Sacred Geometry Handout - FPC20 PDF

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Sacred Geometry & the Division of the Circle

The division of a circle into 6 equal parts. From a circle you have the division of 6, with which you can form
Vesica Piscis, Equilateral Triangles, the square root of 2, 3 and 5, Hexagon and the Seed of Life.

Circle Vesica Pisces Equilateral Triangle 2 Equilateral Triangles Hexagon

Seed of Life / Creation Diagram

There are several ways to divide a circle into six parts. We will explore the division of the circle by drawing the
Seed of Life. The Seed of Life is the building block of all life form and is the basis for the Flower of Life which
dates to over 6,000 years ago and found in all major religions throughout the world.

Flower of Life

Today, numbers are typically thought of in terms of quantity. In ancient times, numbers were thought of
symbolically with each number containing specific qualities and representing specific attributes. Six-ness can
be thought of in terms of unity, wholeness, balance and order.
Sacred Geometry & the Division of the Circle

1. Starting with a compass, draw a circle with the desired size or radius.

2. Place the compass point anywhere along the perimeter of the first circle and draw another circle with the
same radius as the original circle.

3. Move the compass point to the edge of the first circle where the circle intersects with the second circle you
just drew and draw another circle.

4. Continue drawing circles around the edge of the circle until all 6 circles are drawn around the edge of the first

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