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I was once here, before the Great Cataclysm happened.

It was the one most pivotal moment of

our existence. Life as we knew it simply... ceased to be

This was my home... Somewhere humble, somewhere safe. A haven from the madness that
crawled in the ruins of what we once called society. It was from within its confines that I witnessed
the fall of our kind.

This is where I learned about the primordials. Ancient beings that slumbered deep within our
world. We had long regarded them as a myth, a fantastical tale of mighty giants that lorded over
the smaller, more helpless creatures crawling upon the world. Creatures of inmense power that
mysteriuosly faded into the great depths of the world.

This was our oracle. It would become our one, last hope for survival. Through it we could see the
impending threat of their arrival. We would prepare... we would hide, like roaches scattering into
crevices and cracks, hoping agains hope that They would not turn Their Eye upon us lesser beings...

Here, they finally came upon us, helpless and alone. We had begged the celestials for aid, to come
upon us and face Those who came to claim what was rightfully Theirs. They would not listen, no
matter how hard we pleaded... and that´s when I decided no one could help us. No one but

We built the Great Monolith, a weapon of such power that would see civilizations gone in the blink
of an eye. We worked out of desperation with hope quickly slipping through our fingers, we had to
act fast. The price for survival was great... we gave up everything. Our faith, our conscience. These
virtues that we so held dear soon collapsed in the face of certain demise.

Ten million people lived here before the Great Cataclysm came upon us. The earth was torn
asunder beneath their feet, and amid the screams of thousands the world cracked open to reveil
Their fated coming. Our civilization fell, destined to lie in ruin to make way for Their own.

On the surface, Their kind prospered. They rose mightly, reaping our ruins to build a world of Their
own. All we had worked towards for millenia was so usurped as our age came to an end.

But against all hope, we survived. Yet were we truly ourselves? All pretense of civility was lost. We
were as animals in the wild. Incapable of cooperating, each disbelieving the trust that formerly
bound us as a civilization. Whom we were ceased to be, and so we became no different than
crawling insects preying each other for survival.
Here, I could´nt help but to remember things as they once were. The technology that once set us
appart from the rest of the animal kingdom, the leisure wich we so relished, the carelessness and
innocence. We knew no better then - at the top of the food chain, we thought ourselves
untouchable, and our once primal instincts had been dulled beyond practicality.

I now live in my very own hovel, keeping to myself and scavenging what I can to keep going. It is an
exhausting endevour, but one I have adapted to with some meassure of efficiency. Sometimes I
wonder if the energy I spend is worth the weight of my quarry. Sometimes the gamble pays off.
Others, I am left to curl up in the dark of the cold night, my entrails threatening to devour me for
my failure.

Now all that´s left is to wait. I will be long dead by then, but somehow I know we will go on. Just
like They somehow survived in the belly of the world, we will watch and wait as Their society
thrives. Sooner or later, They too will fall to the complacency that held Them aloft as the greatest
of the surface dwellers. They, too, will suffer war, famine, greed, malice, apathy, hatred.

When that time comes, the very earth will gape its maw wide open to devour them. And our
rightful place will be restored unto us. So it is fated.

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