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Facebook arguments consisting of fake news has been running rampant ever since 2018

 When we say fake news it is a factually inaccurate news articles, spread online through mass
media and social networks with the assistance of advertisement generators, and unknowing
netizens. The role of ad generators is quite significant. It is important to keep in mind that there
is a large financial incentive component driving the curation of fake news. Facebook, as a social
media site basically generate its income through advertisements and investments as well. They
should be responsible on reviewing each advertisements that would appear to the public as
having it verified by them will create a misunderstanding that would result for the people to
believe that it is true.
 Spreading of fake news especially on facebook is a serious problem. There were 74 850 000
Facebook users in Philippines in January 2019, which accounted for 68.4% of its entire
population. Therefore, facebook holds a great influence on the Filipino people as a source of
information. Propagation of fake news in the Philippine setting would definitely create a
problem as it might be used in the political manipulation. Facebook is not only a social media
site but a publisher that is wholly inadequate to the task of managing the “content” also known
as essays, opinion articles, photographs, and videos, it publishes. They must be made
responsible, and liable, for the way in which harmful and misleading content is shared on their
 Fake news is a social problem threatening the public’s ability to trust legitimate press outlets
and, ultimately, the ability of the press to serve its role in preserving our democracy. Many
commentators so far have focused on social solutions to fake news, such as better education for
citizens to recognize fake news online, to the exclusion of legal solutions. But the threat fake
news poses to the role of a free press in sustaining our democracy necessitates a legal solution
to the problem as well. In Germany, a bill was recently approved penalizing social networking
sites for their failure to immediately remove illegal contents and imposing fines of up to Fifty
Million Euros. Facebook as a platform for these types of social problem should definitely be held
liable. Its increase on the population of users must be equal to the increase of security on the
application and propagate protection against paid hacks to eliminate false information.
 Considering that Facebook is planning to not only just be a social media platform, but also a
news publisher to which they’re already hiring a team of editors to create and pick quality
content for its users and even buying CrowdTangle, a social media tracking tool that monitors
the how the publishers’ contents are shared. The proliferation of fake news shouldn’t be
rampant in the social media platform considering not only can facebook fact-check the content,
but also remove the false content entirely. Facebook should be held accountable for the
following reasons:

o social media platforms establish the algorithms and artificial intelligence for timelines
where hoax and misinformation are being circulated. Therefore, they are the ones with
the knowledge and understanding to prevent information bubbles among their users.
o social media companies have unlimited access to all the data to help them identify
misinformation on their networks.
o as a part of society, social media companies have an ethical responsibility to manage the
circulation and quality of information.

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