slovut
and Lipsitz48 with permission of the publisher.
Copyright ©2012, Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Vartanian and Conte   Surgical Intervention for PAD   1621

suspicion for occult graft infections should be present when by experienced providers, may be appropriate despite the
treating all pseudoaneurysms. Nonvirulent bacteria such as absence of long-term outcome data. Conversely, extra-ana-
Staphylococcus epidermis can present with pseudoaneurysm tomic bypasses are an alternative approach in such patients,
formation long after the index procedure. Although late graft particularly when the indication for intervention is limb-
infections are rare, occurring in <2% of aortofemoral bypass threatening ischemia. These techniques, such as the femo-
grafts, they pose a challenging clinical problem. Other signs rofemoral bypass or the axillobifemoral bypass, limit the
of graft infection include femoral draining sinus tracts, indura- morbidity associated with major vascular surgery but come
tion, or cellulitis. Graft infections emanating from an enteric at the price of limited durability. Accordingly, these tech-
fistula to the prosthetic graft may present with only decreased niques are reserved for patients with CLI and are not gener-
appetite and failure to thrive. Less subtle symptoms include ally performed for symptoms of IC.
abdominal tenderness, recurring gastrointestinal bleeds, ileus,
Femorofemoral Bypass
or sepsis.
The archetypal femorofemoral bypass grafts a prosthetic con-
Iliofemoral Bypass duit from 1 CFA to the other (Figure 3). The principle advan-
An iliofemoral bypass graft is typically applied for unilat- tage of the procedure is that it can be performed under local
eral distal iliac disease, grafting a prosthetic graft from the or regional anesthesia, avoiding the potential complications of
common iliac artery to the CFA. Progression of atheroscle- direct surgical reconstruction of the aorta in patients at higher
rosis in the nonaffected limb is possible, but concerns over surgical risk. The procedure is well suited for patients with
future obstructive disease should not preclude consideration unilateral AIOD or those who have contralateral side that is
of a unilateral iliofemoral bypass. By basing the graft distally free from hemodynamically significant stenosis. Classic ex-
without mobilizing the infrarenal aorta extensively, the option amples include patients with a previous iliofemoral bypass or
to return for direct revascularization of the contralateral side aortobifemoral bypass with a single thrombosed limb. The do-
remains viable. Conversely, for high-risk patients, those that nor artery should be free of any hemodynamically significant
have had extensive prior abdominal surgeries or those with upstream disease. When limited inflow disease (eg, iliac ste-
failure of a prior graft limb, a crossover femoral–femoral by- nosis) is present, it can be corrected first or simultaneously in
pass graft is a useful approach. Unilateral axillary-femoral a hybrid procedure, where angioplasty or stenting of the iliac
grafts are rarely indicated in elective scenarios, as the long- artery is combined with a downstream cross femoral bypass.
term results are inferior to direct revascularization or axillary- Multiple groups have reported satisfactory outcomes with this
bifemoral bypasses. technique.55
In contrast to the in-line AFB, the durability of extra-
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Other Direct Revascularization Options

anatomic bypasses does not fare nearly as well although
Before the wide spread adoption of prosthetic surgical
it does have acceptable mid-term results for patients who
bypass for AIOD, endarterectomy was the standard of
otherwise have a limited life expectancy.51 The 5-year pa-
care, with excellent technical success rates and durability.
tency rates for femorofemoral bypasses average ≈65%.56,57
Advantages of the technique include avoidance of compli-
Patency rates are most strongly influenced by outflow dis-
cations related to implanting prosthetic material, such as
ease. Results of hybrid endovascular iliac revasculariza-
infection or pseudoaneurysm and potentially improved in-
tion combined with femorofemoral bypass have acceptable
flow into the hypogastric arteries. Although the technique
short- and mid-term results, with no apparent difference in
has been largely surpassed by AFBG, the occasional pa-
patency when compared against historical controls.55 As is
tients with embolic complications of focal lesions in a large
caliber vessel, who are otherwise not well served with per-
cutaneous techniques, are good candidates for this type of
Finally, there are rare patients who are candidates for direct
surgical revascularization but otherwise have an inaccessible
abdominal aorta. This may be a result of failed previous aor-
tic bypass, abdominal radiation, or significant atherosclerotic
disease above the renal arteries. The thoracic aorta can be used
a source of inflow in these cases via a lateral thoracotomy or
thoracoretroperitoneal approach. The durability of this proce-
dure rivals that of aortofemoral grafting.
Extra-Anatomic Bypass
In patients with extensive comorbid conditions, such as un-
correctable coronary artery disease, poor ventricular func-
tion, advanced pulmonary disease, renal failure, or hostile
abdominal anatomy, the increased risks of open surgery Figure 3. Extra-anatomic bypasses for aortoiliac disease
may make direct revascularization prohibitive, even in the can be performed with the axillary artery as the donor artery
(A) or the contralateral femoral artery as the donor limb (B).
setting of TASC D lesions. Aggressive endovascular tech- Reprinted from Slovut and Lipsitz48 with permission of the
niques, which can achieve high levels of technical success publisher. Copyright ©2012, Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
1622  Circulation Research  April 24, 2015

