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Meeting with the store managers on monitoring and reporting

It has been six months since the implementation of the WHS management system across all
stores at Pitstop. The implementation has been carried out concurrently with the expansion of the
business, which will soon number 30 stores, growing from a single store two years ago. The
number of employees has grown from 20 to 160 over the course of the implementation of the
WHSMS. Signs are that the rollout has been moderately successful in about half the stores.
Initial feedback from store managers and employees was positive; however the implementation
seems to have lost momentum. It is now time for a review of the WHSMS. have been asked by
senior management to provide a written report on the performance of the system. The report
should contain analysis of the data and recommendations for improvement based on analysis

1. Minimize illness and injuries in the workplace:

○ minimize incidents

○ reduce number of days of lost work.

2. Provide effective risk management:

○ establish risk management process.

3. Provide effective WHS management and leadership:

○ ensure managers implement WHS policy and WHSMS.

4. Build a culture of safety in the workplace:

○ ensure employee buy-in across the organization.

Meeting with the board of directors and senior management to review performance of
WHSMS and make recommendations

ISS work/life balance policy ISS aims to provide a flexible and family-friendly workplace that
reasonably accommodates external commitments and carer responsibilities. As a flexible and
family-friendly business, ISS recognizes that its staff members have responsibilities and
commitments extending beyond the working environment. ISS is aware that these
responsibilities and commitments can have a significant impact on employment opportunities
and is committed to providing an accessible, supportive and flexible environment for all staff. In
responding to requests for arrangements relating to work/life balance, management will need to
consider work requirements and the current and potential needs of others in responding, keeping
in mind that the ISS seeks:

● Minimization of disadvantage(s) that may result from competing commitments


● An environment that is supportive and accepting of the responsibilities of caregivers and staff
with cultural obligations.

Promotion and support of the balance of work and personal needs for staff will position ISS as an
employer of choice, initiate a high level of commitment from staff to the work and ideals of ISS,
and provide high levels of job satisfaction and a strong collaborative and collegiate culture while
at the same time reducing stress and turnover. Staff will be provided with a positive work climate
where superv

Objective Target Implementation Indicator/ Person


To minimize injuries IR=<4 Skills assessment Number of Store Manager

of workers. reported injuries
Specific training and near misses
on equipment in 6 month
and job roles. period. Data
from incident

To reduce number of LTIFR=<6 Skills assessment Store Manager

days of lost work of workers.
Specific training Number of lost
on equipment days in 6 month
and job roles period

Data from
incident reports

To establish risk All employees Documents Percentage of Store Manager

management process aware of developed and managers who
procedure. All distributed in have completed
managers have policies and process over 6
initiated one procedures month period.
safety audit and manual to all Safety audits.
implemented staff Project
process management

To ensure managers All managers Training for Percentage of WHS Manager

implement WHS policy have performed a managers on managers who
and WHSMS skills audit and process. have performed a

conducted or skills audit.

initiated Manager’s
appropriate report.
training for Percentage of
employees employees who
have completed

To ensure employee All employees Managers to Percentage of WHS Manager and Store
buy-in across the have attended an conduct monthly employees who Managers
organization WHS sessions on with have attended
information employees to sessions.
session run by explain WHS Management
managers in 6 issues, reports.
months. consultative Employee
process, etc. feedback survey
on sessions.

KPIs, procedures for performance management, audit and reporting as a result of


Proactive Performance Indicators

Proactive performance indicators measure the actions performed as part of the WHS
management system. Proactive performance indicators are designed to measure the actions being
taken by the to prevent work related injury and illness. Proactive performance indicators that are
used at the include:

Focus Performance Indicator Description

Training The number for training Monitors the number of WHS training
delivered or coordinated by
the WHS Monitors the number of training

Unit participants

- Monitors the number attending WHS training courses

of WHS training

- The number of
participants in training
courses delivered or
coordinated by the

WHS Unit

Hazard and Incident The number of hazards, near Monitors the level of hazards
misses and (including near
incidents reported misses) and incidents being formally

- The number of high reported by Safety Net and their

risk hazards, near completion.
misses and incidents reported

- Percentage of
completed hazard, near
miss and incident reports

Risk Assessments - The percentage of risk Monitors the completion of risk

approved assessments for operational activities

WHS risk

Safe Work Procedures - The percentage of safe Monitors the completion of safe work
work procedures
approve procedures for operational activities

