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Guide Questions for PSE 2 Modern Political Theory

Text Book: Great Political Thinkers, Plato to the Present, 5 th Edition

Answer the following on a yellow paper. Write your NAME, YEAR AND SECTION and PAGE NO. Copy
the questions and answer the questions below. For every yellow paper you use, Write your NAME,

Always explain, expound and define your answers. The answers can be found on your hand-outs (PDF
Format uploaded in our Closed Group Account)

Activity1/Module 1 The Life and Political Philosophy of Jean Bodin

Source: Text Book: Great Political Thinkers, Plato to the Present, 5th Edition
Pages 384-388

Topic A. Jean Bodin

1. What is the central concept of modern political thought, how about the ancient and medieval

2. Who was the political thinker to coin the term state?

3. Describe the biographical and academic background of Jean Bodin.

4. What is the social condition of France during the time of Bodin?

5. What do you mean by politiques? Describe them.

6. How did Bodin define sovereignty?

7. How did Bodin distinguish a government from a state?

8. What is the essence of sovereign according to Jean Bodin?

9. What are the limitations of sovereignty?

10. What form of government is being advance by Bodin?

11. Distinguish illegitimate monarchy.


Pages 389-396

1. What is a state, how did Bodin discuss his definition of the state?

2. What is sovereignty, why is it important to define sovereignty?

3. Why is sovereign perpetual?

4. Are those in authority sovereign?

5. What would happen if sovereignty is granted to the subordinate of the Prince?

6. Are the elected officials possess sovereignty, why?

7. What do we mean by the perpetual in the context of Jean Bodin?

8. Has the prince an authority to violate the laws of God in nature? Explain.

9. Distinguish law and contracts according to the context of Jean Bodin.

10. What is the principal aspect of sovereign rule and absolute power?

12. What is the first characteristic of sovereign prince?

13. What are the basses of monarchy?

14. Give and explain the three monarchies according to Bodin.

15. What is the true sign of legitimate monarchy, how can a king accomplish this?

16. Explain the difference between a king and a tyranny.

17. What are the social causes of revolution?

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