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Summary of the first chapter of

Organizational Behavior

Course Name: Organizational Behavior

Course ID: MGT 432

Submitted By: Zakaria Ahmad

MBA 072 18361

Submitted to: Shammi Akter

Assistant Professor

Department of Business Administration

Stamford University Bangladesh

Summary of the first chapter

Organizational behavior is a field of study that looks at the impact that individuals, groups, and
structure have on behavior within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge
toward improving an organization’s effectiveness. What we can learn from the chapter is
summarized below.

Management functions & skills

Organizational behavior deals with different management functions in organizations & various
management skills are used to accomplish the organizational goals.

OB applications in different fields

Organizational behavior study applies to many different fields like political science, sociology &

psychology etc.

Interpersonal skill
Understanding human behavior plays in determining organizational effectiveness, and required
courses on people skills have been added to many organizations that invest in the development of
employees’ interpersonal skills are more likely to attract and keep high performers. Positive
social relationships were associated with lower stress at work and lower intentions to quit-Good
work environment is related to higher financial performances. OB considers that organizations
are made up of individuals.

Enhancing employee well-being at work

The field of OB offers a number of suggestions to guide managers in designing workplaces and
jobs that can help employees reduce work-life conflicts.

Creating a positive work environment

A real growth area in OB research is positive organizational scholarship behavior, which studies
how organizations develop human strengths, foster vitality and resilience, and unlock potential.
Some key independent variables in positive OB research are engagement, hope, optimism, and
resilience in the face of strain.

Challenges at the individual level
Individual Differences-Personality characteristics, perception, values and attitudes differ among
one another.-Those aspects have an impact on OB.

Job satisfaction
A positive feeling about a job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics. Job satisfaction
is negatively related to absenteeism and turnover, which cost organizations considerable amounts
of money annually. Organizations must provide challenging and intrinsically rewarding jobs.

Empowerment means managers are giving employees more responsibility for what they do.
Managers should be seen as coaches, advisors, sponsors, facilitator rather than bosses. Thus,
employees became teammate, associates. Now some managers provide full power to their
employees allow self-managed teams.

Behaving Ethically
The study of moral values or principles that guide our behavior and inform us whether actions
are right or wrong. We face ethical dilemmas and ethical choices, in which we are required to
identify right and wrong conduct.

Organizational behavior uses systematic study to improve predictions about the behavior of
individuals and groups within the workplace. The study of organizational behavior can improve
productivity; reduce absenteeism, turnover, and deviant workplace behavior; and increase
organizational citizenship behavior and job satisfaction.

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