Family Notes and Cases (Week 6)

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For sixth week they occur after the celebration of

the marriage, they will not constitute
a. Discuss Article 45 of the Family Code. as causes or grounds for annulment.
Thus, if at the time of the
Art. 45. A marriage may be annulled for any celebration of the marriage of A and
of the following causes, existing at the time of B there was nothing wrong with the
the marriage: mental health of B, but later after
the marriage, B became mentally
(1) That the party in whose behalf it is sick, the marriage cannot be
sought to have the marriage annulled annulled on ground of unsoundness
was eighteen years of age or over but of B’s mind.
below twenty-one, and the marriage - Succinctly stated, the grounds for
was solemnized without the consent of annulment are:
the parents, guardian or person
having substitute parental authority (1) Lack of parental consent
over the party, in that order, unless (2) Unsoundness of mind
after attaining the age of twenty-one, (3) Consent obtained through fraud
such party freely cohabited with the (4) Consent obtained by force,
other and both lived together as intimidation or undue influence
husband and wife; (5) Physical incapability of
(2) That either party was of unsound consummating the marriage,
mind, unless such party after coming and
to reason, freely cohabited with the (6) Affliction with a sexually-
other as husband and wife; transmissible disease
(3) That the consent of either party was
obtained by fraud, unless such party c. Distinguish between a void and a
afterwards, with full knowledge of the voidable marriage as to existence of
facts constituting the fraud, freely the marriage?
cohabited with the other as husband - A void marriage did not exist ab
and wife; initio or from the very beginning.
(4) That the consent of either party was - A voidable marriage is a valid
obtained by force, intimidation or marriage until annulled or declared
undue influence, unless the same void.
having disappeared or ceased, such - Strictly speaking, an action for
party thereafter freely cohabited with annulment refers to a voidable
the other as husband and wife; marriage, while an action for
(5) That either party was physically declaration of nullity of refers to
incapable of consummating the void marriage.
marriage with the other, and such
incapacity continues and appears to d. What is the test of unsoundness of
be incurable; or mind?
(6) That either party was afflicted with a - The theory of annulment on the
sexually transmissible disease found ground of insanity is not that the
to be serious and appears to be sane spouse has made a bad bargain
incurable. in getting an insane partner, but that
the latter has manifested a consent
b. When must the cause for annulment that is unreal for lack of
of marriage exist? intelligence.
- The causes for annulment must be - The test is whether the party was
existing at the time of the capable of understanding the
celebration of the marriage. If nature and consequences of the


marriage at the time of the constitute a ground for

celebration. annulment.
- It is not whether the party was - There is intimidation when one of
possessed of sufficient mentality to the contracting parties is
measure up to the responsibility compelled by a reasonable and
incurred by bringing offsprings into well-grounded belief of an
the world but whether there is a imminent and grave evil upon his
realization of what is being done person or property, or upon the
and to consent thereto. person or property of his spouse,
- Insanity which occurred after the descendants or ascendants, to give
celebration of the marriage cannot his consent.
constitute a cause of nullity. Mere - However, a threat to enforce one’s
mental weakness of a party if it does claim through competent authority,
not deprive the party of capacity to if the claim is just or legal, does not
understand and appreciate the vitiate consent. Thus, it has been
consequences of the step he is held that a woman’s threat to file
taking does not affect the validity of with the Supreme Court a complaint
the marriage. against a bar candidate if he does
not marry her with whom he had
e. Explain the presumption of the law in sexual intimacies, does not vitiate
favor of soundness of mind. his consent to the marriage.
- The general presumption of the - To be a ground for annulment of
law is in favor of the soundness of marriage, the threat or intimidation
mind. must be of such a nature as to
- The one who alleges unsoundness of prevent the party upon whom it is
mind has the burden of proof. And employed from acting as a free
once general insanity has been agent, his will being coerced by fear
existing, it is presumed to continue or compulsion.
and if a recovery or lucid interval is
alleged to have occurred, the burden g. What are the kinds of impotency?
of proving that allegation is on the What kind of impotency is a ground
person making it. for annulment of marriage?
- Much weight is given to the - Generally, there are two kinds of
testimony of a physician in daily impotency—
attendance to a party about the a) Absolute or Incurable
latter’s sanity or insanity. Even the Impotency—This is the kind of
opinion of an ordinary witness may impotency which is continuous
be received in evidence. and incurable and there is no
known relief and it principally
f. When is force, intimidation, or undue originates in some malformation
influence considered as a ground for or defect of the genital organs.
annulment of marriage?
- When the consent of a contracting b) Temporary or Curable
party is obtained by force, Impotency—This is the kind of
intimidation or undue influence, the impotency which is not
marriage is voidable. It can be permanent because it is curable.
ratified by free cohabitation.
- There is force and violence when
the physical power is serious or - If the impotency is absolute or
irresistible (Art. 1335) to incurable it is a ground for
annulment of marriage. If it is


temporary and it appears to be up, concocted or fabricated. On 17 December

curable, it is not a ground for 1956 the Court entered an order requiring the
annulment. defendant to submit to a physical examination
by a competent lady physician to determine her
h. Discuss Jimenez v. Canizares, G.R. physical capacity for copulation and to submit,
No. L-12790, 31 August 1960. within ten days from receipt of the order, a
medical certificate on the result thereof. On 14
March 1957 the defendant was granted
Republic of the Philippines additional five days from notice to comply with
SUPREME COURT the order of 17 December 1956 with warning
Manila that her failure to undergo medical examination
and submit the required doctor's certificate
EN BANC would be deemed lack of interest on her part in
the case and that judgment upon the evidence
G.R. No. L-12790             August 31, 1960 presented by her husband would be rendered.

JOEL JIMENEZ, plaintiff-appellee, After hearing, at which the defendant was not
vs. present, on 11 April 1957 the Court entered a
REMEDIOS CAÑIZARES, defendant. decree annulling the marriage between the
Republic of the Philippines, intervenor- plaintiff and the defendant. On 26 April 1957
appellant. the city attorney filed a motion for
reconsideration of the decree thus entered, upon
Acting Solicitor General Guillermo E. Torres the ground, among others, that the defendant's
and Solicitor Pacifico P. de Castro for impotency has not been satisfactorily established
appellant. as required by law; that she had not been
Climaco, Ascarraga and Silang for appellee. physically examined because she had refused to
be examined; that instead of annulling the
marriage the Court should have punished her for
contempt of court and compelled her to undergo
a physical examination and submit a medical
In a complaint filed on 7 June 1955 in the Court certificate; and that the decree sought to be
of First Instance of Zamboanga the plaintiff Joel reconsidered would open the door to married
Jimenez prays for a decree annulling his couples, who want to end their marriage to
marriage to the defendant Remedios Cañizares collude or connive with each other by just
contracted on 3 August 1950 before a judge of alleging impotency of one of them. He prayed
the municipal court of Zamboanga City, upon that the complaint be dismissed or that the wife
the ground that the office of her genitals or be subjected to a physical examination. Pending
vagina was to small to allow the penetration of a resolution of his motion, the city attorney timely
male organ or penis for copulation; that the appealed from the decree. On 13 May 1957 the
condition of her genitals as described above motion for reconsideration was denied.
existed at the time of marriage and continues to
exist; and that for that reason he left the conjugal
The question to determine is whether the
home two nights and one day after they had been
marriage in question may be annulled on the
married. On 14 June 1955 the wife was
strength only of the lone testimony of the
summoned and served a copy of the complaint.
husband who claimed and testified that his wife
She did not file an answer. On 29 September
was and is impotent. The latter did not answer
1956, pursuant to the provisions of article 88 of
the complaint, was absent during the hearing,
the Civil Code, the Court directed the city
and refused to submit to a medical examination.
attorney of Zamboanga to inquire whether there
was a collusion, to intervene for the State to see
that the evidence for the plaintiff is not a frame-


Marriage in this country is an institution in i. In which instances will free

which the community is deeply interested. The cohabitation result in ratification?
state has surrounded it with safeguards to Discuss each.
maintain its purity, continuity and permanence. - No ratification by free cohabitation
The security and stability of the state are largely in cases of absolute impotency
dependent upon it. It is the interest of each and precisely because there could be no
every member of the community to prevent the cohabitation as consummation of the
bringing about of a condition that would shake marriage is not possible.
its foundation and ultimately lead to its - No ratification by free cohabitation
destruction. The incidents of the status are in STD.
governed by law, not by will of the parties. The - The circumstances enumerated in
law specifically enumerates the legal grounds, paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 of
that must be proved to exist by indubitable Article 45 can be ratified by free
evidence, to annul a marriage. In the case at bar, cohabitation. Paragraphs 5 and 6 is
the annulment of the marriage in question was not susceptible to ratification by free
decreed upon the sole testimony of the husband cohabitation.
who was expected to give testimony tending or - The law provides no ratification by
aiming at securing the annulment of his free cohabitation for obvious reason
marriage he sought and seeks. Whether the wife —the disease being serious and
is really impotent cannot be deemed to have incurable must be contagious.
been satisfactorily established, becase from the Cohabitation is not expected not
commencement of the proceedings until the encouraged by the law for
entry of the decree she had abstained from preservation of the health of the
taking part therein. Although her refusal to be other spouse.
examined or failure to appear in court show
indifference on her part, yet from such attitude j. Discuss Article 46 of the Family Code.
the presumption arising out of the suppression of
evidence could not arise or be inferred because Art. 46. Any of the following
women of this country are by nature coy, circumstances shall constitute fraud
bashful and shy and would not submit to a referred to in Number 3 of the preceding
physical examination unless compelled to by Article:
competent authority. This the Court may do
without doing violence to and infringing in this (1) Non-disclosure of a previous
case is not self-incrimination. She is not charged conviction by final judgement of the
with any offense. She is not being compelled to other party of a crime involving
be a witness against herself.1 "Impotency being moral turpitude;
an abnormal condition should not be presumed. (2) Concealment by the wife of the fact
The presumption is in favor of potency." 2 The that at the time of the marriage, she
lone testimony of the husband that his wife is was pregnant by a man other than her
physically incapable of sexual intercourse is husband;
insufficient to tear asunder the ties that have (3) Concealment of sexually transmissible
bound them together as husband and wife. disease, regardless of its nature,
existing at the time of the marriage;
The decree appealed from is set aside and the or
case remanded to the lower court for further (4) Concealment of drug addiction,
proceedings in accordance with this decision, habitual alcoholism, homosexuality or
without pronouncement as to costs. lesbianism existing at the time of the
Paras, C.J., Bengzon, Bautista Angelo,
Labrador, Concepcion, Reyes, J.B.L., Barrera, No other misrepresentation or deceit as to
Gutierrez David, and Dizon, JJ. concur. character, health, rank, fortune or


