Project Writing Guidlines

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Project in Lieu of Internship Report Contents and

I. Title Page
1.1 Name of the University
1.2 University logo
1.3 Name of the organization
1.4 Name of the internee, Student ID and session
1.5 Submission date of the project/internship report
II. Dedication (Optional)
III. Acknowledgment
In this section you acknowledge the help and support of the people who helped you in
completion of your project/ internship report e.g. the library staff, course instructor, family or
any other person (in the internship organization).
IV. Table of contents
List the important headings and sub headings in the report with page numbers. Also make a
separate list of tables and figures in the table of contents if you have used any. (Auto
generated in MS word)
V. Executive Summary (Approx. 250-500 Words)
Executive summary previews every section of the report in a short form. It can be called as
micro image of the report. It helps the reader to get a quick glance at the report before reading
it in detail. Everything important that you have done, discovered and concluded should be
mentioned but briefly and concisely. Write the Executive Summary once you complete every
section of your project/internship report.
1. Company Overview: (Word limit: Approx. 500-750 words)
1.1 Brief history
1.2 Vision
1.3 Mission
1.4 Organizational Hierarchy chart
1.5 Number of employees
1.6 Main offices
1.7 Introduction of all the departments
1.8 Comments on the organizational structure
1.9 Major products/services


1.10 Competitors

2. Business Operations (depends on the type of business) includes functions of:

2.1 Management
2.2 Sales and Marketing
2.3 Human Resource
2.4 Finance and Accounting
2.5 Production and Operations
3. Analysis (No Word Limit BUT Be CONSISE)
3.1 SWOT analysis of a company (compulsory for ALL specializations)
3.2 Marketing Analysis (compulsory for marketing specialization)
3.3 Human Resource Analysis (compulsory for HRM specialization)
3.4 Financial Analysis (compulsory for Finance specialization)
4. Critical Analysis (Word limit: Approx. 750-1000 words)
4.1 What did you learn through your observation, readings and from the people
around you?
4.2 Evaluate your gains in understanding and completing tasks
4.3 Reflect on your learning
4.3.1What was the most beneficial thing you took away with you?
4.3.2 This critical analysis should be based on your reflection. The student will
reflect on the activities during each day of internship
4.3.3 Integrate the concepts taught in courses with your work experience
4.3.4 Compare and contrast with Theory (Course Concept)
5. Conclusions (Word limit: Approx. 250-500 words)
In this section you are required to describe the organization according to your
evaluation/assessment in the light of critical/SWOT and OTHER analyses.
6. Recommendations (Word limit: Approx. 250-500 words)
In this section you are required to suggest solutions for all the problems or
discrepancies (you have pointed out in critical/ SWOT and other analyses) found in
the organization.
7. References and Sources
8. Appendices


Analyses Required for Specializations

For specialization, following analyses should be a part of a project/internship report. For
example, HR students are expected to at least talks about (analyse) the organization in the
following HR areas.
Human Resource Analyses (Compulsory for HRM Specialization)
1. Recruitment and Selection process
1.1 Definition of Recruitment
1.2.1 Recruitment Methods Internal Recruiting Employees’ Referrals Recruiting through colleges/internships Online Recruitment
1.2 Definition of Selection
1.2.1 Application Forms
1.2.2 Shortlisting Shortlisting Methods
i. Cognitive ability tests
ii. Interviews
iii. Assessment centres
2. Training and development process
2.1 Assess Organisational Training & Development Needs
2.2 Define Your Training Objective
2.3 Training Program Design
2.4 Training Program Development
2.5 Training Program Implementation
2.6 Evaluation of Training Program
3. Performance Appraisal system
3.1 Meaning of Performance Appraisals
3.2 Objectives of Performance Appraisals
3.3. Performance Appraisal Process
3.3.1 Methods of Performance Appraisals Rating Scales

4 Critical Incidents Method Management by Objectives 360-Degree Feedback
4. Compensation system
4.1 Meaning (Definition) of Compensation system
4.2 Objectives of Compensation system
4.3. Types of Compensations
4.3.1 Direct Compensation
4.3.2 Indirect Compensation
4.4 Components of Compensation
4.4.1 Wages and Salary
4.4.2 Allowances
4.4.3 Incentives and Performance Based Pay
4.4.4 Fringe Benefits/Perquisites
5. Employee Relations
5.1 Meaning (Definition) of Employee Relations
5.2. Process and Procedures
5.3. Work related issues
5.4. Mediation and Conflict Resolution
5.5. Disciplinary Process
5.6 Grievance Process
6. Any other HR Related (appropriate) Analyses
Financial Analysis (Compulsory for Finance Specialization)
Comprehensive financial analyses of a firm must be presented in this section. The finance
students must focus on internal analysis as well as on external analysis. In internal analysis
firm’s five-year financial date must be used to examine the financial ratios, trend analysis,
common size analysis and index analysis. In ratio analysis some major ratios must be
included such as
1. Liquidity
2. CAMEL ratios (for banks)
3. Financial Leverage
4. Activity /Efficiency
5. Profitability
6. Dupont Analysis


For external analysis, firms’ financial performance must be compared with industry averages
or with some other firm in the same industry. The tools described above may be used for the
external analysis. The balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement data must be
taken from the company’s audited annual reports.
Note; Ratio analysis may vary from industry to industry, so the industry dynamics must be
considered before analysis otherwise the whole analytical process will be useless. Moreover,
the financial analysis must not be restricted to the above-mentioned ratio categories, the ratios
can be modified according to the situation. The following steps must be followed for the
financial ratio analysis:
a) Calculation of ratios
b) Interpretation
c) Graphical representation
d) Summary of analysis after each category of ratios
e) Findings
f) Recommendations must be based on findings
g) Conclusion.
Marketing Analysis (Compulsory for Marketing Specialization)
1. Situation Analysis
1.1 History of the firm in marketing background
1.2 Marketing Environment
1.2.1 Micro Environmental Analysis
1.2.2 Macro Environmental Analysis
1.2.3 Porter’s 5 Force Model for Industry Attractiveness Structure
1.3 Product’s Evaluation
1.4 Consumer Evaluation
1.5 Competitor’s Analysis
1.5.1 Direct Competitors
1.5.2 Indirect Competitors
1.5.3 Substitutes
2. Marketing Objectives/Planning
3. Marketing Strategy
3.1 Target Market/s/Segments
3.1.1 Product Strategy
3.1.2 Pricing Strategies


3.1.3 Distribution Strategies

3.1.4 Promotion Strategies
4. Any other Marketing Related (appropriate) Analyses

Other Protocols**
a) Internship Report Format:
b) Use A4 size good quality paper for final draft
c) Typed with the following settings
d) Font style Time new roman
e) Font Size 12 Pts. (heading 20 Pts. Max)
f) Page Margin 1.2’ Left 1’ right, top, bottom
g) Line spacing 1.5
h) Printing LaserJet printing only one side of page
i) Binding properly as per guide
j) Plagiarism report
k) As per HEC plagiarism policy acceptable limit 15 to 20 %.
l) You must get the Plagiarism Report from Campus Library (Make sure that you Meet
the submission deadlines)

Note for Students**: The student must provide information in these sections based on
his/her personal observation, learning and experience gained during the project/internship.
Cheating or copying in these sections is NOT acceptable and hence the entire internship
report can be completely rejected as per Zero Tolerance Policy of the university. The
university may also take an action according to plagiarism policy as defined by HEC (Higher
Education Commission).

Note for Supervisors**: These are the recommended guidelines. However, the project is left
at the discretion of the supervisors to take any suitable decision in the best interest of their

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