the case with most retrospective single center surgical se- minimize infectious complications, the saphenous vein is the
ries, a selection bias may be at least partially attributable preferred conduit. The application of the graft in a reversed
to these results. or nonreversed orientation, or left in situ, is largely a matter
of surgeon preference with no significant impact on surgical
Axillobifemoral Bypass
outcomes.65,66 Up to 40% of patients will not have adequate
The axillobifemoral bypass is well suited for patients with
ipsilateral saphenous vein for use as conduit.29 Contralateral
limb-threatening ischemia because of advanced AIOD who
GSV should be considered next unless the donor limb also has
would otherwise be considered high risk for direct aortic
evidence of advanced PAD by either clinical or hemodynamic
reconstruction. Other indications include patients with hos-
tile abdomens, such as those with extensive previous surgi-
For patients without adequate autologous conduit, pros-
cal history, previous radiation therapy, intestinal stomas, or
thetic grafts can be used depending on the indication and
intra-abdominal sepsis. As the source of inflow pedicles on
pattern of disease. Unlike autologous grafts, there seems to
a long graft from the axillary artery, the amount of hemo-
be a significant decrease in patency rates by distal target ves-
dynamic improvement for the lower extremities is limited
sel location, with a progressive decline from the above knee
and the maximum flow provided from the graft may be in-
to the below knee location, and an even larger reduction in
adequate to fully relieve symptoms of IC. For this reason,
long-term patency for distal bypass. Only subtle differences
this operation is limited to patients with limb-threatening
in outcomes have been observed among different prosthet-
ics grafts in the below knee popliteal position, whether us-
Although the original report describes the procedure
ing Dacron, PTFE, ringed PTFE, and more recently, heparin
performed entirely under local anesthesia, it is typically
bonded PTFE.67
performed under general anesthesia as 3 distinct and re-
Short-term results with bypass surgery are also excellent,
mote surgical fields are exposed.58,59 Typically, the right
with early graft failure occurring in ≈5% of vein bypass pro-
axillary artery is used as a source of inflow, as the left
cedures, largely a result of technical errors.15 Virtually all pa-
subclavian artery is athero-prone; however, a simple blood
tients develop lower extremity edema postoperatively with
pressure measurement is sufficient to determine laterality
symptoms that may last for several months. The putative
(Figure 3). As with all aortoiliac reconstructions, optimiz-
pathogenesis of angioedema is autonomic dysfunction from
ing the outflow is key to maintaining the durability of the
chronic ischemia, inflammation, and interruption of lymphat-
ics during surgical exposure. Compliance with leg elevation is
Of the various surgical revascularization options for se-
typically enough to keep lower leg edema in control. Wound
Downloaded from by on September 6, 2020