chastity shall constitute such fraud as will jurisdiction in SPA No. 95-047, a case for
give/grounds for action for the annulment disqualification filed against petitioner before
of marriage. the COMELEC.1

k. When is a crime considered involving The first assailed resolution dated May 6, 1995
moral turpitude? declared the petitioner disqualified from running
- A crime involves moral turpitude for the position of Mayor of Cavinti, Laguna in
when it is not only transgressive of the last May 8, 1995 elections, citing as the
the law but also of one’s moral ground therefor, Section 40(a) of Republic Act
duty. No. 7160 (the Local Government Code of
- The term moral turpitude—implies 1991)2 which provides as follows:
inherent baseness, vileness of
principle, shameful, wickedness or Sec. 40. Disqualifications. The following
depravity. It has reference largely to persons are disqualified from running for any
moral character and state of mind elective local position:
and is an essential element of an
infamous crime. (People vs. (a) Those sentenced by final judgment for an
Formaran) offense involving moral turpitude or for an
offense punishable by one (1) year or more of
l. Discuss Dela Torre v. Comelec, GR. imprisonment within two (2) years after serving
No. 121592, 05 July 1996. sentence;

(b) xxx xxx xxx.

Republic of the Philippines In disqualifying the petitioner, the COMELEC

SUPREME COURT held that:
Documentary evidence . . . established that
EN BANC herein respondent (petitioner in this case) was
found guilty by the Municipal Trial Court, . . . in
  Criminal Case No. 14723 for violation of P.D.
1612, (otherwise known as the Anti-fencing
G.R. No. 121592 July 5, 1996 Law) in a Decision dated June 1, 1990.
Respondent appealed the said conviction with
ROLANDO P. DELA TORRE, petitioner, the Regional Trial Court . . . , which however,
vs. affirmed respondent's conviction in a Decision
COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS and dated November 14, 1990. Respondent's
MARCIAL VILLANUEVA, respondents. conviction became final on January 18, 1991.

RESOLUTION xxx xxx xxx

  . . . , there exists legal grounds to disqualify

respondent as candidate for Mayor of Cavinti,
FRANCISCO, J.:p Laguna this coming elections. Although there is
"dearth of jurisprudence involving violation of
Petitioner Rolando P. Dela Torre via the instant the Anti-Fencing Law of 1979 or P.D. 1612" . . .
petition for certiorari seeks the nullification of , the nature of the offense under P.D. 1612 with
two resolutions issued by the Commission on which respondent was convicted certainly
Elections (COMELEC) allegedly with grave involves moral turpitude . . . .3
abuse of discretion amounting to lack of


The second assailed resolution, dated August 28, inherently immoral. The doing of the act itself,
1995, denied petitioner's motion for and not its prohibition by statute fixes the moral
reconsideration. In said motion, petitioner turpitude. Moral turpitude does not, however,
claimed that Section 40 (a) of the Local include such acts as are not of themselves
Government Code does not apply to his case immoral but whose illegality lies in their being
inasmuch as the probation granted him by the positively prohibited.9
MTC on December 21, 1994 which suspended
the execution of the judgment of conviction and This guidelines nonetheless proved short of
all other legal consequences flowing therefrom, providing a clear-cut solution, for in
rendered inapplicable Section 40 (a) as well. 4 "International Rice Research Institute v. NLRC,
10 the Court admitted that it cannot always be
The two (2) issues to be resolved are: ascertained whether moral turpitude does or
does not exist by merely classifying a crime as
1. Whether or not the crime of fencing involves malum in se or as malum prohibitum. There are
moral turpitude. crimes which are mala in se and yet but rarely
involve moral turpitude and there are crimes
2. Whether or not a grant of probation affects which involve moral turpitude and are mala
Section 40 (a)'s applicability. prohibita only. In the final analysis, whether or
not a crime involves moral turpitude is
Particularly involved in the first issue is the first ultimately a question of fact and frequently
of two instances contemplated in Section 40 (a) depends on all the circumstances surrounding
when prior conviction of a crime becomes a the violation of the statue.11
ground for disqualification — i.e., "when the
conviction by final judgment is for an offense The Court in this case shall nonetheless dispense
involving moral turpitude." And in this with a review of the facts and circumstances
connection, the Court has consistently adopted surrounding the commission of the crime,
the definition in Black's Law Dictionary of inasmuch as petitioner after all does not assail
"moral turpitude" as: his conviction. Petitioner has in effect admitted
all the elements of the crime of fencing. At any
. . . an act of baseness, vileness, or depravity in rate, the determination of whether or not fencing
the private duties which a man owes his fellow involves moral turpitude can likewise be
men, or to society in general, contrary to the achieved by analyzing the elements alone.
accepted and customary rule of right and duty
between man and woman or conduct contrary to Fencing is defined in Section 2 of P.D. 1612
justice, honesty, modesty, or good morals.5 (Anti-Fencing Law) as:

Not every criminal act, however, involves moral a. . . . the act of any person who, with intent to
turpitude. It is for this reason that "as to what gain for himself or for another, shall buy,
crime involves moral turpitude, is for the receive, possess, keep, acquire, conceal, sell or
Supreme Court to determine".6 In resolving the dispose of, or shall buy and sell, or in any
foregoing question, the Court is guided by one manner deal in any article, item, object or
of the general rules that crimes mala in se anything of value which he knows, or should be
involve moral turpitude, while crimes mala known to him, to have been derived from the
prohibita do not7, the rationale of which was set proceeds of the crime of robbery or theft.12
forth in "Zari v. Flores,"8 to wit:
From the foregoing definition may be gleaned
It (moral turpitude) implies something immoral the elements of the crime of fencing which are:
in itself, regardless of the fact that it is
punishable by law or not. It must not be merely 1. A crime of robbery or theft has been
mala prohibita, but the act itself must be committed;


Art. 20. Every person who, contrary to law,

2. The accused who is not a principal or wilfully or negligently causes damage to
accomplice in the crime of robbery or another, shall indemnify the latter for the same.
theft, buys, receives, possesses, keeps,
acquires, conceals, sells or disposes, or Art. 21. Any person who wilfully causes loss or
buys and sells, or in any manner deals in injury to another in a manner that is contrary to
any article, item, object or anything of morals, good customs or public policy shall
value, which have been derived from the compensate the latter for the damage.
proceeds of the said crime;
Art. 22. Everyone person who through an act of
3. The accused knows or should have performance by another, or any other means,
known that the said article, item, object acquires or comes into possession of something
or anything of value has been derived at the expense of the latter without just or legal
from the proceeds of the crime of ground, shall return the same to him.
robbery or theft; and [Emphasis
supplied.] Art. 2154. If something is received when there is
no right to demand it, and it was unduly
4. There is, on the part of the accused, delivered through mistake, the obligation to
intent to gain for himself or for return it arises.
The same underlying reason holds even if the
Moral turpitude is deducible from the third "fence" did not have actual knowledge, but
element. Actual knowledge by the "fence" of the merely "should have known" the origin of the
fact that property received is stolen displays the property received. In this regard, the Court held:
same degree of malicious deprivation of one's
rightful property as that which animated the When knowledge of the existence of a particular
robbery or theft which, by their very nature, are fact is an element of the offense, such
crimes of moral turpitude. And although the knowledge is established if a person is aware of
participation of each felon in the unlawful taking the high probability of its existence unless he
differs in point in time and in degree, both the actually believes that it does not exist. On the
"fence" and the actual perpetrator/s of the other hand, the words "should know" denote the
robbery or theft invaded one's peaceful fact that a person of reasonable prudence and
dominion for gain — thus deliberately reneging intelligence would ascertain the fact in the
in the process "private duties" they owe their performance of his duty to another or would
"fellowmen" or "society" in a manner "contrary govern his conduct upon assumption that such
to . . . accepted and customary rule of right and fact exists.14 [Emphasis supplied.]
duty . . . , justice, honesty . . . or good morals."
The duty not to appropriate, or to return, Verily, circumstances normally exist to
anything acquired either by mistake or with forewarn, for instance, a reasonably vigilant
malice is so basic it finds expression in some buyer that the object of the sale may have been
key provisions of the Civil Code on "Human derived from the proceeds of robbery or theft.
Relations" and "Solutio Indebiti", to wit: Such circumstances include the time and place
of the sale, both of which may not be in accord
Art. 19. Every person must, in the exercise of his with the usual practices of commerce. The
rights and in the performance of his duties, act nature and condition of the goods sold, and the
with justice, give everyone his due, and observe fact that the seller is not regularly engaged in the
honesty and good faith. business of selling goods may likewise suggest
the illegality of their source, and therefor should
caution the buyer. This justifies the presumption
found in Section 5 of P.D. No. 1612 that "mere


