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Reaction Paper

Patch Adams

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Patch Adams begins with a man played by Robin Williams) a man who commits
himself to a mental institution because he has been contemplating suicide. In the
institution he finds men who are much worse off than himself, and he is moved to
try to help them by reacting to them as people rather than as a disease. . He
discovers the best way to help a person who is sick is to first treat the patient as a human
being, then address the illness.

He leaves the mental institution and enrolled in a medical school. They were told that they won't
be interacting with patients until they are third year students. He can’t wait so he bends and
breaks rules in his quest to help the patients in the teaching hospital. In one memorable scene he
reaches out to the patients and gets them to laugh and enjoy life with cancer patients. This course
of action naturally puts him in trouble with the authorities of the medical school, notably the

Patch recruits other medical students and falls in love with one of them. This woman tells him
that she's afraid to help him in his pursuits because "people get hurt." He also gets the help of
other medical students and some nurses from the teaching hospital.

This movie never hit a wrong note. The acting in particular is effective and very real ("If you can
fake sincerity, you've got it made"). The message is simple but not simple-minded: that the
healing relationship between doctor and patient demands the engagement of doctor with patient
as "I and Thou," human being to human being in equality and compassion.

Robin Williams is great in this role, energetic, winning, consistently doing exactly the right thing
at the right time. It's not a performance of understatement, but rather of forceful and convincing
statement. Reminiscent of Dead Poets Society, this is a portrait of a passionate man who is very
cognizant of the bounds that society places on passion, and working to stretch those bounds to
the limit. He seeks to topple human idols from their inappropriate pedestals, for the good of the
suffering. A movie like this redeems the entire medium from its excesses. It's a movie about
loosening up, for the right reasons, and I found it utterly convincing and uplifting

The first seen that I remember is when Mr. Adams break the rule in interacting with
children with cancer. He makes fun of himself so he can make the children happy
despite of their illness.

Second scene is with a man who is very hard headed. All nurses inside the ward is
afraid in going inside the patients room because of the patients attitude. Mr. Adams
is very determined to interact with that that person. At first Adam didn’t fulfilled his
goal. As time passes as Patch so his rapport to his patient he became okay with

IV. Reaction
This movie is very related to nurses not to the doctors because in reality it is the
nurse who always stays with the patient all the time. It also tells me that happiness
is the best medicine to heal patients with illness. it also reminds us that we should
be caring for our patients that they are in the hospital for our help.

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