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Example 9.1 Data on a screening operation is presented in Table 9.1. Particle size distributions of feed, overflow, and underflow are given as cumulative frequency. The screen used for separation has an aperture size of 460 um, and 1000 kg/h of feed are pro- cessed obtaining 650 kg/h of overflow. Calculate the efficiency of the operation. SOLUTION Having the particle size distributions of the three streams, as well as two of their flow rates, Equation 9.8. can be used to evaluate efficiency. Fractions Xj Xo, and Xy can be determined from a plot of equivalent sieve diameter versus cumulative frequencies of the feed, overilow, and underflow, at the cut diameter D,,. Plotting data from Table 9.1, the graph in Figure 9.3 is obtained. Consulting values on this graph: X, = 0.14, X, = 0.58, and X,,= 0.85. From asim- plemass balance from Equation 9.1 the flow ratesare: F = 1000 kg/h, O = 650 kg/h, U= 350 kgéh, and thus, substituting values in Equation 9.7: _ (650)(350}0.86)(1 - 0.15) . 0.6827 (1000)(0.58)(1 — 0.58) The overall efficiency of the operation is, therefore, 68%, approximately. TABLE 9.1 Example 9.1 Sieve Aperture ‘Cumulative Fraction Feed Coase Fine 850 02 0.06 - no 032 028 — 600 026 052 0.02 500 oas 078 0.08 425 06s 0.90 024 385 os2 0.96 046 300 090 1.00 068 212 0.98 = 0.84 Example 9.2 The fine fraction of a catalyst retained on a 7-mesh screen (Tyler) is to be separated to be used ina melting process. The particle size analysis of fractions obtained is given in Table 9.2. Calculate the efficiency of the screening operation. 150-250-350 450550 650750850950 Aperture size (jum) FIGURE 9.3 Example 9.1. SOLUTION Consulting the Tyler Standard Screen Scale in Appendix 5, a Table of equivalent sieve diameter as a function of cumulative frequency is derived. From such a table, a plot similar to the one derived in the previous example is obtained. The plot is shown in Figure 9.4, and values of Xe, Xp, and X,, at the cut diameter D,. of 7-mesh (2.794 mm from the Tyler Standard Screen Scale) are 0.68, 0.2, and 0, respectively. TABLE 9.2 Example 92 (Cumulative Fraction Mesh Feed Coarse Fine 4 ‘0.00 030 _ 6 oor 0.56 - 8 043 ost 0.00 10 ass 092 020 4 097 0.96 058 20 ase 1.00 ass 28 1.00 - ast 35 _ = ost 65 — - 096 Pan = = 1.00 oa = x a . — o os 1 15 2 25 3 35 4 45. 5 Aperture size (mm) FIGURE 9.4 Example 92. The value of X, = 0 would foresee a high screen efficiency. Substituting values in Equation 9.8: (0.2 = 0)(0.68 ~ 2.00.68) (0.68)(0.2)(1 - 0.2) 0.8823, ‘The overall efficiency of the operation, as expected, is high of about 68%. Example 9.3 A granular material has been analyzed giving the results presented in Table 9.3. The product from which the sample was taken is separated using a screen of | mm opening, and the fine fraction is to be used for a specific process. The screen is fed at a rate of 8660 kg/h, obtaining 1960 kg/h of coarse material and, practically, no particles smaller than 1 mm. Since the fraction of interest is the fine one, calculate the efficiency of the operation, expressed as separation of fines. SOLUTION In this case, tabulated data include only the particle size distribution of feed. The retained fraction is