possession of any goods, . . . , object or anything - A husband has the right to require
of value which has been the subject of robbery that his wife shall not bear to his bed
or thievery shall be prima facie evidence of aliens to his and lineage.
fencing" — a presumption that is, according to - There is no graver fraud than
the Court, "reasonable for no other natural or this, attended as it is with serious
logical inference can arise from the established insults on the person and dignity
fact of . . . possession of the proceeds of the of the husband. If the fraud be
crime of robbery or theft."15 All told, the successful, the child who is a
COMELEC did not err in disqualifying the complete stranger to the husband
petitioner on the ground that the offense of will carry his surname and more,
fencing of which he had been previously will be unjustifiably entitled to
convicted by final judgment was one involving support (to the full extent set forth
moral turpitude. in Article 194) on top of
successional rights to the
Anent the second issue where petitioner prejudice of the real children and
contends that his probation had the effect of other relatives of the husband.
suspending the applicability of Section 40 (a) of - The remedy of the husband is to file
the Local Government Code, suffice it to say a case of adultery and/or legal
that the legal effect of probation is only to separation, not annulment.
suspend the execution of the sentence.16 n. Discuss Aquino v. Delizo, G.R. No. L-
Petitioner's conviction of fencing which we have 15853, 27 July 1960.
heretofore declared as a crime of moral turpitude
and thus falling squarely under the
disqualification found in Section 40 (a), subsists Republic of the Philippines
and remains totally unaffected notwithstanding SUPREME COURT
the grant of probation. In fact, a judgment of Manila
conviction in a criminal case ipso facto attains
finality when the accused applies for probation, EN BANC
although it is not executory pending resolution
of the application for probation.17 Clearly then, G.R. No. L-15853             July 27, 1960
petitioner's theory has no merit.
FERNANDO AQUINO, petitioner,
ACCORDINGLY, the instant petition for vs.
certiorari is hereby DISMISSED and the CONCHITA DELIZO, respondent.
assailed resolutions of the COMELEC dated
May 6, 1995 and August 28, 1995 are GUTIERREZ DAVID, J.:
AFFIRMED in toto.
This is a petition for certiorari to review a
SO ORDERED. decision of the Court of Appeals affirming that
of the Court of First Instance of Rizal which
m. When is concealment of pregnancy dismissed petitioner's complaint for annulment
considered as constituting fraud? of his marriage with respondent Conchita
- Concealment by the wife of the fact Delizo.
that she already had a child before
by another man is not a ground for The dismissed complaint, which was filed on
annulment. What must have been September 6, 1955, was based on the ground of
concealed is pregnancy at the time fraud, it being alleged, among other things, that
of the marriage by another man. defendant Conchita Delizo, herein respondent, at
the date of her marriage to plaintiff, herein
petitioner Fernando Aquino, on December 27,


1954, concealed from the latter that fact that she court, nevertheless, affirmed the dismissal of the
was pregnant by another man, and sometime in complaint.
April, 1955, or about four months after their
marriage, gave birth to a child. In her answer, On March 17, 1959, plaintiff filed a motion
defendant claimed that the child was conceived praying that the decision be reconsidered, or, if
out of lawful wedlock between her and the such reconsideration be denied, that the case be
plaintiff. remanded to the lower court for new trial. In
support of the motion, plaintiff attached as
At the trial, the attorney's for both parties annexes thereof the following documents:
appeared and the court a quo ordered Assistant
Provincial Fiscal Jose Goco to represent the 1. Affidavit of Cesar Aquino (Annex A)
State in the proceedings to prevent collusion. (defendant's brother-in-law and
Only the plaintiff however, testified and the only plaintiff's brother, with whom defendant
documentary evidence presented was the was living at the time plaintiff met,
marriage contract between the parties. courted and married her, and with whom
Defendant neither appeared nor presented any defendant has begotten two more
evidence despite the reservation made by her children, aside from her first born, in
counsel that he would present evidence on a common-law relationship) admitting
later date. that he is the father of defendant's first
born, Catherine Bess Aquino, and that
On June 16, 1956, the trial court — noting that he and defendant hid her pregnancy
no birth certificate was presented to show that from plaintiff at the time of plaintiff's
the child was born within 180 days after the marriage to defendant;
marriage between the parties, and holding that
concealment of pregnancy as alleged by the 2. Affidavit of defendant, Conchita
plaintiff does not constitute such fraud sa would Delizo (Annex "B") admitting her
annul a marriage — dismissed the complaint. pregnancy by Cesar Aquino, her
Through a verified "petition to reopen for brother-in-law and plaintiff's own
reception of additional evidence", plaintiff tried brother, at the time of her marriage to
to present the certificates of birth and delivery of plaintiff and her having hidden this fact
the child born of the defendant on April 26, from plaintiff before and up to the time
1955, which documents, according to him, he of their marriage;
had failed to secure earlier and produce before
the trial court thru excusable negligence. The 3. Affidavit of Albert Powell (Annex
petition, however, was denied. "C") stating that he knew Cesar Aquino
and defendant lived together as husband
On appeal to the Court of Appeals, that court and wife before December 27, 1954, the
held that there has been excusable neglect in date of plaintiff's marriage to defendant;
plaintiff's inability to present the proof of the
child's birth, through her birth certificate, and for 4. Birth Certificate of defendant's first
that reason the court a quo erred in denying the born, Catherine Bess Aquino showing
motion for reception of additional evidence. On her date of birth to be April 26, 1955;
the theory, however, that it was not impossible
for plaintiff and defendant to have had sexual 5. Birth Certificate (Annex "D") of
intercourse during their engagement so that the Carolle Ann Aquino, the second child of
child could be their own, and finding defendant with Cesar Aquino, her
unbelievable plaintiff's claim that he did not brother-in-law;
notice or even suspect that defendant was
pregnant when he married her, the appellate


6. Birth Certificate (Annex "E") of Chris she was "naturally plump" or fat as alleged by
Charibel Aquino, the third child of plaintiff. According to medical authorities, even
Cesar Aquino and defendant; and on the 5th month of pregnancy, the enlargement
of a woman's abdomen is still below the
7. Pictures of defendant showing her umbilicus, that is to say, the enlargement is
natural plumpness as early as 1952 to as limited to the lower part of the abdomen so that
late as November, 1954, the November, it is hardly noticeable and may, if noticed, be
1954 photo itself does not show attributed only to fat formation on the lower part
defendant's pregnancy which must have of the abdomen. It is only on the 6th month of
been almost four months old at the time pregnancy that the enlargement of the woman's
the picture was taken. abdomen reaches a height above the umbilicus,
making the roundness of the abdomen more
Acting upon the motion, the Court of Appeals general and apparent. (See Lull, Clinical
ordered the defendant Conchita Delizo and Obstetrics, p. 122) If, as claimed by plaintiff,
Assistant Provincial Fiscal of Rizal, who was defendant is "naturally plump", he could hardly
representing the Government, to answer the be expected to know, merely by looking,
motion for reconsideration, and deferred action whether or not she was pregnant at the time of
on the prayer for new trial until after the case is their marriage more so because she must have
disposed of. As both the defendant and the fiscal attempted to conceal the true state of affairs.
failed to file an answer, and stating that it "does Even physicians and surgeons, with the aid of
not believe the veracity of the contents of the the woman herself who shows and gives her
motion and its annexes", the Court of Appeals, subjective and objective symptoms, can only
on August 6, 1959, denied the motion. From that claim positive diagnosis of pregnancy in 33% at
order, the plaintiff brought the case to this Court five months. and 50% at six months. (XI
thru the present petition for certiorari. Cyclopedia of Medicine, Surgery, etc.
Pregnancy, p. 10).
After going over the record of the case, we find
that the dismissal of plaintiff's complaint cannot The appellate court also said that it was not
be sustained. impossible for plaintiff and defendant to have
had sexual intercourse before they got married
Under the new Civil Code, concealment by the and therefore the child could be their own. This
wife of the fact that at the time of the marriage, statement, however, is purely conjectural and
she was pregnant by a man other than her finds no support or justification in the record.
husband constitutes fraud and is ground for
annulment of marriage. (Art. 85, par. (4) in Upon the other hand, the evidence sought to be
relation to Art. 86, par. (3). In the case of Buccat introduced at the new trial, taken together with
vs. Buccat (72 Phil., 19) cited in the decision what has already been adduced would, in our
sought to be reviewed, which was also an action opinion, be sufficient to sustain the fraud alleged
for the annulment of marriage on the ground of by plaintiff. The Court of Appeals should,
fraud, plaintiff's claim that he did not even therefore, not have denied the motion praying
suspect the pregnancy of the defendant was held for new trial simply because defendant failed to
to be unbelievable, it having been proven that file her answer thereto. Such failure of the
the latter was already in an advanced stage of defendant cannot be taken as evidence of
pregnancy (7th month) at the time of their collusion, especially since a provincial fiscal has
marriage. That pronouncement, however, cannot been ordered of represent the Government
apply to the case at bar. Here the defendant wife precisely to prevent such collusion. As to the
was alleged to be only more than four months veracity of the contents of the motion and its
pregnant at the time of her marriage to plaintiff. annexes, the same can best be determined only
At that stage, we are not prepared to say that her after hearing evidence. In the circumstance, we
pregnancy was readily apparent, especially since think that justice would be better served if a new
trial were ordered.


