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prioriadherenceto a partisanagenda.Never- be a detailedand honestconfrontation of the

theless,theimportance of theircontribution Jewishattitude to non-Jews." Shahakis, in-
to thedevelopment of some ideas and deed, a masterof painfuland sharpself-
conceptsoftenhave been relevantto poli- and itis an uneasyexperiencefora
cies and publicopinionacrossnational humanist, modernJewto readand acceptas
lines.* accuratethisjourneythrough Jewishtheo-
The concludingchapter,"A Quarterof a logicalhistory fromtheseventhcentury
Century of theStruggle forPeace,"includes beforethecommonera throughthepresent.
an updatedsectionsinceRabin'sassassina- The abundanceof enthnocentrism, hate,
tionand anotheron future trendsbutis too contempt, chauvinism, and double standards
shortto providesufficient in-depthand full expressedtowardGentilesin themajorand
balance.Thereis convincing evidenceof the mostauthoritative and "holy"Jewishreli-
movement's impacton severalprocesses, gious scriptures-known underthecommon
includingstrengthening MenachemBeginin

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umbrellaas theHalacha(theJewish
histraumatic decisionto giveup the"last rabbinicalcodex)- is verytroubling forany
inch"of theSinaiPeninsulaforthesake of personwho expectsfrom"Judaism" the
peace withEgypt,thepulloutfromLebanon, expressionsof an enlightened culture.These
and thecurrent peace process.However, expressionsand "laws"are quiteperplexing
Bar-Onstates:"Since1993,whenpeace ac- and as a phenomenoncan be labeled as
tivistslistento theradioor televisionand "antigentilism" (a coined neologismparallel
heargovernment leadersuse theverysame to anti-Semitism). Thisantigentilism is cov-
arguments theyhad foryearsrejectedwhen ered overand excusedin variousways,due
propoundedby thepeace movement, the to a fearof harmful anti-Semiticreactions
activistcan surelyfeela sense of satisfaction and anti-Jewish feelingsand attitudes, by a
and reasonablyclaimto have had some vastamountof apologetic"Jewish scholar-
effect on nationalpolicy"(p. 321). Clearly, ship"thatbegan withthespreadof emanci-
thisfeelingis less obviousduringBenjamin pationand theJewishenlightenment move-
Netanyahu's premiership. Nevertheless,the ment,whichtriedto show the"nice"
authorcorrectly pointsout theimportant role humanistic faceofJudaismto theGentiles,
thepeace movementplayedin "shapingthe even by "censoring" theauthentic holyscrip-
politicaland psychological conditionthat turestranslated forotherthanHebrew,Yid-
prevailedon thePalestinian side."However, dish,or Aramaicaudiences.However,these
on thedown side,one missesa morecritical textswereunableto cause a realchangein
introspection. whatShahaklabels"classicJudaism."
Anti-Gentilism, accordingto Shahak,has
IMAGES OF GENTILES manyfacesand manifestations. It includes
Jewish History,JewishReligion: The
malesaysto bless God for"notmakinghim
Weightof Three Thousand Years, by
IsraelShahak.Forewordby GoreVidal. a Gentile"(or a woman);theprohibition
London:PlutoPress.127 pages. $16.95paper. againstappointinga Gentileto a positionof
authorityoverJews;therefusalof rabbinical
Reviewed by Baruch Kimmerling courtsto takenon-Jewish eyewitnessesinto
"TherealtestfacingbothIsraeland account(Jewishfemalesalso are excluded);
diasporaJews,"wroteIsraelShahakin the theconceptualization of anyGentilewoman
conclusionof thisveryimportant book,"is as a whore;theprohibition on anyJewish
thetestof theirself-criticism physicianagainstdesecrating thesabbathin
includethecritiqueof theJewishpast.The orderto treator even to save thelifeof a
mostimportant partof such a critiquemust Gentile(contrary to his obligationto save a
Jewishlife);and theban on sellingimmova-
ble property and especiallyparcelsin the
Baruch Kimmerling is professorof sociology at "Landof Israel"to Gentiles(an imperative
Hebrew Universityof Jerusalem. adoptedby theIsraelistate).
I See JonathanKuttab and Edy Kaufman,"An
Beyondtheemphasison "classical"and
Exchange on Dialogue,"'JPS 27, no. 2 (Winter
1988), pp. 84-109; Edy Kaufman,"Israeli-Palestinian
some contemporary Jewishattitudes toward
Co-authoring:A New Development Towards the"Other," Shahaktriesto develop a
Peace?" JPS 22, no. 4 (Summer 1993), pp. 32-44; counterhistory toJewish-Zionist historiogra-
Edy Kaufman,"The Intifadaand the Peace Camp in phy.Here he is notveryinnovative, ignoring
Israel,"JPS 17, no. 4 (Summer 1988), pp. 66-80. mostof theideas of Salo Baron,Jacob

