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——$—[—_ [_{£{{{ A.KIRAN BUMAR par - mathespalics Kolo uothada pobre a @ pevarabondg, nadgonda(ont) (CHAPTER-8 2 SIMILAR TRIANGLES, Name of the Unit 2 Stila raiangles : 38 Class Number of PeviodS+ 22 Teaching objectives ¢ Poblern SoNaing * clastonts are able to leary 4, the concep Of Biveflon Pgs UNA cfind the terogths “heir Sides. anrghlan Ye cass to ‘one BAe of a, range, Bite Be eae 2M" ctor cites Lp tre game YON. g. “that 34 the three ange gq two brings cre Ograr, Eien Oe tee ep nein cones pandingy 8348 re ba Me ay thar He aio GF arews $ two Binion Eroengtos Bb ea 7 eRe shel coneepandiing. Bax. sigh angles re, 2. thar H oP nia 4 betweon) Birilartly of two Pi sumpbor ay sides 3. prore thagoma ~theorern, ty Ye wroog For Fapie Propor'sonality theotern, 5. prove the panct pes Aor “the Biwhleotity ea braiofles 6. now the yYelako9 aspoq Grophastty of Coane los) Yaho on poop ort ona bibs of aster py Communication > Sladen, axe abjeto 4, wie “the omgie>y Bisephoihs y CongYue9 tharegs by biog Bohol, Pe, Tead end write he gtinciplets Ca congynenoy of Grange, by usseg Sapobol 3. -Tead os weyiie Pythagons —thesYer), | reat om urtle one oble +o 4 ce baametes — Eqpod thamgles Dope’ of jw) age @ Fee oft) Sees ioatoongia, B99 angled trconge amd. Feu! ‘tala B. aon ge rangle’, OPE je anged bia pert Si TL) Evaluation Teaching iter) Teaching Slrateqy + Bequior polygon # Corvelaling “the previo. Le Saison polygon Gnotsledge of geadem & Chart) phowing! 4c How do yob dasine Sadho ee aio qnaasilakevats la SuiecSlowy 4p year lie ettaalidn ceytasnyed —asnd ainrocncing “th ak axe Adria ReBBON di a Ly oe —=— — al 2 Gin & bnsiBHOg he a ‘ +o uspderetomd anc He Achvity 49 preter? sine ackvily pee be Thos, | sf Staden's wl) ACLS | % gob book 3 ng unite” | each other Comet | lerercige lachvity) ana powe th lye Bosic Proporvovally -K Cry the | 4 Text book |x Ss , 4, po! : seen 4 Gest book | tote basic Fexchom propor pogadals Ae vie —eore™ ¢ THOLES THEOREM), 0 spheoter) by conducis! am acKvslg re) bacls — Convene OF asic. Proparhonally heaton) ! Tenoa r 4 Problems oped 4 Geplasiog “the - Le iad» | © 59 BaBiC Prepor onal i MES cay. SL weg ea Theor Back boa } q. Probleme Fur Stedonts 13) disor des) boo ps J40.8 2) oe amd polve the problems make fe Loos ge Problesms From lak statemhp wl) chiacus® 4. exh 200% ew 6 to 1D ain ee ame Behe proiens pose 9, Galena Jor A Explaioreg the thesiers 4c chanté Pe & Stole AAO cxfenion Bixslaty of ae ae g3S_ 3,385 aft exonsenpla’ UBsioy Back boo the BymilaT |e Gaametes % gta 33S cyitedor) a gale SAS evileton 4c Prodlern® sro pege Sado wil) decuw8s Laer er one} No, 207 for erevCBR amr) Solve he. Pr od Uk Prodlew’ bosect jak eapbnrng a x Tear Sook 5 ar a Cea UB sog— reste wooC Teach Tern Meaching sbolegyy 7m) * Aveos of Sumilar 4 Eroplnimmg the theolom 4 Tent boot ee ancd, triangles wrth exonmngle’s 4B svote book black boaxa ‘ + Probes from 4 /Stactomly wh) discuss « Tewk boo} 1404 in EWOCICBI ve the prblems agi Boy & Problems fon « -stademts wil) discuss Tex} boot amd 05 ain Cwerctte? 22 amy fave -the problems — quole boo a ay tragotas “theorem ~ urnisog “the “theorem 4 Chast cand a COOVE BE Pos Se BEng showing he Black rae # FPoblemn& bosert of *Aepinso0g the theory rae see Progoras “theorem —eaity = e bee &y cies Jack board - aaa a proderns From # _stadtomls wl!) BOVE the 4c creer} book poblom’® and wil) toke ae agp oe ee te ce ees x Pobloms tar * students wil) Boe the 4 cat book 7 to }2 0 CvovciBR problem amd wh) “take ama 4 uggestcrg & whore ever mole bdr @O REDMINOTE 9 PRO aa Tetychuing Stevo Teachaing strategy Tu Evaluabon # ophtonad® =k _stademts Lil) solve the ee ae ewencige Problems ary wi!) toe ana SuggeAwOs iwheve VEY nenesEaNy | aspto book Tae reaches Noe! 4, Res. books! TSSCERT, NCERT, CBSE K clays Text books | 6. Teacher veflechona ees A» IRAN BOMBR par un matnewaHes, Yotivqumthabapancrhy @ cover bona ave Dyas 98

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