Wherefore, the decision complained of is set MARRIAGE, in its totality, involves the
aside and the case remanded to the court a quo spouses' right to the community of their whole
for new trial. Without costs. lives. It likewise involves a true intertwining of
o. When will concealment of a sexually
transmissible disease constitute This is a petition for review on certiorari of the
fraud? Decision2 of the Court of Appeals (CA) denying
- The disease must be sexually the petition for annulment of judgment and
transmissible and existing at the affirming in toto the decision of the Regional
time of the marriage, such as Trial Court (RTC), Las Piñas, Branch 254. The
AIDS, gonorrhea and syphilis. If CA dismissed outright the Rule 47 petition for
the woman knew of the disease at being the wrong remedy.
the time of the marriage,
annulment of the marriage will The Facts
not prosper for then, there is no
concealment. Petitioner Manuel G. Almelor (Manuel) and
respondent Leonida Trinidad (Leonida) were
p. When will concealment of drug married on January 29, 1989 at the Manila
addiction, habitual alcoholism, Cathedral.3 Their union bore three children: (1)
homosexuality or lesbianism Maria Paulina Corinne, born on October 20,
constitute fraud? 1989; (2) Napoleon Manuel, born on August 9,
- The conditions or ailments must 1991; and (3) Manuel Homer, born on July 4,
exist at the time of the marriage 1994.4 Manuel and Leonida are both medical
and anyone is a sufficient ground practitioners, an anesthesiologist and a
for annulment. If they are pediatrician, respectively.5
acquired after the marriage, they
cannot constitute grounds for After eleven (11) years of marriage, Leonida
annulment. filed a petition with the RTC in Las Piñas City
to annul their marriage on the ground that
q. Discuss Almelor v. RTC of Las Pinas Manuel was psychologically incapacitated to
City, GR. No. 179620, 26 August 2008. perform his marital obligations. The case,
docketed as LP-00-0132 was raffled off to
Branch 254.
Republic of the Philippines
SUPREME COURT During the trial, Leonida testified that she first
Manila met Manuel in 1981 at the San Lazaro Hospital
where they worked as medical student clerks. At
THIRD DIVISION that time, she regarded Manuel as a very
thoughtful person who got along well with other
G.R. No. 179620             August 26, 2008 people. They soon became sweethearts. Three
years after, they got married.6
MANUEL G. ALMELOR, petitioner,
vs. Leonida averred that Manuel's kind and gentle
THE HON. REGIONAL TRIAL COURT OF demeanor did not last long. In the public eye,
LAS PIÑAS CITY, BRANCH 254, and Manuel was the picture of a perfect husband and
LEONIDA T. ALMELOR, respondents. father. This was not the case in his private life.
At home, Leonida described Manuel as a harsh
DECISION disciplinarian, unreasonably meticulous, easily
angered. Manuel's unreasonable way of
REYES, R.T., J.: imposing discipline on their children was the


cause of their frequent fights as a couple. 7 situated in the same subdivision as Manuel's
Leonida complained that this was in stark clinic and residence.17 In other words, he and her
contrast to the alleged lavish affection Manuel family have competing or rival hospitals in the
has for his mother. Manuel's deep attachment to same vicinity.
his mother and his dependence on her decision-
making were incomprehensible to Leonida.8 Manuel belied her allegation that he was a cruel
father to their children. He denied maltreating
Further adding to her woes was his concealment them. At most, he only imposed the necessary
to her of his homosexuality. Her suspicions were discipline on the children.
first aroused when she noticed Manuel's peculiar
closeness to his male companions. For instance, He also defended his show of affection for his
she caught him in an indiscreet telephone mother. He said there was nothing wrong for
conversation manifesting his affection for a male him to return the love and affection of the
caller.9 She also found several pornographic person who reared and looked after him and his
homosexual materials in his possession. 10 Her siblings. This is especially apt now that his
worse fears were confirmed when she saw mother is in her twilight years. 18 Manuel pointed
Manuel kissed another man on the lips. The man out that Leonida found fault in this otherwise
was a certain Dr. Nogales.11 When she healthy relationship because of her very jealous
confronted Manuel, he denied everything. At and possessive nature.19
this point, Leonida took her children and left
their conjugal abode. Since then, Manuel This same overly jealous behavior of Leonida
stopped giving support to their children.12 drove Manuel to avoid the company of female
friends. He wanted to avoid any further
Dr. Valentina del Fonso Garcia, a clinical misunderstanding with his wife. But, Leonida
psychologist, was presented to prove Leonida's instead conjured up stories about his sexual
claim. Dr. del Fonso Garcia testified that she preference. She also fabricated tales about
conducted evaluative interviews and a battery of pornographic materials found in his possession
psychiatric tests on Leonida. She also had a one- to cast doubt on his masculinity.20
time interview with Manuel and face-to-face
interviews with Ma. Paulina Corrinne (the eldest To corroborate his version, he presented his
child).13 She concluded that Manuel is brother, Jesus G. Almelor. Jesus narrated that he
psychologically incapacitated.14 Such incapacity usually stayed at Manuel's house during his
is marked by antecedence; it existed even before weekly trips to Manila from Iriga City. He was a
the marriage and appeared to be incurable. witness to the generally harmonious relationship
between his brother Manuel and sister-in-law,
Manuel, for his part, admitted that he and Leonida. True, they had some quarrels typical of
Leonida had some petty arguments here and a husband and wife relationship. But there was
there. He, however, maintained that their marital nothing similar to what Leonida described in her
relationship was generally harmonious. The testimony.21
petition for annulment filed by Leonida came as
a surprise to him. Jesus further testified that he was with his
brother on the day Leonida allegedly saw
Manuel countered that the true cause of Manuel kissed another man. He denied that such
Leonida's hostility against him was their an incident occurred. On that particular date, 22
professional rivalry. It began when he refused to he and Manuel went straight home from a trip to
heed the memorandum15 released by Christ the Bicol. There was no other person with them at
King Hospital. The memorandum ordered him that time, except their driver.23
to desist from converting his own lying-in clinic
to a primary or secondary hospital. 16 Leonida's Manuel expressed his intention to refute Dr. del
family owns Christ the King Hospital which is Fonso Garcia's findings by presenting his own


expert witness. However, no psychiatrist was x x x a careful evaluation and in-depth analysis
presented. of the surrounding circumstances of the
allegations in the complaint and of the evidence
RTC Disposition presented in support thereof (sic) reveals that in
this case (sic) there is more than meets the eyes
By decision dated November 25, 2005, the RTC (sic).
granted the petition for annulment, with the
following disposition: Both legally and biologically, homosexuality x x
x is, indeed, generally incompatible with hetero
WHEREFORE, premised on the foregoing, sexual marriage. This is reason enough that in
judgment is hereby rendered: this jurisdiction (sic) the law recognizes
marriage as a special contract exclusively only
1. Declaring the marriage contracted by herein between a man and a woman x x x and thus
parties on 29 January 1989 and all its effects when homosexuality has trespassed into
under the law null and void from the marriage, the same law provides ample remedies
beginning; to correct the situation [Article 45(3) in relation
to Article 46(4) or Article 55, par. 6, Family
2. Dissolving the regime of community property Code]. This is of course in recognition of the
between the same parties with forfeiture of biological fact that no matter how a man cheats
defendant's share thereon in favor of the same himself that he is not a homosexual and forces
parties' children whose legal custody is awarded himself to live a normal heterosexual life, there
to plaintiff with visitorial right afforded to will surely come a time when his true sexual
defendant; preference as a homosexual shall prevail in
haunting him and thus jeopardizing the solidity,
honor, and welfare of his own family.25
3. Ordering the defendant to give monthly
financial support to all the children; and
Manuel filed a notice of appeal which was,
however, denied due course. Undaunted, he filed
4. Pursuant to the provisions of A.M. No. 02-11-
a petition for annulment of judgment with the
a. Directing the Branch Clerk of this Court to
Manuel contended that the assailed decision was
enter this Judgment upon its finality in the Book
issued in excess of the lower court's jurisdiction;
of Entry of Judgment and to issue an Entry of
that it had no jurisdiction to dissolve the
Judgment in accordance thereto; and
absolute community of property and forfeit his
conjugal share in favor of his children.
b. Directing the Local Civil Registrars of Las
Piñas City and Manila City to cause the
CA Disposition
registration of the said Entry of Judgment in
their respective Books of Marriages.
On July 31, 2007, the CA denied the petition,
disposing as follows:
Upon compliance, a decree of nullity of
marriage shall be issued.
WHEREFORE, the present Petition for
Annulment of Judgment is hereby DENIED. The
SO ORDERED.24 (Emphasis supplied)
Court AFFIRMS in toto the Decision (dated
November 25, 2005) of the Regional Trial Court
The trial court nullified the marriage, not on the (Branch 254), in Las Piñas City, in Civil Case
ground of Article 36, but Article 45 of the No. LP-00-0132. No costs.27
Family Code. It ratiocinated:


The CA stated that petitioner pursued the wrong PETITIONER'S PSYCHOLOGICAL

remedy by filing the extraordinary remedy of INCAPACITY;
petition for annulment of judgment. Said the
appellate court: III

It is obvious that the petitioner is questioning the THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS
propriety of the decision rendered by the lower ERRED IN UPHOLDING THE DECISION OF
Court. But the remedy assuming there was a THE TRIAL COURT AS REGARDS THE
mistake is not a Petition for Annulment of ORDER TO FORFEIT THE SHARE OF
Judgment but an ordinary appeal. An error of PETITIONER IN HIS SHARE OF THE
judgment may be reversed or corrected only by CONJUGAL ASSETS.29
Our Ruling
What petitioner is ascribing is an error of
judgment, not of jurisdiction, which is properly I. The stringent rules of procedures may be
the subject of an ordinary appeal. relaxed to serve the demands of substantial
justice and in the Court's exercise of equity
In short, petitioner admits the jurisdiction of the jurisdiction.
lower court but he claims excess in the exercise
thereof. "Excess" assuming there was is not Generally, an appeal taken either to the Supreme
covered by Rule 47 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Court or the CA by the wrong or inappropriate
Procedure. The Rule refers the lack of mode shall be dismissed.30 This is to prevent the
jurisdiction and not the exercise thereof.28 party from benefiting from one's neglect and
mistakes. However, like most rules, it carries
certain exceptions. After all, the ultimate
purpose of all rules of procedures is to achieve
substantial justice as expeditiously as possible.31

Issues Annulment of judgment under Rule 47 is a last

remedy. It can not be resorted to if the ordinary
Petitioner Manuel takes the present recourse via remedies are available or no longer available
Rule 45, assigning to the CA the following through no fault of petitioner.32 However, in
errors: Buenaflor v. Court of Appeals,33 this Court
clarified the proper appreciation for technical
I rules of procedure, in this wise:

THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS Rules of procedures are intended to promote,

ERRED IN NOT TREATING THE PETITION not to defeat, substantial justice and,
FOR ANNULMENT OF JUDGMENT AS A therefore, they should not be applied in a
PETITION FOR REVIEW IN VIEW OF THE very rigid and technical sense. The exception
IMPORTANCE OF THE ISSUES INVOLVED is that while the Rules are liberally construed,
AND IN THE INTEREST OF JUSTICE; the provisions with respect to the rules on the
manner and periods for perfecting appeals
II are strictly applied. As an exception to the
exception, these rules have sometimes been
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS relaxed on equitable considerations. Also, in
ERRED IN UPHOLDING THE DECISION OF some cases the Supreme Court has given due
THE TRIAL COURT AS REGARDS THE course to an appeal perfected out of time where
ORDER DECLARING THE MARRIAGE AS a stringent application of the rules would have
NULL AND VOID ON THE GROUND OF denied it, but only when to do so would serve


the demands of substantial justice and in the This Court granted Nerves petition and held that
exercise of equity jurisdiction of the Supreme she had substantially complied with the
Court.34 (Emphasis and underscoring supplied) Administrative Circular. The Court stated:

For reasons of justice and equity, this Court has That it was erroneously labeled as a petition for
allowed exceptions to the stringent rules certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court is
governing appeals.35 It has, in the past, refused only a minor procedural lapse, not fatal to the
to sacrifice justice for technicality.36 appeal. x x x

After discovering the palpable error of his More importantly, the appeal on its face appears
petition, Manuel seeks the indulgence of this to be impressed with merit. Hence, the Court of
Court to consider his petition before the CA Appeals should have overlooked the
instead as a petition for certiorari under Rule insubstantial defects of the petition x x x in
65. order to do justice to the parties concerned.
There is, indeed, nothing sacrosanct about
A perusal of the said petition reveals that procedural rules, which should be liberally
Manuel imputed grave abuse of discretion to the construed in order to promote their object and
lower court for annulling his marriage on assist the parties in obtaining just, speedy, and
account of his alleged homosexuality. This is not inexpensive determination of every action or
the first time that this Court is faced with a proceeding. As it has been said, where the rigid
similar situation. In Nerves v. Civil Service application of the rules would frustrate
Commission,37 petitioner Delia R. Nerves substantial justice, or bar the vindication of a
elevated to the CA a Civil Service Commission legitimate grievance, the courts are justified in
(CSC) decision suspending her for six (6) exempting a particular case from the operation
months. The CSC ruled Nerves, a public school of the rules.41 (Underscoring supplied)
teacher, is deemed to have already served her
six-month suspension during the pendency of the Similarly, in the more recent case of Tan v.
case. Nevertheless, she is ordered reinstated Dumarpa,42 petitioner Joy G. Tan availed of a
without back wages. On appeal, Nerves stated in wrong remedy by filing a petition for review on
her petition, inter alia: certiorari instead of a motion for new trial or an
ordinary appeal. In the interest of justice, this
1. This is a petition for certiorari filed pursuant Court considered the petition, pro hac vice, as a
to Article IX-A, Section 7 of the Constitution of petition for certiorari under Rule 65.
the Philippines and under Rule 65 of the Rules
of Court. This Court found that based on Tan's allegations,
the trial court prima facie committed grave
2. But per Supreme Court Revised abuse of discretion in rendering a judgment by
Administrative Circular No. 1-95 (Revised default. If uncorrected, it will cause petitioner
Circular No. 1-91) petitioner is filing the instant great injustice. The Court elucidated in this
petition with this Honorable Court instead of the wise:
Supreme Court.38 (Underscoring supplied)
Indeed, where as here, there is a strong showing
The CA dismissed Nerves' petition for certiorari that grave miscarriage of justice would result
for being the wrong remedy or the inappropriate from the strict application of the Rules, we will
mode of appeal.39 The CA opined that "under the not hesitate to relax the same in the interest of
Supreme Court Revised Administrative Circular substantial justice.43 (Underscoring supplied)
No. 1-95 x x x appeals from judgments or final
orders or resolutions of CSC is by a petition for Measured by the foregoing yardstick, justice
review."40 will be better served by giving due course to the
present petition and treating petitioner's CA


petition as one for certiorari under Rule 65, the loss of his right to appeal. He should not be
considering that what is at stake is the validity or made to suffer for his counsel's grave mistakes.
non-validity of a marriage. Higher interests of justice and equity demand
that he be allowed to ventilate his case in a
In Salazar v. Court of Appeals,44 citing Labad v. higher court.
University of Southeastern Philippines, this
Court reiterated: In Apex Mining, Inc. v. Court of Appeals,48 this
Court explained thus:
x x x The dismissal of appeals on purely
technical grounds is frowned upon. While the It is settled that the negligence of counsel binds
right to appeal is a statutory, not a natural right, the client. This is based on the rule that any act
nonetheless it is an essential part of our judicial performed by a counsel within the scope of his
system and courts should proceed with caution general or implied authority is regarded as an act
so as not to deprive a party of the right to appeal, of his client. However, where counsel is guilty
but rather, ensure that every party-litigant has of gross ignorance, negligence and dereliction of
the amplest opportunity for the proper and just duty, which resulted in the client's being held
disposition of his cause, free from the liable for damages in a damage suit, the client is
constraints of technicalities.45 deprived of his day in court and the judgment
may be set aside on such ground. In the instant
Indeed, it is far better and more prudent for a case, higher interests of justice and equity
court to excuse a technical lapse and afford the demand that petitioners be allowed to present
parties a review of the case on the merits to evidence on their defense. Petitioners may not
attain the ends of justice.46 be made to suffer for the lawyer's mistakes. This
Court will always be disposed to grant relief
Furthermore, it was the negligence and to parties aggrieved by perfidy, fraud,
incompetence of Manuel's counsel that reckless inattention and downright
prejudiced his right to appeal. His counsel, Atty. incompetence of lawyers, which has the
Christine Dugenio, repeatedly availed of consequence of depriving their clients, of
inappropriate remedies. After the denial of her their day in court.49 (Emphasis supplied)
notice of appeal, she failed to move for
reconsideration or new trial at the first instance. Clearly, this Court has the power to except a
She also erroneously filed a petition for particular case from the operation of the rule
annulment of judgment rather than pursue an whenever the demands of justice require it. With
ordinary appeal. more conviction should it wield such power in a
case involving the sacrosanct institution of
These manifest errors were clearly indicative of marriage. This Court is guided with the thrust of
counsel's incompetence. These gravely worked giving a party the fullest opportunity to establish
to the detriment of Manuel's appeal. True it is the merits of one's action.50
that the negligence of counsel binds the client.
Still, this Court has recognized certain The client was likewise spared from counsel's
exceptions: (1) where reckless or gross negligence in Government Service Insurance
negligence of counsel deprives the client of due System v. Bengson Commercial Buildings, Inc.51
process of law; (2) when its application will and Ancheta v. Guersey-Dalaygon.52 Said the
result in outright deprivation of the client's Court in Bengson:
liberty and property; or (3) where the interest of
justice so require.47 But if under the circumstances of the case, the
rule deserts its proper office as an aid to justice
The negligence of Manuel's counsel falls under and becomes a great hindrance and chief enemy,
the exceptions. Ultimately, the reckless or gross its rigors must be relaxed to admit exceptions
negligence of petitioner's former counsel led to thereto and to prevent a miscarriage of justice. In


other words, the court has the power to except a enough to establish with certainty that defendant
particular case from the operation of the rule is really a homosexual. This is the fact that can
whenever the purposes of justice require it.53 be deduced from the totality of the marriage life
scenario of herein parties.
II. Concealment of homosexuality is the proper
ground to annul a marriage, not Before his marriage, defendant knew very well
homosexuality per se. that people around him even including his own
close friends doubted his true sexual preference
Manuel is a desperate man determined to (TSN, pp. 35-36, 13 December 2000; pp. 73-75,
salvage what remains of his marriage. Persistent 15 December 2003). After receiving many
in his quest, he fought back all the heavy forewarnings, plaintiff told defendant about the
accusations of incapacity, cruelty, and doubted rumor she heard but defendant did not do
masculinity thrown at him. anything to prove to the whole world once and
for all the truth of all his denials. Defendant
The trial court declared that Leonida's petition threatened to sue those people but nothing
for nullity had "no basis at all because the happened after that. There may have been more
supporting grounds relied upon can not legally important matters to attend to than to waste time
make a case under Article 36 of the Family and effort filing cases against and be effected by
Code." It went further by citing Republic v. these people and so, putting more premiums on
Molina:54 defendant's denials, plaintiff just the same
married him. Reasons upon reasons may be
Indeed, mere allegations of conflicting advanced to either exculpate or nail to the cross
personalities, irreconcilable differences, defendant for his act of initially concealing his
incessant quarrels and/or beatings, unpredictable homosexuality to plaintiff, but in the end, only
mood swings, infidelities, vices, abandonment, one thing is certain - even during his marriage
and difficulty, neglect, or failure in the with plaintiff, the smoke of doubt about his real
performance of some marital obligations do not preference continued and even got thicker,
suffice to establish psychological incapacity. 55 reason why obviously defendant failed to
establish a happy and solid family; and in so
If so, the lower court should have dismissed failing, plaintiff and their children became his
outright the petition for not meeting the innocent and unwilling victims.
guidelines set in Molina. What Leonida
attempted to demonstrate were Manuel's Yes, there is nothing untoward of a man if, like
homosexual tendencies by citing overt acts herein defendant, he is meticulous over even
generally predominant among homosexual small details in the house (sic) like wrongly
individuals.56 She wanted to prove that the folded bed sheets, etc. or if a man is more
perceived homosexuality rendered Manuel authoritative in knowing what clothes or jewelry
incapable of fulfilling the essential marital shall fit his wife (pp. 77-81, TSN, 15 December
obligations. 2003); but these admissions of defendant taken
in the light of evidence presented apparently
But instead of dismissing the petition, the trial showing that he had extra fondness of his male
court nullified the marriage between Manuel friends (sic) to the extent that twice on separate
and Leonida on the ground of vitiated consent occasions (pp. 4-7, TSN, 14 February 2001) he
by virtue of fraud. In support of its conclusion, was allegedly seen by plaintiff kissing another
the lower court reasoned out: man lips-to-lips plus the homosexual magazines
and tapes likewise allegedly discovered
underneath his bed (Exhibits "L" and "M"), the
As insinuated by the State (p. 75, TSN, 15
doubt as to his real sex identity becomes
December 2003), when there is smoke surely
stronger. The accusation of plaintiff versus
there is fire. Although vehemently denied by
thereof of defendant may be the name of the
defendant, there is preponderant evidence
game in this case; but the simple reason of