Neusner,or HannahArendt. However, Shahakdo notexistin thetext(to whichI

Shahakis correctin asserting thattheJews could add otherantigentile expressions),
were notfromtimeimmemorial victimsof buttheyshouldbe regardedin themuch
irrationalhateand anti-Semitism. After their widercontextof theirperiod(forexample,
second dispersal,theyoftenbecamea kind in comparisonwiththerelationsof other
of intermediatory class betweenthe culturesto "otherness" at thesame
strongmen of empires,kingdoms, and other period).
rulingnobility and thepeasantry and serfs. Shahakmentionsseveraltimesthatan
Thus,manypeasantriotsand rebellionsin antigentileorderwas void "ifitmaycause
EasternEuropeweredirectedagainsttheir thespreadof hostility towardsJews,"buthe
immediateoppressors-theJews.Eventhe regardsthisrestriction or amendment in a
famousMuslim-Jewish allianceduringtheso- cynicalmanner.However,in mostperiods,
called GoldenAge in Spainflourished mainly thisrestrictionwas a major"principle," even
afterthecollapseoftheUmayyadcaliphate in rabbinicalJudaism, thatmade roomfor

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and theriseof smallBerbercity-kingdoms verydifferent and amenablepracticesin the
such as Granada,wherethemilitary ruled behaviorofJewstowardGentiles.Shahak
overArabinhabitants. The greatMuslimhero himself,forexample,agreedthatdespite
Saladin,duringhis conquestofEgypt,used veryethnocentric "laws"thatwere imposed
thelocalJewishcommunity forhis purposes on piousJewishdoctors,in practicethey
by appointing his personaldoctorMaimoni- weremoreloyalto theHippocraticoaththan
des as thegovernorof theJewishcommu- to halachiclaws.Thus,a professional histo-
nity.The latterimposedon hisfellowJews rianor sociologistcannotbe satisfied by
harshreligiousdecrees.Throughout mostof presenting thelaw alone-albeit alwaysa
themedievalperiod,bothin Europeand in veryimportant ingredient of culture-but
Asia,theJewishcommunity was self-ruled,a also mustpresenttheinterpretation of that
statusthatservedtheinterests of external law,theconcretepracticesin thecontextof
politicalinstitutionsand theinternal interests theperiod,and theforcesthatstruggled
of theeconomicand religiouseliteswho had againsttheimplications of thelaw or pro-
autonomouscourtswiththepowerto punish posed alternative interpretations (such as
by lashing,to imprison, to excommunicate Reformist Judaismin Germanyand North
fromtheJewishreligionand thecommunity, America).
or even to condemnto death. In fact,themostoppressivehalachiclaws
IsraelShahakis an amateurhistorian and and theirenforcement were internal to the
sociologistbuta professional polemicistand Jewishcommunity and notso muchtoward
a greatchallenger of humaninjusticeand theGentiles. Jewishfeminists' analysesabout
horror. Thisbook shouldbe consideredin thepersecution and oppressionofJewish
thecontextof a longtradition of harsh womenby religiouslaws,courts,and
contestswithin Judaismbetweenthefanatic preceptsare even morehorrifying than
and frozenrabbinicalestablishment and sec- Shahak'sdescription of antigentilism. I am
ularistand enlightened Jews,beginningwith notwriting thisforan apologeticpurpose,
thegreatest JewishphilosopherBaruchSpi- butin orderto givea slightly broader
noza and continuing withprominent writers, perspective to Shahak's(correct)assertions.
poets,and scientists ofthesecularist section In general,Shahakplaysthegame of the
of theenlightenment movement. Fromthis mostreactionary elementsin theJewish
pointofview,thepresentworkis highly religiousestablishment by unintentionally
selective,fragmented, and sometimesanec- equatingJudaismwitha particular (and most
dotal.Shahak'sone majorsourceis theentry extreme)versionof theJewishreligionwith-
"goy"(Gentile)in theHebrew"Talmudic out reallyanalyzingthecomplexrelations
Encyclopedia." A carefulreadingof thisentry betweenvariousversionsof Zionismand
revealsa muchmoreambivalent and contro- Judaism. Forexample,Shahakis verycau-
versialapproachtowardthe"goy"by the tiousnotto talkabouttheJewishsecular
"sages"thanis presentedby Shahak'sune- nationalmovement. Thisis notaccidental,
quivocaldescription. The overallimpression because he would confront a basic problem
conveyedby thatentryis thatmostattitudes of his own identity as a partof theZionist
towardtheGentileswererootedin anxiety movement, whichcaused theuprootingof
and a feelingofpowerlessnessratherthan Palestinian Arabsfromtheirhomeland.Thus,
hatredor lordliness. Thisis notto say that he prefersto viewJudaismmerelyas a
theexpressionsand laws describedby homogeneousreligionand notas a more

complexand heterogenous sociopolitical how to cope withthesecurity dilemma.

