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An ideal student

A student who cultivates almost all good qualities is called an ideal student. An ideal student
maintains a well designed daily routine. He learns his lessons regularly and attends classes as
well. He humbly respects his parents, teachers and elders. He helps the weaker students
candidly. He never tells a lie and keeps good company. He is also aware of keeping good health
and so he rises early in the morning. He plays different games in the afternoon. He is religious
too. He offers his prayers in time. He has a good outlook towards development. He tries to
guide his locals with modern information of economy. He always cooperates in all social
activities. Service to humanity is the motto of his life. He is a common customer standing beside
the affected. His fellow men are pleased with him. They love him very much. In a word an ideal
student is a set-example for all who love to go far.


Facebook is an Internet based social network connection. It has changed the face of the world.
Everybody can enter facebook through computer or mobile phone. First one has to get internet
connection, he has to create an ID with some personal details. Now he will be able to invite
anyone who has facebook ID to create a group. The group members can share anything with
one another. It is a quick means of getting global news. We can very easily know about the
ongoing global events. Not only that we can find out long lost friends through facebook. We can
pass comments on anything here. Thus we can broaden the tenor of our knowledge. Despite
some bad sides, facebook is a blessing for modern life.

Good Health

Good health means soundness of body and mind. It is very important to maintain good health
because it ensures peace and happiness in life. To keep good health we have to follow some
rules. A balanced diet, pure water, physical exercise, cleanliness and moderate rest can beget
good health. Most people of our country are poor and illiterate. They are not aware of health
rules and so they suffer various physical hazards. Besides they don't get the food they need.
They don't get necessary medical care too. Even the rich and the educated don't have enough
idea about good food. They think that costly food is good food. They don't care about nutritive
value of food. They ignore cheap food items which are actually full of live giving elements. Thus
health complexities go hand in hand with them. Those who run after money can't give attention
to health rules and ruin their health. Ill health affects the whole tenor of life. On the contrary
simple and care free life can help to keep good health. So, we should try to gain good health to
make a happy life.


Bangladesh is a small low-lying country in south Asia on the Bay of Bengal. She got her freedom
in 1971. The country has a tropical monsoon climate. The country is criss-crossed by so many
rivers and canals. The Padma, the Meghna and the Jamuna are the main big rivers of the
country. Jute, rice, tea, sugarcane, oilseeds, fruit, vegetables, spices, wheat, potato, cotton and
tobacco are the main crops of the country. Agriculture is the main occupation of the people
here. Chittagong and Mongla are the two main sea port of the country. Cox's Bazar, a place of
scenic beauty, is the longest sea beach of the world. The country has some world heritage sites
such as the Sundarbans, the Shat Gombuz Mosque etc. After all, the people of this country are
very simple and peace loving. They live in good communal harmony.


There are many stages in human life. Adolescence is one of them. It is an important period. It
the beginning of youth. This time childhood vanishes from life and an adolescent steps into
adulthood. It is called transition period of life. This period is not long but it's impact is very
serious. A sapling spreads branches and becomes a big tree. Similarly an adolescent crosses
childhood and becomes an adult person step by step. He exposes his own identity like a tree
and exposes his ability, quality and calibre gradually. So this period has to be considered
importantly. As many physical changes happens this time, family has to be very conscious.
Family support an adolescent mentally. Balanced diet has to be arranged for him because this
time imbalance appears in the body. Only right care can build up an adolescent rightly. But
unfortunately our country is poor. Most people are poor and uneducated here. They don't pay
heed to adolescence. They regard it as a valueless matter. They think that it is nothing. For this,
invaluable adolescence falls into uselessness. We have to discuss this matter nationally so that
our adolescent can change into real wealth.

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