professional rivalry advanced by the defendant however, pointed out that in Article 46, they are
is certainly not enough to justify and obscure the talking only of "concealment," while in the
question why plaintiff should accuse him of article on legal separation, there is actuality.
such a very untoward infidelity at the expense Judge Diy added that in legal separation, the
and humiliation of their children and family as a ground existed after the marriage, while in
whole.57 Article 46, the ground existed at the time of the
marriage. Justice Reyes suggested that, for
Evidently, no sufficient proof was presented to clarity, they add the phrase "existing at the time
substantiate the allegations that Manuel is a of the marriage" at the end of subparagraph (4).
homosexual and that he concealed this to The Committee approved the suggestion.63
Leonida at the time of their marriage. The lower
court considered the public perception of To reiterate, homosexuality per se is only a
Manuel's sexual preference without the ground for legal separation. It is its concealment
corroboration of witnesses. Also, it took that serves as a valid ground to annul a
cognizance of Manuel's peculiarities and marriage.64 Concealment in this case is not
interpreted it against his sexuality. simply a blanket denial, but one that is
constitutive of fraud. It is this fundamental
Even assuming, ex gratia argumenti, that element that respondent failed to prove.
Manuel is a homosexual, the lower court cannot
appreciate it as a ground to annul his marriage In the United States, homosexuality has been
with Leonida. The law is clear - a marriage may considered as a basis for divorce. It indicates
be annulled when the consent of either party was that questions of sexual identity strike so deeply
obtained by fraud,58 such as concealment of at one of the basic elements of marriage, which
homosexuality.59 Nowhere in the said decision is the exclusive sexual bond between the
was it proven by preponderance of evidence that spouses.65 In Crutcher v. Crutcher,66 the Court
Manuel was a homosexual at the onset of his held:
marriage and that he deliberately hid such fact to
his wife.60 It is the concealment of Unnatural practices of the kind charged here are
homosexuality, and not homosexuality per se, an infamous indignity to the wife, and which
that vitiates the consent of the innocent party. would make the marriage relation so revolting to
Such concealment presupposes bad faith and her that it would become impossible for her to
intent to defraud the other party in giving discharge the duties of a wife, and would defeat
consent to the marriage. the whole purpose of the relation. In the natural
course of things, they would cause mental
Consent is an essential requisite of a valid suffering to the extent of affecting her health. 67
marriage. To be valid, it must be freely given by
both parties. An allegation of vitiated consent However, although there may be similar
must be proven by preponderance of evidence. sentiments here in the Philippines, the legal
The Family Code has enumerated an exclusive overtones are significantly different. Divorce is
list of circumstances61 constituting fraud. not recognized in the country. Homosexuality
Homosexuality per se is not among those cited, and its alleged incompatibility to a healthy
but its concealment. heterosexual life are not sanctioned as grounds
to sever the marriage bond in our jurisdiction. At
This distinction becomes more apparent when most, it is only a ground to separate from bed
we go over the deliberations62 of the Committees and board.
on the Civil Code and Family Law, to wit:
What was proven in the hearings a quo was a
Justice Caguioa remarked that this ground relatively blissful marital union for more than
should be eliminated in the provision on the eleven (11) years, which produced three (3)
grounds for legal separation. Dean Gupit, children. The burden of proof to show the nullity


of the marriage rests on Leonida. Sadly, she x x x The failure to cohabit becomes relevant
failed to discharge this onus. only if it arises as a result of the perpetration of
any of the grounds for annulling the marriage,
The same failure to prove fraud which such as lack of parental consent, insanity, fraud,
purportedly resulted to a vitiated marital consent intimidation, or undue influence x x x. Since the
was found in Villanueva v. Court of Appeals.68 appellant failed to justify his failure to cohabit
In Villanueva, instead of proving vitiation of with the appellee on any of these grounds, the
consent, appellant resorted to baseless portrayals validity of his marriage must be upheld.69
of his wife as a perpetrator of fraudulent
schemes. Said the Court: Verily, the lower court committed grave abuse
of discretion, not only by solely taking into
Factual findings of the Court of Appeals, account petitioner's homosexuality per se and
especially if they coincide with those of the trial not its concealment, but by declaring the
court, as in the instant case, are generally marriage void from its existence.
binding on this Court. We affirm the findings of
the Court of Appeals that petitioner freely and This Court is mindful of the constitutional
voluntarily married private respondent and that policy to protect and strengthen the family as the
no threats or intimidation, duress or violence basic autonomous social institution and marriage
compelled him to do so, thus - as the foundation of the family. 70 The State and
the public have vital interest in the maintenance
Appellant anchored his prayer for the annulment and preservation of these social institutions
of his marriage on the ground that he did not against desecration by fabricated evidence. 71
freely consent to be married to the appellee. He Thus, any doubt should be resolved in favor of
cited several incidents that created on his mind a the validity of marriage.
reasonable and well-grounded fear of an
imminent and grave danger to his life and safety. III. In a valid marriage, the husband and wife
xxx jointly administer and enjoy their community
or conjugal property.
The Court is not convinced that appellant's
apprehension of danger to his person is so Article 96 of the Family Code, on regimes of
overwhelming as to deprive him of the will to absolute community property, provides:
enter voluntarily to a contract of marriage. It is
not disputed that at the time he was allegedly Art. 96. The administration and enjoyment of
being harassed, appellant worked as a security the community property shall belong to both
guard in a bank. Given the rudiments of self- spouses jointly. In case of disagreement, the
defense, or, at the very least, the proper way to husband's decision shall prevail, subject to
keep himself out of harm's way. x x x recourse to the court by the wife for a proper
remedy, which must be availed of within five
Appellant also invoked fraud to annul his years from the date of the contract implementing
marriage, as he was made to believe by appellee such decision.
that the latter was pregnant with his child when
they were married. Appellant's excuse that he In the event that one spouse is incapacitated or
could not have impregnated the appellee because otherwise unable to participate in the
he did not have an erection during their tryst is administration of the common properties, the
flimsy at best, and an outright lie at worst. The other spouse may assume sole powers of
complaint is bereft of any reference to his administration. These powers do not include the
inability to copulate with the appellee. x x x powers of disposition or encumbrance without
the authority of the court or the written consent
xxxx of the other spouse. In the absence of such
authority or consent, the disposition or


encumbrance shall be void. However, the twenty-one, or by the parent or guardian or

transaction shall be construed as a continuing person having legal charge of the minor, at
offer on the part of the consenting spouse and any time before such party has reached the
the third person, and may be perfected as a age of twenty-one;
binding contract upon the acceptance by the
other spouse or authorization by the court before
the offer is withdrawn by either or both offerors.
(2) For causes mentioned in number 2 of
Article 45, by the same spouse, who had no
A similar provision, Article 124 72 prescribes knowledge of the other’s insanity; or by any
joint administration and enjoyment in a regime relative or guardian or person having legal
of conjugal partnership. In a valid marriage, charge of the insane, at any time before the
both spouses exercise administration and death of either party, or by the insane spouse
enjoyment of the property regime, jointly. during a lucid interval or after regaining
In the case under review, the RTC decreed a
dissolution of the community property of (3) For causes mentioned in number 3 of
Manuel and Leonida. In the same breath, the Article 45, by the injured party, within five
trial court forfeited Manuel's share in favor of years after the discovery of the fraud;
the children. Considering that the marriage is
upheld valid and subsisting, the dissolution and
forfeiture of Manuel's share in the property
(4) For causes mentioned in number 4 of
regime is unwarranted. They remain the joint Article 45, by the injured party, within five
administrators of the community property. years from the time the force, intimidation
or undue influence disappeared or ceased;
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED.
The appealed Decision is REVERSED and SET (5) For causes mentioned in number 5 and 6
ASIDE and the petition in the trial court to of Article 45, by the injured party, within
annul the marriage is DISMISSED. five years after the marriage. (87a)

SO ORDERED. s. Discuss Article 48 of the Family Code.

Art. 48. In all cases of annulment or

declaration of absolute nullity of marriage,
the Court shall order the prosecuting
attorney or fiscal assigned to it to appear on
behalf of the State to take steps to prevent
r. Discuss Article 47 of the Family Code. collusion between the parties and to take
care that evidence is not fabricated or
Art. 47. The action for annulment of
marriage must be filed by the following In the cases referred to in the preceding
persons and within the periods indicated paragraph, no judgment shall be based upon
herein: a stipulation of facts or confession of
judgment. (88a)
(1) For causes mentioned in number 1 of
Article 45 by the party whose parent or t. Discuss Tuason v. Court of Appeals,
guardian did not give his or her consent, GR. No. 116607, 10 April 1996.
within five years after attaining the age of



petition for relief from judgment is governed by
Rule 38, Section 2 of the Revised Rules of
Court. A final and executory judgment or order
of the Regional Trial Court may be set aside on
SECOND DIVISION the ground of fraud, accident, mistake or
excusable negligence. In addition, the petitioner
[G.R. No. 116607. April 10, 1996.] must assert facts showing that he has a good,
substantial and meritorious defense or cause of
EMILIO TUASON, Petitioner, v. COURT OF action. If the petition is granted, the court shall
APPEALS and MARIA VICTORIA L. proceed to hear and determine the case as if a
TUASON, Respondents. timely motion for new trial had been granted
Seguion Reyna, Montecillo & Ongsiako for
Petitioner. 3. ID.; ID.; ID.; NOTICES SENT TO
Salonga, Hernandez & Allado for Private THE CLIENT. — The failure of petitioner’s
Respondent. counsel to notify him on time of the adverse
judgment to enable him to appeal therefrom is
negligence which is not excusable. Notice sent
SYLLABUS to counsel of record is binding upon the client
and the neglect or failure of counsel to inform
him of an adverse judgment resulting in the loss
1. REMEDIAL LAW; CIVIL PROCEDURE; of this right to appeal is not a ground for setting
RELIEF FROM JUDGMENT, ALLOWED aside a judgment valid and regular on its face.
from judgment is an equitable remedy; it is FOR HIS CLIENT’S NON-APPEARANCE AT
allowed only in exceptional cases where there is THE SCHEDULED HEARINGS. — Similarly
no other available or adequate remedy. When a inexcusable was the failure of his former
party has another remedy available to him, counsel to inform the trial court of petitioner’s
which may be either a motion for new trial or confinement and medical treatment as the reason
appeal from an adverse decision of the trial for his non-appearance at the scheduled
court, and he was not prevented by fraud, hearings. Petitioner has not given any reason
accident, mistake or excusable negligence from why his former counsel, intentionally or
filing such motion or taking such appeal, he unintentionally, did not inform the court of this
cannot avail himself of this petition. Indeed, fact. This led the trial court to order the case
relief will not be granted to a party who seeks deemed submitted for decision on the basis of
avoidance from the effects of the judgment when the evidence presented by the private respondent
the loss of the remedy at law was due to his own alone. To compound the negligence of
negligence; otherwise the petition for relief can petitioner’s counsel, the order of the trial court
be used to revive the right to appeal which have was never assailed via a motion for
been lost thru inexcusable negligence. reconsideration.





