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Reading & Comprehension: Good

He does not seem to struggle in reading the text. He can pronounce most of the words correctly. If he is
hesitant on how to read the word properly, he pauses and tries to recall it. If he is not sure, he asks the
teacher. When it comes to summarizing the text, there are times that he forgets to include some
important details. That is why, the teacher gives a review before starting or continuing the session for
better reading retention.

•Speaking Skill: Excellent

He is very fluent in English, although there are times that he mispronounces some words. Just like in
reading, he pauses and evaluates his sentences if he uses the exact word. He does not limit his thoughts
when ask to explain and understand things in his own idea. In general, he is very communicative.

•Listening Skill: Fair

There are times that he keeps on repeating the same mistake in following my directions. For example, I
instructed him to capitalize the first letter of the word in the sentence. Not only that, but also the proper
nouns such as Agent Stone. It is a name of a movie character that is why it should be capitalized.
Another thing is to put the punctuation mark period (.) at the end of the sentence, especially, if it is a
declarative sentence. Lastly, the correct usage of the articles “an” and “a”. Then, the preposition “to”
and the adverb “too.”

•Vocabulary and Writing Skill: Needs Improvement

Though he understood the vocabulary words very well, he still needs an assistance in applying them in
sentences such as spelling and word usage. He gets confused in differentiating the words breath and
breathe, to and too, straight and strait. Sometimes, teacher does not answer his questions right away if
he asks her about them. Instead, she let him analyze and realize first or instruct him to research the
words first if he can find the answer, before consulting them to her.

•Focus & Behavior: Good

Nothing has changed. The same with the previous months, he behaves well in class and patiently waits
and follows my instructions. He talks about his favorite activities, toys, videos, and YouTubers.


 Reading & Comprehension: Good

He told me that he finds the reading text or article easy to read that is why he reads most of them
exceptionally this time. He only commits minimal corrections like “foreign” and “culture”. He needs to
emphasize them properly. However, he gets confused when he reads numbers such as a year, 1445. He
asks teacher if he pronounces or reads it correctly when not sure.
•Speaking Skill: Good

He likes talking and sharing a lot. He does not hesitate in expressing his thoughts. He tells a lot of the
things he enjoys the most. When answering questions based on the article or text, he has not mastered
yet the difference between the articles “an” and “a” when using them in a sentence.

•Writing Skill: NOT YET APPLIED

Since he is still a beginner student in learning English, I did not require him yet to type sentences in the
chat box. I only required him to copy and paste or show pictures from the internet in connection to our

•Listening Skill: Good

He needs to be introduced to a variety of English vocabulary, especially, highfalutin words across

contexts. He is confident to answer the questions correctly, but sometimes forgets to answer in a
complete sentence.

•Vocabulary Skill: Good

His vocabulary words are still limited. It is best for him to be introduced with articles or text he has never
known or read yet. There are times that he does not ask. That is why it is very important for him to be
guided in giving the definition or meaning of the important terms.

•Focus & Behavior: Good

He behaves well in class. He does not show unnecessary or annoying behaviors. Just like his brother
Daniel, he just patiently waits and follows my instructions.


• Reading & Comprehension: Excellent

He reads exceptionally at this level and has an adequate foundation in understanding English texts.
However, he will need to work on skim-reading texts more effectively in his future studies, so that he
could easily pinpoint important areas from the text by scanning and analyzing texts without reading the
sentences in the paragraphs.

•Speaking Skill: Excellent

He is very fluent and tries his best to correct his grammar in speaking. He always checks the word if he
uses the correct term. However, there are times that he unnoticeably break the rules in subject-verb
agreement, especially, rule number 1 in which the subject and the verb must agree in number. Like in
his statement, “Even though my girlfriend DO not agree with me.” Use DOES if it is in the present tense,
otherwise DID if it is in the past tense. Another thing is the use of the word “some” in his statement. He
said, “Some people DOES NOT wear mask.”, where it should be DO NOT. Well, these are just few
mistakes that he can easily correct himself. It is because his thoughts were overflowing and he was very
expressive sometimes, that is why he was unaware of those.

•Focus & Behavior: Excellent

He does not show distracting mannerism. He always shows refinement in speaking and in action.


• Reading & Comprehension: Excellent

Aside from her ability to comprehend and remember information from the reading texts very well, she
articulates her own ideas by rephrasing her answers or sentences. However, there are times that she
misunderstands the statement of the paragraph, but she never fails to ask for clarifications. The best
part of it is that she does not always rely in Google to know what the word is, but she tries her best to
be spontaneous as she could. She also adds information or details which are not mentioned in the text
to expound things for better understanding.

•Speaking Skill: Good

Though she could be fluent at times, she still needs to improve her pronunciation, especially in
enunciating the vocabulary words properly. There are also times that she finds it hard to express herself
in English. Sometimes, she gets confused or is not organize when translating her thoughts. That is why
teacher helps her in organizing the ideas in her sentences and lets her repeat or read the correct
statement in the chat box.

I believe she has developed a fair-sized vocabulary for this level and she has learned many new words
during our sessions. Nevertheless, her vocabulary needs to cover a bigger range of different topics and
contexts. On the other hand, she understands quite well how to deploy words naturally and accurately.

•Vocabulary: Good

She still needs an assistance in applying the vocabulary words in writing or speaking, because there are
times that she uses or speaks the incorrect terms. Her sentences sometimes get affected when she finds
it difficult to find the correct term to use.

•Focus & Behavior: Good

She gives her best effort to be in a good composure when attending the class.

• Reading & Comprehension: Excellent (Reading)/Good (Comprehension)

She handles reading tasks exceptionally well this month. I do not see any problems with her reading
abiltiy in English. However, she needs to learn how to extract details from the paragraphs using her own
explanation. There are times that she reads the answers from the text. She has a lot of good ideas on
her mind. As much as possible, she needs to be spontaneous as she could.

•Speaking Skill: Good

Though she could be fluent in speaking at times, she still needs to improve her grammar. She commonly
lacks in applying prepositions in her sentences. She sometimes commits mistakes when to use verbs in
their base forms and –ing forms like “use/uses” versus “using” and “does/do” versus “doing”. There
were times that she was not expressive with her thoughts or ideas, maybe because she was a bit shy at
the beginning. Later on, I could see a gradual development in her as we go along with our sessions. She
can express herself best every time she can relate much with the topic. I do not force her to speak about
things which she does not know anything of, but she still exerts effort to explain them.

•Writing Skill: Fair

She needs to improve her writing with careful attention to detail, especially, S-V rules and punctuation

•Vocabulary: Excellent

She has mastered identifying the meaning or definition of the vocabulary words. She is also good in
giving synonyms or antonyms of a particular term.

•Focus & Behavior: Good

She displays good attitude in front of the camera and focuses in her tasks very well.

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