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Spiders Water Snakes The number 13

Dying Public speaking Heights

Having looked at the coffin, the man fainted.


Told to hold the anaconda, Spartak cried.


Look at that man screaming on top of the

ladder. active (short)

Being watched by 100 people, Jimsheri started

to shiver. passive

Mzekala hid behind the chair as she saw the

eight-legged thing walking towards her. active

Jumberi hates anything related to his phobia,

including fish. active

Given maths problems, Maq’vala tends to get

very nervous. passive
Which sentence(s)
- Are active
- Are passive
- Is a shortened relative clause (i.e. with who,
that, which etc)
- Is talking about two actions at the same
- Is talking about two actions at different
People who were born in the last two decades
would find it impossible to live without the

Motorists who are still driving at 75 should take

another exam.

Do you listen to music while you are travelling?

The most beautiful places are the ones which

are unchanged by mankind.

A man who holds doors open for women is old-

fashioned and sexist.

People who have been found guilty of a crime

should not be allowed to vote.

Homes which are located in the centre of a city

should be cheaper for nurses and teachers.

People who work in offices are more productive

than people who work from home.

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