vere AIOD, the axillobifemoral bypass has the lowest 5-year

complications, although usually minor, are common and can
primary patency, with modern series reporting rates averag-
be seen in ≤15% of patients.
ing 50% to 70%.60 Outflow through both femoral arteries,
Although vein grafts have intrinsic antithrombotic proper-
rather than a unilateral axillofemoral bypass, has been shown
ties, low-dose aspirin therapy is continued through the periop-
to increase flow in the graft adjacent to the axillary artery
erative period.68 The effect of antiplatelet therapy on patency
and improves the long-term patency of the procedure.61–63
is marginal and the benefits are derived from lowering peri-
Nevertheless, many of these patients have shortened life ex-
procedural cardiac events. Both dual antiplatelet therapy and
pectancy and the long-term outcome data are biased by sur-
anticoagulation have been rigorously studied without any
vivors with a lesser burden of disease. Even so, stratifying
meaningful improvement on patency of vein grafts.69,70 The
results by indication shows that results are inferior to aorto-
addition of dual antiplatelet therapy or anticoagulation for
bifemoral grafting.
prosthetic grafts has not been shown to unequivocally improve
The surgical morbidity of extra-anatomic bypasses are sim-
patency and its use is somewhat controversial. In patients with
ilar to those of other bypass procedures with prosthetic. There
prior graft failure, poor runoff or with those other features
are risks of hemorrhage, wound complications, hematoma,
placing the graft at high risk, additional anticoagulation may
graft infection, and pseudoaneurysm formation. The femoro-
be considered, but at risk of adding to the 15% of patients
femoral bypass graft has the unique complication of tunneling
subfascial with subsequent bowel and bladder perforation. For who develop wound complications. There is some suggestion
axillobifemoral grafts, trauma to the brachial plexus, athero- that statins may improve long-term outcomes, in both patient
emboli to the hand, and graft avulsion during arm abduction survival and graft patency, although definitive studies are
has been reported. pending.71
Vein graft stenosis is a common occurrence, being de-
Femoropopliteal Disease tected in as many as 40% of vein bypasses, typically ob-
Because the first femoral–popliteal bypass with a saphenous served within the first 18 postoperative months.72 Although
vein was performed in 1949 by French surgeon Dr Kunlin,27 a change in symptoms or a change in the ABI of >0.2 should
technical advances have broadened the application of the warrant further investigation, ultrasound surveillance is a
technique to a variety of clinical and anatomic scenarios more sensitive method of detection and early intervention
(Figure 4). In appropriately selected patients, femoropopli- can prolong the longevity of the graft. A surveillance pro-
teal bypass has proven not only effective but also the most gram consisting of a duplex ultrasound at 1, 3, 6, and 12
durable intervention for advanced occlusive disease of the months after surgery, then every 6 months thereafter is sug-
femoropopliteal segment. To maximize performance and to gested.73 Changes in the peak systolic velocity (>300 cm/s),
Vartanian and Conte   Surgical Intervention for PAD   1623
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Figure 4. Femorodistal bypass to tibioperoneal vessels is preferentially performed with autologous vein grafts for critical limb
ischemia (A). A femoropopliteal bypass can be performed to the above knee or below knee popliteal artery (B). Reprinted from Flørenes
et al64 with permission of the publisher. Copyright ©2009, The Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association.

a change in the velocity ratio (>3.5) or a low velocity with factor in determining the durability of the operation is the
blunting of waveforms (<40 cm/s) should prompt a diag- quality of the conduit used. High-quality vein grafts that
nostic angiogram with possible reintervention, even in the comprised a single segment of saphenous vein >3.5 mm in
absence of a change in the clinical examination. A success- diameter perform equally well over time irrespective of the
ful surveillance program will prolong the primary-assisted level of the distal anastomosis, including popliteal, tibial, or
patency of vein grafts, which is particularly important as pedal targets. Long-term results suffer with compromised
the long-term outcomes of a thrombosed vein graft that is conduit quality, such as vein grafts that are small in size
salvaged yield poor results. As the modes of failure of pros- (<3 mm), spliced vein grafts, and nonsaphenous vein grafts.
thetic grafts are distinct, typically the result of anastomotic In addition, multiple studies have demonstrated that
neointimal hyperplasia, surveillance has not been shown to diabetes mellitus is not a risk factor for vein graft failure,
prolong prosthetic graft patency. including both single center series and prospective data ac-
Tibial–Pedal Disease crued from multicenter trials.72,74,75 As diabetics have a pat-
Infrageniculate revascularization is a durable and efficacious tern of disease that includes a heavy burden of disease in
intervention for appropriately selected patients (Figure 5). tibioperoneal arteries, the level of distal anastomosis has
When using high-quality autologous conduit, the level of the proved to be a much weaker predictor of graft failure than
distal anastomosis does not affect long-term outcomes, with conduit quality.
equivalency demonstrated between bypasses to the popliteal, Although graft patency by itself is unaltered in diabetics,
tibial, or pedal level (Figure 4). amputation-free survival is lower in this patient population.
The most basic measure of surgical revascularization is Other nonmodifiable risk factors affecting amputation-free
patency. Contemporary results from carefully conducted sur- survival include race, sex, infection, and certain comorbid
gical trials routinely report >80% 5-year patency for vein conditions.76 For example, chronic renal insufficiency is an
grafts to infrainguinal targets. By far the most important independent risk factor for limb loss and mortality. Up to 15%
1624  Circulation Research  April 24, 2015

