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NCIP’s Position on Senate Bills No.

137, 315 and 121 (The Comprehensive Anti-

Discrimination Act)

The Commission supports the Bill on the Comprehensive Anti-Discrimination Act.

The promotion, protection and respect of human rights and human dignity are enshrined
in the 1987 Philippine Constitution. As a step towards a broader respect of basic human rights,
without discrimination as to age, sex, civil status, color, economic status, ethnicity, medical
condition, physical disability, political affiliations, race, or religious belief, measures must be put
into place to prevent and to subsequently punish perpetuations of any and all forms of
discrimination in Philippine Society.

History is replete with samples on the Indigenous Peoples sector of society, experience
discrimination, due to several factors, which may include their distinct physical features, their
ethnicity or customary practices, their culture and traditions as differentiated from those of
mainstream society, hence the need for their protection, against any and all forms of
discriminatory acts.

The Indigenous Peoples Rights Act, specifically Chapter V, Section 21 (Equal Protection
and Non-Discrimination of ICCs/IPs), recognize the ICCs/IPs rights to the fundamental basic
human rights and freedoms enjoyed by the rest of the citizenry.

Pursuant to our mandate to promote, protect, recognize and respect the interest and
well-being of the ICCs/IPs with due regard to their beliefs, customs and traditions and
institutions, we respectfully submit the following for consideration:

I. The definition of the term “Indigenous Peoples”, is not in accordance with the definition
provided under RA 8371, Chapter II, Section 3 (h). For the Philippine setting, and in
order to avoid confusion, and any other interpretation of the term, the definition under the
IPRA should be adapted in toto and purposely prevail,.

Respectfully submitted to the Committee for consideration. Thank you.

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