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The term 'Eurocentrism' is an idea which denotes European history and values as
“normal” and superior to others. Eurocentrism shortchanges the achievements of
other peoples and cultures. In discussing Ancient Greece there is little recognition
of how much the Greeks might have owed to ancient Egyptians. A Eurocentric
history of great philosophers may mention Aristotle but not Avicenna; may
mention Edward Gibbon and Arnold Toynbee but not Ibn Khaldun; a Eurocentric
history of letters may mention Milton and Wordsworth but not Iqbal and
Rabindranath Tagore. Almost all Eurocentric histories of religion ignore entirely
indigenous African traditional religions, although these beliefs and values
continue to influence millions of people to the present day. More recently a
billion Muslims have been slandered for the sins of Al-Qaeda. Eurocentrism has
affected the beauty realm globally. The beauty standard has become Westernized
and has influenced people throughout the globe.

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