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Configuring computer and network

adapter for Giga Ethernet best


Application note

This application note is partially based on Pleora® recommendations, and is only applicable
for cameras connected via Giga Ethernet. It explains how to set several parameters for Windows and
for the network adapter in order to get best performance from camera and acquisition software.

Please note that this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. FLIR reserves the right to
make changes to it, and does not assume any responsibility for its use.
1 - Configuring Windows parameters

 Power management

First of all, most of laptop computers feature an auto power management. It automatically
adjusts power settings with regards to the battery statement (connected or not, full or almost empty
…). This power management must be deactivated, has it often lower the network card performance.

In order to do so, please go on your computer power options, and select “High performance”, as

 Windows firewall and other filter drivers

Besides, please ensure that:

o Windows firewall and anti-virus scan are completely turned off,

o The Networking tab in the Windows Task Manager is not opened,
o The Windows Performance Monitor (perfmon.exe) is not running,
o Wireshark is not running.
2 - Configuring Network adapter

The network adapter settings are also important since it directly affects the communication between
camera and computer. Thus, some parameters must be setup as explained below.

In the device manager menu, right click on the Ethernet card which is connected to the camera.

Then, a new window should appear. The parameters that must be set, if available, are:

 Flow control  disabled

 Interrupt moderation  High or if possible extreme
 Link speed and Duplex  maximum value
 Jumbo packets  maximum value
 Receive buffers  maximum value
 And also power management  do not allow the computer to turn off the network device

Please find below an example of configuration for an Intel 82567LM Gigabit Network Adapter:

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