given, rather than the cumulative fraction. Following a proce- dure similar to that in Example 2.4, a plot of cumulative frequency can be abtained. Since D,, is 1 mm, the feed fraction x, can be read directly from Table 9.3, as TABLE 9.3 Example 9.3 Particle Size Range Weight (g) Larger than 2mm 00 Between 2 and 1 mm 198 Between 1 and 0.5 mm 582 Between 0.5 and 0.1 mm 02 Smaller than 0.1 mm. ns 0.198. From a mass balance using Equation 9.1, U'= 6700 kg/h. Since there are no fines within the coarse stream, fractions X,, and X,, are 1.0 and 0, respectively. Substituting into Equation 9.6: _ _ (6700\(1- 0) = = 0.9046 (8660)(1- 0.198) u The efficiency, expressed in terms of separation of fines is, thus, 96.5% approximately, Example 5.1 | A quartz mixture is screened through @ 10-mesh screen. The cumulative screen analysis of the feed, overflow, and underflow are given in the following table. Mesh D,, mm Cumulative mass fraction greater than D, Feed Overflow Underflow 4 4699 0 0 0 8 2362 0.15 0.43 0 10 1.651 047 085 0.195 28 0.589 0.94 1.00 091 6s 0.208 0.98 - 0.975 Pan - 1.00 - 1.00 Calculate the mass ratios of averflow to feed and underflow to feed. Also, calculate the overall effectiveness of screen. Solution — From the table, we have xp = 0.47, tp = 0.85, and x3 = 0.195. (i) The mass ratio of overflow to feed (Eq. 5.8) is 2 Xe— a ~~ Xp D_0.47~0,195 Thus, F 0.85-0.195 =0.42 (Ans) oonwyauageparaton = ek Btn ‘id The mass ratio of underflow to feed (Eq. 5.9)is Pooxp-y 3 088-047 - —- =|) (Ans) F 0.850.195 O58 ‘Thus, ti) The overall effectiveness of screen (Eq. 5.10) is pa Sole — ty 35 ) (y)(I- play =a : (0.85)(1--0.195) (0:47 -0.195)(085- 0.47) =0.6692 (0.47)(1-0.47)(0.85~0,195)? The overall effectiveness of the screen is 66.92% Thus, E (Ans) trample 42 _|| A sand mixture was screened thraugh a standard 12 mesh ‘screen. The mass fraction of the oversize material in feed, overflow, and underflow were found to be 0.4, 0.8, and 0.2 respectively. Calculate the screen effectiveness based on the aversize materials. Folution The screen effectiveness (Eq, 5.10) is _ Gp) l=ap) Op %9 (4) : Given in this problem are xp=0.4, xy = 0.8, and x, = 0.2. (0.8)(1-0.2)(0.4-0.2)(0.8-0.4) _ 9 sang (0.4y(1=0.4)(0.8-0.2)° The overall effectiveness of screen is 59.26% Evample 54 | A sponge iron dustry uses reciprocating screen of Sm ‘perture to separate oversize from undersize fines which is chen recycled to the furnace. The screen analysis of the furnace output was found to contain 25% fines, The screen efficiency was known C0 be 50%. The tind erflou from the screen contains around 95% fines. I the furnace productian rate ts 100 tonne/h, find the product rate and the amount of} fines present it it, problem is given below. Thus, E= (Ans) Goltion The pictorial representation of this Given that the furnace production rate F100 tonnes, mass faction of oversize in feed, xp = | 0,25 = 0.75, mass fraction of Oversize in underflow, x = 1 ~ 0.95 = 0.05, and sereen efficiency, E=50%. The screen effectiveness (Ea. 5.10) is p_Sokl= apie sult “) eo : Prohct D (p)(1-2p)@ 0) Fs fo0tonne/h (25% lines) Fumace ML 0.05) 0.75 ~0.08)(4p ~0.75) (0.75)(1-0.75)( 4p, 0.08) +o Thus, 05= =+xJ —0.855—0.00041 =0 =} Xp = 0.8555 = the amount