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What advice would you give in the following


Your friend’s parents are really interested in politics.

However, they have different political views which they
both love to bring up. This usually has arguments when they
are all together and your friend can’t put up with it any

Your friend is in love with an attractive member of the

opposite sex. However, for the last two dates they have let
your friend down by not turning up and giving weak excuses
(e.g. I was doing my hair).

Your friend is doing a group project at school. However,

they don’t get on with one of their team-mates. They start
putting your friend down in front of the others, which is
hurtful and embarrassing.

Your friend is dating someone kind and good-looking.

However, they don’t have good personal hygiene. This is
putting your friend off his/her food. However, they don’t
want to split up with them.
Your friend has broken up with someone after a long
relationship. They are depressed and refuse to even think
of asking out anyone else, let alone get over the


1. Have a good relationship with: get on with

2. End a relationship (2 verbs): split up, break up
3. Talk about something: bring up
4. Invite on a date: ask out
5. Insult or embarrass: put down
6. Arrive: turn up
7. Disappoint: let sth/sb down
8. Tolerate: put up with
9. Recover from: get over
10. Make you dislike something: put off

11. pack something in : give up on relationship

12. fall for someone : to fall in love with someone

13. run after someone: to follow

14. chat someone up: to verbally flirt with someone

15. go off someone: leave someone you had a

relationship with.
A talk sb into sth : to persuade sb to do sth

B turn sb down: to reject an offer or the person who makes


C look after sb/sth: to be responsible for sb/sth

D run into sb: to meet by chance

E make (sth) up: to invent a story, especially in order to

trick or entertain sb

F take after sb: to look or behave like an older member of

your family

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