Customer Relationship Management Course Contect

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) MM 3210 
Customer Relationship Management 
To understand the role that CRM plays in modern managerial decision making. To learn techniques that can be used to
increase the value of customers to the company and to understand analytic procedures that support strategic

Relationship Marketing, Evolution of CRM, Principles of CRM, Need for CRM, Types of CRM, CRM Models, Technological
Components of CRM, Software Applications of CRM, CRM Integration in organisation, Factors responsible for Integration in
CRM, Customer Centric Approach, Integration a Necessity in CRM, Factors responsible for Integration. (8 sessions)
Customer Loyalty and Retention, Segmentation of Customers, Customer Life Cycle, Customer Value, Customer Lifetime
Value, Acquisition of customers, From Customer Acquisition to Customer Loyalty, Retention of Customers, Loyalty Program,
Recovery Management, Customer Complaint Management System, Customer Experience Management, Customer
Retention Management, Increasing Wallet share, RFM Analysis, CRM in Marketing Channels, Customer Retention
Management Strategies. (8
Objectives of a CRM Process, Integration of the CRM process, CRM as a process, Cost and benefit analysis of CRM, CRM
Cycle, CRM Process in Marketing and Service organisations, Technological Developments in CRM, e-CRM, CRM Solution
and Components, CRM Software, Sales Force Automation and mobile CRM. (8 sessions)

Database Management, Categorization of Database, Database Applications, Data Warehousing, Integrating Data with Data
Warehousing, Data Base Management Software, Customer Profiling and Database, Market implications of Database
Management, Data Analysis and Data Mining, 360 view of customer, Real Time Automated Decisions, Data Analysis, Data
Mining, Benefits of Data Mining, Data Mining Process, Data Mining Tools and Techniques. (8 sessions)

Customer Interface and Components of CRM, Need for Implementing CRM, Framework for Implementing CRM,
Implementing CRM Projects, Upcoming Technology in CRM, CRM and its software vendors, Choosing an appropriate CRM
solution, ERP, Integration of CRM with ERP, Operational Issues in Implementing CRM, Applications of CRM, Assessment of
CRM, Justifications of spending in CRM, , Return of Investment in CRM, Hurdles faced during CRM, Failure of CRM,
Limitations of CRM. (8

Suggested Text 
● Mullick, N H. (2016), Customer Relatiomnship Management, Oxford University Press. 
● Zikmund, William G.; McLeod, Raymond & Gilbert, Faye W. (2010). ​Customer Relationship Management
Integrating Marketing Strategy and Information Technology. ​Wiley India Pvt. Limited 
● Sheth, Jagdish.N; Parvatiyar, Atul and Shainesh, G.(2010), ​Customer Relationship Management- Emerging
Concepts, Tools and Application.,​ Tata Mc Graw Hill. 
Additional Readings 
● Baran, Roger J , Galka, Robert & Strunk, Daniel P (2008). ​Principles of Customer Relationship Management,
Cengage Learning. 
● Freeland, John.G. (2006).​The Ultimate CRM Handbook​, Tata Mc Graw Hill.  
● Das, Subhasish (2007). ​Customer Relationship Management​. Excel Books.  
● Chaturvedi, Mukesh and Chaturvedi, Abhinav.(2005). ​Customer Relationship Management – An Indian
Perspective,​ Excel Books.  
● Kumar V. and Reinartz, Werner.J.(2006). ​Customer Relationship Management A Databased Approach.​ Wiley.

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