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XII MIPA 5 / 18

1. Conducting : to do something, or make something happen

Synonym : manage, direct, run, control
2. Completion : the action or process of finishing something
Synonym : realization, accomplishment, achievement
3. Equivalent : a person or thing that is equal to or corresponds with another in value,
amount, function, meaning, etc
Synonym : equal, match, counterpart, similar
4. Construct : an idea or an imaginary situation
Synonym : concept, idea, thought
5. Evidence : anything that helps to prove that something is true or is not true
Synonym : proof, confirmation, verification
6. Genuine : being what something or someone appears or claims to be; real, not false
Synonym : authentic, real, actual, original
7. Ensure : to make something certain to happen
Synonym : make sure, make certain, secure
8. Precise : exact and accurate in form, time, detail, or description
Synonym : accurate, exact, correct
9. Quantitative : related to information that can be shown in numbers and amounts
Synonym : calculable, numeric, valued
10. Qualitative : relating to the quality of an experience or situation rather than
to facts that can be measured
Synonym : approximate, subjective, conditional
Kendria Bilbina Azzahra
Jalan Terusan Pamenang No. 36
Kediri, Indonesia, 64182 (1)

August 18, 2020 (2)

Lead Recruiter
PT. Alvara Strategi Indonesia
Jalan Tebet Raya No. 27 BC (3)
Jakarta, Indonesia, 12802

Application for the position of Research Executive (RE) (4)

Dear Sir / Madam : (5)

I am reaching out to you regarding the posting for the research executive (RE) position I
found on I have a great interest in this position and would appreciate your (6)
consideration as a candidate for the role.

In my previous experience, I worked in research executive (RE) departments to directs,

plans, and coordinates operational activities for my previous company and normally
responsible for devising policies and strategies to meet company goals (a). I have worked in
my current role as a research executive (RE) for two years, which shows my ability to
advance in my career (b). I have passion for planning, coordinating and administering (7)

market research projects. I can collect and analyse information that indicates what people
think about consumer products or particular societal issues which is why I have found such
fulfillment in research executive (RE), providing support to my fellow employees and
assisting them in ways that benefit them both personally and professionally (c).
I have strong communication skills, which are vital to success in the research executive
field (d). I also have a bachelor’s degree in research executive (RE) from Gadjah Mada
University. Throughout my education, I worked with skilled research executive
professionals who have shared their insights and experience with me (e). Some of my
strongest skills include my ability to evaluates current sales, industry, and consumer data and
predicts future trends. Being a top market research executive ensure that marketing efforts are
focused on markets with high potential.

I appreciate your time in reviewing this letter and hope to hear from you in regard to the
next steps in the hiring process. If you have any questions or need any additional information,
please don’t hesitate to contact me. I also enjoy looking for solutions to common RE
problems, which I feel would be a great asset in the position with your company (f). Since (9)

this consultant position works directly with multiple clients, assisting them in their research
executive needs, I believe my innovative nature and strong skill set will help me succeed (g).

Sincerely yours, (10)


Kendria Bilbina Azzahra (12)

- I am reaching : the use of the present continuous
- I found on, I worked, I worked with skilled : the past tense
- I have worked, I have found, who have shared : the present perfect tense
- Shows : the present tense
- : article
- Greeting with a colon ( Dear Sir / Madam : )
- Salutation/closing with a coma ( sincerely yours, )

Stative verbs (or state verbs) describe a status or quality of something… NOT an
action. Verbs of perception, opinion, the senses, emotion, possession, and state of being
are often stative verbs.
- I have a great interest
- I have passion
- I have strong communication skills
- I also have a bachelor’s degree
- I appreciate your time
- I also enjoy looking for solutions
- I feel would be a great asset
- I believe

(1) Applicant contact details
(2) Date
(3) Recipient contact information
(4) Subject
(5) Greeting
(6) Introduction (opening paragraph) : the title of position applied
(7) Main body (relevant work experience) : a brief description of the applicant’s
background that is related to the job requirements for the position applied for and work
(8) Main body (skills) : self-promotion, responsibilities, and educational background
(9) Conclusion (closing paragraph) : willingness to act, positive and polite close
(10) Salutation (closing)
(11) Signature
(12) Full name of the applicant

( a ) In my previous experience, I worked in research executive (RE) departments to
directs, plans, and coordinates operational activities for my previous company and
normally responsible for devising policies and strategies to meet company goals
( b ) I have worked in my current role as a research executive (RE) for two years, which
shows my ability to advance in my career
( c ) I can collect and analyse information that indicates what people think about consumer
products or particular societal issues which is why I have found such fulfillment in
research executive (RE), providing support to my fellow employees and assisting
them in ways that benefit them both personally and professionally
( d ) I have strong communication skills, which are vital to success in the research
executive field
( e ) Throughout my education, I worked with skilled research executive professionals
who have shared their insights and experience with me
( f ) I also enjoy looking for solutions to common RE problems, which I feel would be a
great asset in the position with your company
( g ) Since this consultant position works directly with multiple clients, assisting them in
their research executive needs, I believe my innovative nature and strong skill set will
help me succeed

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