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Exam Preparation CS 101

Programming languages
Programming language:
A programming language is a language which tells a computer that
what to do. The programming language are used to make computer
programs and software.
Machine language:
A machine language is sometimes refer to a machine code. A machine
language is a consist of two digits 0 and 1. A machine language is only a
language which are understandable for a machine.
Assembly language:
After a machine language there is a change and the assembly language
be introduced. Now the assembly language is consist of numeric codes
instead of 0 and 1. In this we also use some mnemonics this is not easy
to understand but very better from machine language.
A system which convert assembly language in to the machine code is
called assembler.
A program which converts high level language into a machine code.
Interpreter can interpret each line. So if you write a line and then there is
an error in that line the interpreter tells suddenly that there is an error in
the line. In interpreter you have to remove the errors first and then type a
new line.
It also translate high level language into machine language. Compiler
can compile all the program and then tell us that where is the error.
Basic difference between compiler and interpreter:
Interpreter Complier
If you write a line and then there But compiler can compile all the
is an error in that line the program and then tell us that
interpreter tells suddenly that where is the error. After compile
there is an error in the line. In the whole program instead of line
interpreter you have to remove the by line.
errors first and then type a new

Machine Independence:
Programming languages such as C, fortran, pascal can not allows
machine independence so in which computer you write a program its
only executable on that particular system. So that program or code not
execute in others system. But the programs made in java are executed in
any system or machine. This is machine independence.
For example you write a code in windows operating system so that code
are only working in windows operating system instead of all others
operating system.
A variable is a location into the memory where the data has been stored.

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