Tax Invoice

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5130/2020 _hiipsaloestoreindia.wPOSROLFILESIPOSInvoiceRle.aspx7VoucherNo=0x020000000CF60848822C7DA0D87171729CAA20C0FSD, Woda oft > DE ¢ Find |Next lebe @ & TAX Invoice FOREVER ORIGINAL COPY FLP TRADING PRIVATE LIMITED Invoice Number : 207 NCP 025-GUWAHATI 13STFLR,TIRUPATI TOWERS.G.S.RO CHRISTIAN BASTI GUWAHATI 78"005 ASSAM [STATE CODE 18] GSTNO- 4eaADCF uaa Ze SIN No - U52s0om2018°TC308668 FSSAINo' 1031800200010" Bill To DETAILS OF CONSIGNEE (SHIP TO) iii Systom Ret 210067007 Invoice Date +30 Jun 2020 FBO ID : 910900199033 Riya Hazarika House No-9, Bhuban Road, Uzan Bazar, Guwaha MR DIPANKAR HAZARIKA Kamp Pinease 781001 ASSAM STATE CODE: 18 Phone HOUSE NO. 49, BHUBAN ROAD NEAR GUWAHATI MUNICIPAL rro02s18472, GSTIN CORPOR GUWAHATI GP. KAMRUP METRO Pincode 781001 ASSAM STATE CODE” 18 Phone 9650720843 ‘GSTIN NO: Sponsors Id : 910900162561 ANUJ KASLIVAL Paco Of Supply ASSAM STATE CODE : 18 ‘ay |Proa Description WENT | Unit] Unit ]UOM] Tota [Taxabie) cosT | ScsT Wer SAC code| ce | Price cc |Amount|—% [amt | % [Amt] Amt 7 [7S [ALOE BERRY NECTAR 1L TETRA ‘omaean0| 0407] 1206.00| Nos | O02] T2HEOD| ou] Tre] BOO] Tr Te] —__145rSD| 1 orale] _[osoz[taorer] [exes] [eens] 576.2] So] Mode OfPayment “Amount [est] 6st Amount Total Amount 1578.52 1 | ALOE STORE Ret NO; 070720- 157700) 72.00 | 16891 Round off 4877.00 2110838860 ORDER NO. Tat 768.51 Adjust(+/) = 0.00 Invoice Total 1577.00 Delivery : BY COURIER [Amount in Words : One Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy Seven rupees only ‘accoping Dalvary. Other eatages may bo stured fr exchange ‘wnt month ef hia voice which must have the aighal label inact ‘nthe proc! & must be accompanied wh Ivoieo. For anyother ‘ypos of rtums, pleaso refer Company Po. FLP Incl ossrves tho. ght rojeet epee ets. Note: Subject to MUMBAI Jurisdiction. Recolved By: Prins by: Admin We hereby Cory tha foodlfoads mentoned in this Invoice islare warranted tobe of henature &qualy which Wnese purpocspuported to be. Minimum fir Re 1000 andi eject Lo revew and approval atthe Company Nome (tes. FBO heraey cafes compliance wih Compary Polls, Indudig but hot iia tothe 76% repurcase rey signature herby conti tos {teaon and acknowledges cept hat al products Inte above have been received and'n saleable conaon th authored payment Penk Date -30108/2020 12:19 PM SOE “hia iss computer generated invoice in accordance with the (T Act, 2000. Hence Signature isnot required. InvoiceRdle. aspx? VoucherNo=Ox020000000CF6DB48622C7DA0DE7*71720CAAZOCDFSDS98629ED 14... 1/1

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