of oversize in product. “Thus the amount of fines in the product = 1 ~ 0.855 = 0.1445 = 14.43% (Ans) “The mass rato of overflow to Feed (Eq. 5.8) 8 2 = 2" F tp=ty ‘Thus, the product rate, B= 1001 (0.75 -0.05) ~~ (0.8555 - 0.05) = 86.60 tonne/h (Ans) —_—_—______——_—---- ee Example 6.4 |) 4 setoycourse-sized screens was constructed from tel rods “and used to evaluate the efficiency of a 60 em x 40 cm Blake jaw crusher. The standard Tyler retationship was maincained between the screen apertures in the above set of large screens. Calcite was fed to the crusher at the rate of 45 tonne/h driven by @ 30-hp motor: The screen analysis of feed and product is given below: Calculate (a) the efficiency of the crusher assuming the motor to be operated at an average of 1/6th of the normal rating and (b) the tonne/h of quartz that can be fed to the crusher and reduced on the same size range with the same power. Data Specific gravity of calcite = 2.71, Specific gravity of quartz = 2.65, and Rittinger's number of calcite = 76.05 em®/, and of quartz = 17.51 cm*/ Assumption The values of specific surface ratio may be taken same for both calcite and quartz. Screen anclysis of feed and product ‘Sereen aperture (em) Mass fraction ‘Mass fraction ——_Speeific surface feed (X) product (%;) ‘ratio (Nese) 426 0.16 10.0 30.1 0.34 97 213 0.24 x 95 20 as 8.0 15.07 0.7 10.66 0.09 754 0.0 5.33 0.0 : 72 0.0 66 aa z 62 267 00 golution The total surface aren of mixture (fq. 2.11) is ¥ Masts Pet On ave feed analysts Sereen aperture, Specific surface ratio, Mass fraction, x; Daa ng (CPO) Ng Mss On ore Sf ion 016 0.038 ] 3 034 o.110 213 a5 fe a 4 0.107 | ee a0 017 0.102 1966 a6 a 2 Product analysis fem) [066 36 | 434 Bo 533 72 377 6.6 267 62 Total = 4510001000 (a) The feed rate = 45 tonnes = 4510001000 aoe 12500 gis The feed surface area ss 0.430 = 0.952 omg ‘The product surface area = Spee =31596 ‘g. ‘Thus, the new surface created = 3.159 — 0.952 = 2.207 em’ ‘The new surface created/s = 2.207 x 12500 = 27587.5 cata, ‘The Rittinger’s Number = 76.05 em/ = 275875 _ ,048hp. 76.05 x 76.2 X10 ‘The power supplied = 1/6 * 30 = 5 hp. 0.048 Thus, the efficiency of the crusher = =~ «100 = 0.96" (b) The The, work done 1.427 0,430) = 2.257 omg ty For quarts = I tonne! Let the crushing . ea gsp HE = 026.94 amt 3000 “Thus, the new surface createds 626.940 The — — = 0.048hp. The work done i7stx 142x100 Ip. 5 So. re 0,048 12 1x76.2x1 oo = [0,22 tonne/h 649.9 fed to the crusher and reduced on the Thus, the amount of quartz that auld be (Ans) same size range with the same power = 10.22 tonne/h Example 85 catabse used far gas of eracking ina petroleum refinery industry has a density of L25 g/cm’ and nearly the same specific surface ratio as quartz, A sample of the catalyst screened through the 200-mesh screen was further sized by air elutriation. From the resulting analysts given below, find the specific surface in cim*/g and the mass mean diameter of the catalyst. Size analysis of the catalyst Screened fraction Blutriated fraction (-200 mesh) Mesh ne Mass fraction ‘Size limit Mass fraction (microns) of original sample} \ Wag 65 0.09 80-60 OL —65 4 100 0.17 60-40 0.08 = 100+ 150: 0.29 40-20 0.05 - 1504200 O19 20-0 0.02 ~200 0.26 Total = 0.26 Total = 1.000 Solution the specific surface ratio for quartz is taken from Figure 17 (p. 22) [Brown, 1995]. Mesh number/size limit fom Tak +85 0.0252 009 Be — 65 + 100 0.0178 O17 23.88 = 100 150 0.0126 029 sz04 150+ 200 0.0089 019 45.90 0 fam 0.0070 ol 32.53 fo) 40m 0.0050 aoe sa00 20 pa 0.0030 00s sos oun 6.0010 0.02 31.00 ‘Total = 1.0 Total = 258.72 inn ‘The specific surface (Eq. 2.11) is = 5 Nssu Pia 2, Bi abe . , = 2258722124186 (Ans) 125 z ‘The mass mean diameter (Eq. 2.13) is Dy = ly XDyi oh ‘The value is obtained from the table below. 0.00227 O17 0.0178 0.00303, 0.29 0.0126 0.00365 0.19 0.0089 0.00169 O11 0.0070 0.00077 0.08 0.0050 0.00040 0.05 0.0030 ‘0.00015 0.00002 Prom the above table, "(x Dp ing) = 0.01198 cm = 0.1198 mam ‘Thus, the mass mean diameter = 0.1198 mm = 119.8 microns (Ans) Brample ii | Agrinder is to be used to reduce an ore of the feed size shown below. Tests an similar equipment indicates that the product size given below will be satisfactory and that the grinder is approximately 10% efficient in converting input energy into size reduction as is evident hy an increase in surface. itis estimated that a crusher to handle 9 tonne/it will cast about Rs 2,40,000. Ifche crusheroperatesana24-h basisfor 300 days per, ryeur,itisestimated that maintenance, overhead, and ordinary replacement costs will be ebout 50% of power cost. Electric power costs Rs 3.0 per kWh, Considering linear depreciation for the grinder, which has an 8-year life period, calculate the processing cost per tonne of the are Screen analysis Mesh number (Tyler) Feed mass fraction Product mass fractfon [ore Olt : ~B+10 0.21 a ~10+14 0.23 = ~14420 0.19 0.10 - 2428 042 0.23 =28435 0.07 0.28 ~35448 O04 os = 48465 f 0.10 “+100 - on ~ 1004150 . Aa ~1504200 5 by ‘Total = 1.0 Total= 1,0 Physical property of the ore may be assumed to be same as that of quarts, specific gravity = 2.65 and Rittinger’s number = 17.51 cnr" / SOlutION — From the mesh number, the average diameter for each of the fractieg, is calculated with the help of Table 4 (p. 17) [Brown, 1995]. With the help sr the average diameter, the specific surface ratio for each of the fractions is taken hen Figure 17 (p. 22) (Brown, 1995), These, along with other quantities, are tabul below ed Mes Dying Nese Feed Product number (em) pew 0.2845 O14 3.149 - 0.2007 21 5.336 0.1410 7.014 0.1001 0.19 7.403 0.0711 0.12 5.007 0.0303 431 0.0356 0.0252 —65+100 0.0178 —100+150 0.0126 =150+200 0.0089. £5679.576 = 180.172 em? | 2.65 D, bi ave ‘Thus, the new surface created = 180.172 — 82. 9x L000 97.927 cme. The new surface ereated/see = 97.927% 1000 = 244817.5 em", 2448175 17.31 76.2100 inder = 10%. ‘The work done = .835 hp. ‘The efficieney of The power input Caleulation of annual cost 18.35% 24300 1341 pel ‘The maintenance, overhead, and replacement cost = 0.5 x Rs 2955705 = Rs 147785.25. ‘The purchase cost of grinder = Rs 240000.0 ‘The life of grinder =8 years The annual power cost xRs 3.0 =Rs 2,95 ‘he annual eine a heel anmal ont = Rs 255705 + Rs 47525 + Rs 300000 = gH, ‘The ote processed per year = 9324 x 300 = 64800 tone Rs 473355.75 the processing cost = . Ans) Ths he presing spre = = 95730 (

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