WHS risk

WHSMS Audits Average compliance of - Provides an overview of

internal and implementation of
the WHS management system
Safe Work WHSMS audits

Outcome Indicators

Outcome indicators are statistics which measure the successfulness of the implementation of the
WHS management system’s implementation in achieving the objectives as stated in the WHS
Policy. Examples of outcome indicators that may be analyzed at the Pitstop Pty Ltd include:

Focus Performance Indicator Description

Lost time injuries - Lost Time Injury - Average Time Lost Rate
Frequency Rate (ATLR)  The average time
(LTIFR) away from work per
occurrence of injury or disease
- A frequency detailing
the amount of lost time
injuries per million hours

Medically Treated - Medically Treated A frequency detailing the amount of

Injury Frequency medically
Injuries Rate (MTIFR)
treated injuries per million hours

Workers compensation - Workers compensation The number of workers compensation

claims claims
- Percentage of injuries
which require - Provides an overview of the
lost time severity of workers
compensation claims received



Senior Executive

The Senior Executive of the Pitstop Pty Ltd are responsible for ensuring that WHS performance
is monitored and evaluated and that initiatives to promote performance improvement and
prevention of adverse trends are established and implemented.

Manager Workplace Health and Safety

The Manager Workplace Health and Safety is responsible for ensuring that information required
for the monitor and evaluation of WHS performance is developed, collected and disseminated to
the Pitstop Pty Ltd according to this guideline.

WHS Committee

The WHS Committee is responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of the Pitstop Pty Ltd WHS
System which includes the review of WHS performance.

Performance Indicators

Performance indicators are derived as outlined by the WHS Planning Guidelines to monitor the
achievement of WHS objectives and targets. Also, additional performance indicators may be
established for the organization to measure WHS performance There are two types of statistical
techniques used to validate WHS performance. These include:

- Proactive (positive) performance indicators, and

- Outcome (negative) Indicators.

Forms of Communication

1. Top management commitment and policy

The policy is a general plan of intent which guides or influences future decisions. It is the basis
upon which measurable objectives and targets and the OHSMS is developed.

2. Planning

Plan how to deliver the OHS policy, objectives and targets to ensure hazards arising from work
activities are identified so that risks can be assessed and then controlled.

3. Implementation

Implement the plan by developing the capabilities and support mechanisms necessary to achieve
the WHS policy, objectives and targets.

4. Measurement and evaluation

Measure, monitor and evaluate WHS performance, to determine the effectiveness of risk
management, and if necessary take preventative and corrective action.

5. Review and improvement

Review and continually improve the WHSMS, with the objective of improving WHS

- WHS professionals can help you develop an WHSMS

- Health and safety information is accessible through forums such as WHS resources or
- Mechanisms including:

- WHS internet site

- WHS intranet site for staff
- WHS performance measures in the UOW Performance Indicators system
- WHS committee minutes
- Workplace advisory committee minutes
- Hazard and incident reports in Safety Net
- Internal and external WHS training programs such as inductions
- Material safety data sheets via Chem Alert online
- Fire and emergency evacuation information
- Contractor safety induction guide.
- Health and safety information may also be made available:
- On workplace noticeboards
- Posters displayed around the workplace
- Through meetings such as toolbox talks
- By email such as safety alerts
- In newsletters
- On safety signage.

Reporting of WHS Performance

The following table details the performance indicators that are to be reported to Pitstop Pty Ltd
stakeholders, and identifies the timeframe within which they are to be disseminated.

Reporting Recipient(s) Frequency WHS Indicators


WHS Report Council. 6 times per year - Workers compensation

- Workers compensation
claims costs
- Hazard and incident
- Training course
WHS Report Risk Audit and 4 times per year WHS information and matters

Compliance - Operational risk

Committee - Resources and
- Hazard, incident and
risk reporting
- Legal compliance

- Verification activity
WHS Unit WHS Committee Every two months - Workers compensation
Report - Hazard and incident
- Training delivery
Annual Report NSW Parliament Yearly - Number of claims
- Hazard and incident
Community reporting.
WHS Management Plan Risk Audit and Biannually - Number of Work
Cover process
Compliance improvement
Committee - notices, penalty notices
or prosecutions
WHS Committee - Average compliance
of internal WHS

- Average compliance of
Safe Work NSW Self
WHS audits

- Percentage of risk
assessments approved
- Percentage of hazard
and incident reports
- Percentage of safe
work procedures
- Percentage of injuries
which require lost

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