ERRONEOUS. — Suffice it to state that the 8. ID.; ID.; ID.; NON-INTERFERENCE OF A
finding of the trial court as to the existence or PROSECUTING ATTORNEY IS NOT FATAL
non-existence of petitioner’s psychological TO THE VALIDITY OF THE PROCEEDINGS
incapacity at the time of the marriage is final and IN THE TRIAL COURT IF PETITIONER
binding on us. Petitioner has not sufficiently VEHEMENTLY OPPOSED THE
shown that the trial court’s factual findings and ANNULMENT OF THEIR MARRIAGE IN
evaluation of the testimonies of private THE SAID COURT. — The role of the
respondent’s witnesses vis-a-vis petitioner’s prosecuting attorney or fiscal in annulment of
defenses are clearly and manifestly erroneous. marriage and legal separation proceedings is to
determine whether collusion exists between the
6. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; BILL OF parties and to take care that the evidence is not
RIGHTS; PROCEDURAL DUE PROCESS; suppressed or fabricated. Petitioner’s vehement
NOT VIOLATED IF PETITIONER WAS opposition to the annulment proceedings negates
GIVEN OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD. — the conclusion that collusion existed between the
Petitioner cannot now claim that he was parties. There is no allegation by the petitioner
deprived of due process. He may have lost his that evidence was suppressed or fabricated by
right to present evidence but he was not denied any of the parties. Under these circumstances,
his day in court. As the records show, Petitioner, we are convinced that the non-intervention of a
through counsel, actively participated in the prosecuting attorney to assure lack of collusion
proceedings below. He filed his answer to the between the contending parties is not fatal to the
petition, cross-examined private respondent’s validity of the proceedings in the trial court.
witnesses and even submitted his opposition to
private respondent’s motion for dissolution of
the conjugal partnership of gains. DECISION


MAY BE ORDERED BY THE COURT TO This petition for review on certiorari seeks to
INTERVENE ON BEHALF OF THE STATE annul and set aside the decision dated July 29,
TO PREVENT COLLUSION BETWEEN THE 1994 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV
PARTIES. — A grant of annulment of marriage No. 37925 denying petitioner’s appeal from an
or legal separation by default is fraught with the order of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 149,
danger of collusion. Hence, in all cases for Makati in Civil Case No. 3769.
annulment, declaration of nullity of marriage
and legal separation, the prosecuting attorney or This case arose from the following
fiscal is ordered to appear on behalf of the state facts:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
for the purpose of preventing any collusion
between the parties and to take care that their In 1989, private respondent Maria Victoria
evidence is not fabricated or suppressed. If the Lopez Tuason filed with the Regional Trial
defendant spouse fails to answer the complaint, Court, Branch 149, Makati a petition for
the court cannot declare him or her in default but annulment or declaration of nullity of her
instead, should order the prosecuting attorney to marriage to petitioner Emilio R. Tuason. In her
determine if collusion exists between the parties. complaint, private respondent alleged that she
The prosecuting attorney or fiscal may oppose and petitioner were married on June 3, 1972 and
the application for legal separation or annulment from this union, begot two children; that at the
through the presentation of his own evidence, if time of the marriage, petitioner was already
in his opinion, the proof adduced is dubious and psychologically incapacitated to comply with his


essential marital obligations which became and was compelled, with the knowledge of his
manifest afterward and resulted in violent fights wife, to dispose of some of the conjugal shares
between husband and wife; that in one of their in exclusive golf and country clubs. Petitioner
fights, petitioner inflicted physical injuries on petitioned the court to allow him to return to the
private respondent which impelled her to file a conjugal home and continue his administration
criminal case for physical injuries against him; of the conjugal partnership.
that petitioner used prohibited drugs, was
apprehended by the authorities and sentenced to After the issues were joined, trial commenced on
a one-year suspended penalty and has not been March 30, 1990. Private respondent presented
rehabilitated; that petitioner was a womanizer, four witnesses, namely, herself; Dr. Samuel
and in 1984, he left the conjugal home and Wiley, a Canon Law expert and marriage
cohabited with three women in succession, one counselor of both private respondent and
of whom he presented to the public as his wife; petitioner; Ms. Adelita Prieto, a close friend of
that after he left the conjugal dwelling, petitioner the spouses, and Atty. Jose F. Racela IV, private
gave minimal support to the family and even respondent’s counsel. Private respondent
refused to pay for the tuition fees of their likewise submitted documentary evidence
children compelling private respondent to accept consisting of newspaper articles of her
donations and dole-outs from her family and husband’s relationship with other women, his
friends; that petitioner likewise became a apprehension by the authorities for illegal
spendthrift and abused his administration of the possession of drugs; and copies of a prior church
conjugal partnership by alienating some of their annulment decree. 2 The parties’ marriage was
assets and incurring large obligations with clerically annulled by the Tribunal
banks, credit card companies and other financial Metropolitanum Matrimoniale which was
institutions, without private respondent’s affirmed by the National Appellate Matrimonial
consent; that attempts at reconciliation were Tribunal in 1986. 3
made but they all failed because of petitioner’s
refusal to reformed. In addition to her prayer for During presentation of private respondent’s
annulment of marriage, private respondent evidence, Petitioner, on April 18, 1990, filed his
prayed for powers of administration to save the Opposition to private respondent’s petition for
conjugal properties from further dissipation. 1 appointment as administratrix of partnership of
Petitioner answered denying the imputations
against him. As affirmative defense, he claimed After private respondent rested her case, the trial
that he and private respondent were a normal court scheduled the reception of petitioner’s
married couple during the first ten years of their evidence on may 11, 1990.
marriage and actually begot two children during
this period; that it was only in 1982 that they On May 8, 1990, two days before scheduled
began to have serious personal differences when hearing, a counsel for petitioner moved for a
his wife did not accord the respect and dignity postponement on the ground that the principal
due him as a husband but treated him like a counsel was out of the country and due to return
persona non grata; that due to the "extreme on the first week of June. 4 The court granted
animosities" between them, he temporarily left the motion and reset the hearing to June 8, 1990.
the conjugal home for a "cooling-off period" in 5
1984; that it is private respondent who had been
taking prohibited drugs and had a serious affair On June 8, 1990, petitioner failed to appear. On
with another man; that petitioner’s work as oral motion of private respondent, the court
owner and operator of a radio and television declared petitioner to have waived his right to
station exposed him to malicious gossip linking present evidence and deemed the case submitted
him to various women in media and the for decision on the basis of the evidence
entertainment world; and that since 1984, he presented.
experienced financial reverses in his business


On June 29, 1990, the trial court rendered Hence this petition.
judgment declaring the nullity of private
respondents marriage to petitioner and awarding The threshold issue is whether a petition for
custody of the children to private Respondent. relief from judgment is warranted under the
The court circumstances of the case.

"WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the We rule in the negative.

marriage contracted by Ma. Victoria L. Tuason
and Emilio R. Tuason on June 3, 1972 is A petition for relief from judgment is governed
declared null and void ab initio on the ground of by Rule 38, Section 2 of the Revised Rules of
psychological incapacity on the part of the Court which
defendant under Sec. 36 of the Family Code. Let
herein judgment of annulment be recorded in the "SECTION 2. Petition to Court of First Instance
registry of Mandaluyong, Metro Manila where for relief from judgment or other proceeding
the marriage was contracted and in the registry thereof. — When a judgment or order is entered,
of Makati, Metro Manila where the marriage is or any other proceeding is taken, against a party
annulled. in a Court of First Instance through fraud,
accident, mistake, or excusable negligence, he
The custody of the two (2) legitimate children of may file a petition in such court and in the same
the plaintiff and the defendant is hereby awarded cause praying that the judgment, order or
to the plaintiff. proceeding be set aside."cralaw virtua1aw
The foregoing judgment is without prejudice to
the application of the other effects of annulment Under the rules, a final and executory judgment
as provided for under Arts. 50 and 51 of the or order of the Regional Trial Court may be set
Family Code of the Philippines." 6 aside on the ground of fraud, accident, mistake
or excusable negligence. In addition, the
Counsel for petitioner received a copy of this petitioner must assert facts showing that he has a
decision on August 24, 1990. No appeal was good, substantial and meritorious defense or
taken from the decision. cause of action. 11 If the petition is granted, the
court shall proceed to hear and determine the
On September 24, 1990, private respondent filed case as if a timely motion for new trial had been
a "Motion for Dissolution of Conjugal granted therein. 12
Partnership of Gains and Adjudication to
Plaintiff of the Conjugal Properties." 7 Petitioner In the case at bar, the decision annulling
opposed the motion on October 17, 1990. 8 petitioner’s marriage to private respondent had
already become final and executory when
Also on the same day, October 17, 1990, petitioner failed to appeal during the
Petitioner, through new counsel, filed with the reglementary period. Petitioner however claims
trial court a petition for relief from judgment of that the decision of the trial court was null and
the June 29, 1990 decision. void for violation of his right to due process. He
contends he was denied due process when, after
The trial court denied the petition on August 8, failing to appear on two scheduled hearings, the
1991. 9 trial court deemed him to have waived his right
to present evidence and rendered judgment on
Petitioner appealed before the Court of Appeals the basis of the evidence for Private Respondent.
the order of the trial court denying his petition Petitioner justifies his absence at the hearings on
for relief from judgment. On July 29, 1994, the the ground that he was then "confined for
Court of Appeals dismissed the appeal and medical and/or rehabilitation reasons. 13 In his
affirmed the order of the trial court. 10 affidavit of merit before the trial court, he
attached a certification by Lt. Col. Plaridel F.


