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15 Point Checklist

for Biz Breakthrough

Jeannette Maw’s vibe prep for ultimate success in your business offering.

For best results, launch your baby once you’ve got at least 11 checkpoints in

1. I am well connected to Source/inner guidance/higher self. I receive inspiration

from above/within about next action steps.

2. I recognize and release gremlin input. (I don’t confuse gremlins with

guidance, and I don’t let gremlins run the show.)

3. I know the vibration of success! (I’m not trying to become successful; I

already know what it feels like before I launch this creation.)

4. I’m not in resistance to future fears or past failures. (I’ve learned the lessons,
put them behind me and/or shaken them off.)

5. I’m clear about why I created this. (I know its purpose.)

6. I know who this is for. (I am clear on who the ideal intended audience is.)

7. I know what they’ll get from it. (The benefits are obvious and powerful.)

8. I know how I’ll measure success (via my best efforts, or something that’s
dependent on me, and not outside results)

9. I’m not attached to results. (I’m at peace with whatever happens or doesn’t

10. I am in love with everything this product/offer is. (Including price, packaging,
audience, my delivery, marketing, etc.)

11. I have set a success intention and expect good things with this offer. (I don’t
harbor fears of failure or rejection.)

12. I am immune to the negative opinion of others regarding this project. (What
naysayers think is irrelevant to me.)

13. I have practiced the desired outcome. (I’ve seen the money flow in; I’ve heard
the rave reviews; I’ve felt the satisfaction.)

14. I’m tuned into the fun – the fun I had making it, the fun I’m having releasing it,
and the fun of whatever comes next.

15. I approve of myself regardless of what happens with this project.

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