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Cerebro 20 poses

1 m. 40 s.

#1 5s #2 5s #3 5s #4 5s #5 5s #6 5s

Padanghustasana Childs Pose Corpse Pose Sphinx Plank Pose Dolphin Pose Downward Facing Dog Pose

#7 5s #8 5s #9 5s #10 5s #11 5s #12 5s

Extended Puppy Pose Forearm Stand Pose Handstand Pose Head To Knee Pose Extended Side Stretch Lotus Pose

#13 5s #14 5s #15 5s #16 5s #17 5s #18 5s

Plow Pose Pose Dedicated to Sage Seated Forward Bend Pose Standing Forward Bend Pose Forearm Headstand Pose Shoulder Stand Pose

#19 5s #20 5s

Half Wide Angle Pose Wide-Legged Forward Bend


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