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INTERACTIONS WITH SCALAR ENERGY- CELLULAR HECHANISHS OF ACTION Dr. Glen Rein ULS.AS Recent direct experinental data as well as sophisticated computer-enhanced mathematical analyses of pre-existing data has revealed the predominance Of non-linear processes in biological, systens(1). These new findings are a Gramatic departure from treditional theories which indicate that biochenical reactions are at or near a state of equilibrium and that cells function in a linear, dispersive and degenerative manner. Electrochemical cocillaticns between menbrane-bownd Lipids near phase-transition terperatures have been reanalyzed with the aid of powerful computers and potentials din the-central nervous systen has revealed their non-linear nature(3). Several types of quasi-particles, each with their om characteristic resonant frequencies, have been proposed to mediate these non-linear phenomenon, including solitons, excitons and plasmons. Biological solitons have received the most attention and have been postulated to be carriers of biological information along macremolecules Like DNA(4) and alpta-helical intramenbrane proteins involved with signal nechanisns(5). Furthermore, solitons have been postulated to mediate the coherent electronic excitations associated with the action of ultra-violet and visible Light on biological systens(6) and the calcium-dependent ‘cooperative interactions betwecen extracellular glycoproteins on the ‘electromagnetic The unusual properties of these non-Linear waves have also been described by other investigators(8,11,12). However, relatively little attention has been given to their effects on bicloyical systems. Due to ‘the non-linear nature of biological systens it was proposed that scalar waves should be more biologically active than their linear electrmagnetic counterparts(13). A recent report by the author proposed a new theory, the Crystalline Transduction Theory, to explain the mechanisn of action of scalar waves with biological systens. It was proposed that scalar energy is transduced into linear electromgnetic energy in the body by Liquid ‘crystals in the cell mesbrane and solid crystals found in the blood and in several biological tissues. Direct effects of scalar energy ani coupling :Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000500240008-9 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000500240008-9 cw Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000500240008. b of scalar energy to conventional electromgnatic fields was 169 considered (14) sere (i uty of cutainining reliable scalar gonerators $F biol ical etultes has led to a paucity of hard exper sere data. However, plologice’ Soharich successfully adapted the "able Soop! ‘technology for Be, grating scalar waves to 8 vatch, ELF Coco) Trt, pas recently modified scalar fichpects ere nesizted through a direct, offecy ot ‘scalar energy on cLinicn) tind. af the brairyaind is involved it ta tively ‘that. various Spe olopical states(eg. stress, Boods oF beliefs) ‘will alter the _Pitiogieal effects of the scalar energy: Dr.Eldon Byrd, the effects of scalar on brain waves by measuring subjects EES snd after woaring a watch(15)- The results pegieate en increased amplitude of all FPG ith a pref effect in the lower ELF . In addition, an of efter as net seen in subjects wearing the watch the scalar wave ‘this EM signal in the ex 7 ‘ndividual. Tt is unknown ‘this altered brain state is the actual arise of clinical healing vhich sonetines oot after -2- Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000500240008-9 pproved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000500240008-9 The use of cultured cells, separated from the body and therefore isolated (at least to a certain degree) from the influences of the mind offer a unigue experimental approach to understanding the mechanisn of action of scalar energy in the healing process. This approach could be used to determine direct effect of scalar energy on cells fron either the brain or the body. Tissue culture cells are a stable, controlable biological preparation which could also be used to study the biochemical. mechanion of action of scalar energy. Even if scalar energy directly effects individual cells, it may also effect the mind resulting in an altered psychological outlook which results in clinical improvenent. Dr. Persinger was the first person to test the effects of scalar energy using isolated cells(17). he scalar Waves were generated by partially canoalling two vortex-type magnetic fields(0.siz, 10ur) by intersecting ‘then in air. Although a scalar field is likely to be generated in this protocol, it vas not moastred. ‘the biological endpoint, degramilation of fast cells, was increased by the scalar fields. It is unknown to what extent the EY fields contribute to, this result. Very recently, Dr-Puharich has reported that the scalar energy from the qesla watch effects the DA of E.Coli cells grown in tissue cultire(16) « Working with colleagues at the Max Planck Institute in Germany, they have -shown thatthe RAD-6 gene is activated by.scalar energy resulting in increased activity of ubiguitone, Ubiguitone is a protein involved in DNA zepair. These results