Distal Origin Grafts

As the CFA is easily exposed surgically and the anterior sur-
face is often spared of atherosclerotic changes, it is the typical
source of inflow for lower extremity revascularization proce-
dures. However, grafts originating more distally in the limb,
such as the distal SFA, have been shown to fare equally well
in well-selected patients.82,83 Shorter bypasses have higher pa-
tency rates than longer grafts, in part because the quality of
the conduit improves as marginal segments are excluded. The
progression of atherosclerosis proximal to the graft has not
been shown to dramatically alter the fate of the bypass. The
application of distal origin grafts is particularly well suited
to diabetics, who have a pattern of atherosclerosis that spares
the femoropopliteal segment and disproportionately involves
the tibioperoneal vessels. In fact, distal origin grafts seem to
have even better outcomes in diabetics than nondiabetics, even
in the setting of more involved tissue loss. In a prospective
study, no difference was seen between CFA-based and non–
CFA-based bypasses and expectedly, shorter grafts had lower
rates of reinterventions.82
A hybrid approach that combines endovascular treatment
of proximal femoropopliteal occlusions with surgical bypass
distally offers an appealing solution for patients with limited
autologous conduit.84 As a general rule, proximal endovascu-
lar interventions fare better than distal interventions. The ideal
patient for this type of intervention will have a heavy burden
of disease in the tibial vessels, with limited short segment
disease within the SFA (TASC A). The reverse situation, of
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bypassing proximal disease and using endovascular interven-

Figure 5. A completion angiogram showing a vein bypass to tions for more distal lesions to treat CLI, should only be used
the tibioperoneal trunk for advanced ischemia, in a patient in extreme cases.
with failed femoropopliteal stents (arrow). The peroneal artery
provides single vessel runoff to the ankle.
Scientific Challenges and Major Unmet Needs
Control of Neointimal Hyperplasia
of lower extremity bypass patients with end-stage renal dis-
Neointimal hyperplasia is the end result of the prototypic
ease may go on to major amputation despite having a patent
response of blood vessels to injury. An inflammatory re-
bypass graft.77 In fact, there is a nearly linear relationship be-
sponse, followed by activation of vascular smooth muscle
tween the degree of chronic renal insufficiency and mortality
cells, leads to a proliferative lesion with subsequent elabo-
among patients undergoing lower extremity bypass surgery ration of extracellular matrix and fibrosis. When excessive,
and the relationship develops well before the onset of end- this scarring response leads to lumen narrowing (restenosis),
stage renal disease.78 the most common cause of failure of all types of endovascu-
Finally, although improving ambulatory function is the lar and open vascular interventions. Prevention of resteno-
ultimate goal for IC, it remains a distant goal for more than sis remains the greatest unmet need in the vascular surgical
half the patients with CLI.79 The most important measure of patient. In vein bypass grafts, an early adaptive remodeling
success in CLI is functional outcomes such as ambulatory occurs in response to increased shear stress and wall tension,
status, ability to live independently, improved quality of life, resulting in overall vessel enlargement and increased wall
and complete wound healing. A minority of patients under- thickness.85,86 If the hyperplastic response continues, or is
going bypass for CLI meet all of these functional goals, un- accompanied by a constrictive fibrosis, stenosis may ensue.
derscoring the severity of the systemic disease in this patient Vein graft stenosis is most typically focal, for example, in
population. The most predictive factor for high functional the perianastomotic regions and at valve sites; more rarely it
outcomes in these patients is preoperative ambulatory sta- occurs diffusely throughout the graft. Prosthetic graft failure
tus.80 Successful bypass surgery has been shown to improve is commonly a result of progressive hyperplasia in the peri-
quality of life in CLI, but maintaining that benefit depends anastomotic region of the native artery, typically at the out-
on avoiding reinterventions and achieving complete wound flow side. The process seems pathologically similar, but its
healing.81 This underscores the importance of selecting a du- course may also be influenced by the chronic host response
rable and effective revascularization in this otherwise high- to the artificial implant and the compliance mismatch across
risk patient population. the anastomosis.
Vartanian and Conte   Surgical Intervention for PAD   1625

Despite progress in the use of antiproliferative drugs to Conclusions

limit restenosis after endovascular interventions (drug-eluting Surgical revascularization remains a cornerstone of treatment
stents and balloons), there is as yet no proven approach to for advanced, symptomatic PAD. The emergence of percuta-
attenuate neointimal hyperplasia in the surgical setting. The neous techniques has expanded the armamentarium but has
Project of Ex vivo Vein graft Engineering via Transfection not altered the fundamental principles of revascularization nor
(PREVENT) trials tested a genetic strategy using a transcrip- the indications for intervention. Rather, the emphasis is placed
tion factor (E2F) decoy to block proliferation in vein grafts.72,87 on patient selection for these complementary modalities.
Two large randomized trials demonstrated no improvement Patient-specific factors are critical in selecting the most effica-
in either lower extremity or coronary vein graft patency. cious and durable outcome, with particular importance placed
Although a great deal of translational research continues in on comorbid conditions, estimated life expectancy, functional
this arena, to date no other candidate therapy has reached the status, pattern of disease, and availability of conduit.
stage of advanced clinical testing. Vein grafts offer unique op-
portunity for targeted molecular/pharmacological intervention Disclosures
at the time of implantation, with the goal of promoting favor- None.
able remodeling and subsequent long-term patency.88
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