Vidal, Director of the Narcotics Command, A petition for relief from judgment is an
Drug Rehabilitation Center which states that on equitable remedy; it is allowed only in
March 27, 1990 petitioner was admitted for exceptional cases where there is no other
treatment of drug dependency at the Drug available or adequate remedy. When a party has
Rehabilitation Center at Camp Bagong Diwa, another remedy available to him, which may be
Bicutan, Taguig, Manila of the Philippine either a motion for new trial or appeal from an
Constabulary-Integrated National Police. 14 The adverse decision of the trial court, and he was
records, however, show that the former counsel not prevented by fraud, accident, mistake or
of petitioner did not inform the trial court of this excusable negligence from filing such motion or
confinement. And when the court rendered its taking such appeal, he cannot avail himself of
decision, the same counsel was out of the this petition. 18 Indeed, relief will not be granted
country for which reason the decision became to a party who seeks avoidance from the effects
final and executory as no appeal was taken of the judgment when the loss of the remedy at
therefrom. 15 law was due to his own negligence; otherwise
the petition for relief can be used to revive the
The failure of petitioner’s counsel to notify him right to appeal which have been lost thru
on time of the adverse judgment to enable him inexcusable negligence. 19
to appeal therefrom is negligence which is not
excusable. Notice sent to counsel of record is Petitioner also insists that he has meritorious
binding upon the client and the neglect or failure defense. He cites the Family Code which
of counsel to inform him of an adverse judgment provides that in actions for annulment of
resulting in the loss of this right to appeal is not marriage or legal separation, the prosecuting
a ground for setting aside a judgment valid and officer should intervene for the state because the
regular on its face. 16 law "looks with disfavor upon the haphazard
declaration of annulment of marriages by
Similarly inexcusable was the failure of his default." He contends that when he failed to
former counsel to inform the trial court of appear at the scheduled hearings, the trial court
petitioner’s confinement and medical treatment should have ordered the prosecuting officer to
as the reason for his non-appearance at the intervene for the state and inquire as to the
scheduled hearings. Petitioner has not given any reason for his non-appearance. 20
reason why his former counsel, intentionally or
unintentionally, did not inform the court of this Articles 48 and 60 of the Family Code read as
fact. This led the trial court to order the case
deemed submitted for decision on the basis of
the evidence presented by the private respondent "ARTICLE 48. In all cases of annulment or
alone. To compound the negligence of declaration of absolute nullity of marriage, the
petitioner’s counsel, the order of the trial court Court shall order the prosecution attorney or
was never assailed via a motion for fiscal assigned to it to appear on behalf of the
reconsideration. State to take steps to prevent collusion between
the parties and to take care that evidence is not
Clearly, petitioner cannot now claim that he was fabricated or suppressed.
deprived of due process. He may have lost his
right to present evidence but he was not denied In the cases referred to in the preceding
his day in court. As the records show, Petitioner, paragraph, no judgment shall be based upon a
through counsel, actively participated in the stipulation of facts or confession of
proceedings below. He filed his answer to the judgment."cralaw virtua1aw library
petition, cross-examined private respondent’s
witnesses and even submitted his opposition to x       x       x
private respondent’s motion for dissolution of
the conjugal partnership of gains. 17
"ARTICLE 60. No decree of legal separation


shall be based upon a stipulation of facts or a The role of the prosecuting attorney or fiscal in
confession of judgment. annulment of marriage and legal separation
proceedings is to determine whether collusion
In any case, the Court shall order the exists between the parties and to take care that
prosecuting attorney or fiscal assigned to it to the evidence is not suppressed or fabricated.
take steps to prevent collusion between the Petitioner’s vehement opposition to the
parties and to take care that the evidence is not annulment proceedings negates the conclusion
fabricated or suppressed." 21 that collusion existed between the parties. There
is no allegation by the petitioner that evidence
A grant of annulment of marriage or legal was suppressed or fabricated by any of the
separation by default is fraught with the danger parties. Under these circumstances, we are
of collusion. 22 Hence, in all cases for convinced that the non-intervention of a
annulment, declaration of nullity of marriage prosecuting attorney to assure lack of collusion
and legal separation, the prosecuting attorney or between the contending parties is not fatal to the
fiscal is ordered to appear on behalf of the state validity of the proceedings in the trial court.
for the purpose of preventing any collusion
between the parties and to take care that their Petitioner also refutes the testimonies of private
evidence is not fabricated or suppressed. If the respondent’s witnesses, particularly Dr. Samuel
defendant spouse fails to answer the complaint, Wiley and Ms. Adelita Prieto, as biased,
the court cannot declare him or her in default but incredible and hearsay. Petitioner alleges that if
instead, should order the prosecuting attorney to he were able to present his evidence, he could
determine if collusion exists between parties. 23 have testified that he was not psychologically
The prosecuting attorney or fiscal may oppose incapacitated at the time of the marriage as
the application for legal separation or annulment indicated by the fact that during their first ten
through the presentation of his own evidence, if years, he and private respondent lived together
in his opinion, the proof adduced is dubious and with their children as one normal and happy
fabricated. 24 Our Constitution is committed to family, that he continued supporting his family
the policy of strengthening the family as a basic even after he left the conjugal dwelling and that
social institution. 25 Our family law is based on his work as owner and operator of a radio and
the policy that marriage is not a mere contract, television corporation places him in the public
but a social institution in which the state is eye and makes him a good subject for malicious
vitally interested. The state can find no stronger gossip linking him with various women. These
anchor than on good, solid and happy families. facts, according to petitioner, should disprove
The break up of families weakens our social and the ground for annulment of his marriage to
moral fabric and, hence, their preservation is not petitioner.
the concern alone of the family members.
Suffice it to state that the finding of the trial
The facts in the case at bar do not call for the court as to the existence or non-existence of
strict application of Articles 48 and 60 of the petitioner’s psychological incapacity at the time
Family Code. For one, petitioner was not of the marriage is final and binding on us. 26
declared in default by the trial court for failure to Petitioner has not sufficiently shown that the
answer. Petitioner filed his answer to the trial court’s factual findings and evaluation of
complaint and contested the cause of action the testimonies of private respondent’s witnesses
alleged by private Respondent. He actively vis-a-vis petitioner’s defenses are clearly and
participated in the proceedings below by filing manifestly erroneous. 27
several pleadings and cross-examining the
witnesses of private Respondent. It is crystal IN VIEW WHEREOF, the petition is denied and
clear that every stage of the litigation was the decision dated July 29, 1994 of the Court of
characterized by a no-holds barred contest and Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 37925 is affirmed.
not by collusion.


Art. 51. In said partition, the value of the

u. What is stipulation of facts? presumptive legitimes of all common
- US Legal: refers to an agreement children, computed as of the date of the final
on the facts of a case for the judgment of the trial court, shall be delivered
purpose of simplifying the issues in cash, property or sound securities, unless
involved and to guide the court the parties, by mutual agreement judicially
properly in making a judicious approved, had already provided for such
decision. matters.

v. Discuss Articles 49 to 54 of the Family The children or their guardian or the trustee
Code. of their property may ask for the
enforcement of the judgment.
Art. 49. During the pendency of the action
and in the absence of adequate provisions in a The delivery of the presumptive legitimes
written agreement between the spouses, the herein prescribed shall in no way prejudice
Court shall provide for the support of the the ultimate successional rights of the
spouses and the custody and support of their children accruing upon the death of either of
common children. The Court shall give both of the parents; but the value of the
paramount consideration to the moral and properties already received under the decree
material welfare of said children and their of annulment or absolute nullity shall be
choice of the parent with whom they wish to considered as advances on their legitime. (n)
remain as provided to in Title IX. It shall also
provide for appropriate visitation rights of Art. 52. The judgment of annulment or of
the other parent. (n) absolute nullity of the marriage, the partition
and distribution of the properties of the
Art. 50. The effects provided for by spouses and the delivery of the children’s
paragraphs (2), (3), (4) and (5) of Article 43 presumptive legitimes shall be recorded in the
and by Article 44 shall also apply in the appropriate civil registry and registries of
proper cases to marriages which are declared property; otherwise, the same shall not affect
ab initio or annulled by final judgment under third persons. (n)
Articles 40 and 45.
Art. 53. Either of the former spouses may
The final judgment in such cases shall marry again after compliance with the
provide for the liquidation, partition and requirements of the immediately preceding
distribution of the properties of the spouses, Article; otherwise, the subsequent marriage
the custody and support of the common shall be null and void.
children, and the delivery of third
presumptive legitimes, unless such matters Art. 54. Children conceived or born before
had been adjudicated in previous judicial the judgment of annulment or absolute
proceedings. nullity of the marriage under Article 36 has
become final and executory shall be
All creditors of the spouses as well as of the considered legitimate. Children conceived or
absolute community or the conjugal born of the subsequent marriage under
partnership shall be notified of the Article 53 shall likewise be legitimate.
proceedings for liquidation.
w. What are presumptive legitimes?
In the partition, the conjugal dwelling and the - The presumptive legitimes of all
lot on which it is situated, shall be common children shall be
adjudicated in accordance with the provisions delivered in (a) cash, (b) property
of Articles 102 and 129. or (c) sound securities. Exception:


If these matters had already been

provided in a mutual agreement of
the parties concerned and approved
by a competent court.
- The legitimes shall be considered as
advance inheritance, if upon the
death of either or both parents, the
children whose ultimate
successional rights shall not be
prejudiced, have still rights or
properties to inherit from their
deceased parents.
- Legitimes, as the Civil Code defines
it, “is that part of the testator’s
property which he cannot dispose of
because the law has reserved it for
certain heirs, who are therefore
called compulsory heirs.” (Art. 886)


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