system. Some believethattheansweris through
Shahak'shiddenagendais to explainthe peace negotiations; at theotherend of the
veryuneasyrelationsbetweenArabsand spectrum, manybelievethatonlyforceful
Jewsin Palestineand Israel.However,these measurescan maintainthecountry's security.
relationscannotbe explainedexclusively in The author,AsherArian,is professorat
termsof an ethnocentricreligiouscodex, CityUniversity of New Yorkand Haifa
even thoughthiscodex does playa role. University and one of Israel'sleadingpolit-
Two basicallysecularnationalmovements- ical scientists.
He has publishedseveral
one a settler-immigrantand theotherindige- books and numerousarticlesdealingwith
nous-clashed.TheJewishreligion, which thecountry's politicalprocessesand public
was formedand transformed (or maybenot opinion.He is notedforhis seriesof
transformed) duringthepastthreethousand volumesanalyzingeach of thelastseveral

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years,had an important rolein theshape of Israelielections.
Zionismand theJewish-Arab but
conflict, Thisstudyis based on a timeseries
notmuchmorethantheroleIslamplayedin surveying theIsraelipublicfrom1962to
thismatter. 1994,coveringseveralof themostcritical
Despitesome of myreservations, periodsin thecountry's politicaland security
Shahak'sbook is veryimportant, especially history-the1967Six-DayWar;the 1968-70
withinthecontextof theinternal Kultur- warof attrition; the 1982Warin Lebanon;
kampfbetweenvariouselementsof the the 1991GulfWar;theintifada; theIsraeli-
Jewishpopulationin Israeland thediaspora. Egyptian peace process;theMadridpeace
For thisreason,I hope thatan expandedand process;and thenegotiations withthePLO.
revisedversionwillbe publishedin Hebrew The diverseattitudes of Israelisin response
as a usefulcontributionto understanding to theseeventsand to othersare examined
some of thelegalfoundations and thecogni- in detail.
tivestateof mindof theless enlightened
Despitetheextensiveuse of pollsters'
camp in thisstruggle.
jargon-F ratioin theanalysisofvariance,"
"PearsonCorrelations," "chi-squaretest,"
"betameasures,""pathanalysis," etc.-the
SecurityThreatened SurveyingIsrael studyoverallis of immensevalue to any
Opinion on Peace and War, by Asher studentof theIsraelipoliticalscene. It is one
Arian.Cambridgeand New York:Cambridge of themostusefultoolsin helpingto
University PressandJaffee CenterforStrate- understand contemporary trendsin the
gic Studies,Tel AvivUniversity,1995.Cam- country's politics,thewhysand wherefores
bridgeStudiesin PoliticalPsychology and of recentpolicyshifts, and thedilemmas
PublicOpinion.xii + 271 pages.Appendices facingtherecentprimeministers, Yitzhak
to p. 279. Notesto p. 287.Bibliographyto p. Rabin,ShimonPeres,and BenjaminNetan-
303. Indexto p. 308. $64.95cloth;$22.95 yahu.
paper. Arianobservesthat,althoughpoliticians
clearlyrespect,fear,and tryto manipulate
Reviewed byDon Peretz publicopinion,policyis notmade by public
As thetitleof thisbook indicatesand as opinion.The impactof publicopinionin
theauthorverifies in his analysis,Israelisof democraciesis through theselectionof poli-
nearlyall politicalpersuasions,social classes, ticianswho willmaketheultimate decisions.
ethnicbackgrounds, and ages are obsessed Policy,in turn,thenaffects publicopinion
withsecurity. True,thereare greatdiffer- (p. 10). In an earlierwork,Arianobserved
ences in thedegreeand mannerof their thatin Israelthepublicfollowstheleader-
obsessionand in the-wayitis manifested. shipratherthanvise versawhenitcomes to
Hawks and doves,Oriental(Sephardi)and criticalforeignpolicydecisions."Thesupport
Ashkenazi,and othercross-cutting cleavages fordemocratic normsnotwithstanding, there
withinthepopulationdiffer in theirviewsof is a stubbornrespectforthestrongpersonal-
ityin Israelipolitics,up to a point"(p. 237).
Thisexplainstheenormouspopularity of
Don Peretz is author of The Arab-Israel Dispute:
Libraryin a Book (New York:Factson File,1996) leaderslikeDavid Ben-Gurion and
and coauthorwithGideonDoronof 7he Govern- MenachemBegin.To a largeextent,it also
ment and Politics of Israel, 3rd ed. (Boulder: helpsto explainwhyRabinwas electedin
WestviewPress,1997). 1992and Pereswas defeatedin 1996.

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