iniicate that scalar energy can have a direct effect at the subcellular level as well as a direct effect on the immune systen (mast cells). : . EFFECT OF SCALAR ENERGY ON NEUROTRANSMITTER FUNCTION offer a unique model to answer this question. A particular type of nerve Cell, called Pc12 cells, originally isolated from a rat adrenal Phactchromocytona, was Used because its neurotransnitter properties have foen well characterized and shown to be similar to, those cocuring during reemal synaptic transnission in the brain (19,20). Furthermore, the author has previously shom that the functional properties of noradrenaline, an abundont neurotransnitter in these cells is altered by weak EM fields. Noradronal ine release from PCl2 cells was shown to be increased by a 500tz monopolar square wave(21) and noradrenaline uptake was inhibited by a 15 Several biochenical steps down the line from the first exposure of the nenbrane to the EM signal. 23e Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000500240008-9 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000500240008-9 The logical function of carrier mediated neurotranenitter Tee todo, ° Femve exoess neurotransaitter fron the synaptic cles after its release from presynaptic nerves. ‘Thus, inhibiting uptake results in SRS SogmMation of the neurotransmitter in the symaptic clete tee Toralncanim of action of tricyclic antidepressants, since they tate Toradrenaline uptake.Depression is assoolated with noradrenalinelevels, sain eng Stuties, the same protocol which vas previously used to detemuine the effects’ of electromagnatic fields on noradrenaline uptake expressed Be cE natch cbtainad frum ELF Cocom,” Intenationa was usod as a sand tad pe aaa SDeEGY. According to Dr.Puharich the scalar B tisha emitted by the watch is around @ Hz. Tha.Tesla wate (digital. version) SPI ditectly over an uncovered petri dish containing confines dae the experimental dish, was exposed in an way to a watch that did Peeve the scalar generating nebius strip, In this tay beth sorties ace dishes received the same el: field exposure, but ‘Table 1 ‘EFFECT OF SCALAR ENERSY ON NORADRENALINE UPIAKE ‘TRIAL : (cenyng protein) (com/agy protein) 20min’ 30min ionin ~ “30min 1 m1 4065 1079 3500 2. 880 7032 137 5009 3. 1076 4520 m0 3592 4 9033 6035 5. 4277 4042, 6 4117 - Mean 10228507 2109 4435 S.E.M. +72 4241 + 480 ed For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000500240008-9 ‘nino thether exposure times greater than 30 minutes would produce a Jerger effect or whether the effect would be maintained either in the ‘eontimed presence of the scalar field or not. These questions will be amined in additional experiments. Since inhibition of uptake cocured after only 30 minutes, it is likely that this effect is an early 2) ploloyical response to scalar enaruy and may be the trigger for subsequent i Piyeldlogical changes that result in improvenent of a wide variety of Clinical diseasos. Since the scalar energy inhibited the uptake process, St is acting like a traditional antidepressant drug, thereby explaining ff Ba arg ome otis ot the Toate watch experienced by some f sndividuals. These results also inticate that scalar energy, like electromgnetic ifs. energy, can have a direct effect on the call mesbrane, Since both scalar ic energy have the same effect on neirotransaitter Eij,, ‘Tronsduction theory. Thus it is possible that the scalar energy could be FS converted to electronagnatic enetgy in the nenbrane and the latter actually causes the biological effect. However it is also possible that _the scalar energy will have a direct effect on the uptake systen. Necdless to say in the constant presence of electromagnetic fields in biological ceysters it.will be difficult to rule out this possibility. However, + “cartain experimental approaches could be used to determine the mechanism Afi of action of the two types of energies. eg.detenine vhether alterations a4, in the Liquid crystal structure in the nenbrane would change the effoct of uptake. In Light of the previous discussion, it is also possible that the scalar energy will effect other cells in the body in addition to nerve cells. ‘The tissue culture approach will be an invaluable tool in determining to what extent this is true. This to find out whether diseased cells are prefe iy energy. The tissue culture approach is thereore a valuable method for studying the biological effects of scalar energy and for ultimately characterizing its mechanism of action. REFERENCES 1)" Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems", Adey,W.R., Iawrence, A.F. (0ds.) 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Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000500240008-9 _ Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000500240008-9 27)s0e Byrd,E.A. Archaeus Journal 1 (1)p1 (1963). a)Puharich,A. idth Ann.USPA Conf.on Bioenergy,Dayton,Chio (1988). 3o)Greene,L.A. ,Rein,G. Nature 268 349 (1977) . 20)Greene,L.A. ;Fein,G, Brain Research 138 521 (2977). 21)Dixey,R. ,Roin,G. ‘Nature 296 253 (1982). 22)Rein,G.,et alProc.9th Ann. Bioelectronag.Soc. ,Oregen (1987). 6 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000500240008-9

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